You've Got it Bad

Od JerrieDuhhh

603K 13.9K 18.2K

"I'm here now. I'm here to patch you back up until you're good as new. And love you until you forget what tha... Více

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three
Eighty Four
Eighty Five
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine
Ninety One
Ninety Two
Ninety Three
Ninety Four
Ninety Five
Ninety Six
Ninety Seven
Ninety Eight
Ninety Nine
One Hundred

Forty Five

5.5K 133 77
Od JerrieDuhhh

Perrie's POV

Words hadn't even been invented yet to describe the peace and happiness I felt waking up to see my brown eyed sex goddess laying next to me.

Her smooth tan body was tangled in the sheets on our new bed. The bed that we, as Jade would say, "broke in" all night last night. I saw thick, curly, brown hair, and my favorite thing of all. Her tattoo.

I don't know what I like most about it. The fact that it is perfectly centered, that it was so neatly written,  that it got to cover her sexy brown skin, or what it actually meant.

Anyone can achieve their dreams if they've got the courage.

It was beautiful, and probably one of my favorite things about her. I couldn't help but stare. Deciding I couldn't take anymore, I leaned down and starting at the very bottom of it, kissed all the way up to the top.

Surprisingly, she didn't move. I would've been a giggling mess. I continued to kiss lightly until I made my way back down to the bottom, and then back up, slipping my tongue out here and there for a little taste. I couldn't get enough of how her skin felt on my lips.

When I scooted back to my side of the bed, I heard her groan and mumble into her pillow.

"If that's gonna be my new alarm clock, then sign me up. Why'd you stop? I didn't hit snooze." She mumbled.

I laughed. "How long have you been awake?"

"Long enough, love." She turned over and sat up and I eyed her gorgeous body as the sheet fell down. "Like what you see?" She asked, kissing my lips softly.

"I do." I smiled. She looked at me for a few seconds, with something in her eyes that I wasn't able to read her. Then she smiled too, but her smile was huge. Like ear to ear huge. Like she's got something up her sleeve huge. I recognized that sneaky smile. "What's got you so smiley?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Oh nothing." She kissed me again, and just as I was about to say something else, the doorbell rang.

"Who the hell is that? What time is it?" I huffed.

"You're so cute when you're pouty." She kissed the corner of my lips and the bell rang again.

"Ughhh." I got up and slipped on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt.

I won't lie, my body was sore as hell, but I would never tell her that. Her head was big enough.

Plus I could feel her eyes on me the whole time as she leaned against the headboard, and a proud smile was already on her face as she was probably thinking of yesterday's activities. She just radiated cockiness, but I had to admit it was just so sexy to me.

"You should probably clean up this mess. You want ants? Cause this is how you get ants." I said, looking around at the clothes that were strewn all over the floor, specifically all of the clothes we were wearing yesterday, and the whipped cream and strawberries all over the nightstand and floor.

Yeah, last night was on another level.

She laughed and I stormed out to curse out whoever the hell was ringing my bell like they were the police. I looked through the peephole and was ready to choke the person I saw on the other side.

I snatched the door open. "Jessica, what do you want? And why are you ringing this bell in the wee hours of the morning?!"

"The wee hours of the morning? Pez, it's after noon! And you look like shit. I came over to see if you were alright. Things were kind of tense yesterday." She said.

My face softened. That was sweet of her. I stepped to the side to let her in. "Oh. I'm fine, thank you for checking, Jes. Just a misunderstanding."

"What happened to your lip?" She grabbed my face with her hand and turned it to examine it better, sounding genuinely concerned and acting like a big sister. "And your neck? How'd you get scratches on your neck? Did you two get in a fight?"

Shit. I forgot all about busting my own lip yesterday. And the damn claw marks Jade left on my throat, that hurt so damn good. My cheeks reddened thinking about it.

"Ummm no we didn't... it's an um... long story." I replied.

"What—" She started but snapped her mouth shut when Jade's voice echoed through the room.

"Oh, hey, Jes." Jade said.

We both turned to see her gliding across the room toward the kitchen, wrapped in nothing but a satin sheet, holding cans of whipped cream and eating our leftover strawberries like it was a normal thing.

Both of our jaws dropped.

Jesy looked at Jade, then looked at me and I blushed even harder. She squinted her eyes in Jade's direction.

"Are those... are those scratches on her back and shoulders? And strawberries and—is that what happened to your lip and neck?" Her mouth and eyes were now wide. "God, you are like teenagers! Don't you ever get tired?! I take it you two are okay then?"

"More than okay. Right, baby?" Jade had returned and walked up behind me, still holding onto her sheet with one hand, and wrapping the other, with a strawberry in it around my neck.

She kissed my cheek then pulled the strawberry to her mouth, tightening her arm around my neck at the same time. We both knew what she was doing, and the possessiveness of it all just melted me.

Jesy looked dumbfounded as she got a closer view of Jade's skin.

"Those ARE scratches! All over you! Deep scratches! Oh my god, you two are animals!" She shouted. "I still want to know what happened to your lip."

"Oh you didn't tell her, babe?" Jade laughed. "Perrie here—" I shut her up the only way I knew how. With a kiss.

"I'm happy that everything's alright between you two. I'm gonna head out." Jesy said.

"Wait. Seriously, Jes. Thanks for checking in. That means a lot to me." I smiled, pulling away from Jade, savoring the taste of the strawberries on her lips.

"Anytime, baby cuz. I should go." She replied.

"Since you're here, why don't you stay for breakfast? I was just about to make Pez something." Jade said.

"What's with you two? Does nobody own a watch around here? It's after 12!" Jesy shouted and Jade and I laughed.

Jade shrugged. "Well then, stay for lunch... we had a long night." She smirked.

"Will you be putting on clothes?" Jesy asked, raising her brow.

"Wouldn't dream if it." Jade winked.

"Then I'm definitely staying. I was actually gonna go pick up lunch. But I would love it if you cooked for me instead, Jade." Jesy batted her eyelashes and I rolled my eyes.

"Good. Right this way." Jade reached her hand out for Jesy and she took it without hesitation.

She led her to the table in the kitchen and I followed behind them, still rolling my eyes.

Jesy and I laughed and talked at the table with Jade occasionally chiming in, but still focusing on her cooking. Though it was apparently past breakfast time, I could still smell the bacon and eggs she was frying. And of course the pancakes.

When she finished, I stood up to grab a plate but she quickly, but gently pushed me back down, and went to the cabinet without a word, and I didn't dare try to get up again. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jesy staring between the two of us, wide eyed.

Jade put food on a plate and walked it over, setting it down in front of me. She then went to get a glass and filled it with orange juice, sitting that in front of me as well. I watched her every move, unable to take my eyes off of her.

She kissed the top of my head.

"Eat, baby." She said, looking down at me.

It wasn't really a command, but it wasn't not either. I picked up my fork and started eating, as she said. And it was delicious.

She went back to the stove and put food on another plate, placing it down in front of a still wide-eyed Jesy.

"Juice?" Jade asked.

"Huh?" Jesy shook her head and I laughed to myself while chomping on my bacon.

Jade definitely had that effect on people. She was charming as hell and beyond enchanting. For that very reason, I could foresee myself fighting women off her all of the time.

"Do you want juice? Or water?" Jade asked again.

"Oh... umm juice is fine." Jesy's eyes were glued to Jade the whole time.

When Jade went to go fix her own plate, I kicked Jesy under the table.

"Ow! What the fuck, Perrie?!" She whisper-shouted.

"Stop eye fucking my girlfriend!" I whispered back.

"I can't help it.. she's hot!" She whispered. "Like really really really—"

"I get it! I'm well aware! But she's MINE! So shut up and eat your breakfast!" I whisper-shouted.

"If I don't, will she punish me? She gives me dominatrix vibes!" She winked.

She hit the nail right in the head with that one. That woman had to have been into some BDSM type of stuff before we met. She just hasn't fully introduced me to that side of her yet. Though, I see it peeking out from time to time.

"No, but I'll be sure to kick the legs off that chair one by one!" I replied.

"Where did you find her? God, I want one!" She fanned herself and I shook my head.

Jade returned to the table with her plate after she had made herself a cup of tea.

"How is it?" She asked, twirling her fork around in her mouth after she swallowed her eggs.

"Good!" "Perfect!" Jesy and I spoke at the same time. Jade just smiled and continued to eat her eggs.

"What are you guy's plans for the rest of the day?" Jesy asked.

"Gonna get ready for work tomorrow, get Jaden ready for school, and make dinner." I replied, then continued to think of what else I needed to do today as I ate my food.

"You sound like such a mom and wife." Jesy said and we both laughed. I could see Jade smiling to herself into her cup.

"What about you, Jade?" Jesy asked.

"Aside from admiring Perrie while she does all those things, I may start a bartending class today. It's self paced so that's pretty good. I should have it finished by the end of the week. It seems like a nice skill to have. Plus, I could probably pick up jobs here and there." Jade replied, taking a sip of her tea.

"You'd kill as a bartender. I can't wait to come order a really complicated drink and see if you fold." Jesy said, making us all laugh.

After we finished breakfast, we hugged Jesy goodbye. She left, over the moon that she got a hug from Jade while she was only in a sheet.

Just as we closed the door, Jade's phone started to ring from the bedroom. She immediately looked at me, clearly hoping I didn't freak out again, and I nodded to let her know I was okay. Whatever it was, she'd tell me about it when she was ready.

I kissed her cheek and went to clean up the kitchen and she smiled and walked into our bedroom, closing the door. I really hoped I wasn't making a mistake believing her.

When I finished, I went to the bedroom and I could hear Jade still talking.

"What about dinner? Have you booked it yet?" I heard her ask. "Yeah, I'm hoping it'll be a beautiful night. We could eat outside."

Deciding not to listen to her conversation again, because it only left me with hurt feelings the first time, I ignored what I heard and knocked lightly on the door.

She opened it, still in her sheet, with her phone stuck between her ear and her shoulder. I smiled at her and stepped in the room. She didn't hurry to hang up the phone, or pretend it was the bank or something.

Baby steps.

She kept her eyes glued on me as she listened to the woman's voice on the other end, occasionally murmuring her agreement with whatever she was saying.

She stood by the door, as I walked over to the bed. I was bored and I wanted to play, so I decided to mess with her head a bit. She had started to look around the room, but her eyes immediately snapped back to me when I slowly slid my sweatpants down and stepped out of them.

There were warning signs flashing in her eyes, but I ignored them. I pulled my shirt over my head and watched her bite her lip, as she continued to listen on the phone.

It amazed me that no matter how much sex we had, she was always ready to go again. Always. I found that she was quickly making me that way too.

I bent over to put my hair in a ponytail and then stood up and started walking toward her. Very slowly.

When I got about halfway there, and she looked like she was about to draw blood how hard she was biting that lip, I dropped down to my knees and crawled the rest of the way to her, knowing it would drive her insane. She loved when I did that.

"I need to go now. We'll finish this later." She said into the phone.

I smirked as I heard the woman protesting on the other end. Focused only on me, just the way I liked it, she immediately ended the call and tossed her phone on the bed. Then she looked right at me.

That look.

That look that liquified me from the inside out. She could be so sweet and so tender and loving, but there's always been that side. That animal. And I loved to poke at it.

When I finally made it to her, I sat on my knees in front of her and looked up, knowing that would just drive her further into the ground. I tugged at her sheet and she just stood there and watched me. Something about her glare made me wet. She didn't say a word.

When I tugged again, the little knot came undone and the sheet fell, revealing that gorgeous body of hers. I wasted no time putting my mouth on her, slipping my tongue up her inner thigh and right through her wetness. The low moan that fell off her lips was music to my ears.

I swung her thigh over my shoulder as I pushed her backward until her back hit the wall, and then I really dug in. The second half of my breakfast. She tasted so damn sweet, I could have stayed in that position for hours.

Her moaning was making me moan because it was the sexiest sound I'd ever heard. I didn't even know how to describe it. It was somewhere between a cry and a growl.

"Oh my god! You're so good at that, baby girl!" She moaned, wrapping my ponytail around her fist and tugging harshly. Which I loved. The reason I put it in the ponytail in the first place.

Something about the way she called me baby girl always ignited me. I continued to devour her as if I was trying to send her body right through the wall. She shook and moaned over and over again, drawing out her own orgasm, and I had absolutely no problem with it because I knew the more she held it back, the bigger the flood.

The stamina on this woman was unbelievable. She could hold off on an orgasm and make sex last all night if she wanted to, and I envied her for it.

Minutes later, she finally tightened her grip on my ponytail and her other grip on my tongue and let her orgasm wash through her and gush into my mouth.

Like I said, the bigger the flood. She trembled as I licked and sucked her clean, leaving her sweaty, shaking and panting as she stared down at me, trying to catch her breath.

"Shower?" I asked as I stood up, wiping the corner of my mouth and sucking on my fingers, not letting one drop go to waste.

"Shower. Now." She ordered, walking by me and I quickly followed behind her.

We hadn't even been here three nights yet and we've had sex all over this place. I guess you could consider the place officially christened.

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