Fire Emblem Three Houses Blue...

TheArtistSylveon द्वारा

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A clueless professor that just got the job the moment she walked in the door, An awkward and kind prince that... अधिक

Story 1) Byleth and the Girls Day
Dimileth Week Day 1) Childhood AU
Dimileth week day 3: Fairy AU
Story 2: Beauty and the Boar, Part 1: Once Upon a Time
Story 2: Beauty and the Boar, Part 2: The Castle in the Woods
Story 2: Beauty and the Boar, Part 4: Happily Ever After
Story 3: Ingrid and Sylvain's Sky Watch Adventure
Dimileth Week 2021 1/4
Dimileth Week 2021 2/4
Dimileth Week 2021 3/4
Dimileth Week 2021 4/4

Story 2: Beauty and the Boar, Part 3: Tale as Old As Time

120 2 1
TheArtistSylveon द्वारा


Back at the castle, Byleth was trying her best to help clean the Beasts wounds, however, it wasnt working since the Beast constantly moved around due to the pain. "That hurts!" He roared.

"Well if you stood still it wouldn't hurt as much." Byleth replied calmly.

"If you haven't run away this wouldn't be happening!"

"Well if you didn't frighten me, I wouldn't have run away!

"Well you shouldn't have been in the West Wing!"

"And you should learn to control your temper!"

The Beast didn't argue back. There was no point in arguing any more. Byleth was finished tending to his wounds. "Um, try to to get some rest." She said.

"We are eternally grateful." Sylvain said.

"I don't understand. Why are you guys so nice to him?" Byleth answered.

"We were friends with him for a long time, he wasn't always like this. He's not as terrible as he appears." Mercedes said.

"It all started about 9 years ago. After his family was murdered, he had nothing but hatred in his heart for those who did it." Mr. Dedue added. "You shouldn't worry about it at the moment."

"Oh.." Byleth said. She didn't know why, but she could tell that they were right about the Beast not being as bad as he seemed. Sure, if you asked her that question a few hours ago, she would totally deny it, but after seeing him go after the wolves for her and the look in his eyes before he passed out, Byleth could tell there was something more. "I want to help break this curse."

"Well, there is one way-" Sylvain began but got whacked by Ingrid.

"You don't have to. You've already done so much for us." Ingrid said.

"I'm being serious, I want to help." Byleth countered.

"All it takes is-" Sylvain tried again but once again was whacked by Ingrid. If coat hangers could stare, then Ingrid would be staring daggers to Sylvain.

"We have to let it happen on its own." Mercedes mouthed.

Byleth noticed the rose from before. It had a few petals left and most of them had fallen. It had to have played a role in the curse. Why else would the Beast be so overprotective of it? "What happens when the last petal falls?" Byleth asked.

"The boar stays like that forever." Felix scoffed.

"And we become like this forever." Sylvain added.

"Well, if you guys need my help, just ask." Byleth said before exiting the room. The next day, Byleth went to check on the Beast along with the enchanted objects. He was still asleep. She made sure he didn't have a fever and changed the bandages to fresh ones. He still wasn't awake by the time she was done. Byleth at least wanted to be nice and stay until he has woken up. She sat down on a chair she located in the mess of the room and took out a book she found in her room and started to read, occasionally looking up from time to time to check on the Beast.

But Byleth got a little too lost in her book. She didn't realize that she hadn't put it down since she started it and was already halfway through by the time she noticed someone staring at her. She never noticed that the Beast sat up in his bed and was staring at her. But, when she looked up, she was slightly started.

"Ah-I mean-ahem, how long have you been awake?" Byleth asked awkwardly and shut her book quickly. The Beast glanced at the cover of the book and saw the title.

"Hmm, Romeo and Juliet? Out of all the plays, you chose that one?" The Beast teased. Byleth was a tad surprised that he would joke just like that, but she went with it.

"Oh really? Then do you know anything better?" She teased back.

The Beast smirked. "Give me a moment. Meet me outside the door." He said. Byleth was a little hesitant but went with it. She left the room and stood outside the door and waited for the Beast to emerge. He came out dressed slightly more considerate than what he usually wore. "Follow me." He said.

Byleth followed. Once they were at a set of doors, the Beast turned around before opening them. "But first, you must close your eyes." He said. Byleth was skeptic. "Just trust me." Byleth closed her eyes and the Beast opened the doors and guided her in. "Ok, open them!"

Byleth opened her eyes and gasped. She was in a large library. She was in heaven. "This place is amazing!" She said. She didn't even know where to start.

"If you like it so much then it's yours." The Beast said. Byleth squealed a little. The Beast didn't know why but it was nice to see her so happy like this.

"Thank you so much." Byleth said with a bright smile on her face. Her smile was mesmerizing to the Beast. Maybe this won't be too bad after all. Byleth thought.

Over the next few days, the Beast and Byleth got more friendlier with each other. Byleth spent most of her time in the library. Sometimes the Beast would join her, but they mostly saw each other at meals. One day, Byleth was outside in the snow caring for her father's horse. The Beast was looking on from his balcony. Part of him wanted to join her. He looked over to his shoulder to the enchanted objects. They all gave him the "do it you coward." look. So he joined Byleth. Byleth welcomed him and even let him try to pet the horse. The horse was startled at first, but once the Beast showed he meant no harm, it warmed up to him.

Byleth found some seeds and started to feed the birds. The Beast gave it a try but the birds were frightened. Byleth assisted the Beast and after a few tries, the birds accepted the seeds from the Beast. Byleth had an idea. It was a little risky, but she was too curious to see the Beast's reaction. She snuck away for a moment and gathered up some snow and packed it into a snowball. Byleth threw it at the Beast and started laughing. The Beast was confused but after seeing Byleth laugh so hard, he couldn't resist. He also gathered up some snow, packed it into a snowball, and threw it at Byleth. This snowball was a big one though and it was large enough to knock Byleth down.

The Beast ran over to Byleth once he realized what he's done. Half expecting to find an unconscious Byleth, he was a little surprised to find Byleth laughing her head off. He joined in. They laughed for a solid 5 minutes. They spent the rest of the afternoon having a snowball fight. When they went inside, they had a piping hot dinner supplied by Mr. Dedue himself. That night, Byleth retired to the library and the Beast joined her. She read aloud a book while the Beast listened. He mainly didn't want to accidentally tear one apart due to his immense strength.

The past few weeks have really changed Byleth's outlook. She at first wanted nothing but to get away from the prison she was basically chained to. But now, she considered everyone at the castle a friend, but she still wanted to go home. She'll give it a little while longer before she tries to leave again.

On a particular day, the Beast was standing on an overlook while watching the enchanted objects have fun doing crazy antics mostly started by Sylvain and Ashe. Part of him wanted to join them, but he knew he wouldn't be welcomed. Byleth was walking down the halls and noticed. "Is everything alright?" She asked.

The Beast stayed silent for a moment before answering. "It's just, recently I wanted to join them in their little antics and whatnot. The thing is, I don't think I'll be welcomed by them." He confessed.

"I'm sure they would love to have you, they're your friends after all." Byleth said.

The Beast sighed. "I suppose, however, most of the time when I enter a room, the laughter dies."

"I know how you feel." Byleth answered. "Or even worse, the laughter begins." Byleth took a deep breath. "I never had someone to tell this to, but for most of my life, I've been emotionless. I was always known as the Ashen Demon whenever me and my father would take down thieves. Some townspeople even had the audacity to make fun of me for it since they knew I wouldn't understand."

"I'm sorry, the people there sound horrible."

"It can get pretty lonely."

"Hey Byleth, come with me for a moment." The Beast said. Byleth followed the Beast into the library and he took out a dusty old tome.

"What is this?" Byleth asked.

"It's a magical tome that can temporarily transport one to another place. The Enchantress gave me this when I was cursed. I was too scared to use it." The Beast explained.

"Why are you showing me this then?"

"Forgive me, but I overheard you talking about your family to Mercedes, Annette, and Ingrid. You said you never knew what happened to your mother and it's the least I can do." The Beast opened the tome. He guided Byleth's hand onto the large page.

Byleth closed her eyes and imagined the place where her father told her where she was born. All she knew that her mother died shortly after she was born. After that, her father and her left to eventually wind up in Remire. Warp magic surrounded the two and they were teleported out of the library and into a semi-dark room. It looked like someones bed chambers.

"Where did you take us?" The Beast asked.

"I don't know exactly, all I know exactly this is the place where I was born... shortly before my mother died..." Byleth answered with a sigh.

The Beast peered out the window. After studying the outside for a moment, he knew exactly where they were. "This is Garreg Mach Monastery." The Beast said. Byleth gasped. She knew exactly where they were now. Despite never going there herself, her father would always go to the monastery. In fact, that was where he was heading on the day he left. Byleth wandered around, trying to find anything that could give her the tiniest hint on what happened to her and her mother all those years ago.

On a cluttered table that had probably 21 years of dust covering its contents, Byleth found a silver ring. It had a flowering design with purple gemstones. She fidgeted with it for a few moments. "Every time I asked about my mother, my father would constantly shrug it off and never tell me." Byleth said. She kept the ring with her, sliding it in a pocket in her jacket. She continued wandering around, looking for any clues.

Unfortunately, the two couldn't find anything. Byleth was about to give up but she saw something that caught her attention. It was a torn out page of a book of some sorts. She scanned it and gasped again. "What is it?" The Beast asked. Byleth could barely even reply she was in so much shock. The Beast read the page to himself too. "You can't be serious..."

It was serious. The page was from Jeralt's diary. It recounted the moments after Byleth's birth and her mothers death. It contained information on what might've happened to her mother and why Byleth started so emotionless. "The archbishop... She took a crest stone from my mother... and put it in me...?" Byleth said to herself. For the second time in her life, she felt actual tears streaming down her face.

The Beast put a hand (paw?) on one of Byleth's shoulders. "I'm sorry I called your father a thief..." He said sincerely.

"Let's go back." Byleth said. With the help of the tome, the two were transported back to the castle. It was now dark outside. The enchanted objects might have wondered where they ran off to. Despite everyones pleas, Byleth went to bed early that night, still shocked over what she uncovered.

Back at Remire, Hubert was planning something maniacal. Since Jeralt was known to be one to bounce back quickly and a strong fighter, the chances of him surviving where decent. Hubert had backup though. He was negotiating with the local asylum keeper. "So, what you're saying is that Jeralt was raving about a Beast in a castle and had no proof other than his missing daughter that is known to be out there?" The keeper asked.

"Precisely. My plan is to lock Jeralt up for being a lunatic and only let him go if Byleth agrees to marry me." Hubert explained.

"What's in it for me?"

Hubert already had the keepers answer and threw a bag of gold onto the table. "This should be suffice?"

The keeper nodded. "It's plenty. Just say the word and I'll be there."

The next day at the castle, something unexpected happened. The beast noticed how sad Byleth was and wanted to cheer her up, so he asked her for a dance that evening. To his surprise, Byleth accepted. While in his chambers, he didn't know how to feel. Sure he might've started to have feelings for Byleth, but there was no way someone like her would like someone like him. Maybe he was being too hopeful.

"Your Highness, this is perfect!" Sylvain said when he found out. "The two of you spend the evening together and get closer and BOOM the curse if broken."

"It is certainly a recipe for success." Mr. Dedue commented.

"You guys are being way too optimistic. There is no way she would like me." The Beast huffed as he was getting ready.

"Look, I may not like you that much after what you did 5 years ago, but even I think you have a shot at this." Felix said.

"Just don't be surprised if this doesn't end well." The Beast said.

Meanwhile, in Byleth's room, Annette, Mercedes, and Ingrid were all helping her out with her wardrobe options. They settled on a bright golden yellow dress that seemed to sparkle even when light did not hit it. Byleth marveled at herself in the mirror. She barely even know she looked this pretty.

"You look amazing Byleth!" Mercedes said.

"Yes, but something is missing." Annette added. She thought for a moment. "Aha! I have the perfect idea! Mercie, do you mind getting the golden dust thingy up on the accent thing on the celling?"

"No problem." Mercedes said. She dusted the golden wall accents and guided the golden dust onto Byleth's dress. Now it was finished.

"Now that's perfect." Ingrid said.

Byleth blushed a little after seeing her reflection one last time. She was really surprised on how well the 3 enchanted objects did and how beautiful they made her. Byleth left her room and made her way down to the newly refreshed ballroom. Ingrid and Mercedes followed once Byleth was out of sight. Annette wished she could've gone, but alas, her cursed form forbid her from doing so.

The Beast was standing nervously on one side of the grand staircase that led to the ballroom doors. Sylvain was trying to give encouraging words that honestly wouldn't work while Felix was standing there annoyed. Mr. Dedue stood proudly and Ashe couldn't contain his excitement. Byleth emerged from the hallway and onto her side of the staircase. The Beast turned around and almost stopped in his tracks. He was breath-taken at the sight of Byleth. She was so beautiful. Byleth greeted the Beast with a smile. The Beast returned a smile. He bowed and Byleth tried to curtsy but failed and almost tripped. The Beast helped her up and offered her to link arms with his. She gladly did so and the two walked down the grand staircase and into the giant yet empty ballroom.

Awkwardly but surely, they got into position. The Beast put a hand on Byleth's waist and Byleth put a hand on his shoulder. They danced the night away, waltzing across the ballroom. Though it was just them, they didn't really care. Their friends were standing off to the side watching it unfold and hoping that this is the final step needed to break their cruse.

Byleth had a wonderful time. She didn't know how to dance that well, but it didn't matter. The missteps gave the moment more charm. Just two friends having fun together. When they both agreed to finish the dance, they bowed one more time (and less awkwardly in Byleth's case.) They linked arms and walked outside to the balcony overlooking the courtyard. Byleth admired the beauty of the night sky and the snow covering the ground.

"Hey Byleth," The Beast said. Byleth turned her attention to the Beast. "Do you think it's foolish for a creature like me to hopefully one day earn your affection?" Byleth was taken slightly aback by the statement. Byleth looked unsure, even she didn't know the answer. Sure she considered him a friend.... But.... Was still still prisoner at the castle? "Do you really think you can be happy here?"

"Can anyone be happy if they aren't free?" Byleth asked. The Beast looked down in shame. Even he forgot that Byleth traded her freedom for her father's and was technically still prisoner. They unintentionally became close friends during the past few weeks. A part of him wanted to be selfish and keep Byleth to himself, fearing that the moment he sets her free, that she'll never return again and that she was faking the friendship to secure her escape. However, the other part knew it would be for the best, that seeing Byleth truly be happy was something he longed to see.

"I can tell you miss your father very much." The Beast said. Byleth only nodded. The Beast had an idea. If Byleth could have some confirmation that her father was ok, maybe the possibility of Byleth returning if he set her free would be higher. "I might have something to help you." He said. They made their way to the West Wing and the Beast showed Byleth a small hand mirror. "It may look like an ordinary mirror, but it's actually another trick from the Enchantress. It can let one see anything in the outside world."

The Beast handed it to Byleth and she stared at it for a moment. "I's like to see my father." She said. A small flash shined on the mirror and instead of Byleth's reflection, it showed Jeralt sick and injured in the forest from the cold and from the magic spell Hubert cast on him a while ago. Byleth gasped. "No... No... Father! Jeralt! He's in trouble, he could die like this." Byleth said frantically.

"Then you must go to him." The Beast said without thinking. This was going to hurt him on the inside more than anything. As much as he wished Byleth could stay, he knew deep within his heart if he truly loved her, he would set her free. "Go. You're no longer prisoner here."

Byleth about to protest, worrying about what could happen to one of her only friends if she left, especially so close to the rose loosing all of its petals. The Beast could tell what was on her mind and instantly responded. "Don't worry about me. Your father needs you."

Byleth slowly nodded and tried to hand the mirror back but the Beast handed it back. "Keep it, so you can always have a way to look back on me." He said. Byleth hesitantly agreed and started to walk out of the room to fetch her father's horse to find her father but the Beast had one more thing to say. "Just, please promise me to come back if you can or at the very least never forget us." The Beast said.

"I'll try, but I'll never forget you guys for you all are the first friends I've had. Thank you." Byleth said wistfully. She headed out and left. She changed out of the ballgown and into her regular clothing. She mounted her horse and rode out. Before she left the gates, she stopped, turned back to look at the castle one last time, and then hurried on her way to find her father.

Back at the castle, the Beast was looking out of the balcony, watching Byleth ride off out of sight. Felix walked in unannounced and started rambling. "Well Boar, I cant believe you actually did this. Everything is on track for the spell to be broken and all of us returning to normal. Maybe by the morning if we're luc-." Felix stopped once he noticed the Beast sulking over the balcony edge. "Um, Boar? Did you even hear a word I said?" Felix asked with clear annoyance in his tone.

"I let her go..." The Beast said sadly.

Felix was dumbfounded. "What?"

"I had to..." The Beast said. "I'm sorry I couldn't do the same with you." Felix left to report to the others. They had the same reaction as Felix.

"But why? They were getting so close." Ashe said.

"Because he loved her, that's why. He put her happiness before his, even if it meant eternal doom for him." Mr. Dedue concluded.

"But why are we still like this?" Ingrid asked.

"Because she hasn't professed her love if she did at all." Mr. Dedue said. 


Concludes in part 4

~The Artist Sylveon🌸

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