Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

By Wingerz17

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We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... More

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 19: Hollandaze
Chapter 20: River Cruising
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 23: Rolling Punches
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 34: In The Eye
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 38: Untold Stories
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: More than you realised
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 43: Past Demons
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 52: Running from Demons
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 49: Last Day Blues

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By Wingerz17

Song for chapter is WILD by Troye Sivan


I slept the rest of the night until 6am and then woke Mali up and we went out onto the deck with a blanket and watched the sun rise and then headed back to bed to chill.

"BREAKFAST!" We heard Noah holler, banging on doors, "EVERYONE GET THEIR ASSES UP AND COME AND GET IT," we then heard Angelo say a bit too loudly, as we left our room,

"You won't be getting it up the ass if you keep shouting like that,"

"Lolo nooooooo, I'm sorry, inside voice, quiet voice," Noah said and then saw us, "MORNING" he then grinned.

"Good morning kiddo,"

"Morning Boo,"

"Where's Keane and Tayte?" I asked,

"Here, sorry, distracted" Keane answered,

"I bet you were," Noah winked,

"Definitely not getting it up the ass now are you," Tayte retorted,

"Did you all hear me say that?" Angelo asked,

"Guilty," I answered.

"He didn't mean it though," Noah announced, Angelo looked at him, "Or he did mean it," we all laughed and went and sat down outside and ate a breakfast of fruit salad and croissants with fresh filter coffee.

"So what's the plan for our last full day?" Mali asked,

"Well I really wanted to hire some bikes and cycle around the island this afternoon," Noah suggested,

"I'm up for a bike ride," Keane answered,

"Let's hope it isn't as dramatic as last time when we were in Cambodia," Noah then said,

"I almost forget about that," Tayte smiled,

"Hold up, it was no smiling matter," Keane said,

"What happened?" I asked,

"I flew over the handlebars of the bike I was riding after the tyre popped and burst. By some miracle I didn't break anything," he answered,

"No you were just cut up and bloody," Noah said,

"On top of the shoulder you were stabbed in prior,"

"Hold up, stabbed in your shoulder..." I began,

"That's a story for another time," Keane quickly added.

"Okay, so it's decided, a chill morning on the beach, lunch and then cycling around the island," Angelo said, "I've also planned a little something for our last dinner here,"

"I love you," Noah grinned, he winked at him.

"You do spoil us babe," I said and he smiled.


We set up camp on the beach with blankets and towels and books. Well Mali had a book.

The sun was high in the sky, it was just the perfect temperature.

Noah was off splashing about in the sea with Mali. Keane and Tayte were cuddled giggling away together like schoolgirls and Angelo and I were led beside each other.

"You good right now?" he asked,

"I'm with you aren't I," I answered closing my eyes.

I could feel the sun tickle my skin, I could hear a helicopter flying over, the one that usually bought the mail, there were voices of people kicking a football around, then there were gunshots. I felt a hand squeeze mine,

"You are with me on a beach in the Bahamas Arlo," I opened my eyes. How did he know? I turned and looked at him,

"Sorry I..." I trailed off and he squeezed my hand again.

"We'll get through this," I took a breath.

"I know,"

Noah persuaded us to all come into the water for a bit, which was only a bit because it wasn't the warmest. But once Noah gets going and you are non-stop laughing, you don't feel anything except love.

"You're bleeding QB," Mali said to me and I instantly looked down. Fuck. I hadn't even felt anything, but my stitches must has ripped. "Come sit down, I'll get Angelo," I did as I was told, peeling the patch off of my bare stomach. It looked much worse than it felt. Angelo came running over.

"What's going on?" He asked and then stopped when he saw, "Oh, that's going on,"

"Looks worse than it feels, because it doesn't hurt at all,"

"What's happened?" Keane asked as he, Tayte and Noah came over,

"Oh My God," Noah gasped.

"Guys, I promise, I swear on everyone's lives that I'm fine, I'm not in any pain and all this blood makes it look worse than it is,"

I knew from the look they were giving me though they weren't entirely sure, but Keane said,

"We believe you and we're all heading back to the villa anyway, so we'll all go together,"

"Then go for lunch," Noah added, "Because you know I'm always hungry,"

"Don't we just," Mali teased,

"MALENA HOW DARE YOU," Noah gasped, she ran off laughing and he dashed after. Angelo held his out hand and I took it, as Keane and Tayte grabbed all our things.

"I'm waiting for you to shower baby," Noah said as we came into the villa,

"I won't be too long,"

"You better not be," he winked and flounced off.

"Take your time," Mali said. "I love you,"

"Love you to crazy fan," I answered, blowing her a kiss. Keane and Tayte walked off,

"Use protection," I shouted and Keane turned back and gave me the finger, I chuckled.

Angelo went off and got his medical bag and I laid myself down on the sofa,

"So, come here often?" I asked when he swanned over,

"Not often enough," he winked. "This is going to hurt,"

"Give me your best shot,"

He rinsed it out with some warm water and then with some antiseptic liquid which stung.

"This was meant to be a relaxing holiday for you to heal," He told me,

"I have been relaxing,"

"Not enough by the looks of this,"

"It looks better than the other day though right,"

"That was my magic hands,"

"You are such a flirt,"

"Tell me to stop anytime," I didn't reply and just smiled. He talked to me the whole time he stitched me back up and somehow I didn't feel a thing.


"We're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a big one, we're not scared," Noah sang, skipping in front of us down the path.

"How old are you?" Keane asked,

"3," he answered and carried on singing and skipping.

The Great House was super busy that we were unable to get a table, so we headed to the Tiki bar, which was much quieter.

"No you can't skinny dip," Angelo said, we all looked at him, "What? Noah was about to ask that," Noah grinned,

"You really do know what goes on in my mind," Noah answered chuckling,

"Baby, no one will ever know what goes on in your mind," Angelo told him with a wink.

That was also true.

Keane wasn't hungry, but Tayte had insisted he shared whatever he had.

Noah on the other hand was ready to order the whole menu, as per usual.

I wasn't that hungry either, but thought I better at least try and eat something or they'd be worrying even more than I knew they already were. Despite them trying to act like they weren't.

If I was being honest with myself I was far from okay. I was scared that I was going to be triggered by things more and more often, like the fireworks and like how I drifted off earlier at the beach. I was scared to close my eyes in case I didn't wake up from the nightmares I was having. And I was terrified that I was going to become a burden. Someone who was better up locked up away from everyone, so I couldn't cause anyone worry or pain or...

"I'll be back in a minute," I smiled, keeping it together until they were out of sight. I took some deep breaths. Trying to pull myself together. I then felt a hand on my back and spun around defensively, but it was only Angelo. He didn't say anything and I was thankful of that. Recently I feel like all I've been doing is breaking down and I hated being vulnerable. "How long is this feeling going to last?"

"It has to rain before a rainbow," Angelo said and I actually laughed.

"Really, that's what you've got to say to me," I smiled,

"It worked didn't it," he winked,

"Seriously though" I said, but with a smile,

"Not forever," he answered, "It may feel like it now, but I can promise you, it will get better and what ever dark days may lie ahead, I'm going to be right here beside you,"

"You promise because..." I began,

"I promise," He interrupted. "Now come on, you know how this family is with worrying. Pull on that award winning smile I know you have and lets go,"

"Flirt," I grinned,

"Like I told you, you can stop me any time,"

I really did love this man.

"So," Noah said once we were back with them, "I may have ordered a tad too much food than I should have,"

"I did try and stop him, but in the end thought what the hell" Keane added. "There is no stopping our boy," Noah smiled innocently at Angelo,

"I promise I'll eat it all,"

"You okay?" Mali whispered,

"I will be some day beautiful," I truthfully whispered back, she kissed me softly,

"Well I'll be with you every step until you get to that someday," I kissed her this time.

What did I do to deserve her.

"Can I take my t-shirt off?" Noah asked 5 minutes later.

"Look around Noah and that is your answer," Tayte said, Noah did this,

"What am I looking at?" he asked,

"Seriously Bub," Keane chuckled,

"People are shirtless," He answered,

"Yes baby and you know that's what Tayte was getting at," Angelo told him, eyebrows raised. Noah chuckled and pulled it off, before taking a sip of his fruity non-alcoholic cocktail. I mean, could you imagine Noah drunk on a bike, yes, I could too and it would end in total disaster.

"I'm not looking forward to getting back to the real world. My parents want me to work full time at Hotel Rouge with my uncle, do the event planning there," Mali said.

"Is that what you want to do?" Keane asked,

"Yes, no, I don't know. I studied it at college and I've always liked planning events,"

"Well just try it out and if you don't enjoy it, try something else," I told her.

"Pretty sure I can make you love anything," Noah winked, "Have a take your favourite bestie to work day and I'll show you how much fun it can be," She smiled,

"I'll keep you to that,"

We chatted a bit more and then our food was brought over to us.

"You are such a drama queen baby" Angelo said with a roll of his eyes when our food was in front of us.

"What! Why? This is a lot,"

"You too Keane, Drama Queen!"

"Where do you think he gets if from?" Keane winked.

Yes Noah had ordered a lot, but we could definitely eat it all.

Which was what happened, though yes, Noah ate the majority. I honestly do not know where he puts it.

"So are we biking now?" Noah asked no more 10 minutes after finishing our lunch.

"Maybe leave it an hour Noah," Tayte suggested.

"Fine!" he wandered off,

"Where are you going?" Keane asked, he stopped and turned smiling,

"Medusa hunting," he winked,

"Wait for me then," Keane grinned and went after him.

"What's happening?" Mali asked confused, looking at Tayte and Angelo,

"Long story short, Keane was drunk one night in Cambodia and I was trying to get him back to the villa and there were these statues in the foyer and yeah, Keane was telling me that Medusa was around here somewhere and to cover my eyes and then he was whispering to the statues that we'd find a cure," Tayte told us. The three of us burst out laughing.

"I had forgot about that little escapade," Angelo smiled, "Wish I was with you all,"

"Why is Keane's nickname not Medusa?" I asked, Tayte chuckled,

"Guess it can be now,"

"He is going to beat you up," Mali said.

"He can try," Tayte answered, "He's lucky this story hasn't come out before now,"

We found them both back at the villa, laughing at whatever was on the screen of Noah's phone.

"What are you two smiling at?" Tayte asked, as we climbed the steps up and onto the decking where they were sat.

"Pictures from Cambodia," Noah answered,

"I didn't even know there were any taken," Tayte said,

"Noah was being sneaky," Keane winked,

"Catch any of Medusa?" I asked cheekily, Keane smiled at me,

"Can we all see?" Mali asked, "I'd love to see pictures and hear stories. If you don't mind that is,"

"We don't mind," Noah told her,

"Pity we couldn't project them on a screen or something," Keane replied,

"Oh wait, I have one, I don't even know why I packed it," Mali gasped, running off to our bedroom. Turns out she had one of those mini projectors, so Noah hooked it up and we closed up the curtains and projected it on the wall of Noah and Angelo's bedroom.

I think it was the medicine I needed to be honest. Hearing the stories about the escapades of my younger siblings. There were plenty of laughs too. Time just seemed to pass and it was 2pm before we knew it.

"Let's go ride a bike," Keane sang winking at Noah,

"I love you," he grinned.

We were all kitted out with bikes and helmets by 2.20pm.

"Please no flying over handlebars today brother," I told Keane,

"No promises," he winked, as we rode off.


The sun was somewhat disappearing every now and then, but it wasn't cold. We sprinted and zoomed, the air filled our lungs.

I felt free.

We took a break for some water and some cookies we'd packed. I had no clue how far we'd gone, but it was now 4.00pm.

"Do you remember the way back?" Tayte asked,

"I'd like to think we can't get lost on an island, but who knows with us," Keane chuckled.

"As long as we get back before the sunsets I'm sure we'll be fine," Mali said.

The clouds formed and the sky rumbled and it poured with rain as we raced back.

"Ahhhhhhhh" Noah shrieked happily.

Keane's POV

I have to admit I didn't think riding a bike in a rainstorm would be any fun, but it so was. Already being soaked through helped a lot, because you purposely went into the puddles and let the waves splash you.

"I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain," Noah sang,

"What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again," I continued, he turned back and grinned at me,

"Eyes forward baby please," Angelo said. Noah then stopped, making us all do the same, "What's up?"

"Will you kiss me in the rain?" we all laughed,

"I will kiss you whenever and wherever you want," Angelo winked, kissing him passionately.

"Handsome?" Tayte queried making me smile,

"Don't have to ask me again," I answered, taking his dripping face in my hands and placing my lips on his,

"Come here crazy fan," I heard Arlo say.

Someone really ought to be filming us right now.

We set back off on our bikes, the rain was relentless. We were almost back at the villa and without anyone face planting, flying over handlebars or falling off their bikes.

"THIS IS SO FUN!" Noah screamed happily. I looked up to the sky and let the rain splash down on me, then on looking back forwards, this child had ran out into the path we were currently cycling on, I braked and turned harshly so not to hit her and saw before I hit the ground, her grabbed by a parent.


Almost no disaster. I heard my name be shouted as I sat up.

"Keane, for Christ sake," Tayte said,

"It wasn't my fault and I'm okay," I grinned, pretty sure my body wouldn't be later or tomorrow, but I'll deal with that then.

"You're bleeding," Noah said eyes wide,

"I'll live," Arlo held out his hand, looking at me with worry.

"Fuck," I muttered taking a breath.

"Exactly," Tayte said,

"Guys, just a few scrapes stinging is all,"

"Can you ride back?" Angelo asked,

"Yes," I answered hauling my bike back up, which was all still intact. Everyone was watching me. "What do you want me to do to prove to you that I am okay?"

"A cartwheel," Noah said, I went to do just that when Arlo and Tayte both stopped me, I winked at Noah who smiled.

"Let's get out of the rain, we're almost back and then I will decide whether Keane is fine or not," Angelo said, I rolled my eyes and we got back on our way.

The initial 30 seconds back on the bike I ached and stung, but that soon went away. Good job it was raining was all I was saying, imagine the blood trail, it would have looked like a murder scene. Truthfully, it wasn't as bad as when I flew over the handle bars, this time I more slid. I was sure the scrapes would just be along my thigh maybe and my stomach too, thankfully though, my ribs seemed to be holding up okay.

We dropped the bikes off and got back to the villa just as the light seemed to be disappearing, it was just after 6.00pm.

"First things first, getting out of these wet clothes, then I'll come and see you Keane," Angelo said,

"Sir yes sir," I winked and he rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm not happy with you," Tayte told me as I stripped off,

"I didn't do it on purpose baby, I wasn't about to plough into the poor girl was I,"

"Does it hurt?" he asked looking at my body,

"What?" I looked down, "Oh, nope,"

I had cuts and scrapes along my right leg and thigh and on my stomach and shoulder.


"You're an idiot," he said,

"But I'm your idiot" I grinned,

"Alright Noah, come on," he winked and held out his hand and led me to the bathroom.


Half an hour later Angelo was causing me pain by putting some cream on my scrapes. Noah and Mali were watching YouTube on her phone, Arlo was led on the other sofa writing and Tayte was texting his Mum.

"Ow," I said dramatically for the 5th time, Angelo just smiled and everyone else had stopped looking after the 2nd time I said it.

The evening plan was somewhat a secret, Angelo had just said that we had to wander down to the beach for 8pm.

"Right, don't cover that up, let it sink in please,"

"Yes Doc, thank you,"

I laid my head on Tayte's lap, looking up at the ceiling, he began to stroke my hair and reached down and kissed me,

"Your Mum and Torah okay?"

"Yes, she's fine and Torah too, growing every day," though he smiled, I could hear sadness in his voice and that hurt me.

"Why don't we go back to England in a few days then, for a month or so?" I said, "Or you could go and stay, I'm not holding you back, I hope you know that. I want you to be happy and if going to live with your Mum and little sister for a while is going to make you happy then so be it,"

"Keane, baby, we spoke about this before..."

"We might have, but you're lying to me, you're..." I didn't want to ruin what little time we had left here, so I sat up and sighed, walking off,

"Keane...Keane please," He called, making everyone else look up to see Keane leave. "Arlo will you talk to him please. Tell him I am happy and..."

"I've got you and I've got him," he replied getting up.

"Do you want a hug Taytey?" Noah asked. He nodded and Noah grinned and leapt up running over, "I love you,"

"I love you too Bub,"

"I'm fine Arlo," I said as he plonked himself down beside me,

"How'd you know it was me and you aren't fine," he retorted, I looked at him,

"I am and I just want Tayte to be too, he can't fool me, ever since we went and stayed with his Mum and saw Torah being born I've realised how selfish I'd been. He misses home, he misses his Mum and now his sister and..." I trailed off,

"Pretty sure to Tayte, home is wherever you are," Arlo said,

"Not helping,"

"Tayte asked me to come after you, to tell you that he is happy and you know what, I know he is. Happy with you. Of course he's going to miss his Mum and his little sister, that's normal, but that doesn't mean he isn't happy being in America with us all. It just makes him human. I know you deciding to move to England is for his benefit, whether you'd admit it or not. Look, I am literally the last person to give relationship advice but...what you two have, the way you two look at each other, the way you two are together, is probably everything people inspire to have, you are everything people want. You and Tayte are endgame," I smiled at him,

"Thanks for your little speech,"

"It was good right," he winked, I leant my head against his shoulder,

"So you're saying we're going to be okay,"

"That's exactly what I'm saying and I know you know it too, you two have been to hell and back and are still stronger than ever,"


"Keane," he remarked making me smiled wider,

"I love you,"

"I love you too baby brother, more than you'll ever know,"

We re-joined everyone in the sitting room area,

"So world war three prevented?" Noah asked innocently, I walked over to Tayte who stood up and kissed him passionately, "Yep, world war three definitely prevented,"

We all laughed.

I knew we would probably have words later, but it wasn't going to spoil the rest of our last evening.

"Can we go cute for our last night?" Mali asked,

"I'm always cute," Noah winked, "But if you mean like dressy then I'm in,"

"Smart it is then," Arlo smiled.

So we all went off to shower and get ready. All of us re-appearing just before 8pm.

Mali was wearing a stunning maxi dress which was this beautiful turquoise colourful and Arlo was matching with a turquoise shirt, half done up and some white shorts.

Angelo wolf whistled and Arlo winked at him,

"You look gorgeous," Angelo then told Mali,

"Thank you," she blushed,

Angelo was wearing a white cotton shirt and light green shorts, Noah was also in a white cotton shirt but with yellow shorts.

"Because I'm the sun," Noah grinned pirouetting.

"You look super handsome Noah," Mali told him,

"The most handsome," I winked and he grinned.

"Angelo you're handsome too," Arlo smiled. Noah rolled his eyes,

"Well you two are also looking very cute,"

We were matching in white linen shorts and a blue denim shirt.

"We all ready?" Angelo asked,

"Lead the way," Tayte said as we left the villa.

In case you were wondering, the weather had cleared up and you wouldn't have even known there was some tropical storm earlier on.

There was a wooden table with a glowing white table cloth draped across it which was blowing slightly in the wind. Surrounding the table were four, fire type sticks, those things that are like fire torches. I don't know what they are called, but I hope you know what I mean.

There were also lit red candles in the middle of the table. To be sat on the beach, hearing the waves was just magical.

"Aw, this is adorable," Noah grinned, Angelo winked at him.

"Are you going to tell us where we have to sit bub?" Arlo asked cheekily,

"Depends, are you two going to behave if I let you sit next to each other?" he responded, making them both smile.

"Always," they said together,

"Lies," he whispered, "Sit where you want, I don't mind, though I'd like Keane one side of me and Mali the other,"

"Thought you didn't mind," I muttered and he glared at me, making me chuckle. So, Mali, Noah and I sat one side and Arlo sat opposite Mali, Angelo Noah and Tayte me. Couples opposite one another.

"Would everyone like a cocktail?" a waiter asked,

"Hell Yeah" Noah said, "I mean, yes please, thank you so much,"

Yesses and thank you's came from all round.

"So, we don't have to choose what we want?" Mali asked,

"Last night island special, starter, main and desert are all a surprise," Angelo answered,

"Mmmm surprise," Noah said and then laughed at himself. I just smiled and rolled my eyes.

The cocktails were this fruity mess of deliciousness and to be honest super deadly as it tasted like fruit juice and the way Noah was chugging them, clarified this.

"Noah, baby, they are cocktails, not fruit juice and they have alcohol in, slow the hell down or when you stand up your going to fall straight back down," Angelo warned him,

"So no more cocktails for the time being?" Noah said,

"Exactly that," I added. He pouted, but agreed.

Our starter was brought over within 20 minutes of us being sat down chatting.

Conch fritters with a hot sweet dipping sauce.

"Tell me what conch is again?" Mali asked,

"Sea snail meat," Tayte answered, I looked at him, "What, I read" that made me smile.

"Sea snail," Noah gasped,

"That's what I said," Tayte replied,

"Does it taste of snail?" Noah then said,

"Chicken," Arlo said,

"For real," he nodded and Angelo looked at him,

"Just taste it and find out,"

So he and Mali did just that. It actually tasted really nice, I'd say due to it being in a fritter, sweet, with a somewhat mild fish flavour, like it wasn't strong or super fishy, it was just perfect.

Obviously Noah and Mali liked it because they both wolfed them all down quick enough without any complaint.

I would 10 out of 10 recommend you to try them if you are ever on a tropical island and specifically Bahamas.

Soon our dishes were being cleared away and we were told,

"Your main course will be with you in 15 minutes,"

Noah leant back, almost toppling off his chair,

"This is just everything," he grinned happily. I looked up at the night sky, full of stars. Smiling when I could feel Tayte playing footsie with me, but didn't look at him.

Arlo and Angelo were chatting away like besties quietly together,

"Oi, bromance, I'm watching you," Noah said raising his eyebrows,

"We're only talking handsome," Angelo answered with a smile,

"Keep it that way," he winked.

"So, is moving to a Caribbean country now off the cards?" I asked Tayte,

"I don't care where I am, as long as I'm with you baby," was his answer.

Our main courses were then presented to us,

"Champagne poached wild salmon with charred cauliflower and grilled broccoli, baby potatoes and a honey mustard sauce," our waiter told us, smiled warmly at us and then left us be.

"I got champagne problems, champagne problems. So pour a glass and let's drink up all my champagne problems. I got champagne problems, champagne problems. So pour a glass and let's drink up all my champagne problems," Noah sang, "Can't believe my Uber's late again. Gon' be late for dinner with my friends. These shoes hurt so bad, can't feel my toes. And I forgot my jacket back at home, But I can't complain at all. Life's too short for that," he was dancing about near the table, "I got champagne problems, champagne problems. So pour a glass and let's drink up all my champagne problems."

"Dance and sing later baby, eat now please," Angelo smiled,

"Sing and dance beach party later?" he asked eagerly,

"If you sit down now and stop outshining Meghan Trainor, yes," I answered and his eyes smiled as he sat down and did what he was told.

"You really did sing it better than Meghan Trainor," Arlo winked.

"I know I should totally be a famous singer"

Silence then hit the table and I honestly have to say that it was the nicest salmon to have ever passed my lips.

"Holy Mother of Crowley," Noah said,

"Rowena," I winked and he rolled his eyes,

"That was AMAZING!"

"How can people cook like that?" Mali asked,

"Pretty sure Angelo can cook something like that," Arlo said looking at Angelo.

"Hands on the table, both of you," Noah then said, making us all laugh, "Please," he then added. The two of them held their hands up in defence. "Keep them there," he winked. They looked at one another and smiled widely,

"Bub, I'd check under the table," I said,

"Tell tale," Arlo laughed,

"Bromance playing footsie, seriously have to watch you two," Noah said, but with a smile on his face.

"Are you all finished?" We almost jumped out of our skin as we didn't hear anyone approach, "Sorry," he chuckled, "I didn't mean to scare you,"

"All good, soft sand, masks you being snuck up upon and murdered," Noah said innocently and the waiter looked at him like he was crazy,

"Yes, we are finished thank you," I smiled.

It was 9.30pm and was beginning to get chilly.

There was then a loud POP and BANG! I immediately looked to Arlo and so did, Tayte, Noah and Mali. He had his eyes shut and Angelo had a hold of his hand.

"You're okay, you are here with us all, this is real, us here right now" Angelo said softly, "Open your eyes babe," and he did so, taking a breath and then smiling at us all.


"Do not ever apologise to us," I said, "Ever," Mali reached over and took his other hand,

"Together always," She said. He smiled, but it wasn't a full one and he went to stand up,

"I'm...I'm just..."

"Don't be embarrassed, please don't be embarrassed Arlo, it's okay," I said softly. He sat back down.

"Better wake those demons, just look them in the eye, no reason not to try. Life can be a mess, I won't let it cloud my mind, I'll let my fingers fly. And I use the pain 'cause it's part of me and I'm ready to power through it. Gonna find the strength, find the melody, cause you showed me how to do it," Noah sang to Arlo.

"Oh My God," Mali squealed, "You watched Julie and the Phantoms too,"

We all burst out laughing.

"I am a child, so yes I did and I loved it," Noah grinned,

"I did too," Mali said blushing.

"You really do have a beautiful singing voice," Arlo smiled,

"Thank you,"

"But we have no clue what you're talking about," he then said,

"Lolo does, I made him watch it with me,"

"Forced Noah, you forced me,"

"Same thing,"

We were interrupted when our desserts were brought over. A pineapple and coconut tart with a dollop of rum cream and freshly cut mangoes. It was small, but packed a punch with flavour.

We thanked the waiter who was serving us and gave him a tip even though our food was included. He was very gracious and called someone to set us up an area to chill out on. A picnic blanket littered with a dozen cushions and three furry blankets surrounded by those fire stick things for both warmth and light.

It was gone 10pm and we sat under the blankets with cocktails in hand, the night was clear and starry.

I was going to miss this place.

Noah after half an hour of sitting still jumped up,

"Karaoke and dance party," he said, grabbing his phone.

So that's how the rest of our night went, dancing and singing on the beach, not too loud to annoy anyone, too much anyway.

We had a plethora of songs Noah played: Flat Champagne by Dan Caplen and RAY BLK, Bad Dance by Jak Lizard featuring Lawrence, Sweet & Sour by Jawsh 685 featuring Lauv and Tyga, Catch 22 by ILLY featuring Anne-Marie and Soulmate by Lizzo, to albeit name a few. Yes, we have a varied taste in all sorts of music.

We eventually left to head back to the villa around 1am and then chatted long into the early hours of the morning.



Much love Gx

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing 2020

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