#DREAMDAY: A (Mostly) TWICE B...

Par jolofjester

164K 1.8K 285

Mostly TWICE x M Reader sm*t. (Almost) anything goes. Top ranks: #1 in misamo Plus

The Bet (Part 1): Just Practice [Sana x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 3): More-Than-Friendly Competition [Mina x Chaeyoung x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 4): Backdoor Access [Nayeon x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 5): Moist Wet Waves [Tzuyu x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 6): Rising Action to Climax [Jeongyeon x Momo x Dahyun x M Reader]
The Bet (Part 7): A Heart-Shaped Arrow [Sana x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 1: Nayeon) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 2: Momo) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 3: Jihyo) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 4: Dahyun) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 5: Chaeyoung) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 6: Jeongyeon) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 7: Sana) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 8: Mina) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet FINALE (Pt. 9: Tzuyu) [TWICE x M Reader]
The Bet: Retrospective
[Nayeon x M Reader] Happy New Year
[Jeongyeon x M Reader] EAT SPIT!
[Jihyo x M Reader] Closer
[Mina x M Reader] A Precarious Predicament
[Dahyun x M Reader] Freaks (Part 1)
[Dahyun x M Reader] Freaks (Part 2)
[Chaeyoung x M Reader] Bite Me
[Tzuyu x M Reader] Ice Cream
[Momo x Mina x M Reader] Beach Day
[Yuqi x M Reader] The Queen Card

The Bet (Part 2): The Blind Date [Jihyo x M Reader]

13.3K 163 25
Par jolofjester

I woke up first. My head fucking hurt, and I was pretty sure it was past noon, but to be honest I didn't really care.

Sana had rolled over in her sleep, and I slipped out of the sheets quietly, not wanting to wake her. She looked adorable all curled up into the blanket with a satisfied smile on her face.

My clothes... my clothes were practically ruined. They were in a sordid state within the pile of clothes on the other side of the room, and I didn't bother trying to fish them out.

I needed a shower. No, first I needed water. I could feel myself ready to curl up into a cramping ball of pain, likely from the stupid amount of activity last night.

Last night.

Last night was... something else.

I was looking out the window, just thinking about what had happened.

I just had sex... with Minatozaki Sana.


I'd peaked, hadn't I?

It was all gonna be downhill from here.

Eh, at least it was a respectable peak.

I felt odd walking around Sana's flat naked, so I decided to take that shower. Her bathroom was... big. I mean, it was very big.

I was confused by how exactly one showered in peace when their window showed your private bits off to the entire neighborhood, but to my surprise, the window to the outside frosted over when I opened the shower door.

How much money did this woman have?

"I need to marry one of these girls," I muttered. I made sure I had a towel near before I got into the shower. Trust me when I say finishing a nice, long shower to find you didn't have a towel in the bathroom is not a fun experience.

I turned the water all the way up and almost burned my skin off. It heated up that quickly. I took it easier this time, examining her soaps as I rinsed the smell of sex and sweat off myself. There was that strawberry shampoo, sitting on the small shelf that jutted out of the wall next to the shower head. Beside it was a more neutral shampoo that I decided to use instead, and by the time I got done with the shower my body and hair smelled faintly of juniper, sage, and coconut.

Sana, evidently awake, was typing away on her phone when I got out of the shower. "Morning," she said groggily.

"You sound like death."

"I feel like death," she mumbled. "I've gotta cancel this shoot today."

I winced. "Fuck, sorry."

She smiled softly. "No, it was fun." Sana looked down at the towel around my waist and frowned. "I would have joined you."

"Next time," I said. "Besides, we've got a problem."

"What problem--oh," she said, looking at the pile of clothes I was pointing to. "Those are nasty."

"Yeah." Something dawned on me. "Shit! My phone, it's still in there."

Sana watched as I delicately moved the sad remains of her tights off the top of the pile, digging in my jeans pocket with two fingers and removing my phone with surgical precision. She pouted as I moved aside her bra. "I liked that one!"

I took a good look at it. "I think it might be salvageable."

"We'll see." She stood up, still naked, and I instinctively turned around. "I'll go throw these in the wash and we'll figure out--" She started laughing. "Why did you turn around?"

"Habit," I said sheepishly, looking back towards her. I immediately noticed the red mark on her shoulder. "Sorry about that, too," I said, pointing at it.

"Same to you," she replied. "You've got a pretty serious one there."

"Maybe, but I'm not a celebrity that appears in global media every single day."

"It's okay, really." Sana turned around and walked to the bathroom. "I'm gonna shower, and then we can figure stuff out."

"You want any breakfast--er, lunch?" I asked as she stepped out of my field of vision.

"Sure, if you can find anything in the fridge!" she called.

So, I looked. Frankly, there wasn't much. We had some leftover yangnyeom chicken that was doused in sauce, and she had some eggs and cheese in the fridge. I fumbled around looking for her pans and started making some omelettes, throwing a kitchen towel over my shoulder out of habit.

Sana got out of the shower a little while later in a fluffy white bathrobe, and she watched as I finished preparing the food. I set a plate down in front of her.

"It's not much, but it'll do." I whipped the kitchen towel off my shoulder. "Order up!"

"It looks good," she commented. "Itadakimasu!"

It turned out to be really good, probably because the omelette was practically chicken with some eggs rather than vice versa. Sana needed to leave for another shoot that she couldn't afford to miss, but she offered to let me stay until my clothes were washed.

"I look forward to seeing you try your end of the best," she smirked as she headed out the door.

"Hmm? What bet?" I asked.

"What?" Sana stepped back. "You don't remember?"

"You're kind of freaking me out here."

She laughed. "I bet you 5 million won that you could get a kiss from the other 8 members."

"You... you WHAT?"

"This is the same reaction you had last night--"

"I was drunk enough that I forgot something like that?!"

"I guess so," she shrugged. "Think about it. After all, 5 million won is on the line."

I closed the door behind her, thinking about what I'd drunkenly agreed to. I looked around her flat again.

Maybe she wouldn't miss that fancy-looking vase.


A week later, and things had gone back to normal.

I'd taken a taxi from Sana's place to HQ, gotten my bike--it hadn't been stolen, thank fuck--and rode it back home, which was painful considering the amount of... activity that had happened the night before. I'd gone immediately back to the grind, and Sana got so busy over the week that we'd barely had a chance to talk.

It was later that week that I'd gotten an invite to a party to be held at a function hall over the weekend. It was a party celebrating JYPE's anniversary, and they were inviting all employees. JYPE didn't actually have that many employees--there were maybe 400 of us, including the artists.

It was after I received the invite that Sana asked me if I was going. I confirmed, and I didn't get a response.

I shook off that dreadful feeling in my stomach and kept editing, and around 16:30, I decided to pop down to HQ for a gym session.

I would have gotten a gym membership somewhere closer if my employee benefits didn't include access to JYPE's in house facilities. They were located a bit of a ways down from the corporate building, and I still biked, figuring it would get me warmed up, too. There weren't many people when I entered, and I started right away.

I couldn't build mass, and that was my main problem. I usually focused on lean muscle, just trying to keep myself in shape, and that usually resulted in a lot of elliptical and a lot of basic training. I did the latter first, getting my sit ups, pushups, and squats out of the way before hitting the machine. The people were thinning, and there were only a couple people in the building, now.

I normally ran a 5k on the elliptical, but I was feeling myself and decided to push 10... and then some time passed and I pushed for 15...

I was on kilometer 13. My eyes were closed and my hands were on the swinging arms of the elliptical, and my playlist blared through my ears.

An byeonhanda baeknal yah

Wechyeo daedeon naega wae

Jubyeon sanghwang ttara

Sudo eopshi byeonhago itneun geolkka

I was hitting a runner's high, and I knew I should stop, but I just kept going. Someone had started running next to me a while ago, but I was too in the zone to notice. Fifteen minutes later, I crossed that line.

I was breathing heavily as I stopped my watch without looking, bringing my pace down to a slow jog before stopping and stepping off the elliptical. It felt as though the ground was shifting beneath my feet as I walked over to sanitize my equipment, and I removed my earbuds and placed them in my pocket for a break.

It was as I walked back to the machine to wipe it down that I finally noticed the person who was next to me, now finished themselves and staring at me.

She chuckled as I started wiping the touchscreen down. "That was extreme."

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

"Like, half hour," Jihyo responded, leaning on the edge of the elliptical. "You were really getting into it."

"I guess."

"How many fricking calories did you burn?"

"Um..." I looked down at my wrist and looked at the after-workout menu. "1,653."

"The fuck?"

"My metabolism is stupid," I confessed. "But I bet you girls burn more."


"You just finished?"

"Yeah. I'll walk you to your bike. You ought to learn how to drive."

"That's not a bad idea," I admitted. "But my bike's at HQ, its a good half mile away. I've gotta freshen up, too."

"I'm heading back that way, anyways," she said. "Text me when you're ready."


I headed into the lockers. They were mercifully empty, meaning my shower was vaguely peaceful, for once. I tried getting ready fairly quickly, and I texted Jihyo once I finished. She came out five minutes after I did in her hoodie, and we started walking back to HQ.

"Holy shit, it's dark!"

"How long were you in there?" Jihyo questioned.

"Two and a half hours?" I said sheepishly.

"Don't you have a job?"

"Don't remind me. It's not like your workload's all flowers and champagne."

"It's closer than your job," she said, poking fun.

"You going to the party?"

Jihyo nodded. "We're all going. But Sana... she's making this a little scary."

"Should I ask?"

Jihyo sighed. "I owed her for something and... she's trying to set me up on a blind date."

"Maybe that's not so bad."

"I don't know." She sighed again. "I don't know if I'm interested enough... but she's being super insistent. And speaking of Sana," she continued, raising an eyebrow, "what happened between you two?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"She's been talking about you more often."

I tried covering up my embarrassment. It was true that I hung out with the girls more than normal for a JYPE employee, probably because we were all about the same age. I was only a year younger than Nayeon, and I'm fairly sure my age was why I was hired to help their social department, anyways. But for Sana to be talking about me... "Erm, I don't know why she would be."

"Don't lie," she teased. "Did you ask her out--"

I laughed. "You think I could get the balls to ask out any of you?"

Jihyo's cheeks flushed red, but I couldn't see them. "You've got the looks under all that... hair."

"That's the same thing Sana--" I stopped myself, but I'd already dug the hole.

Jihyo's face brightened. "Sana what? You two did talk over the weekend, didn't you?"

We did more than talk. "Um, maybe."

"Mmhm." She crossed her arms. "Well, if you talk to her again this week, good luck."

"I'm not asking her out!"

"I bet she'd say yes~"

"Whatever." I shouldered my bag, looking for something to do with my hands to get out of the awkward situation. But suddenly, I clocked what she'd said before. "Wait, did you just call me good-looking?"

Jihyo's blush was visible now. "I-I didn't--"

"You totally did!" I poked her on the shoulder. "You think I'm good-looking."

"I mean, objectively." She was pouting like a baby. "You have nice..."

"Nice what?"

"You've got a nice face," she muttered.

"My face? Not even my physique?" I jokingly flexed my biceps.

"You could be an idol, you know," Jihyo said. "I'm surprised PD-nim hasn't tried to scout you."

"He has."

"He has?!"

"Yeah." He had. I didn't tell anyone, but JYP had asked, albeit lightly, whether or not I'd be interested in becoming a trainee. It wasn't feasible, given that I was far older than normal debut age and that... you know... I didn't want to.


"I said no."

"Idiot! Why?"

"I didn't want to." I shrugged. "I just... I have no interest."

"Fair enough, I guess."

We were approaching the building now, and I turned towards the garage. "I guess this is where we part ways."

"Dramatic much?" Jihyo smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you." I watched her walk inside before heading to my bike.

I started thinking as I pedaled home, wondering why Sana was talking about me. I wasn't against it, per see, I just... I don't know. It was kind of weird.

I rolled up to the complex. It wasn't small by any means; I was pretty well off for a bachelor in his mid-twenties.

There was a small parking garage reserved for people with paid spots, but I didn't need one, for obvious reasons. I locked my bike out front on the rack in front of my specific building, but something brushed my ear.


"Shit!" I jumped aside and almost elbowed Sana in the face. "What the fuck are you doing?"

She was wearing her public outfit, with a black hoodie and cap, but she had a duffel bag with her. "You took long enough."

I sputtered. "I never knew you would show up!"

"Well, I did." Sana grabbed my arm. "You need to get cleaned up for the party tomorrow."

"I don't need to--Sana!"

"The less you struggle, the easier this is," she grunted, dragging my up the stairs to my apartment. "I'm trying to make things easy."

"What are you planning on doing, exactly?" I asked, begrudgingly opening the door for her.

"I'm trying to make you look presentable." She walked around. "The place looks... different."

"I did a lot of cleaning this week."

"It's nice," she said. "It looks like you've actually got class."


"Okay... let's do this here," she resolved, setting her bag down. I had cleared out the space between the couch and the TV and bought a rug, but it hadn't arrived yet and the floor was bare. Sana dragged a chair over and patted the seat. "Take a seat."

"Wait." I knew what she was going to do, now. "No."

"Yes. It's time, Y/N."

I groaned. "Can you at least make it look nice?"

Sana sniffed. "I'll try. I would have taken you to my stylist, but she's busy this evening. Now then..." She took out an empty spray bottle and a metal case. "I need some water."

The case turned out to be a set that contained combs, scissors, and razor attachments, and Sana separated the parts of my hair and held them together using clips.

Sana got to work, but something was on my mind as she snipped away.

I wasn't sure how to phrase what I wanted to ask, to I just blurted it out.

"What are we?"

"Hm?" Sana stopped cutting. "What do you mean?"

"Like... after what happened last weekend. What does that make us?"

Sana shrugged and resumed. "I dunno. Two friends who had sex once, I guess. Why? Did you..." She stopped again. "Did you want something more out of it?"

"I don't know." I really didn't know. I wasn't sure how I felt about Sana... romantically. Sure, she was sweet and fun to be around, but... did I want something more?

"Sorry." She sounded guilty. "I didn't mean to leave you like that. Do you want to... like..."

"I don't think we need to put a label on anything right now."

"Yeah." She breathed a sigh of relief. "Cool. That was easier than I thought."

"It's better if I detach myself for a while to go through with your—"


Sana realized what I was talking about, and even though I couldn't see her I could imagine her smiling wickedly.

"That's right! Our bet!"

"You know, forget I said anything."

She laughed. "Yeah, right. Hey, you might be able to make some progress tonight."

I snorted. "Yeah? With who?"

"I know Nayeon can't handle her alcohol. She gets horny-drunk."

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yep. And Chaeyoung just can't really stop once she starts, but she'll have Mina to rein her in. You can try for a threesome—"

"Let's not stretch that far yet. Maybe next chapter."

Sana walked in front of me to work on the other side. "I know Jihyo thinks you're good-looking for sure."

"I do too, actually. I met her on my way back from the gym."

"Did she say anything?" Sana asked quickly.

"Just that you were setting her up with someone.


"Can I know who this person is?"

"No. I want it to be a surprise."

"Fine by me," I said. My mind started wandering. Who would Sana set Jihyo up with?

We kept talking as she cut my hair, and soon Sana announced that she was finished.

I had to admit that she did a pretty decent job. "It's not bad," I admitted, using a mirror to look at all sides of my head in the bathroom.

Sana clapped merrily. "Yay! This was my first time, too!"

"WHAT!" I whirled around. "You couldn't have told me that earlier?!"

She shrugged. "It worked, right?"

"We're never doing this again."

"We'll see. Tomorrow morning..." She smiled. "Shopping."

"Don't do this to me."


Sana dragged me around for hours.

It wasn't fun for me, but she seemed to be having the time of her life giving me different outfits to try on. They were mostly variations on similar things, and she tried once giving me this super loud set that I dismissed out of hand. We settled on a style eventually that both of us were happy with, and Sana sent me on my way.

I had planned on showing up late, wanting to try my hand at another edit before I got ready for the party, but Sana texted me that the girls would be arriving soon and I reluctantly kicked into gear.

I tried my best to put the ensemble together. I had a button up shirt, a grey vest, and a black jacket, all accented by a silver tie. My pants were black, too, and I wore a pair of comfy loafers that hugged my feet.

I decided to take a Lyft instead of my bike, for obvious reasons.

The party was being held at a hotel south of HQ. I got in fine enough, given that I had my ID with me.

I mingled for a while, unsure of what to do or say. I didn't spend much time around the other employees given the nature of my job, but they were all nice enough.

Ultimately, I ended up getting a drink. I was waiting at the bar when I saw a certain someone in the corner of my eye. "Mina."

"Hey, Y/N."

"Picking up drinks?"

"Yeah, for me and Chae." She folded her arms on the table. "The others aren't here yet."

"No problem." I thanked the bartender and accepted my drink. "I'm a fish out of water here."

Mina smirked. "I can tell."

"Oi, oi!" Chaeyoung was walking up to us. "The others are outside."

"And now they're inside," Mina remarked, looking at the door.

"Y/N!" Sana was waving at me.

I took a sip of my drink and tipped it towards Mina and Chae. "That's my cue."

"Don't die," Chae said drily.

I said my hi's to the girls as I passed them before stopping in front of Sana.

Sana smiled. "Welcome."


"So. You might have wondered why I got you all nice and dressed up."


Sana looked behind her. "Jihyo? Jihyo!"

"What?" She looked irritated as she stepped through the door. "I just got inside! Oh, hi, Y/N."

Sana splayed her hands presenter style. "Here's your blind date."

Jihyo stared at me for a minute. "Who, Y/N?"


I stared blankly back at her. "Oh."

Sana nodded. "I'll let you two get along." She scurried ahead to catch up to the rest of the girls.


2 hours and many drinks later

We kept kissing as Jihyo blindly opened the door to the room we'd just bought for the night behind her. We nearly fell through the doorframe, and the pace started picking up as we roughly discarded our clothes.

Somehow, we ended up in the bedroom. Jihyo was in her bra and I was completely naked.

She was stroking my member gently, bringing it to full mast as I traced the inside of her mouth with my tongue. Something about the pressure and feel of our tongues clashing and intertwining caused a rush of blood to flow to my loins.

Jihyo pulled back for a second and practically ripped her bra off. Her tits... holy fuck, her tits. They were full and beautifully round, capped with dark nipples that begged for attention.

My hands gravitated towards them, and Jihyo climbed into my lap to get closer.

I grabbed the mounds of flesh greedily, squeezing gently. Jihyo moaned softly, and her moan turned into a gasp as I placed my hand on her back and dug my face into her chest.

Her head rested on my shoulder as I devoured her tits. There was something impeccable and pillowy soft about them.

I licked her nipples, and her moans turned breathy once I started digging the tip of my tongue into their underside.

She was vocal about her enjoyment. "Fuck, Y/N! Yeah, suck on my tits, just like that..."

My balls were aching from the tension between us, and my dick stood straining against her pert ass. I sucked her tits harder, relishing the way they felt in my mouth before removing myself.

Jihyo kissed me torridly when I removed my mouth from her breasts. But then, she started moving downwards until she reached my member.

She grasped my dick firmly. It felt hot in her soft hand. She stroked it gently before leaning forwards and placing a little kiss on its tip.

I shivered from the sensation, but stopped her before she continued. "You don't have to."

Jihyo smirked. "I like to."

Holy shit. It wasn't everyday you found a girl that liked sucking dick. Jihyo placed another kiss on it, and another, before lightly brushing the tip with her tongue.

I gritted my teeth in frustration as she kept teasing me, letting out a groan of relief when she licked the entire underside of my shaft.

Jihyo placed her lips around the tip of my penis and sucked lightly. It made a popping sound when it released from her mouth, and she toyed with it like a lollipop.

Jihyo cupped my balls and drew circles around them with her fingers as she gently eased her lips further down my cock. I grasped her head as she went deeper and deeper.

I felt the tip of my cock hit the back of her throat as Jihyo went for gold. She somehow deepthroated on the first attempt, and I just barely held on from cumming as she sucked my dick harder in that position.

"Holy shit, Jihyo!"

Her mouth was like a tight, hot, wet oven, and my dick was removed from its embrace far too soon.

Jihyo licked her lips. "You like?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

She grinned and continued, but this time she started bobbing her head up and down. I bucked my hips every time her lips passed the sensitive part of my cockhead, but she kept going.

She even started moaning and humming around my cock, making unintelligible noises and whines as she sucked my cock like no tomorrow.

Jihyo's eyes started tearing up the next time she went in for the deepthroat, but she looked like she was kind of enjoying it. Her mascara was starting to run down her face, and her lipstick that had left its mark on my lips was now smeared all over my dick.

She didn't care, and she kept giving the best head I'd ever received.

Jihyo lightly pressed the tip of her tongue into the small slit on the head of my cock.

I sucked in a breath, unprepared for the sudden burst of stimulation. "Fuck!"

Jihyo removed my member from her mouth again and tapped it against her cheek, wiping the messiest parts of her mascara from her face. "You wanna fuck my tits?" she asked breathlessly.

I nodded, practically incapable of speech, and she scooted up on the bed to place my dick against her tits.

Jihyo licked and spit on her hand and rubbed her saliva onto my dick and her tits, lubricating everything. She pressed her hands together on either side of her tits, and I hissed as my dick penetrated her perfectly pillowy breasts.

She humped the bed to increase her pace, and my dick pulsed delicately in the confines of Jihyo's breasts as I started thrusting upwards. I thumbed and pinched her nipples to contribute to her own stimulation as Jihyo continued.

At this angle, my cock started poking out at each thrust. Jihyo slid up a little more until it hit her chin. When it did, she titled her head down and stuck her tongue out, giving the head of my cock tiny licks every time it peeked out from her breasts.

And yet, this felt too one-sided. Without warning, I tapped her shoulders. "Turn around."

"What?" she panted, stopping to listen.

"I wanna taste you."

She nodded excitedly and flipped her position. Now, her firm ass was waving gently in my face as her tits and tongue pleasured my cock.

I used my fingers to spread the wetness that had pooled on her labia lips around her pussy before diving in, pushing her butt downwards and onto my face.

Jihyo was much, much wetter than I'd thought, and it reflected in the copious amounts of juices that flowed into my mouth. Her watermelon sugar had this sensation to it that made me even harder than before.

I pistoned my tongue in and out of her pussy, and the moans that Jihyo let out were a sign that it was working. I could feel her delicate heat pulsing and wavering against my tongue, and the pitch and volume of her moans made me think she was ready to cum.

In response, I pulled back and clamped my lips around her clit, brushing my teeth against it softly to make sure I wouldn't hurt her.

Jihyo wailed and came immediately. She humped backwards into my face as I kept tonguing her clit, swirling my tongue around it in circles. Jihyo's cunt convulsed in waves, and she emitted a steady stream of wails as she grinded on my mouth. Her wetness coated the bottom of my chin and lips, and her moans were so sexy that before I knew, I was cumming, too.

Jihyo gasped in surprise as the first shot of cum erupted from my dick, but I soon felt her lips wrap around the head of my cock. My semen filled up her mouth, and Jihyo gulped each shot down as soon as it came. I thrusted into her mouth and groaned as her tongue and lips milked my member for all it was worth.

We were wrapped around each other as we came down from orgasm, and my hands had found a place on her back.

Jihyo sat up and laid over my body, fumbling around for something on the nightstand. She giggled as I used a finger to trace the outside of her pussy. "Someone's eager."

I pulled back and slapped her ass lightly. "What's taking so long?"

Jihyo was using a tissue to dab at her face. "I'm trying to wipe your fucking cum off my face. You could have told me!"

"How was I supposed to talk when someone was drowning me with her vagina?" I pushed a finger inside her pussy on someone, making her breath hitch.

"Shut up," she muttered. Jihyo turned her head to look at me. "Did I get the mascara?"

"Yeah. But you've got a little lipstick... there." I reached up and brushed it off using the finger lubricated by her pussy.

She closed her eyes and opened her mouth a little as my finger ran over her bottom lip. "Why is that so hot?" she mumbled as I took my finger away before it entered her mouth.

Jihyo opened her eyes, and it was evident from the drive in them that she was charged up for another round. But she asked me something.

"You do leg and ab exercises, right?"

Her question was out of left field. "Um, I try. Why?"

Jihyo stood up, and I drank in the sight of her curves. I wanted to burn it into my fucking memory. "Can you fuck me against the wall?" She crossed her legs sexily, knowing exactly what she was doing. "I've always wanted to be pounded against—ah!"

I got up and pinned her to the wall. Her tits smashed against my chest as I kissed her, not caring about the salty aftertaste that was likely the remnants of my own cum.

Jihyo gasped into my mouth as I scooped up her ass. It fit perfectly into my hands, and my sudden hunger entirely negated the effects of her weight.

I thrusted into her roughly, and Jihyo moaned as I pumped into her tight little snatch. Her back against the wall put her pussy at an angle that meant I could thrust deep inside her, and eventually I hit a place that made her cry out in response.

"Oh, shit! That's that spot, Y/N, keep going!"

I did just that, and my hips moved in and out of their own accord as I growled into her shoulder. I wasn't sure what came over me as I fucked Jihyo against the wall, but it felt damn good. I think she'd already came again from the sound of her high pitched little gasps of pleasure, but I didn't bother stopping.

As it turns out, I can't stop me in a situation like this. Jihyo wrapped her arms and legs around my back, drawing me in closer and closer.

I pounded her mercilessly, but it seemed like it was exactly what Jihyo wanted. "You're the fucking best, Y/N... Keep fucking me hard! Keep... fuck!" She pursed her lips. "You're so... fuck!"

It turned out that I was human. I could feel my legs starting to give out, but I was close to cumming and wanted to give it one final push. I decided to sacrifice the pleasure to avoid dropping Jihyo on the ground and killing the mood, so instead I brought her down.

I grabbed Jihyo's shoulders and spun her around. She yelped as I bent her over the end of the bed and reinserted myself inside her. I started fucking her faster now that I didn't have to carry her. My hands found secure placement around her waist, and I dug my hands into her taut stomach as the pressure built up. "I'm gonna cum!"

"Out...outside," she managed, panting along to the rhythmic slapping of my pelvis and balls against her ass.

I upped my tempo, hitting levels I didn't even know I could hit before the pressure felt too much. I pulled out and grasped my shaft roughly. I tapped my dick on the top of her ass a couple times before jerking it rapidly. The first shot almost made my legs give out, but I pushed through it and emptied myself onto her pert ass and lower back. I think I came even more than the first time, and I collapsed on the bed when finished, entirely spent.

Jihyo just moved and laid on top of me, kissing me on the nose. She was breathing heavily but smiling. "That... that was the best blind date ever."

"Agreed," I said, placing a hand on her back as she laid her head in the crook of my neck. "Fuck, I'm exhausted."

Jihyo chuckled breathily. "How does Sana expect you to pull this bet off without fucking every single one of us?"

"No fucking idea. But..." I smiled stupidly at the thought of banging every member of TWICE. "I wouldn't be opposed."

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