You're Not my Friend | Old ve...

By I_ship_people_27

14.8K 384 165

It's the future and everything has changed. Nothing seems the same ever since the Red Leader seized control o... More



966 21 13
By I_ship_people_27

"Get your filthy hands off me!" Matt shouted. One of the soldiers scoffed and looked at another. "Brits har jeg rett?" He said. The other soldier laughed and nodded. Matt kicked and puched. The other soldier held his gun to Matt's head. Matt stopped struggling and kept walking. "This is your new cell." One of the soldiers said. Matt looked up to see a glass container. The glass was thick, so he couldn't break it. The soldiers threw Matt inside and shut the door, locking it behind him. "LET ME GO YOU SICK FUCKS!" Matt shouted. One soldier looked at the other. "Hørte du det?" He asked. The other one shrugged and laughed. Matt grumbled. He sat down on the cold floor and tried to remember what he had said to Edd. "What was it again? Dammit brain.." He muttered. The soldier turned to Matt. "SILENT!" He shouted. Matt crossed his arms. "Now you hear me." He thought.

Tom woke up to a bright light.
"What's with these people and lights?" He thought to himself. He blinked and looked around. "Ah Thomas. You are awake." Tom whipped his head to the direction of the voice. "You!" He snarled. "What'd you do to me!?" He shouted. Tord chuckled. "Just a few body modifications to make you fit to be my..." He got closer to Tom and lifted his face up with his chin. "...Pet." He finished. Tom growled. "What do you mean, "body modifications!" He shouted. Tord smiled. "Take a look." He said. Tom looked around for a mirror. He saw a tall one in the corner and walked over to it and gasped. "I-I.." He whispered to himself, covering his mouth. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Tom shouted. Tord laughed a little. "What is it Tom? Are you offended?" He teased. Tom turned to Tord and punched his stomach. "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT!" He yelled. Tord bent over and strained. He then got back up as if nothing happened, faking his pain. "I am an army leader Thomas. Not a weak boy from an orphanage. What makes you think that will keep me down?" Tom sighed. He looked back in the mirror. Tears streamed down his face. "If you wanted me to be like this why not just choose an actual girl?" He asked. Tord smiled menacingly. "You out of all people should know my sexual preferences Tom." He said, wrapping his hands on Tom's shoulders. "How do you like your new look?" Tom shivered. He looked at his body in the mirror again. His waist was thinner, his chest almost puffed out, his hips were slightly bigger, his ass was bigger, and his-
-dick was cut off.
Tom just stood there and cried. Tord frowned a little. "Why are you crying? You are the perfect pet now." He said, grabbing Tom's neck. Tom choked. "Stop crying. It is annoying." Tord demanded. He let go of his neck and handed him some clothing. It was a blue button up shirt with a black and white circle on the shoulders. He had a dark blue vest and black pants with black shoes. Tom sighed and snatched them from Tord. "Disrespectful little thing are we?" Tord said. "I am going to have to teach you a few tricks." Tom growled. He put the clothes on and looked at Tord. Tord looked him up and down. "I guess we should have made you at least a bit taller too.." He mumbled. "Hey!" Tom exclaimed, putting his hands on his hips.
Tord took Tom with his robot arm and dragged him alongside himself. Tord walked into his office and plopped Tom down on a chair. He tied him down to the chair. Tom looked around. "What's going on?" He asked. Tord smirked. "Et godt kjæledyr. Men et enda bedre leketøy." He mumbled to himself. Tord took out his walkie-talkie and spoke into it. "Er Matt i laboratoriet?" He asked. He paued then nodded. "God. Slå ham og gjør det verste. Når jeg kommer, før ham inn i eksperimentcellen." He then put the walkie talkie away. "Tom, let me tell you something my father told me a long time ago." He said. "There are targets in life you just need to hit. Some of them are people and when those people get in your way, you need to knock them down." Tom looked at him, confused. "That is what I am doing to you." Tord explained. "I am just getting back at my enemes, in the best way I know how." Tom sighed. "Oh yeah? How?" He asked.
"By abusing, torturing, and killing of course!"
Tom looked at him in disgust. "You son of a bitch!" He exclaimed. Tord smiled. "I will have you know, my whole family were bitches. So thank you."

Edd paced back and fourth in his cell. He felt bad about what he had done to the other man. We was just trying to help. Edd sighed. "I-I'm sorry." He said, turning around to face the other man's cell. "Hey? You in there?" He called. Nothing happened. Edd sighed. "Don't you give me the silent treatment." Nothing.
"Okay, that silence is scaring me.."
"Are you there? A-Are you okay?"
Edd sighed again and walked over to the corner of his cell. He sat down and balled up. He looked at the cell walls and took a stick that was on the ground. He carefully started to draw, to calm himself down. He smiled slightly. "Am I giving myself therapy?" He thought. He stared at the wall in sudden realization. "That was an unpleasant experience." He said.
"Edd?" A voice called. Edd turned around to see the man in his cell. "Oh howdy." Edd greeted. The man smiled. "Listen closely." He said. "Made. Leave. Under. Cell. Go. To. Get. Her. Hell. Ping. Other. Pe-o-ple. Leave." Edd nodded. He tried to put all the words together. "Made. Leave. Under. Cell..." He thought to himself. Edd gasped. The man nodded. "How?" Edd whispered. "Made. Dig. Shove. El." The man said. Edd nodded. "Should I be talking like you, or?" He asked. The man nodded again. "Name. What." Edd asked. "Liam." Liam answered. Edd nodded. "Go. Leave. Friend. First." Edd said. Liam nodded. "Hell. Ping. Other. To. Knight." He said.
"This talk is ridiculous."
"Yes, but it's a tactic."
"Anyway. You. Knight. Go?"
"No. Friend. Hell. P. First."
Edd gave Liam a thumbs up and Liam returned it.

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