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I rolled my eyes as Carter climbed over the railing separating our rooms. He grinned at me gingerly and then walked into his room and out of my sight. I sighed. Did he really assume I’d be that easy? His kiss made me shiver a bit but I stood up before he could notice. Carter was gorgeous. His brown hair was soft to the touch and a few stands hung on his forehead. He was tall, maybe six feet and had broad shoulders. Carter’s chest was hard and muscled. He was, no doubt, extremely good looking. I shook my head roughly. I wouldn’t let my hormones get the best of me. I hadn’t had sex in about two weeks. Chris, my friend with benefits, was in California for the past two weeks. He’d finally come back two days ago and I would be seeing him at the party tonight. Hopefully, my two weeks of torture would be over.

I had no feelings for Carter. He was a player and it was painfully obvious in the way he carried himself. But I would humor myself none the less. Even if we did kiss, it wouldn’t have mattered. He’s just a guy. But for some reason, giving him the satisfaction annoyed me. Oh well, I’ll just have to see how the night plays out. My mom wouldn’t be getting home till nine thirty, but I’d call and tell her that I was going to a party. My mom trusted me and didn’t really have time to care what time I came home at night. 


This girl is driving me insane. She’s immune, but I would change that tonight. I made it my mission to show Kadence what she’s been missing. It was about seven o’ clock so I had time. I came out of my room to find my dad on the phone. He looked a bit annoyed and he was whispering loudly into the phone, probably making sure I wouldn’t hear. He jumped in surprise when I called his name. 


“Shit, you scared me,” he said as he hung up the phone with a quick goodbye. 

“What’s up with the whispering? Is there something going on I don’t know about?” I asked with a smirk.

“I’ve got some news, Carter,” he said with a frown.

“What is it?” I asked concerned as I poured myself a glass of water.

“I have to go to Africa for the rest of the summer,” he said quickly.

I coughed on my water a bit but regained my composure. 

“For a month?! Are you kidding me? Why?” I asked completely surprised and angry. His job always asked so much of him.

“First we have to move and now you have to leave for a month?! What the fuck kind of shit is this!?” I yelled as I put my glass down on the table with a slam. Water spilled from the sides.

“Don’t curse, Carter. I have no choice. All the top surgeons of each department have to go. We’ll be working in a small village and taking care of the townspeople and curing diseases. I’m sorry, Car. Really. I know this is tough on you, son,” he said putting his hand on my shoulder. He looked sincere. “It’ll only be a month. It’ll go by really fast, I promise. We’ll keep in touch the entire time”

“I know...I-” I didn’t know what to say. I guess it would be nice having the house to myself for a while, but still. I’d miss my dad. He was all I had. Once he was gone, I’d have nothing. But a month wasn’t long, and I would deal with it. Probably with alcohol, nicotine and lots of sex. Nothing new there.

“Alright,” I sighed. “If you have to. Have a good time, dad. When are you leaving?” I asked.

“My flight is in six hours. I’ve got to go pack. Did you eat dinner?”

“No, but don’t worry. I’ll make something quick to eat. You go ahead and pack. You’re going to take a cab or do you need me to give you a ride?”

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