Beauty and His Camera | Seung...

By hegetsmesohigh

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[ COMPLETED ] " the beauty and his camera," is the way hyunjin would often describe seungmin. ¡college au! More

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Thank You

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1.3K 75 18
By hegetsmesohigh

it's been a week since the incident occurred.

hyunjin felt lost. he didn't know where to put his heart. he, however, continued to have strong feelings for his dongsaeng.

right now, he was in his dorm, shirtless and slowly taking his time to get ready. he was supposed to be meeting up with felix and seungmin once again in order to go to their afternoon class together but if he was being truly honest, he wasn't looking forward to it.

sighing and not really knowing what to do with the spare hour and a half, he decided to lay down for a bit. he grabbed his phone from his charger and made it his mission to scroll through Twitter.

New Tweet from binnie 🐽

hyunjin decided to click it, curious to see what his friend was thinking about.

binnie 🐽:
I woke up and it was cold in my room. I want to cry 😃😃 jisung pushing me off his bed didn't help either 😃😃😃😃😃😃
11:38 a.m

hyunjin laughed out loud, retweeting and liking the tweet. he continued on laughing as he scrolled some more.

a few minutes later, a knock disrupted his scrolling as he looked up at his door.

" coming! ," he exclaimed as he got up slowly and stretched. scratching the back of his neck, he walked towards the door.

swinging it open, he was met with bulging eyes.

felix was the first to speak up. " hyunjin-ah!! I see this every morning yet never get tired of it," he smirked as he made his way into the room, rubbing hyunjin's stomach in the process.

his cold touch snapped something in hyunjin's head.

" oh shit!," he hurriedly went back into the room and into his closet, grabbing the closest shirt he found.

seungmin stood at the door, slowly gulping. he mouth had suddenly went dry.

" min?," felix furrowed his eyebrows before walking towards the door and pulling seungmin inside.

" it's cold outside, why were you just standing there?," hyunjin questioned the other as he slipped on his shirt. felix chuckled in the background.

" oh, um I don't know," seungmin's words trailed off towards the end, walking over to felix's side of the room and placing his bag on a lonely chair.

" anyways, we came by because I forgot to pack my notebook for next period," felix explained himself as he went searching around their shared desk and a last he found the pink book hidden underneath all the dirty dishes.

seungmin noticed this and observed the room carefully.

" you guys live like pigs," he said as he scrunched his nose.

hyunjin huffed, " you're one to talk, I almost vomited the last time I visited," he placed his arm on his hip.

seungmin whipped his head around, glaring at the older.

" that's not even me, that's all of jeongin's dirty clothes and you know that,".

hyunjin rolled his eyes and went back to his phone.    " right, jeongin, I forgot," he simply replied, but seungmin didn't miss a single trace of sarcasm in his words.

he turned back around, not even bothering with the other. felix felt the sudden tension in the air once again.

" right so um, I got my notebook, so should we get an early start and head towards Luna's Cafe before going to class?,".

" sure," both boys responded at the same time, but not sparing a single glance.

" okay, let's go!," felix said joyfully, trying to change the mood.

seungmin grabbed his backpack, while hyunjin slipped on some shoes and quickly grabbed his coat and books.

felix went out of his way to open the door once again for the couple.


" felix, you looked like a dumbass," seungmin said in between breathes. he couldn't even breathe properly as he kept laughing so hard.

hyunjin wiped his tears and high fived seungmin for his comment.

" you guys can be so annoying sometimes," felix tried his best to keep a strong profile but inside he felt like screaming. " I can see why you make a great pair," he mumbled to himself and rolled his eyes.

hyunjin took long breathes in and out as he steadied his breathing once again.

" I just, oh my god! I'm getting secondhand embarrassment now," he chuckled and lifted his hoodie onto his head, tightening it around with the strands.

" felix, I'm going to be honest with you, as your best friend," seungmin began in a serious tone but soon enough broke out into giggles, " nothing can save you now,".

felix groaned, miserable after the encounterment he just had.

" you knew changbin had a shift today yet you still messed up," seungmin continued speaking.

" it's just look," felix stopped in his tracks, trying to break down the situation since the two were making it seem worse than what he had imagined.

" I walk in right? obviously im distracted by you two shitheads, so I'm not really paying attention and you know that," felix went on. " once we were at the counter, you guys ordered but I had gotten a message from minho hyung so I just said what I needed to say and went to send a really funny meme back,".

hyunjin raised his eyebrows up. " you couldn't even look up for once second?,".

" I have no explanation for that," felix dropped his head down.

" anyways, I was having a hard time looking for the photo I needed and you guys were talking too loud, okay?," seungmin shook his head.

" you literally told us and I quote, " shut the fuck up". how do you even explain that and out of all of us, you had to directly stare at changbin hyung," hyunjin tried his best to contain his laughs again,

" I feel so bad, I wish I could go back and leave kisses all over him," felix pouted as his eyes shined through the tears that were welling up.

seeing him this way made the other two concerned.

" I'm sorry lix, I didn't know it bothered you this much," hyunjin consoled him by pulling him into a side hug, seungmin taking the opposite side and enveloping the small human into their chests.

" you apologized and I think he didn't even mind it at all, he even laughed a bit. I don't see him being bothered by it at all," seungmin backed him up, trying to work together to make felix feel slightly better.

felix wiped the fallen tears racing over his freckles, trying his best to crack a smile.

" thanks guys, but you both are still bullies," he tilted his head upward and crossed his arms, making it seem like he was upset with them.

he started to walk faster as the other two trailed off behind him.

all he could hear were faint " I'm so sorry" and
" please forgive me sunshine".

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