My Heroic Destiny

By JustSomeWriter327

61.4K 1K 1K

What if Izuku took Bakugo's advice and jumped. What if he died, it wouldn't affect anyone but his mother, so... More

Part One - Life as it Was
A New Life and a New Companion
Roaring Light
An Electric Strike
The Shining Light That Pushes Beyond
Rage You Damn Guardian!
Ace Versus Kacchan
Do Your Best Guardian!
Encounter with the True Enemy

The Death of the Guardian

4.7K 103 100
By JustSomeWriter327

Izuku felt both weightless, but heavy at the same time. He peered into the dark void as he felt as if he was standing somewhere. He had heard a soft voice, but wasn't aware of where it had come from. "Come on Ghost, I need that revive sooner rather than later." Izuku said to himself as he looked himself over to see that he was all in one piece.

"Worry not Guardian, the Light works in many mysterious ways, such as allowing us to communicate now." Izuku head the voice from behind him as he turned to look at a robed man wearing a mask.

"Who are you, I'm pretty sure I'm currently dead, so this is I assume my mindscape." Izuku asked as he looked the man over. He felt a strange connection to the person.

"Yes, you did indeed die Guardian, and it is the Light that connects us now. I am the Speaker, I was a part of the Last City, which I assume your Ghost told you about, no?" The man introduced as the Speaker asked.

"You where the one who could supposedly hear the Traveler right? Where is it now, what happened to it?" Izuku asked the Speaker as he chuckled slightly.

"Where it is, even I cannot say young Guardian. As for what happened to it, the Light fell. After healing itself to help protect Humanity from destruction, it eventually was forced to leave. Though where the Light goes, the Darkness follows. Humanity's second golden age came to a close as the forces of Darkness soon left out system. The Traveler hid away what it could as Humanity fell again into an era of darkness." The Speaker explained.

"And then we came back as we always do and started living again with no traveler, no blessings." Izuku finished.

"Correct. Though now, let the stories of the Last City not be forgotten. Guardian, you are the last of us, and you shall be the brightest Light of us all. Your Ghost has the stories, it is up to you to listen to them and learn. I can sense that you are already well on your way, you already seem ready to conquer the wilds like a few Hunters I used to know." The Speaker chuckled as he looked at Izuku, "And you are certainly dressed as one of the most flamboyant of the Hunters, that is for sure. But my time has ended, so now go forth and write new stories Guardian." 

Izuku could feel it now, there was a warm sensation as he felt a tug at his mind. "Guess I gotta get back to work huh?" Izuku smirked as he vision went dark.


The class was in a state of shock. Izuku Midoriya had just been killed in front of them as the Nomu starred them down. Shigaraki was laughing like a maniac as the majority of the class was on their knees sobbing. "Someone apparently didn't tell you what a Guardian stands for." A voice was heard. It was cold, but there was a hint of sarcasm and confidence burning behind it. 

Rubble fell away from the hole that Izuku was previously as a small drone flew out. "They didn't, care to show them Guardian?" The drone asked as it spun to look at the hole it had flown out of. A hand grasped the edge of the concrete stairs as a boy pulled himself from the rubble. Rolling for a second, he leveled himself out as his black cloak fluttered behind him. 

"Only if you say the line Ghost." The boy said as his hood fell from his head to reveal a head of green hair.

"Then eyes up Guardian." Ghost said as the boy smirked as a glowing blue knife formed in his hands. "And prepare to feel the unbridled wrath of Izuku fucking Midoriya." Ghost finished as the boy laughed.

"No..Nomu kill him properly, he's hacking!" Shigaraki yelled out as the Nomu screeched at the boy.

Izuku smirked as he simply disappeared. The class still starred in shock as the boy they had thought died stood in front of them, disappearing and reappearing periodically slashing deep, electrifying gashes into the Nomu's hide. The Nomu started thrashing around as the gashes healed into deep scars. The thrashing slowed as the scars started to slow the Nomu down. 

Izuku reappeared behind the Nomu as he tossed the electric blue knife above him as it fizzled out of existence. "You see the thing about Guardians is that we protect those allied to us. We protect humanity and the cities and camps it holds. We are risen due to our fighting spirt." Izuku listed out as he dodged a few punches from the drastically slowed down Nomu. "And by risen, I mean brought back from the dead." Izuku said as he rolled to the side of the Nomu, throwing a knife into its side and jumping away as it blew a hole into the Nomu's torso.

"Brought back from the dead?" Kirishima said. "Bakugo do you have any idea on what Midoriya is saying?"

Bakugo stared at the headless corpse in the plaza with dead eyes. 'Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building.' These word rung through Bakugo's head as he fell to his knees, "That nerd... he didn't actually did he?" Bakugo said as the rest of the class looked at him. 

"Didn't do what Bakugo?" Uraraka asked. Bakugo didn't answer as he watched Izuku bob and weave around the Nomu's attacks, more scar tissue appearing its body. 

'This thing has to have a limit, its healing obviously can't keep up with these deeper wounds simply scarring over now.' Izuku thought as he dodged another fist and rolled to his left. He heard a loud clank as everyone turned their heads to see All Might burst through the steel doors. 'I got to use you as a distraction, sorry sir.' Izuku thought as he quickly pulled the Ace of Spades from its holster again, channeling as much of his light into it as it burst into flames. Aiming it upwards, he fanned three shots into the Nomu's head as the super charged bullets screamed into the dome behing the Nomu. Spinnin around quickly, he fanned more shot in the direction of Shigaraki, one hitting his shouled, and two hitting his legs. 

Before any more bullets could hit him, Kurogiri wrapped around Shigaraki, soon dissaperaing with the villain. Izuku lowered his hand cannon as he let out a breath as he tried to bring his heart rate down. "Ghost, you can come out now. There ain't much more to hide." Izuku sighed as he looked up at his class. Bakugo was on his knees, his eyes couldn't be seen due to his hair covering them. 

All Might was guiding some medics over the where Thirteen and Aizawa, who had been injured by the Nomu as Izuku was dead. Iida had returned as was trying to gather the class as most wanted to either help or check on Izuku. He looked around as his Ghost floated just above his shoulder. "When your mother went missing, this was the last place I would have guessed you would see her again Guardian. If the Light could heal those who don't wield it, I would try and resurect her the same way I do you." Ghost said as Izuku kept his back to the corpse as he kept watching his class.

"It's alright Ghost, every gift has its curse and burdens don't they?" Izuku asked as he let out a breath and turned around. He walked first to his mother's head, gingerly picking it up and bringing it to the rest of her body. The sight wasn't pretty, but he chalked it up to being respectful of her. He heard steps behind him as Izuku turned to look at All Might.

"I assume this is your missing mother Midoriya?" All Might asked, the sadness clearly laceing his voice.

"Was my missing mother." Izuku said. "Don't blame yourself sir, I know how much you and the detective put into finding her." Izuku said as he felt a single tear creep down his face.

"You did a good job today. You stopped any fatal injuries, besides yourself." All Might chuckled a bit.

"What can I say, not used to my enemy being able to take my Light head on and not disintegrate immediately." Izuku said with a small chuckle. "Though what worries me is the fact the Cabal are here. And that I'm going to have to tell my origin to the class."

"I'm sure they will be understanding, maybe a little shocked." All Might said as Izuku was covered in a flash of bright light, reappearing in his school uniform.

"Yeah, that might be an understatement sir."


Izuku stood in front of the class, back at UA. Some student had minor bandages. "So, before you all explode, yes I did indeed die." Izuku said blankly as he looked at his class.

The class was shocked, not surprisingly, but they kept their voices down so Izuku could continue. "Ghost, you may as well come on out, I should tell you my story I guess." Izuku said as Ghost appeared and flew around his shoulders for a bit. "I died a while back, but I was brought back by this little guy here." Izuku said gesturing to Ghost.

"He is a ghost, well my Ghost for awhile now, and he gave me powers I could never have imagined. When he brought me back, I became a Guardian. We are warriors who were deemed worthy of wielding the Light, the power you see me use, to protect humanity from the darkness." Izuku said as he started tossing a ball of solar light around.

"So where those weird looking things we saw you fight the Darkness?" Uraraka asked.

Izuku chuckled for a bit, "No just some aliens who want my power for themselves. Being the last living Guardian, I am like a beacon to them. The Darkness is much worse, records on it are highly classified, so we don't know what we're fighting against." Izuku said as he remembered looking through multiple ancient Vanguard texts from Ghost's databank. He read paper after paper, the only reoccurring name he found being 'Stasis.'

"So you're a zombie!" Mina and Kaminari said, both looking like they just solved the hardest puzzle.

"Yes, in most senses I am. Besides the decomposing and what not, though I just prefer the term Risen." Izuku said with a small chuckle in his voice.

"Midoriya, can you tell us who that women was today?" Iida asked respectively.

Izuku froze up. He had been suppressing that memory and he knew once he accepted it, that he'd break down. "That was his mother." Bakugo answered, not with his usual anger. "She's been missing for almost a year now." He said as he looked out the window, knowing he'd have to break it to his own mother later.

The class had guessed, they just wished they were wrong. "Class dismissed. Aizawa has given us time off, enjoy it. Ghost, fire transmat." Izuku said as he had turned away from the class.


Izuku payed on the floor, eyes bloodshot from an hour or two of crying, he lost track of time. "Ghost, start scanning for more signals similar to the one we sensed earlier."

"Guardi.... Izuku you aren't in any shape to fight." Ghost said concerned.

"I don't give a fuck, I'm getting back at those shits." Izuku said as the rooms temperature dropped as perfect ice crystals formed around Izuku's feet. "They aren't innocent, and they've lost the fear of a Guardian pissed off. So I shall reacquaint them." Izuku said as he walked to the door.


Hey, yeah I know, so much for that weekly update. But I'm back, hopefully, in the swing of things. This caps off season 1, onto the next. I don't know what it is, just something irked me about this chapter, I don't like it honestly and I don't know what to change to make me like it. Anyway, 

NEXT TIME: That's the Point Ghost

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