By labyrinthe

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Carter White moves to Queens, New York with his dad. He leave his girlfriend, Clarissa and all his friends ba... More



51 1 1
By labyrinthe


The next month was just a mess. I talked to my father ever so often and he said he was having a really good time in Africa. Helping people made him feel good, and I never wanted to take that away from him. I was fine, honestly. My dad came back a week before school began and stayed for about four days before breaking the ‘good news’. He got offered an amazing position in a clinic in Haiti. He said he was going to pass up the job but I convinced him to go. I missed my dad, sure, but what he was doing was more important; and I say this with complete sincerity. I finally turned eighteen and my dad was wiring money to pay for the apartment form Haiti. Clarissa’s move was postponed for a month and a half because they were still working out the paperwork for the house; for that I was utterly relieved. I was so glad I didn’t have to deal with her for another month and a half. Kadence and I continued being sex friends and still are. Sadly, I think I actually like her. Why is this bad? Usually finding a girl I really like is good; I mean I’ve been waiting for that for a long time. The bad part is, Kade doesn’t feel the same. It’s all sex to her. Yeah, we’re really good friends now but I still think she doesn’t see me as much more than a piece of meat. School was tomorrow and I was actually excited to see what Forest Hills High School was like. I guess I’m going to find out tomorrow. I already got my schedule in the mail. The only part I was bummed about was Clarissa moving here and going to FHHS, too. I decided that when she got here, I would break it off completely. I mean, we weren’t even going out anymore but I knew that she’d try to get me back when she came to New York. I didn’t want a girlfriend right now. Even if I liked Kade, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be with her either. I was going to a new school and I might find a different girl there. Or, I might just have girls falling all over me to the point I won’t even want anything but sex. We’ll just have to wait and see.

- - -

“Kade, shut the alarm off!” I yelled for the fifth time. 

“Fuck! Don’t get your panties in a bunch!” she screamed as she slammed her hand down on the snooze.

“Kade, we’ve got to get up. We only have an hour to get to school,” I said mid yawn.

“Mmm, five more minutes...” she said groggily before shutting her eyes and snuggling closer to me. Kade had been sleeping over my house almost every night for the last month. Her mom never really noticed and my house was empty anyways. We didn’t even have sex as often as we used to. I considered her my best friend now; we hung out everyday. School was starting and I was scared I’d lose her to someone else.

“Nope, get up,” I said a little louder as I climbed out of bed.

“No, I refuse,” she whispered and turned over. She’s not much a morning person.

“Don’t make me do something drastic, Kadence Ellie Petrov!” I yelled putting my hands on my bare hips.

“Try me,” she said as she rolled over again. I ripped the blankets off of her and she cried out. 

“My warmth, it’s gone!” she said with a pout.

“Up, now. You have to make me pancakes. You promised,” I said mimicking her childish pout.

“Fine...” she trailed on as she got out of bed. She made me pancakes and then went home to get dressed. I slipped on a pair on dark jeans with cuffed bottom, my brown leather loafers and a red plaid shirt. I met Kade in the hallway as me both locked out doors. 

“Let’s take my car,” I suggested. I had a cherry red classic mustang convertible. Chicks usually went crazy for it.

“You mean the chick magnet? ‘Kay,” she answered. She was wearing pair of high waisted, ripped jeans shorts with one of my plaid shirts tucked in and a brown leather belt with a pair of brown heeled oxfords. She looked me over briefly.

“Y’know, you were wearing the same thing when we met at the café”

“You remember what I was wearing?” I said with a smirk. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you liked me, Kadence,” I said with a wink. She just rolled her eyes.

“You look cute today,” I said smiling at her.

“Well, I try,” she replied as we walked towards the elevator.


“Sometimes I feel I've got to,

Run away I've got to, 

Get away from the pain that you drive into the heart of me.

The love we share,

Seems to go nowhere, 

And I've lost my light; for I toss and turn I can't sleep at night!”

Tainted Love by Soft Cell blared as me and Carter drove to school. It was about five miles away and it didn’t take long to get there. Carter looked over to me, smiling through his sunglasses. We both began to sing along to the end of the song as we drove into the school’s parking lot.

“Don't touch me please, I cannot stand the way you TEASE!” Carter and I sang, putting extra emphasis on tease. We grinned at each other. Carter and I had become really close over the summer. We still had sex ever so often but it wasn’t about that anymore. We were sincerely friends, and I liked having him around. I slipped my bag over my shoulder and climbed out of the car. Immediately, I spotted familiar faces all around me. All my friends from last year were still here. It was finally senior year and I was so fucking happy. My birthday was in about two weeks and I would finally be eighteen. 

I began to walk and Carter wrapped an arm around me shoulder. 

“What class do you have first?”

“Um,” I began as I looked over my schedule. 

“English, my favorite. How about you?”

“Me too,” he said grinning and comparing our schedules. 

“But we only have english and art together,” he said with a frown. He immediately smiled after; “But we can hang out during lunch”

I laughed and gave him a smile. I spotted someone waving and approaching Carter and I. 

“Kade! It’s me, Lily!” she screamed.

“Lily? Woah, you got so much taller!” I said giving her a hug.

“I know! That growth spurt finally kicked in,” she said with a smile. Her eyes traveled over to Carter and went wide.

“And who is this delicious piece of eye candy, Kadence?”

I laughed and Carter just winked and put an arm around my waist.

“This is Carter. He moved in next door to me mid-summer”

“No way! That’s so cool! Are you guys like, going out?” she asked hoping up and down. Lily had always been the hyper kind. She’s had the same boyfriend for two years, and they really are happy together. Lily’s pretty, too. She’s got long blondish-brown hair and pretty blue eyes.

Carter tightened his grip around my waist. “Yes,” he said with smile. I glared at him but he only smiled.

“Oh my god, Kade! You really know how to pick ‘em!”

“We’re not together, he was kidding,” I said glancing back at Car. He had a frown on his face but he brushed it off quickly.

“At least not yet, we’re not,” he said winking in Lily’s direction.

“Awhhhhh!” she drawled on. I rolled my eyes but smiled at her none the less. Lily and I had been friends since fifth grade. As Lily continued talking about how cute Carter and me would be together, Alan, Lily’s boyfriend wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a big kiss. 

“Hey baby,” he said with a smile and then turned to me.

“Hey Kade. And hi, I’m Alan,” he said sticking his hand out to Carter.

“Carter,” he replied shaking Alan’s hand.

“What do you guys have first period?” Alan asked.

“I have History,” Lily said with a frown.

“I have english,” Alan said.

“So do Kade and I,” Carter replied.

“I’m going to walk Lily to class so I’ll see you guys there, okay?”

“Yeah. See ya’ later, Lily!” I said with a smile.

“Bye!” she waved as she walked away with Alan.

“Come on let’s go,” Carter said pulling his arm tighter around my waist and walking towards the school’s entrance.

“Why did you say we were together?” I asked with a smirk.

He paused for a moment, as if trying to come up with an acceptable answer. Finally he said, “For a laugh, that’s all. I just wanted to see what you would say,” he said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes as we walked into class. So typical.

It was going to be a long day.

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