To See You Again [UWMA AU]

By SetByeol

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« Alright, guys ? What do you think about past life and reincarnations ? » Dean was taken aback by Win's word... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82 - The End ?

Chapter 42

36 1 55
By SetByeol

« Ji Su-ya, are you alright ? »

As soon as he entered the Hong family's home, he had heard Mrs Hong's loud voice coming from the living room. Although he didn't know what was the argument about, he had understood that she was talking to his little lover.

Or at least the person he loved with all his heart and that he missed so dearly. Even though they had snuck in one or two dates, nothing was really spelled out about their status.

Mrs Hong left the room by another door, allowing him to head inside without her knowledge. But Ji Su, fleeing his touch and comfort, confused him.

Instead of relying on the older man, the little one had run away. Hyeon Jae's heart dropped, the lovely being didn't look good at all, the usual light in his-her- eyes had disappeared. He needed to make it possible for them to meet as soon as possible or else the knot of fears in his heart would take over all his thoughts.

Since Mrs Hong had discovered them waking up in Ji Su's bedroom, she hadn't listened to any of their explanations and had just made her own decisions. She forbade them to meet in or outside home, talking to each other was supervised at all times and made him absolutely crazy. He couldn't show his support nor his longing.

He wasn't under as tight of a monitoring as Ji Su was so he had followed him-her- a few times when he went to school. What he had witnessed had not put his initial worries at ease, seeing how he-she- had taken distance from his-her- friends. Was it of his-her- own doing ? Was it because of school or Mrs Hong's deliberate manipulations ? Hyeon Jae might never know the reason but he knew that the cute little one he loved was getting lonelier and sadder. He was talking less and less, isolating himself, almost drained out of life.

From what Ji Su had told him at the time they confirmed their mutual feelings, he-she- had already a lot on his-she- plate. The additional change in his-her- life plus his own supposed wedding was a lot to take in. That said wedding was just a thorn in Hyeon Jae's side. Even if Su Ji was a nice lady, she was of no interest to him, he just didn't like her at all.

His whole heart was for him, her, depending on how you wanted to call Ji Su.

Hyeon Jae wasn't yet accustomed to think of Ji Su as a girl, as his external appearance was of a man. He had to correct himself to use the right pronoun. But more than anything he just didn't care what Ji Su was, he loved her cheerful and thoughtful personality, the rest was just an outward cover.

However, right now, that beautiful persona was withering away and he was stuck, not doing anything useful.

He had succeeded in sneaking once or twice in Ji Su's school, meeting him during lunch hours. Savouring the time spent together, hugging the little shivering body strongly in his embrace. He had thought that they could slip away from the surveillance hence making Ji Su ditch once, but Mrs Hong had quickly caught on that one stolen afternoon. Her guard was now too tight for Hyeon Jae to do anything simple. He had to cook a better plan.

The only person who would understand and support him in his crazy or socially unacceptable love was his brother who had shown him the way to his feelings. He couldn't talk about it with his University friends, they wouldn't understand this kind of forbidden love. So he exchanged letters with Hyeon Su, asking him for ideas on how to cancel this dreaded wedding. Never would he have thought that this would be the beginning of his absolute worst nightmare.

Slightly tired from the succession of finals, a more than needed discussion with Liam and another frantic week saying greeting to every and anyone, Dean had only wished for a calm night before enjoying his last days in France. He had certainly not expected to find people all over his living room the night he had thought would be a chill one in front of a movie.

However, finding out that Win had planned a party with their house mates was not so much of an un-welcomed sight. In fact he had been pleased to see his friends from campus and spend one more fun night with them all.

If he had been at his best, the thought that a simple surprise like that wasn't Win's habits would have crossed his mind earlier. After all, the blonde guy had often done much more complexe surprises back in their hometown. Him and their friend Bright were one hell of pranksters, shouts and laugh following their track in their University. They were well known in their Thai Campus. But, maybe because Earth wasn't here, Win had been much calmer in France. Even this evening was a mild event.

« Can we get in ? » Liam's voice woke him up from his stupor.

Dean's tired mind had gone blank when he had discovered the last guests that joined the party late.

Of course he was happy to see Lucas, as he had been good company during the trips and club activities. But more than that, he had been blown away by the sight of the handsome man who was now in front of him.

After their last meeting, they hadn't been in much contact and Dean wasn't sure how to behave in front of the man he had freaking confessed to. But he wasn't going to refute a new opportunity to see him.

Pulling back from the door to let them come in, he couldn't see the floor and tripped one or two times. His face reddened not only in embarrassment but also because the information that Liam was here finally settled in, making the muscle in his left rib cage pump blood loudly.

Mindlessly he tried to get back in the living room, his focus being on the man in his back rather than in front of him, when he felt himself fall backward, sliding on some random thing.

Before the cry that was on the edge of his lips could quack out of them, his back was stopped against a strong presence, sending his heart in a frenzy. The arms circling his waist securely, didn't help his lung to function either, all air blocked in. He struggled to breath again.

It has been a long time since he had been in contact with this strong build. Liam's chest and arms were still as comforting and reassuring as it had been before. He wanted to melt in it, never separating from the enticing smell of the man who had once again caught him.

« You alright ? » Dean heard the low husky voice close to his ears.

Startled, he jumped back up fighting for a semblance of a placide face. Murmuring his thanks, the black haired man couldn't look back when he was reluctantly freed from the strong embrace, missing on Liam's lively face. Instead he fled to the kitchen, gulping a liter of tap water directly from the sink.

Birthday cakes were the best medium to bring everyone around and the reason for this party. Dean could see how much it means for the blonde man in front of him. And just as much on their friends' joyful faces, gathered in the room, he was proud that they had met such beautiful people. Looking at all the people present, he was only seeing bright smiles. Even Liam who was standing behind most people had one of his small smiles who lit up the world for Dean. For a moment, it was perfect.

While eating his heavenly chocolate cake, Dean was back on the couch, listening on Lucas' and Yong Gi's talk about winter sports. Originating from a summer country, Dean was learning a lot from the Korean and French man and wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He just quickly glanced over when he felt a weight on the armrest next to him, seeing a blue jean, and went back to the ongoing discussion about Olympic games. It was funny to see the two men argue about the best resorts and organisations in the past years.

« I don't think the point is on the place though ... » interrupted the person behind Dean.

Hearing the low voice, Dean's whole body went stiff in anticipation as he was starting to guess who had seated on the armrest. The conversation faded in the background, his entire being focusing on the warmth emanating from his back. Nothing was entering his brain anymore except for every noises or movements he could detect coming from the man. It was unnerving.

He didn't know how to act in front of Liam since their last time. He had just told him about his feelings, listened to the man's thoughts and that's it. He didn't have a chance to ask Liam if he could hope for more, if he minded them keeping in touch even after his right at the corner departure. He was dreading leaving without any prospective solution and hopes to see the chocolate haired man again. Lost in his thought, he sighed leaning against the backrest of the couch, his head toward the hallway, inattentive to anything. He didn't know that his movement had caught the attention of the man of his thought, nor that he had unknowingly gotten closer to the said man.

« A penny for your thought. »

Startled, Dean looked on his right, where a brown haired head crooked on a solid shoulder was leaning on a strong arm just next to him. They were inches apart, their eyes locked for a good few minutes in an uncomfortable position. Liam's open interest, enticed Dean to shift around on his seat so he could sit correctly against the backrest, his own arm going up on the armrest automatically. For a minute, he was lost for words but a flicker of mischievousness soon replaced it, instinct kicking in.

« My thoughts are not so cheap. » he smiled mockingly.

The chuckle he earned, made him grin enjoying the low sound resonating in his heart.

« How come you are here ? » he asked softly, changing the subject forgetting his previous anxiety to talk with the older man.

« You don't want me to ? I can leave ... » Liam motioned to stand up, his face's seriousness sending Dean in consternation.

« Who said you can't ? » answered hastily the younger man, grabbing onto the older's arm and not letting it go.

It felt right to touch him to have some kind of contact with him and he didn't let go when, with a not so hidden crooked smile Liam fully sat back where he had been. Feeling adventurous and alcohol helping, Dean inched closer to the man and skimmed his muscled forearm, which he was still holding the wrist of in his left hand, with his own shoulder.

« So ? You didn't tell me, who do I have to thank for you coming here ? » he asked suggestively.

« Why would you thank someone else ? » smirked Liam, making Dean cough at the obvious provocation.

He didn't expect the man to answer his experimental flirt by a more aggressive response. Excitement coursed through his vein at the hope that this comeback had implied. He didn't know if he could let that hope blossom in his heart as the dark green eyed man could very much just joke around with him. Later suspicion was confirmed by the easy laugh that escaped from the mouth of said man. Dean's heart missed a bit from disappointment but he reassured himself that he, at least, had the man's friendship back.

« How would you have known to come otherwise ? » he replied coily.

« Smart little cub. Win and Lucas asked me, both, separately. » he said, smiling while ruffling the smaller man's silky hair « Said that I had to bring the cakes. And I wanted to ... »

Dean really wanted to know the rest of the sentence but he had to refrain from showing his displeased look when they were interrupted by Win who was calling for attention. By now, some guests had already left after eating the cake, excusing themselves for multiple reasons. However the blond and lanky man offered the remaining people to play a giant drinking game.

The rules were as follows : among the twelve people that were still present cards would be given. The one who had the king will have the right to give four orders before the cards were once again shuffled and handed out again. The orders could be for a group of people or just one, which in turn had a choice. They could either, if the whole group agreed, accept the order or reject it and drink a glass of mixed liquid. As an exemple, Win kept the King card and handed out the rest of the cards to the group seated around the couch.

« So as the king, I will order 4 to 9 to dance but without any music. »

Chuckling and giggling, the six called upon didn't bother to refute the order and just danced like crazy people, in the middle of the living room. Making them stop, the mischievous king turned to the group again and announced his three remaining and rather innocent, if you know the man, orders before asking if everyone had understood the game. It was simple and would entirely depend on the king's will for the difficulties of the orders.

Some of the next kings didn't look for much inspiration and just treated the numbers as clowns or slaves. Others were a bit more creative and requested absurd things from their 'subjects'. Amber asked for the queen to only be able to speak after starting her sentence with 'My souverain king' until the end of the game. Which was refused right away by Tom as he would most probably forget about it at one point. So he would rather pay the price right away and be free to speak later. The horrible drink he was offered then might have made him regret his decision, as he drank it while pulling a long face that everyone else found hilarious.

It was now Dean's turn. Finding new orders was becoming hard but he had a few ideas. First he asked Ace and 10 to hold hands for the next thirty minutes which didn't bother Amber and Lucy much as they were happy to comply, making everyone gag at their cuteness. Then he requested for 2 and 4 to be a seat for Jake. Hilariously the biggest and heaviest one of the three was the one who ended up being on top, meaning that Win and Tom had to bear with Lucas muscled build for a few minutes before they crumbled, crying for pity. Chuckling, Dean still saw the thirst for vengeance that went through Win's eyes and for a second he was scared. Recklessly chucking the feeling away he concentrated on what he was going to request for the rest of his orders.

Maybe if he had paid more attention to his best friend, he would have seen that the blond man was shuffling weirdly the cards and might have kept one or two on a side. He might or might not have a devilish plan in his mind. In any case he ended up being the king in the next round.

Dean felt a cold shiver running down his spin when he saw the dangerous look his best friend sent in his direction. And just as he feared, after three first basic orders, a threatening smirk adorned his thin lips while he said his last sentence.

« 7 and 8, on you go with a kiss ! »

Looking at his card to be sure, Dean confirmed that he truly was the card number 8. And his blond best friend had succeeded in punishing him back. What astonished him more though, was that Win was as surprised as him when the 7 turned out to be none other than ... Liam. Win smirk had disappeared but was soon replaced by a grin. Not much of a punishment but still awkward as hell.

Dean had difficulties keeping his composure. On one hand he wanted to squeal like a crazy teenager from excitement and happiness at this miracle like opportunity. But on another hand, he was worried. Like really worried, of Liam's reaction. They had barely come back to speaking term and friendship. He had confessed too, for god sake. The older man must know that this kiss, however small it might be, would mean something to him.

Appalled, he was nibbling on his lips when he felt a tug on his sleeve from the man on his left. Un-disturbed, Liam was looking at him, crooking a brow in a silent question for his decision. It dawned on the black haired man that the older one was waiting for him to choose to either obey or drink their penalty. He didn't appear fazed by either choice and was letting the younger man be the one who took one or another solution. He was respecting him and his limit.

Averting his gaze, Dean made a quick calculation and followed his less than innocent desire that took over. Huffing to Win, he used the couch for support and seductively brought his face closer to Liam's.

Dean couldn't take his eyes off of the dark green orbs that were looking back at him, hypnotising him. Liam's pink-red lips seemed so tempting he wished he could endlessly dive into them. His last strand of conscience forbade him to do so and he purposefully pecked the slightly opened full lips. Taste of sweet chocolate welcomed him in the tiny instant their lips were in contact, leaving a burning sensation behind.

Dropping down in his seat, he was stopped on his track and brought back to an intense face who fervently kissed him. He could feel muscled arms circling his back and bringing him close to the toned chest he liked to lean in. Hot lips were leaving hot dry kisses on his surprised ones, taking the chance and licking the edge of them as if asking for more.

Losing his control, Dean draped his right arm around Liam's neck as his left one used Liam's hip as support. The contact of their touching lips, enhanced by the delicious taste as he was nibbling and licking back, made Dean's mind go blank. In the state he was, he wouldn't have minded falling onto the older man, making the contact last longer and deepening the innocent kiss in a more compromising activity.

Before he could angle his head to reach a more comfortable position, Liam backed out, taking deep breaths as he leaned his forehead on the younger man. The later barely registering the murmured words that left those now rosy lips he was lost for, as he too was looking for air.

« That's what I call a kiss. »


Hiiiii, I'm the one who wanna squeel right now....

Is their relationship going forward now ?

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