Love Is Collapsing

By AveShine

32.9K 1K 182

Tae and Jin are in love with each other since debut three years ago. For them, everything was perfect but the... More

Tae confronts Jungkook
Taekook Part Ways
Jungkook's Feelings for Jimin
You, Me & Us
At the Verge of Loosing
Truth is Out


1K 38 4
By AveShine

After the talk with RM, there was no or a slight difference in Taehyung. Slowly Taehyung started to become introspective. He started to keep his feelings to himself. He didn't shared with other not even to Jimin. Even if he got into argument, he let go of that thing with a smile, without a fight. He grew as an artist, singer and writer. He became more calmer, gentler and quieter than what he was. Maybe the price for this growth he paid for was too much, loosing two most important people of his life.  The space that Jin and JK made in his heart impacted the whole group. Because Tae slowly started to shut the members out of his life even Jimin. 

The change that RM saw was visible by the whole group now. They saw it how forced the conversations started to become, how hard the smiling was for Taehyung, how quieter he became which was against his before self. Because starting a conversation was the easiest thing for Taehyung and now it was awkward. The change worried them because their brother was in trouble, they could see it but they didn't knew the source. They tried to talk to him. But no matter how much they tried on their own, they knew that their fights would be futile because the boy had just avoided sharing anything, just said it's because of over working. The same conversation was done with him again and again by RM and Suga but the boy said nothing.

Jimin knew the reasons and it killed him that he was unable to see that his best friend was breaking inwardly and he couldn't do anything. And he didn't even knew if there is hope. His best friend always came to him in the end to share but now he didn't. His emotions were a mystery for him because he couldn't read him anymore. Taehyung was there for him when Jimin himself gave up but Tae didn't gave up on him nor did he let Jimin. It was always so easy for Tae to calm Jimin down but Jimin felt horrible because he couldn't do the same. And it was killing him. The only thing he could do was to be by his best friends side and wait till he comes to Jimin. 

JK was confused to see his hyung like that. He didn't knew why his hyung was becoming someone who he wasn't. He asked other members but they all said he didn't even wanted to talk about anything. He was confused.

Whereas Jin saw it but let it go. He didn't wanted to dwell himself too much into him again that it becomes impossible for him to get out. He thought if the boy had said that he was tired so that's it. It didn't mattered to him anymore. Tae's pain was nothing for him. Why would it be? Why would it be after he cheated on him? Why would it be when Tae pained him for life? He simply didn't cared or he refused to care.


Today I understood what's the meaning of dying slowly. You know the feeling when you just wanted to die but you can't. That's how I was feeling right now.

You see being too close on stage is not something new for us. Maybe there are some of us who doesn't like skin ship. As for Jin Hyung we have been close and we behaved the way we were off stage. But now when we were not together, we still used to do these small skin ship, though I don't see the same love anymore in his eyes. But never ever he said that one hurtful word before. Never


Yeah that was it. That was what their on stage chemistry was for Jin, FANSERVICE. My heart broke into million pieces but I didn't showed any reaction. And you know what the worst thing is, he said it in front of members and staff. For whom our relationship were sweet and now it was a Fanservice. How easily he said it that it was just a fanservice. The one word I despised of is now the reality of our love. Is love always that painful?


How does it feel Taehyung-ah? When you can't breath in an open garden even if you try to ? Do you understand now, how I felt back then? Do you realize the broken sound of my heart when your own broke? Fanservice, the word that I hated the most. I never thought that one day I will name our relationship that. But our relationship was just a joke for you, a fanservice on stage. Why would I suffer only? You should know what pain means too. You should know what broken feels like. You should feel it in your each bone, the pain you caused me.

Jin looked at him straight in the eye while saying each hurtful word. He didn't even blink. Both were broken but Jin was blinded by his hatred so much that he didn't realized that a tear escaped his Taehyungie's eyes. Taehyung was cracking slowly and the pain in his heart was too big to let go. The pain will crash like how river overflows and crushes everything with itself destroying everything. Tae wouldn't be able to hold it for long and once that happens, he'll be broken just like a mirror which can't be repaired. No one saw it. No one saw the broken look in Tae's eyes. No one saw that a joke for them broke Tae's heart into million pieces. Jin didn't saw And when he will realize it, it will be too late. 

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