A Pirate Story

By Hydranga2

513 35 7

This is sort of based on the game Pirate 101 since me and the girls (if you read my other stories about wizar... More

Characters 1
Troggie business
Skull Cave
Moving Forward
Jonah Town
Quid Pro Quo
One-Eyed Jack
The Antique Store
The Crew Makes the Home
The Crew's New Home
Gortez Part 1
Funny Scenarios
Troggy Trouble
Rumble in the Jungle
Welcome to the Jungle
Hear no Evil, See no Evil
Hear no Evil, See no Evil pt 2
Three Queens pt. 1
Rachel's Birthday

Puerto Mico

13 1 1
By Hydranga2

A week of rest later...

Sally, Bonnie, Subodai, Rachel, Warwick and Ratbeard sail to Puerto Mico.

They enter inside and see the Majordomo. 

"You have business with his Excellency? I trust you have a letter of introduction. Let me see. So you are..." The Majordomo says as Sally hands him the Paper given to her by Avery.

"Well, now we'll see what the credentials Avery got for you are worth." Rachel whispered to Sally.

The Majordomo looks between Sally and the Picture causing the group to look at it in shock.

"Ah... Madame Zordo, of Darkmoor. I hope you had a good journey. I see the legends of your beauty are... not exaggerated at all." The Majordomo says not seeing how Sally looks anything like this picture.

"Avery is dead." Warwick growls, he wasn't going to let the pirate disrespect Sally like that.

"Heh, that's a fine likeness, that is! Looks just like ye!" Ratbeard said playfully clapping a paw/hand onto Sally's shoulder. 

"And you're next I just decided." Rachel said as she, Sally, Warwick, Bonnie, and Subodai glared at him. Ratbeard takes a sheepish and scared step back.

"These..." The Majordomo says trailing off and looking between Sally and the picture. "Credentials are fine, but I cannot, alas, let you see His Excellency the Governor. At least, not dressed as you are." The Majordomo says stuffing the credentials in his inside pocket of his shirt.

"See if you can find the shop of Bernardo Sastre the tailor. He'll make sure your lack of fashion doesn't disgrace you when you see the Governor." The Majordomo says pointing to the door behind them.

They leave the biggest building and go out onto the streets and spot a sign with the clothes sign on it.

They walk over to the much smaller door with a deadpanned expression on their faces.

"Why are you looming over my shop, gangly ones." Bernardo Sastre asks curiously.

The group look down at the well dressed Monkey who stares up at them with curious eyes.

"Um, the Majordomo sent us hear for some clothes." Sally says trying to keep calm.

"The Majordomo is quite right- you are dressed like a savage. I'm hesitant to even be seen talking to you, but I shall take pity on your plight." Bernardo Sastre said having a face of false pity on his face.

"Gee thanks..." Subodai says sardonically.

"There's nothing to be shamed of- it's hardly your fault you were raised without the tiniest shred of culture or civilization." Bernardo drones on. 

Sally's frown intensifies. "We lack style? Have you seen what you ugly ass monkeys are wearing?" Rachel snaps but Bernardo ignores her words.

"TO fabricate something acceptable, in your sizes, will be difficult. I must charge you fifty thousand coins, labor included." Bernardo says.

"Fuck that." Bonnie says glaring down at the much smaller monkey. 

Rachel and Bonnie point their guns at the Monkey in front of them.

Bernardo sweats nervously.

"Too expensive? There is an alternative- House Guzman has an unfair monopoly on Mooshu Silk. Bring me Silk from their ships, I make your suit." Bernardo negotiates. 

Bonnie and Rachel put their guns away and the group leave to collect the silk. They return a few minutes later with faux silk.

They literally searched the ship and found the same Mooshu Silk.

They return to Bernardo.

"ah, here is the silk. No doubt my competitors will miss it dearly." Bernardo says with a evil smirk. "I took the liberty of making the suits while you were gone. It will fit, don't worry. I delivered it to the governor's Palace. The Majordomo has it." Bernardo says but looks up and sees the group already walking away.

Warwick slams the door open and the group enter with annoyed expressions.

"You must be here for your suit. It certainly took you long enough. Here it is." The Majordomo said handing them a bundle of colorful clothes.

Sally, Rachel and Warwick take the clothes before heading to the ship.

They return all with seriously pissed off expressions on their faces. They looked like pride month jesters with how bright the colors on them were. (I love Pride month and Support all sexualities, don't worry.)

The Majordomo sees them, "You look.. Marvelous. My cousin Sastre the Tailor has done you proud. You're ready to see the Governor now. You may proceed upstairs."  The Majordomo gushes over how the group was dressed.

Rachel and Warwick exchange looks over Sally's shoulders.

"Good Luck, and do try to behave yourself- I can dress you properly, but I fear I'll never make a Monquistan out of you." The Majordomo says turning his back to them.

Sally storms up the stairs causing the group to look at her in worry. 

They follow her careful to keep their distance just in case she pulls a fast one and takes them down.

"Well, Cap'n, you certainly look, uh, well... you look..." Ratbeard stammers hiding behind Subodai when Sally suddenly turns to him, her eyes practically glowing in rage.

"Ridiculous Guys. You look ridiculous. Those Monkeys made are making a monkey out of ye!" Bonnie said, not being one to beat around the bush.

Sally deflates hoping Bonnie wouldn't say what she was thinking. But alas, Bonnie did. (Should I have Bonnie and Subodai together?)

The group go to the open room door and are met with another cocky well dressed monkey. 

"Greetings. You're very bold, to come here wearing last year's fashion." Medina says stroking his beard but Sally glares at him pulling out her sword from it's scabbard. 

Medina sweats nervously. "Blame yer Majordomo, mate, if it had been up to us we wouldn't wear any of your stupid clothes. These pants are suffocating my crotch." Warwick said pulling at his tights around his crotch area.

"You've come all the way from..." 

"Skull Island." Rachel says eager to hurry things along, the corset of the dress she was wearing was suffocating her.

"What are you pirates?" Medina asks mockingly.

The group stays silent at that. "Look take this treaty." Sally said practically slamming the paper to the Monkey's chest.

"A treaty? How fascinating. I shall give it all due interest and respect." Medina said putting the paper on the desk full of paper work.

"Bull shit." Warwick said before slamming the chalice onto the table.

"You have a gift? I'm honored. This chalice is... very fine. I'm sure." Medina says.

Sally cracks her knuckles and storms out deciding to leave the negotiations to her crew while she storms outside to calm down.


Sally makes it outside and immediately begins removing the corset around her body.

Jim and his younger brother and dog walk around doing errands for the old woman at the antique shop when he spots Sally angrily storming around, her hair that was usually in two low ponytails, she had her hair in a messy French braid.

He walks over to the fuming girl and gently places a hand on her shoulder causing her to turn around and glare at him.

SHe relaxes upon seeing who it was. 

"Ye okay there?" He asks giving her a playful smile.

Sally blushes and shakes her head as Jim gives her outfit a once over. 
"I respect if yer going for a new style. but I liked yer old one much better..." Jim says playing with a strand of her dark brown hair.

Sally gives him a playful glare and playfully smacks his hand from her hair causing him to chuckle.

"Sally, right?" He asks as his younger brother and dog come running over with a bag full of junk.

"Yeah, and you are?" She asks with a smile as she gives Omari and Ruka a kind smile and wave.

"Oh, I am-" Jim begins eager to reveal himself to her sadly it will have to wait since Rachel called out to her from above.

Sally and Jim look up and see, Rachel, Warwick, Subodai, and Bonnie looking down at her with tired looks on their faces.

"We need to see the Bishop!" Rachel yells down to her causing a few Monquistans to glare at the group.

Sally turns to Jim and gives him a apologetic smile. "It's fine, by the way the quickest way to the Church from here is that way." Jim says deciding that it may be best, if he left their introductions for another time. He was honestly happy to know she was travelling with a group. He knew how independent Sally could be.

"See ye three around." Sally said as she rushes to her crew.

"See ye!" Ruka chirps happily waving to the older girl. Omari happily barks while Jim gives her a heartfelt smile and wave.

"One day..." Jim says softly before looking down at his younger brother and their dog.

"You guys ready to go?" Jim asks. Ruka and Omari give him a nod and they head to Jim's ship.

The group enter the church and walk through the isles and are met with a kind and humble looking Monkey in red. 

"Greetings, children. I trust you are not here to pray?" He asks kindly. The group relax at the sound of his voice and give him a kind shake of the head and Subodai explains their reason for coming.

"We have much to speak of." Bishop Hidalgo says giving them a nod before leading the group to his office, his feet leaving soft taps to the marble floor.

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