but i can't, DISCONTINUED <-


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šš”š“ šˆ š‚š€šš“ | ā wish i could tell you that i love you but i cant āž she writes him a letter hoping she... More



681 35 52

year 4—chapter 2

"well kids." dad started causing me to squeal in excitement, making cedric laugh.

"welcome to the quidditch world cup." he finished, making me smile widely.

we all walked through the crowd pointing at random things out of excitement.

"see you at the match." amos told dad whilst shaking his hand while dad said it back.

"bye y/n." cedric said to me while giving me a quick side hug and walking up to dad and amos. fred and george rolled their eyes, they don't like him very much. lol.

cedric and amos walked ahead as we walked to our tent. dad opened the tent a little.

"home sweet home." he said with a small smile. with that being said i pushed past everyone and ran inside the tent smiling widely.

"girls choose a bunk and unpack." dad told ginny, hermione and i as we ran to a bunk. i walked out and went to the kitchen cause i was hungry.

"ron, get out of the kitchen we're all hungry." dad told ron making me laugh.

"yeah get out of the kitchen ron." george and fred said at the same time whilst their feet were on the table causing me to laugh harder.

"feet of the table." dad told the twins as i was catching my breath.

"feet off the table." the repeated while taking their feet off then putting them back on as soon as he couldn't see them. 

"i love magic." harry said with a smile next to me. i wrapped my arm around his shoulder with a smile.

"me too dude." i replied causing him to look at me with a smile.

don't blush now y/n. don't blush now y/n. oh and i blushed.

i looked away quickly and let go.

"well i'm off to the girls." i told him with a smile while going to find ginny and 'mione.


"blimey dad how far up are we?" ron asked dad excitedly.

i, personally, was slightly terrified. heights aren't really my thing.

"look at it this way." a far to familiar voice said from below us causing me to roll my eyes.

"if it rains you'll be the first to know." lucius finished causing draco and snicker and me to scoff.

"father and i are in the ministers box." malfoy informed us with a smirk.

"and we don't care." i replied with a smile causing him to roll his eyes.

"with a personal invitation from cornelius fudge himself." he stated whilst narrowing his eyes at me.

"dont boast draco." snarled lucius as he hit him with his cane.

"yeah dracy poo listen to daddy!" i shouted down to him while smirking. causing lucius to scoff.

"there's no need with these people." lucius stated giving us all dirty looks with disgust laced in his voice.

i grabbed harry and hermione'a shoulders to turn us around and walk away but lucius stopped us by banging his cane on harry's hand.

"do enjoy yourself while you can." he said to harry giving him a cold stare and fake smile. he then lifted up his cane and i dragged harry away.


"come on now take your seats." dad told us excitedly.

i stood in between fred and george as we all started cheering. bulgarian team then flew in dramatically causing us to cheer again.

"who's that?!" ginny asked while pointing at krum.

"that sis is the best seeker in the world!" george shouted back.

"krum!" we all cheered while smiling.


after the game we were cheering and dancing in our tent.

"there's no one like krum." ron stated in in over dramatic voice.

"he's like a bird when he rides the wind." he finished causing fred and george to walk around flapping their arms like bird wings making me laugh.

"he's more than an athlete... he's an artist."

"i think your in love ron." ginny told ron with a smile.

"got that right." i chuckled.

"shut up." he told us.

"damn okay then." i playfully rolled my eyes. they then started singing but i wasn't paying attention.

"sounds like the irish have got their pride on" i said while chuckling making the twins laugh.

"stop, stop it!" dad shouted running in the tent.

"that's not the irish" he informed us.

"we've gotta get out of here." dad told us in a rushed tone. we ran out the tent to be met with people screaming, running in different directions and fire everywhere.

"get to the portkey everyone and stick together!" dad shouted at us.

"fred and george, ginny is your responsibility!" he yelled at the twins and with that being said the twins grabbed ginny and ran.

i ran with hermione and she suddenly stopped noticing harry just stood there staring.

"harry!" hermione and i shouted at him in a rushed tone. he looked at us then ran with us. i held hermione's hand as we ran.

people began pushing causing harry to be lost in the crowd.

"harry!" hermione shouted causing me to panic. ron then grabbed hermione's free arm and continued running dragging me along with them.

"harry!" i shouted worriedly. me and 'mione exchanged panicked looks.

we continued running until we finally made it to the portkey.

"harry." i panted out, out of breath from running.

"we need to find him." hermione told ron and i worried, and we nodded in agreement. we stood there catching our breath for a few minutes then we headed out to find him.

"harry, where are you?!" ron shouted as we were running through the burned out area.

"harry!" i shouted worriedly, my voice cracking.

"harry!" hermione repeated dragging out the 'y'. we finally saw him and we ran up to him.

"we've been looking for you for ages." ron managed to say. i ran up to him and grabbed his hands while panting, hermione next to me.

"we thought we left you." ron told harry who was looking in the distance.

"what is that?" harry asked, fear clearly in his voice, looking up at the sky.

the four of us looked up and saw the death eater mark and a snake. harry let go of my hands and grabbed onto his scar. i was clueless as to what was happening at the moment.

"stupefy!" we heard multiple people shout. hermione pulled me down with her as people shot spells towards us.

i clung onto both hermione and harry's arms due to the fact that i was in the middle of them and harry had his arms around me and ron as we all ducked down.

"stop. that's my son and daughter!" i heard dad shout as he pushed past someone. i wasn't really paying attention due to the fact that i had almost got stunned.

"ron, y/n, harry, hermione are you alright?" he asked as he approached us. all i did was nod.

"you have been discovered in the scene of the crime." crouch said angrily waving his wand at the four of us.

"crime?" harry asked confused.

"barty. they're just kids." dad whisper shouted at crouch.

"what crime?" harry asked still confused as ever.

"that's the dark mark harry that's his mark." hermione whispered to harry from
beside me. 

"voldemort." harry said as he looked from the sky to hermione.

"those people tonight, with the masks, they're his too aren't they?" harry asked dad.

"his followers." harry stated as dad nodded.

"death eaters." dad told harry as he looked at barty crouch.

"follow me." crouch declared as he turned around.

"there was a man, before!" harry spoke up.

"there." he pointed at a space a little behind crouch.

"all of you. this way!" crouch shouted as the group started walking the way he pointed.

period chapter two done. hope y'all are liking this so far. <3

word count: 1303!

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