The Family I Needed

By Kim_the_Rabbit17

146K 2.5K 3.9K

Charlotte has been living with Donald and the triplets a few months after being saved from the streets and ha... More

Before We Start
Escape To/From Atlantis
The Great Dime Chase
The House of the Lucky Gander
The Infernal Intership of Mark Beaks
The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra
McMystery at McDuck McManor
The Missing Links of Moorshire
The Spear of Selene
Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System
The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains
The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck
The Last Crash of the Sunchaser
The Shadow War Part I: The Night of De Spell
The Shadow War Part II: The Day of the Ducks
Book 2 is Out!

Sky Pirates... in the Sky

4.3K 93 71
By Kim_the_Rabbit17

Scrooge, the kids, and Launchpad were all in The Sunchaser, the plane filled with treasure from their recent adventure. Dewey was admiring a colorful hat that he attained on their adventure before walking to Louie, Webby, and Charlotte.

Louie was looking over the treasure while Webby and Charlotte were looking at Webby's book. "Decorative vase, probably three thousand dollars. Small sack of gold coins, what's that worth, Webs, Char, about five thou?" Louie asked. Charlotte shrugged her shoulders. "Its historical value is immeasurable. Fought over for decades, Duckachuquack stole-." Louie stopped Webby before could continue. "You know that is not what I mean, and I am offended that you would try and taint this treasure hunt with learning." Louie said. Charlotte rolled her eyes at Louie's statement.

"You guys." Dewey began to say, but accidentally knocked over a can of Pep. "Careful!" Louie said as Webby quickly moved her book out of the way before it could get drenched. Charlotte quickly ran to get a cloth to clean the Pep. When she came back, she saw Dewey trying to clean up the Pep with a cloth that was near him. "Good thing you didn't get any on the treasure." Louie said. "Like that priceless Andean ceremonial blanket?" Webby asked. Dewey looked at the cloth in his hands to find it was, in fact, a priceless artifact. Louie grabbed the blanket from Dewey as Charlotte got to work cleaning up the Pep. "Where'd I get this flatteringly colorful headpiece, you ask? The place? Pato Pisco. The time?" Before Dewey could continue, Louie interrupted him. "If this lessens the resale value, I am going to be so mad." Louie said as he attempted to dry the blanket. Dewey said nothing as he left.

As Charlotte was finishing up cleaning the Pep, she didn't hear Dewey for a while until she heard him talk loudly for everyone to hear. "The place? Pato Pisco. The time? This afternoon. There I was, face-to-face with Mount Peligroso." As Dewey was climbing up a pile of crates, he almost stepped on a jewel when Louie grabbed it in time. "Hey, feet off the merchandise!" Louie yelled. "I began to climb-." Dewey didn't get to finish as he accidentally knocked over a small crate next to him. The small crate landed with a thud, followed by an 'Ow' from Webby down below. Scrooge stared at Dewey angrily while on the phone. "I'm going to have to call you back." Scrooge said as he hung up the phone. "Go and take that seat and stay put before something else goes wrong." Scrooge instructed. Dewey made his way to his seat and sat there angrily. Before Charlotte could walk over to Dewey to make him feel better, a ginormous grappling hook cut through the plane and created a huge hole.

Dewey quickly moved away from the hole in surprise. Where did that come from!? Everyone peeked through the hole and saw a massive plane approaching them from behind. "This is your fearsome Pirate Captain Don Karnage, welcoming you to our friendly skies. Prepare to be boarded." Don Karnage said over the speakers from his ship. Oh boy.

Scrooge began to hand the kids some weapons, consisting of a mop and a shovel. "Stand your ground. We will not give in to these rapacious raiders." Scrooge said as everyone got into a fighting position. They soon heard a pitch play from a pipe. Suddenly, drums were being struck at a rhythmic pace.



Smaller planes began to spew out of the main plane and made their way to the Sunchaser. Wait. Are they singing?






The small planes surrounded around the Sunchaser.

Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho

The sky pirates then started to dance on the wings of the plane.

Avast ye lads who be fainthearted

We rule these skies uncharted

Cruel and vicious hearties we

Who sail upon the skies and not the sea

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
Tis I who lead this fearsome crew

With dagger, swagger, derring-do

Handsome and fearsome and suave

He's the famous Pirate Captain Don Karnage

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
Don Karnage! Haha!

The smaller planes began to form a staircase for Don Karnage to descend to The Sunchaser.

Hoist the flag and weigh the anchor

Circle the ship and pull to flank 'er


He lives to plunder

Two smaller planes latched onto The Sunchaser with their own little grappling hook to prevent the plane from leaving.

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
It's true I live to plunder

High up in the sky amidst

A sea of storm and thunder

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
Now back to me, the main event

A pernicious, vicious, rakish gent

A frustratingly charming blaggard

Don Karnage landed inside the plane through the giant hole followed by some of his crew.

He'll steal all of your treasure and your heart

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
And now we dance, ha!

Don Karnage then began to dance as Scrooge and the kids looked on in confusion. Meanwhile, his crew were stealing their treasure.

He's Don Karnage

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
That's me!

"Wait, what?" Scrooge asked aloud as they continued to watch Don Karnage dance. I'm asking the same thing, Mr. McDuck.

He's Don Karnage

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
Still me!


Pilfer the loot to fill our coffers

Been a pleasure to take it off yah

"Hey!" Dewey called out as one of the sky pirates snatched his hat off of his head. They all threw the treasure to the planes as they all whisked away into the sky.

We put on a show then steal your dough

And then to the clouds away we go

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
To the clouds away I go


Everyone stood there in shook in the now empty cockpit, trying to process what exactly just happened. "What the blazes was that?" Scrooge asked. I have no idea. "Bravo! Bravissimo!" Launchpad shouted while clapping, now next to them. "Launchpad!" Everyone but Charlotte yelled. Launchpad looked at them confused before he realized what they were yelling about and looked to see no one flying the plane. The plane quickly dipped down into the jungle below before crashing into a giant tree.

Everyone got out of the plane to see the damage. "My treasure!" Scrooge yelled. "My plane!" Launchpad yelled. "My hat!" Dewey yelled. Everyone looked at him before Scrooge directed his attention to Launchpad. "I cannae believe you were distracted by a bunch of hammy hoofing." Scrooge said. "I can't believe you weren't." Launchpad simply said. He then began to hum the song. "Oh, that's gonna be in there all day." Launchpad said. Scrooge groaned. "Just get the plane out of this blasted tree and follow them, now!" Launchpad quickly ran into the plane and tried to start it up, but one of the propellers got stuck on the vines and the engine wouldn't start.

Just great. How do we get out of here now? "We're not going anywhere." Launchpad said. "Launchpad, you start in on-." Launchpad then began to hum the song again. Scrooge turned to Huey. "Huey, you and Launchpad start in on those plane repairs. As Scrooge was giving out instructions, no one noticed Dewey leaving them. "Yes." Huey said. "Yo-ho, Mr. McD." Launchpad said as they both began repairing the plane. Scrooge turned to Louie and Webby. "The two of you can inventory our supplies. Who knows how long we'll be stuck in this jungle. And Dewey. Dewey?" As Huey was fixing the plane, blue ink squirted all over his clothes, causing him to take off his hat. Scrooge looked up and confused him for Dewey. "Dewey, you be lookout while Charlotte and I search for any treasure those kleptomaniacal corsairs may have missed." Scrooge said. Charlotte nodded as the two of them headed inside the plane.

Minutes passed as they searched the whole plane for any leftover treasure, but to no avail. Scrooge groaned after their search. "Those pirates were thorough. Not even a coin left in the seat cushions." Scrooge sighed. I'm sorry, Mr. McDuck. Both Scrooge and Charlotte jumped a bit when some stranger spoke to them. They turned and saw Don Karnage in a terrible disguise. You have got to be kidding me. "Oh, thank goodness you have found me." Don Karnage said, trying to do a different voice.

Scrooge and Charlotte slowly approached him, Charlotte staying a bit behind Scrooge. Webby and Louie were already there. "Bah. Where'd you come from?" Scrooge asked as Huey and Launchpad soon joined them. "Way to be a lookout, Dewey." Scrooge said behind him without looking. "I am Dr. Tom Kar... nage?" Don Karnage said questionably, having a hard time coming up with a fake name. A caterpillar posing as a mustache fell off his face before he quickly retrieved it and place it back in its position. "An attractive and charming plant scientist." Don Karnage continued. "You mean a botanist?" Huey asked. "You dare correct the fierce Captain... of the Plant Scienceing Committee?" Don Karnage tried to cover up. "That dashing scoundrel, Don Karnage, no relation, stole my vital plant research. You must take me to his ship and get back what is mine. For the good of plantology." Don Karnage said.

Scrooge and Charlotte looked behind Don Karnage and saw a piece of a parachute have coat-shape hole, matching the coat the Don Karnage was wearing. "Excuse us just a moment." Scrooge said as everyone huddle up in a circle, everyone making sure not to touch Charlotte. "We all know that's Don Karnage, right?" Scrooge asked. Charlotte nodded her head. "He seems to know a lot about plants." Launchpad said. "You know, he might be able to help us find that pirate ship faster." Huey suggested. Don Karnage suddenly intruded, squeezing himself into their huddled circle. "Yes, I will lead you to the ship so I can kill... collect that flower? Oh, look, leaves." Don Karnage picked up some leaves from the ground and held it up, the caterpillar crawling off his face to the leaves. Scrooge sighed. "Just get on the plane, and don't steal anything this time." Scrooge said. Launchpad started up the plane with success and they were soaring through the sky once again.

"The Iron Vulture usually anchors up there. One would assume." Don Karnage said. Scrooge rolled his eyes. "Set the course, Launchpad." Scrooge instructed. "I think they're coming to us." Launchpad said. All three looked ahead to see The Iron Vulture heading straight towards them. Launchpad quickly veered the plane away and turned them around, sending Don Karnage flying to the side of the plane. Everyone heard a pitch play from a pipe like before. Soon, smaller planes began to approach the Sunchaser. Oh no, not again.



The smaller planes surrounded the Sunchaser. Everyone peered out the window to witness.

Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho

The smaller planes circled around the Sunchaser before taking their positions.

Prepare ye lads to be surprised

The same old shanty now reprised

Cruel and vicious hearties we

Who occasionally like to get jazzy

Launchpad began to hum along with the song. "It's so catchy." Launchpad said. "Who would dare steal my big showstopper?" Don Karnage asked. Another plane rose to reveal Dewey on the wing with a captain's hat.

Tis I who lead this fearsome crewy

With dagger, swagger, daring

"Dewey!?" Everyone but Charlotte and Don Karnage asked in surprise. B-But how did he get there!? Charlotte just couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Yes, look at me, the main attraction

With stories full of daring action

Perhaps you finally won't ignore us

So bend your ear and hear some from the chorus

The plane Dewey was on veered away as other pirates took center stage.

🎵(Stinky Boot)🎵
Ahoy to you I'm Stinky Boot

Me pride and joy be plunderin' loot

🎵(Ugly Mug)🎵
Me mateys call me Ugly Mug

But I prefer to go by Jitter Bug

"Alright, that's enough guys." Dewey said, but another pirate took center stage.

I'm Peg Leg Meg the ship's first mate

My high kicks truly are first-rate

"Okay." Dewey tried to get their attention when another pirate started singing.

Thar she blows

I'm Hard Tack Hattie

"Maybe just let me take the lead here." Dewey said to get them to stop, but to no avail.

My dancing skills

They just might drive you batty

🎵(Linda and Jack)🎵
Bonjour we're the twins with a rhythmical knack

One-Eyed Linda

And Two-Toed Jack

I'm just an intern for the summer

"Come on!" Dewey said.

But it feels like this song has gone on forever

"Okay, let's wrap it up." Dewey said, finally getting through to them. The Iron Vulture approached behind them, opening its hatch and forcing The Sunchaser to enter the ginormous plane. Grappling hooks then forced the plane down to land and not get away.

Heave ho below it's time to go

We dearly hope that you liked our show

And because your hearts we already stole

Charlotte quickly hid behind a pile of crates as the hatch opened to reveal pirates on the other side. The pirates grabbed everyone except Charlotte and Don Karnage and tied them up in some rope.

We'll open our ship

And swallow you whole


We'll open our ship

And swallow you whole



"Ah! Was I late on the yo-ho? Should we take it from the top? Ugh, okay." Dewey recovered and grinned down on the family. "Eh? How ya like my hat now?" Dewey asked smugly. "I didn't even know he was gone. Did you?" Scrooge asked the others. "I thought he was on lookout." Huey answered. "Yeah, he was definitely there when we went back to the plane, right?" Louie asked. "Yeah, I think so." Webby said. As they were talking, Don Karnage sneaked out of the plane while Charlotte stayed behind, trying to think of a plan.

"You didn't even notice I was gone!? That's it, I'm staying here." Dewey said as he started to walk away. "You ran away, joined a pirate crew, and you're mad at us!?" Scrooge asked in disbelief. "Let them go and give them back their tainted treasure. If they can't remember me, I don't wanna remember them." Dewey commanded his crew. Charlotte couldn't help but feel guilty at Dewey's remark. The crew was dumbfounded. "Give the treasure back?" Ugly Mug asked. "Probably won't be all the treasure. Not all of it, a jewel or something, you know, could have been lost forever during that dance number." Louie said. Charlotte raised an eyebrow. What is he talking about?

"Don't you want to ransom them? Or make them walk the plank? Or, you know, something piratey?" Meg asked Dewey. "Really, Peg Leg Meg!? First, you cut me off during the big number, then you give me notes!?" Dewey asked angrily. The crews expressions contort from surprise to anger. "He sounds a lot like Don Karnage." Meg said. "But with less treasure." Ugly Mug added. "We may be singing and dancing pirates." Meg began. "But we still be pirates." Ugly Mug finished as the two pirates glared down at Dewey. "It's into the skies with ye all!" Ugly Mug shouted as they carried everyone to the plank. Oh no! Everyone that was tied up glared at Dewey. "Great, now everyone pays attention to me." Dewey said.

The pirates aimed their swords at Dewey. "It's into Davy Jones' Upper Cabinet with ye." Ugly Mug said as Dewey peered down to the jungle below. "Come on, mateys. Remember how we all hated Don Karnage? Good times, right?" Ugly Mug aimed his sword closer to Dewey as Meg answered his question. "We actually hate you more than-."


Everyone turned to Don Karnage, who was still in his disguise. "Who be you? Some sort of plant scientist?" Ugly Mug asked. Don Karnage took off his disguise to reveal his true identity. "It is I. The master of disguise in the skies, Don Karnage, haha!" Don Karnage said as he drew his sword. "Uh oh." Dewey said. "The pirates of Don Karnage deserve better than this two-bit bilge rat." Don Karnage said. "Aww, Captain." Meg said, touched by his words. "I only push you because I believe you can do better. And those that can't, I kill." The intern nervously smiled before disappearing in the crowd of pirates. "You may be talentless backup, but you are the talentless backup of Don Karnage." Ugly Mug wiped away any tears in his eyes. "Bring it in, guys. Bring it in." Ugly Mug said as the crew and Don Karnage joined in a group hug.

While Don Karnage was having his little speech, Charlotte had found a spare sword amongst the treasure and was slowly approaching the group. Dewey tried to break everyone free of the ropes while everyone was occupied in the group hug. "Come to push us off the plank yourself, Captain Dewey?" Louie asked. "Uh, so listen, things got a little out of hand. Sure, I wanted attention, but I don't know-." Scrooge cut him off. "If we'd have listened to your story earlier, you wouldn't have fallen in with this lot." Scrooge said. "Though you should really communicate your needs more clear-." Scrooge elbowed Huey to correct himself. "I mean, we're sorry." Huey said. "No, I'm sorry. With so many people, it's easy to..." Dewey stopped once he spotted Huey's blue stained shirt and got an idea. "... get lost in the shuffle." Dewey finished. "Ding!" All four kids said. Charlotte smiled when she realized what the plan was.

"Excuse me, my ship! Only I get the heartfelt moments of realization. En guard!" Don Karnage yelled as he swing his sword. Dewey rolled out of the way, causing the sword to cut the rope and set them free. Before Don Karnage could hit Dewey with another swing, Charlotte quickly ran up and parried his attack, knocking his sword out of his hands. Dewey grabbed the sword as everyone began to run back inside the ship. Dewey struck a wrench with his sword like a golf club, sending it to a remote on the side of the wall. The remote malfunctioned as the hatch to the ship closed.

It was dark until red lights shone on Don Karnage. Dewey ran around Don Karnage in the dark as Don Katnage grabbed someone else's sword. "Cue my dramatic duel spotlight." Don Karnage ordered. Another red spotlight shone as Don Karnage and Dewey stood in fighting positions. "A duel!" The pirates shouted in excitement. Dewey and Don Karnage began to duel each other with their swords. As Don Karnage was about to swing his sword again, he missed as he realized that Dewey was no longer there.

He looked around confused until another red spotlight shone on Huey, who was now wearing the Captain's hat. "Haha, you salty skydog!" Huey shouted. Don Karnage growled as he chased after him. "I'm Dewey, I fear not the likes of youwey!" Huey said as he dodged Don Karnage's attack and swung away on a rope into the darkness. 

Don Karnage looked around in the darkness to try and find Dewey, or at least what he thought was Dewey. "I have a colorful personality, not unlike my hat. Watch how I Dewey it." Louie said as a red spotlight now shone on him, showing him wearing the Captain's hat this time. Louie began to sing as he retreated into the darkness. "Stop that! Come back here and die!" Don Karnage said, getting very annoyed. It was Webby's turn as she wore the hat with the red spotlight shining on her. "I'm sweet and sensitive and full of secrets. And, uh, something about Mount Peligroso?" Webby said as she dodged Don Karnage's attack. "Ah, they really do pay attention." Dewey said to himself in the darkness.

Lightning struck outside, the light flashing inside to reveal Huey, Louie, and Webby in the dark. "Wait a minute." Don Karnage signaled his crew to shine regular spotlights on all three kids, putting a stop to their plan and causing them to run away. "Quickly! The follow light!" Don Karnage ordered. Two spotlights began to search the area until their lights landed on Scrooge and Charlotte, who were working on the red spotlights the whole time. Both Scrooge and Charlotte smiled nervously as they dodged oncoming attacks. They both landed in a pile of their treasure, which Scrooge was happily stuffing as much as he could in his hat and pockets.

Dewey ran up to The Sunchaser and began to cut the ropes that were holding the plane down. "Retreat!" Dewey shouted. Charlotte quickly got off the treasure and used her sword to cut the rest of the rope. "Everybody in! I'll hold them off!" Dewey instructed as everyone began to enter The Sunchaser. "Get them!" Don Karnage shouted. "How are you gonna distract an entire crew of bloodthirsty pirates?" Scrooge asked as he carried the treasure that he could collect. Dewey smiled as he took out the pipe and played a pitch.

The pirates stopped what they were doing and immediately began to dance and sing. "What are you doing!? They're getting away!" Don Karnage shouted, but his crew continued to sing and dance. "Bon voyage, Don Karnage." Dewey said as he tossed the sword and the hat aside as the hatch to The Sunchaser was closing. A pirate fixed the remote from earlier and the hatch opened. The pirate tried to close it, but part of the remote was still broken. Launchpad started up the plane and began to make their escape.

"No one escapes the villainous me! Stop dancing! Man the cannons! Who's steering the ship!?" Don Karnage shouted as he looked at the steering wheel to find no one there. Just as The Sunchaser fully escaped, The Iron Vulture crashed into the side of a mountain. The impact sent the pirates flying inside the ship. "This is why only I get the solos." Don Karnage said. He then turned his head to The Sunchaser. "Curse you, Dewey Duck!" Don Karnage shouted as his Captain's hat landed on his head.

On The Sunchaser, Dewey was sitting all alone when Scrooge and Charlotte approached him. "We found this in the treasure." Scrooge said as Charlotte revealed Dewey's colorful hat. "Hey, my hat!" Dewey said happily as he put it on. Scrooge and Charlotte day done next to Dewey. "It certainly is, uh, unique. How did you come by it?" Scrooge asked. Before Dewey could tell his story, Louie made an announcement.

"Everyone listen up! I am a hero. At great risk to my personal safety, I have rescued Scrooge's most valuable piece of treasure. The Sapphire of Souls." Louie said, holding up a blue gem. "Never heard of it." Scrooge said as Louie handed Scrooge the jewel. "It's a priceless gem that reflects your darkest desires?" Louie asked. Scrooge inspected the gem to make a grand discovery. "This is priced at twenty nine dollars fifty." Scrooge said. "What the..." Louie said as Scrooge tossed the jewel back to him. "I didn't even steal a real treasure!?" Louie asked angrily. "Haha, got ya! I bought that at the airport. Ha! Tell me not make treasure about learning. Everything's about learning!" Webby said. Louie scoffed as he tossed the gem aside while Webby laughed and tackled him into a hug.

Charlotte shook her head with a smile at the scene before turning her attention to Dewey. "Go ahead, lad. We're listening." Scrooge said. Dewey smiled in excitement. "What do you know about alpacas? 'Cause I ran across a rainbow-colored alpaca who told me she had been waiting decades for the chosen one. And guess what? I was the chosen one!"

(I honestly see this chapter as filler than anything else, so sorry if it sucks)

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