Life of the Savior - A Naruto...

By AmosUzumaki

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2 Ninjas start their Shinobi lives in chaos, one didn't have parents from birth and the other lost them as a... More

Hi Everyone!
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
That Special thing I was gonna give you adorable Reader-Chan's
Chapter 8
Chapter... 9, Holy shoot!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

1.5K 26 10
By AmosUzumaki

Third POV

Naruto faced down the last opponent, the SSS-rank (A/N: did I say sss-rank in the last chapter? Oh whatever, consider him an SSS-Rank ninja.) But as soon as Naruto saw the mask he knew this guy. Tobi, the killer of his parents, known to be the apprentice of Madara Uchiha himself. Naruto knew he was no chance for Tobi, so he just tried to disable the enemy so that he could make an escape and save Hinata, but the masked man slashed at Naruto before he could run to Hinata. Naruto cried out in pain before shunshinning to Hinata's location, picking her up bridal style and teleporting again to the Hyuuga compound. He finally fell onto his knees, placing the now crying girl down before clutching his stomach, where a huge gash lay, bleeding. 

"Naruto-Kun!" Hinata cried as he helped him up. Naruto gasped when he stood up, stretching the wound a bit. He hadn't gotten such serious wounds in a few years, ever since he started using his invisibility jutsu so that the villagers could leave him be. Before that, he was beaten up every week.

"Hinata, I'm fine... "*Naruto coughs out blood* "just get inside the compound safely..." Naruto choked out before dropping to the ground, full unconscious. Hinata cried out as she bent down and tried to lift the poor boy. Hiashi heard this and ran outside. There he saw his daughter crying her eyes out over... Minato and Kushina's boy?

(A/N: by the way hitome is Hinata's mom, and she didn't die giving birth to hanabi and Neji's father isn't dead)

"Hitome! Secure Hinata. Hizashi! Can you take the boy to the medical room?" Hiashi called out orders to the adults that had come racing with him to the compound entrance.

Naruto was carried inside to the medical room of the Hyuugas, but the nurses there told Hiashi that there was some unidentified poison in his blood, and that Lady Tsunade should come and heal him.

Kura... help... Naruto cried in his mind. The pain was unbearable as The blonde staggered toward the fox.

I'm sorry, kit. That Tsunade brat hasn't come yet and I can't help, otherwise the people around will think I'm attacking.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes, and then flinched violently from the bright lights, then He cried out in pain from the sudden movement. The nurses saw this, and tied Naruto down so that he wouldn't move and hurt himself. 

Tsunade barged in to Naruto's room, and started healing Naruto. 

"Baa-Chan..." Naruto called out weakly.

"I'm here, Naru, the next part will hurt, but it will be done before long..." Tsunade whispered.

The poor blonde's back arched as a new wave of pain enveloped him. Naruto cried out as a shockwave, followed by a burning sensation overcome his body. The last thing Naruto remembered was the anguished face of Tsunade.


Naruto POV

Kurama... I cried and hugged one of the fox's tails to my stomach, where the pain was. I was shocked that Kurama didn't push me away, usually he just flung me off, though to be fair, I WAS teasing him at the time...

Sorry, kit, I'm trying to limit the amount of chakra I'm squeezing into your network, since my chakra control went for a toss when I was sealed into your great-grand aunt Mito. It'll take about a few days for you to heal completely . Kurama whispered and put his tails on me for warmth as I whimpered, it's not my fault I have a low tolerance to pain.

I opened my eyes and looked around, thankfully no bright lights. I yelped as pain coursed through me from the movement.

Kit, you have a fever...

Nnnnnnnngh... that explains why I feel like I was on the receiving end of Itachi's fireball jutsu...

Nice choice of words. Kurama said sarcastically.

Do I look like I care about that? I retorted. No response which usually meant the furball's defeat in the battle of words.

"N-Naruto-kun?" Hinata whispered as she looked into the room. 

"Oh... Hey, Hina-Chan..." I whispered weakly from the fever.

God's, she's beautifu- NARUTO WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??? I yelled at myself.

YES! My baby brother is in looooove... Kurama laughed in my head.

Kuramaaaaaa... pleeeeease don't tell Matatabi or she'll go into mama-hen mode.

She's a cat, for the shinigami's sake!

Nnnngggg, whatever...

My brain, being one's best friend, repaid me for these thoughts with a huge headache. Kurama didn't have enough chakra control yet to cure headaches, so I had to suffer through them.

"Nnnnnnnnnngh..." I groaned as the migraine increased. From whatever I could see, Hinata seemed to be rushing to my side and feeling my forehead. She must've run her hand under cold water because cool relief flooded my head.

"N-Naruto-kun, you h-have a f-fever... S-should I go get L-Lady Tsunade?" Hinata stuttered.

"Nah... keep your hand there... it's feels so cool and nice..." I breathed out.

she blushed tomato red but stayed there, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the coolness.

Third POV

"Hinata? Hina-Oh..." Hiashi muttered. He stared at the situation Hinata was in, madly blushing as her hand was on the forehead of a still Naruto.

"Lady Tsunade, could you check the patient?" Hiashi asked the slug princess next to him.

Tsunade entered Naruto's room, and, seeing the position Hinata was in, smirked madly in her head. So my grandson finally gets himself a girlfriend... wonderful. Now I'll have great-grandkids!

Tsunade walked over to Naruto and gently poked his cheek. A little something she always did to wake him up whenever he landed himself in the hospital.

"baa-chaaaaaan... what is it?" Naruto whined. He really didn't want to wake up.

"I have to fix you, you have a fever and I have to do something before you get more sick." Tsunade said. The blonde then fell asleep.

//Time-skip to around 4 PM//

Naruto POV

"Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." I whined as Granny Tsunade tried to feed me some vitamins. It's gross stuff that I had to eat because of the poison from my encounter with Tobi, but not as gross as when Shizune-nee-chan changed my bandages. They were brown and red, and-

Kit please... don't. I nearly threw up some of the chakra rabbits you made for my lunch. Kurama whined as I snickered. My mindscape had become a sunny forest with a clearing, where Kurama was situated.

"Lord Hiashi!" I jumped out of the bed, startling Granny Tsunade and managed a sloppy bow before crumpling to the ground from the pain of sudden movement.

"Naru-Chan! You nearly tore another muscle! Don't do that again!" Granny warned.

"Sorry, Lord Hiashi, I made you worry..." I grit out from on the floor.

"Not a problem, Naruto. Here- let me help you up." My eyes widened as Hiashi escorted me to the bed. When did he ever help someone? He was always like the stuck-up Uchihas, well, except for a select few...

"Thank you, for saving my daughter. Many shinobi are after her, as I can see, so I have arranged for you to stay in the Hyuuga compound." Hiashi said gruffly.

"I am honored beyond words, Lord Hiashi. Er, should I go pack my stuff?" I asked and flashed to my apartment without waiting for an answer. 

Third POV

"No Need, I'll send some- Where'd he- The flying raijin?" Hiashi muttered curiously.

Naruto POV

I flashed to my apartment, toppled over and fell onto a couch, and summoned a fox from the fox realm

'Ya need me to pack for you, Naruto-San?

"Yes, Himari-San. I can't exactly move, so I can't pack." I said, my voice muffled from the couch I dragged myself onto.

She giggled. Alright, then! She started packing.

Third POV

Himari started packing up Naruto's belongings in a scroll, and then sealed the scroll onto one of the many storage scrolls on his person.

Okay, Naruto-San, I'm done here. Himari poofed into smoke.

Naruto POV

"AH!" I yelped as I reappeared on my bed in the Hyuuga compound and landed on my stomach. I groaned as the pain returned and my vision became hazy. Someone flipped me over, and I could faintly hear someone's voice scolding me, though I couldn't tell whose.

//Time-skip to the evening (A/N: I'm surprised it's not the evening yet)//

Third POV

Naruto was finally pronounced 'cured' by Lady Tsunade, but she threatened him into making a promise to take it easy for the next week.

Women and their wrath... Naruto muttered in his head.

Gotta agree with you, kit. Hell hath no fury than an angry woman or mother.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't imitate the blasted Uchihas!

Oh fiiiiiiine.

"Naruto-kun, your room is ready. Shall I take you there?" A maid named Mira said.

"Thank you, yes I would like you to take me there." Naruto replied cheerfully.

The blonde followed the maid out of the medical room toward a room right next to Hinata's room.

"Thank you, Mira-San. Have a good night."

"No problem." Mira said before walking off.

Naruto switched on the lights in the room, it was a simple room with walls the floor of Naruto's eyes, and the bedsheets were bright yellow, like his hair.

Naruto POV

"Did they purposely try to match me and my room?" I wondered out loud.

It seems so, anyway, since we're alone, I'm coming out, but it's gonna hurt a bit because I have to send a bit more chakra than normal. Kurama said.

I flinched and gave a muffled Yelp as my shirt flew up and red chakra came in a big wave out of the seal on my stomach. I clutched my stomach and fell sideways onto the bed as I saw the chakra circulated in the air before taking the shape of a mini-Kurama (A/N: Shippuden Akamaru size, maybe a bit bigger) and landing gracefully on the ground.

"Kurama, could I-" I started to ask.

"Fine, for today, you can sleep with me. And can you henge into a baby form, It's easier for me to bear your cuddling in that form since you look so cute." Kurama said as I punched the air on top of me and henged into the 1-year-old form of me. I swear, there were literal hearts in his eyes. I wanted to make it even cuter, so I stuttered, "K-kuwama?"

OHHHHH COME HERE YOU LITTLE- Kurama squealed as he grabbed me with his tails and placed me on the bed and wrapped his tails around me before I pulled the blanket over us. I snuggled deeper into the fur and slowly fell asleep.

Hitome POV

Hiashi sent me to find Naruto-kun for dinner. I walked over to his allocated room and opened the door.

OH MY GOODNESS, THIS IS SO CUTE!!! I squealed in my mind, and tried to stifle a giggle at the sight. A baby Naruto, sleeping with the-

KYUUBI?!?!?! I screamed in my head. I saw it's tails wrapped around the boy, maybe the Kyuubi wasn't as bad as I thought. I took my store camera out of a pocket and took a picture with the flash on. Naruto just snuffled, and the kyuubi just twitched. I ran after I closed the door.

"Hiashi?" I called into the dining room.

"Hitome? What is it?" He answered.

"Kaa-San?" Hanabi and Hinata asked.

I squealed like a school girl. "Look what I found in Naruto-Kun's room? THIS!" I showed them the picture I had taken. Hinata and Hanabi squealed and Hiashi chuckled. "This is truly Minato and Kushina's child." He said.

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