High King and Queens of Narnia

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Mila and the younger Pevensies return to Narnia for one final journey. Something sinister is going on and it... More

Playlist and Aesthetic
I. A Boy Who Almost Deserved His Name
II. Home at Last
IV. Discovery of Horrors
V. Stowaway
VI. A Spell to Make the Unseen Seen
VII. Nightmares and Great Value
VIII. Land Ho
IX. All That Glitters
X. Extraordinary Friends
XI. The Isle of the Blue Star
XII. Dark Island and Temptations
XIII. Return to Reality

III. Doubt, Fear, and Panic

154 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

As soon as Caspian, Edmund, Lucy and Mila had changed into royal attire, Caspian led them through the main double doors on the main deck, leading them through a second set of stained double doors. He smiled fondly, holding the doors open for Edmund, Lucy and Mila. The three stared at the magnificence of the room.

Glass cabinets were positioned next to the main doors. Caspian's bed was against the wall on the right-hand side, surrounded by paintings of Narnian trees.

Lucy and Mila looked to their left and saw a golden head of Aslan above the fireplace that was in between another set of glass cabinets.

"Aslan..." the girls said quietly as Lucy smiled at Caspian.

Lucy looked about the room.

Caspian leaned against a set of wooden cabinets and walked towards a picture of the five of kings and queens of old riding their horses.

He stepped back towards the cabinets and called, "Lucy. Mila."

The girls walked over to him and Lucy smiled widely. "My healing cordial and dagger! May I?"

Caspian nodded. "Of course. They're yours. Here, Mila."

He handed Mila her sword, dagger and token. Mila didn't necessarily feel she needed the token, but took it anyway. She strapped her dagger and sword to her belt while something caught Edmund's eye.

"Peter's sword," Edmund noted, staring at it longingly.

Caspian set the wooden boxes down and said, "Yes. I looked after it as promised. Here. Hold it if you wish."

Edmund continued staring at the sword longingly, a surge of momentary jealousy passing through. "No, it's yours. Peter gave it to you."

Caspian's eyes twinkled as he walked towards the cabinet. "I did save this for you, though." He tossed Edmund his torch and he caught it easily.

"Thanks," Edmund answered sadly.

The four made their way to the study and Caspian stood behind his desk and pointed at several maps of Narnia. "Since you left, the Giants of the North have surrendered unconditionally. Then we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert. There is peace all across Narnia."

"Peace?" Edmund and Mila repeated as they studied the maps.

Caspian stood straighter. "In just three years."

Mila glanced up and smiled. "Narnia hasn't been peaceful in a long time. You are just the king my land deserves."

Lucy tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and asked, "And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?"

Mila glanced at Lucy curiously. Caspian answered her with a mix of sadness and amusement. "No. Not one compared to your sister."

Edmund frowned, wanting to change the subject. "Hang on, so if there are no wars to fight and no one is in trouble, then why are we here?"

Caspian frowned. "It's a good question. I've been asking myself the same thing."

Mila focused back on the maps and studied them before asking, "Where are we sailing to?"

"Before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters," Caspian answered, looking at sketches of seven lords. "The seven lords of Telmar." Edmund and Mila stepped closer to look. "They fled to the Lone Islands. No one has heard from them since."

Edmund and Mila exchanged a look. "So you think something's happened to them?"

Caspian nodded. "Well, if it has, it's my duty to find out."

Lucy's finger moved across the map as she asked, "Well, what's east of the Lone Islands?"

"Uncharted waters," Drinian answered. "Things you can barely imagine. Tales of sea serpents and worse."

Lucy glanced at Mila and Edmund in fear and Edmund grinned at her. "Sea serpents."

Caspian bit into an apple before saying, "All right, Captain, that's enough of your tall tales."

Lucy and Mila headed to the dragon at the front of the ship and Mila heard Reepicheep singing to himself. "Where sky and water meet. Where the waves grow ever sweet. Doubt not, you Reepicheep. To find all that you see. There is the Utter East. Doubt not-"

"That's pretty," Lucy interrupted as she followed Mila into climbing to the top of the dragon's head.

Reepicheep jumped, hearing them. "Oh! Thank you. A dryad sang it to me when I was just a mousling. I can't determine the meaning, but I've never forgotten the words."

"What do you think is past the Lone Islands, Reep?"

"Well, I've been told the furthest east one can sail is to the end of the world. Aslan's Country."

Mila frowned. "Do you really believe there is such a place?"

Reepicheep turned to her and said, "Well, we have nothing if not belief."

Lucy's voice took on a wavering tone as she asked, "Do you think we could actually sail there?"

Reepicheep laughed softly. "Well, there is only one way of finding out. I only hope that one day I earn the right to see it. Your Majesties." He bowed to them and walked back towards the snout of the dragon.

Lucy and Mila gave him a smile before leaning over the edge to watch the mermaids splashing about. They waved at the queens and the queens waved back before the mermaids dove back into the water.

The girls heard noises and saw Edmund and Caspian dueling. Caspian swung at Edmund, and he ducked and they shared a playful look. Edmund swung at Caspian's legs before he jumped onto the air. Metal hit metal in what seemed to be a dance. Both parties looked amused. Caspian blocked Edmund's blow and used his sword to turn. Once again, their swords clashed, and seconds later, Caspian's sword was to Edmund's neck. They both began laughing and the crew applauded. Caspian placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder.

"You've grown stronger, my friend," Caspian praised.

Edmund smiled. "Seems I have."

"All right, back to work," Drinian said.

Edmund was passed a goblet of water. "Your Highness."

"Oh, thank you," Edmund said, sitting next to Mila and Lucy on a barrel.

Lucy looked at him, worry and fear swimming in her eyes. "Edmund, Mila, do you think if we keep sailing to the end of the world we'll just tip off the edge?"

"Don't worry Lu, we're a long way from there," Edmund answered as Eustace climbed onto the main deck.

"I see you're still talking nonsense, the three of you," Eustace stated.

Eustace leaned against the side of the ship, crossing his arms, and Edmund rolled his eyes.

Lucy looked to her cousin and asked, "Are you feeling better?"

Instead of answering nicely, Eustace boasted, "Yes, no thanks to you. It's lucky I have an iron constitution."

"As effervescent as ever, I see," Reepicheep said from the ropes he was standing by. "Find your sea legs?"

"Never lost them. Simply dealing with the shock of things," Eustace clarified as Edmund took another sip from his goblet. "Mother says I have an acute disposition, due to my intelligence."

Edmund choked on his water trying to laugh. Reepicheep turned to Lucy. "I don't think he has acute anything."

Mila frowned disapprovingly. "Reep, this is his first time in Narnia."

Eustace narrowed his eyes. "I'll have you know, as soon as we find civilization, I'm contacting the British Consul. Have you all arrested for kidnapping."

Caspian, who had come up behind Eustace, causing the boy to bump into him, said in amusement, "Kidnapping, is it? That's funny. I thought we saved your life."

Eustace rubbed his head and yelled, "You held me against my will!"

"Ha!" Reepicheep exclaimed, letting out a laugh.

Eustace grew more and more irritated that not a soul was taking him seriously.

"Did I?" Caspian asked.

Eustace continued ranting. "In what I must say are the most unhygienic quarters. It's like a zoo down there!" He pointed to the crew's corridors.

Reepicheep raised a tiny eyebrow. "He's quite the complainer, isn't he?"

Edmund sighed and said, "He's just warming up."

"Land ho!" a crew member cried from the crow's nest.

Everyone turned to the direction of land. Caspian immediately ran up the stairs to Drinian to get a better look. Land loomed closer to the crew on the horizon.

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