Nights of Hell | A roblox fli...

By iamtheprogamermove

294 6 15

"Well, if this isn't a prank, and there actually IS a murderer, are we gonna make it out alive?" When Mason E... More

Prologue: The Night Before The Torture
Chapter 1: Reunion...?
Chapter 2: The first murder
Chapter 3: Who?
Chapter 4: Target
Chapter 6: One Down
Chapter 7: Finally, some rest.

Chapter 5: Defended

21 0 2
By iamtheprogamermove

Alicia's POV:

The lights went back on. I was alive, thank god. But something HAD happened. I heard someone scream. Actually in total three people did, I assume.

I looked beside me.


She had curled up into a ball, eyes shut. I suppose I can count on her not to be the murderer. Because someone, I have no idea who, was targeted in our very room we hid in.

Her eyes opened slowly, and then widened.

"Are you alright? Were you attacked?"

Colleen paused. She looked confused.

"Targeted? No, I would know if I was."

Alright, she wasn't almost killed. Or possibly killed.

"Let's go, see who died," she whispered.

We left our safe spot and went into the living room.

Charlotte sat, writing. Kai was sleeping on the couch. Alab and Cash seemed to be looking for the body. Mason just looked at the light, almost as if in a trance. Jian was trying to work the TV. Quinn ran up to us.

"Have you seen Mary? I don't know where she is!" she asked, a hint of terror in her voice. I knew what she was thinking.

Maybe Mary was dead.

"Perhaps she is in the closet?" Colleen suggested.

I decided to be the one who went in first. Oh my gosh. The gore.

Mary was pinned to the wall opposite the door with a knife. Blood flowed down her lifeless face and onto the ground, where it met with someone else's.

Thiago lay on the ground, another knife through his chest. It looked as if he had been stabbed multiple times.

"I found the bodies!" I yelled. Soon everyone gathered.

Marley choked.

"This is as brutal as that Dash guy's death!" she cried.

"I somewhat agree," Charlotte replied. "That w-"

"I just feel like adding in," The speaker suddenly cut in, "This was the assassin's work. The murderer's target..... She was protected. Also, you forgetting to check their journals?"

I left and quickly returned with the boy's and girl's journals.

"I will start with Thiago's journal. It says the following: 'Hello kiddos. I am a twin with Mary. She explained to me what this role is about.... I assume I will not last long! If I had to be suspicious of one person, it would be Marley. I hope Good Team wins! Signing off, Thiago'"

"Can I read out the other one?" Charlotte asked.


"Here it is: 'Hi! I'm Mary. Im one of those twins, with Thiago. He doesn't seem bad, I think he is cool. I'm sussing Quinn, I get bad vibes from her. Good luck!'"

There was a yawn from behind us. "What did I miss this time?"

I turned around. "Lara!" Mason cried, and smiled. "Lucky you, you missed all the death!"

She had her hands somehow clutched over her neck, but not to choke herself.

"Excuse me?" she asked, looking tired.

"What? Nothing bad happened to you?"

She removed her hands, and there was a bandage.

Fairly red with blood, I figured.

"You were the murderer's target?!" Charlotte yelled.

"Exactly. So I am not that lucky"

"Chop chop! Discuss who you think is evil!" The speaker called.

I looked at Colleen.

"Neither me or Colleen. We hid under the bed, unknowingly together"

"Oh, so that was you?" Lara said.

"Look, I am really suspicious of Jian" Kai said softly.

"Why would you ever think that?!" he shouted.

"Viola said you or Coll. Alicia and Lara have proof it isn't her. Plus you are a jerk anyway"

"That's useless!!" He screamed.

Darn it, was he gonna have a tantrum or what?

Quinn sighed. "Raise your hands if you wish to vote Jian," she said.

In fact, only Jian didn't raise his hand.

"Its settled then."

Just under an hour of near enough silence, the speaker cried "Alright! Voting time!~"

It didn't take long.

"The person with the most votes is Jian! He will now be removed!"

As he faded away, yelling insults, I couldn't help but feel horrible. What if he was innocent?

Now someone would read his journal to us.

A/N: i didnt update as quick as planned, ack. Well i feel like just doing a thing with characters and their personalities. Welp here I go, also 1104 words in total oop-

Mason: A kind guy, who often makes mistakes. He cares about everyone in the house, and wishes to remove the murderer. Alive.

Lara: A tough cookie, but is actually softer inside. She strives to be a leader in the house. She knows the most about Flicker, as she is obsessed with this 'First Game'. Alive.

Alicia: The most curious of the main characters. Her best friend is actually Kai, but she feels left out when she goes with Marley. Alive.

Cash: A boy who is defensive. He dislikes rude people. He believes Jian picked on the wrong guy, even if it was an effort between Lara and him. Alive.

Thiago: He is a sleepy boy. Outside of the game he was actually best friends with Mary, but kept being confused for being siblings. Their idea somewhat came true. Dead, twin.

Marley: A nice girl. She likes being with others. She has no idea Alicia feels left out, and spends her time with Kai. Alive.

Kai: A quiet girl. She is often reading a book, or hanging out with either Marley or Alicia. She loves technology. Alive.

Jian: A mean kiddo. He doesn't care about others. He plays pranks if he is bored. He doesn't like any blood. Dead, Unknown as of now.

Charlotte: An academic. In this AU, her best friend was Dashawn, who died first night. This made her determined to survive and avenge him. Alive.

Mary: A girl who tries her best to stay strong. Deep down she wants to give up, but she ignores that feeling. When the assassin attacked, she tried to protect herself and Thiago. Dead, twin.

Colleen: A sporty, fun-loving girl. She is quieter because she is doesn't feel safe or free. She likes to study different sports and is a risktaker. Alive.

Alab: A supportive kid. One of Charlotte's friends. He wishes to have no violence in the world, just peace. Alive.

Dash: A weird kid. You don't know as much about him as he died first night. He is Charlotte's best friend. Dead, Survivor.

Viola: A music freak (not a rosyclozy reference). She often daydreams and relaxes. She usually spent her time listening to calming music. Dead, Survivor.

Quinn: An inquisitive girl. She often is the question asker of the gang. If she has nothing to be curious about, she is quiet. Alive.

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