The Girl Behind The Mask | Ch...

Galing kay chaelice_97

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(Converted) - Lalisa Manoban is a millionaire playgirl and the sole inheritor to the Manoban Enterprise Holdi... Higit pa

Prologue & Casts
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 - FINAL CHAPTER

Chapter 16

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Galing kay chaelice_97

Roseanne was holding in her breath for majority of the ride across town to a skit class Axel had signed up to do. Sometime in the middle of the ride, Lisa had, without asking mind you, pushed the A/C button on, which immediately caused both Park siblings to shout a panicked ‘No!’ at her. But it was futile. Instead of chilled, soothing air they were greeted instead with a god-awful stench that made Lisa gag and stick her head out the window.

“What the hell is that?! Holy hell… god have mercy!” She exclaimed, which caused Axel to gargle out a muffled chuckle.

“That’s what you get for being so damn fidgety and touching things you have no permission to touch!” Roseanne snapped, frustrated. “You’re worse than a kid! Just… sit there and don’t touch anything else, alright?!”

Lisa grumbled, head still out the window. “Well, excuse me for assuming the A/C was working… how very idiotic of me.”

When they finally arrived at the location, Roseanne hopped out of the car and rushed over to Lisa’s door, pulling it open for her. Lisa smiled.

“Aww, that was sweet. Thanks, Roseanne!” She beamed at Roseanne, and stepped out.

Roseanne let out a snort. “Uh no. The door only opens from the outside. I figured you’d probably have a tantrum if I told you to stick your arm out and I didn’t want you bitching about anything else.”

Lisa’s radiant smile slumped. “Oh… well… thanks anyways, I guess…”

Roseanne nodded, ushering Axel out of the car and towards the mid-sized building, secretly cursing herself for wiping away that stunning smile for no fucking reason.

“So, Axel… where are we exactly?” Lisa asked, looking around the wide, open space upon entering the building. Rows of chairs and a crudely made stage being the only effects in the rustic, windowless space.

“Oh, we’re doing a skit class! I found the ad online and well, I thought it would be fun! It’s part acting, part improvising, and 100% talent! Plus, it’s funny! You wouldn’t believe what people come up with when under pressure!” Grinning, he darted ahead and took up a seat on the very first row, waving them forward.

Roseanne moved first, taking the seat to Axel’s right. Lisa contemplated her options for a moment, deciding if it would be wise to sit in the vacant seat by Roseanne or take up the closest available seat to Axel’s left. She shrugged and plopped down by Axel, not missing the way Roseanne exhaled a little louder than necessary.

Axel twisted in his seat a second later, hand stretching up and waving. Lisa turned, catching Jennie’s amused glare as she approached.

“Well… didn’t expect to see the likes of you so soon, PG….” She commented, bending over to give Axel a nipple twirl as a greeting, to which Axel yelped. “Kid, next time you make me come out to some abandoned shithole like this, in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere, I’m gonna sell your tiny little organs in the black market.”

Axel smirked. “Love you too, Jen.”

Giving Roseanne a hug, Jennie used the opportunity to extract more information. “Lisa?! Are you experiencing short-term memory loss? Early onset of Alzheimer’s, possibly? Or is this just a clear-cut case of the “Dumb Blonde” syndrome finally kicking in? Gotta catch me up here, Rosie, having a hard time following you lately…”

“Showed up at the house uninvited and Axel asked her to tag along. Plain and simple. I meant what I said, Jen… I won’t do this again.”

Jennie nodded and pulled back, throwing her friend a saddened look laced in comfort and understanding.

Silence gradually washed over the bustling room when an attractive woman, adorning a skintight red dress, stiletto hells, and charcoal-black hair pulled back in a secure ponytail, addressed them in a welcoming greeting.

“Hello everyone, and welcome to Skit 101: The Benefits of Improv.” Becca, the expressionless instructor, announced. “Today, we will practice adjusting to situations and molding to fit new, unexpected scenarios. Improvisation is a crucial skill to have for those of you wishing to pursue careers in acting or theatre.” Axel did an excited little squirm in his seat, Roseanne glanced over and saw his eyes widen with crackling electricity.

“So, there’s really not much secret to this… it’s an adventure that must be delved into with as little guidance as possible in order to stay true to the nature of improvising. With that said, let me get two brave volunteers up here… would anyone like to go first?”

Roseanne wasn’t the least bit surprised when Axel shot his hand as high into the air as it would go; releasing a high pitched squeal to get the woman’s attention. Becca smiled and motioned him forward.

“Ah, I believe we have our first victim! And now for a second…” She inquired, glancing over the crowd. Axel did not waste time, and lounged across Roseanne’s lap to wrap a hand around Jennie’s slender wrist.

“I volunteer Jennie as tribute!” He shouted loudly, causing a roar of laughter to erupt and a string of profanities to drip from Jennie’s lips.

Axel skipped forward, bouncing on his heels from enthusiasm, not the least bit ruffled by the numerous pairs of strange eyes watching him. Jennie followed in tense objection, grumbling and pouting along the way.

“Ok… good. Now, give me a location or scenario.” Becca turned to the crowd.

“Ummm, Hollywood! Or, a movie set!” Someone shouted.

“Movie set. Good!” Becca agreed. “Now, who are they to be portraying? Give me roles, names, title, anything you wish to see unfold.”

“Actors! Well, the kid is an actor. The girl can be a crazed, smitten, fan girl meeting her idol for the first time.”

“Very good!” Becca nodded, turning back to the two waiting parties. “You have your roles. Your job now is to create a scene from that and just roll with it. Got it?”

Axel nodded very enthusiastically. Jennie groaned.

“Ready, set, action!”

Axel’s demeanor switched the second the command dropped, and he straightened his posture, tilted his chin mightily into the air, and strutted towards Jennie, who still stood much in the same fashion as she did before: arms crossed around her chest and a scowl twisting her facial features.

Axel paused before her, giving her a snobby, overly entitled look from head to toe. “Yes? May I help you, miss?” His tone was indignant and superior, with a hint of irritation coating it.

Jennie just glanced over at him, scoffing. “Um, no. I’m all good. Thanks.”

That made Axel pause. “Uh, well, aren’t you here for an autograph? Or a picture? Well, sorry but I’m a very busy man. I don’t have time for neither right now.”

Jennie shrugged. “Umkay. Wasn’t really interested in one anyways…”

Roseanne could see Axel pause yet again, and throw Jennie a ‘WTF dude’ glance, but he quickly recovered. “On second thought, I have a few minutes and wouldn’t mind showing my appreciation to such a dedicated fan such as yourself! Here,” he reached into his pants pocket and pretended to withdraw a pen, “and who am I making this to? Don’t be shy now, Hun!”

Jennie looked him over again, arching up a brow. “Ok, I’m sorry… who the hell are you supposed to be, you little weirdo?!”

Axel’s jaw dropped in disbelief, and Roseanne saw his face scrounge in a disapproving scowl. “I’m Brad Pitt! Brad Pitt, Jennie! Jeez, I even used his signature smile! See!” Axel cracked his lips apart, giving Jennie a forced, and slightly creepy, half-teethed smile.

“Oh! Of course, my apologies Mr. Pitt! For a second there I had you wrongfully mistaken for an Oompa-Loompa. The height similarity, the annoying presence, and the appalling hairstyle threw me for loop.”

Axel seethed, throwing his hands in the air. “Cut! I can’t work with this! The disrespect, I tell you! You know what… I QUIT!” And letting his inner diva run loose, he stormed out of the stage and back to his seat, but not without a round of applause.

“Alright, how about we switch up here? Can I get two more volunteers?” Becca called to her audience. Axel implored Roseanne to participate, and after a brief moment of reluctance, she agreed if only to see his face ignite into his beautiful, loving smile. Axel waited until Roseanne had shyly stepped onto the stage, until she had crossed that line of no return. Once there, he flung his carefully crafted trap.

“You know what, suddenly I’m feeling artistically drained.” He spoke breathily to Roseanne, who gave him a questioning look. “Maybe someone should take my place?” turning to the crowd. “Lisa, would you mind stepping in for me? I need a break.”

Roseanne and Lisa both shared a panicked look and the blood immediately drained from Lisa’s face. Before she could refuse, Axel was already pulling her onto the stage by her hand and pushing her towards Roseanne, who looked equally pale and terrified.

“Ok, good!” Becca’s overly cheerful voice cut through the lingering silence that had descended upon the observing spectators. “Now that we have our volunteers, I need a location and roles.”

“IKEA!” Some random imbecile shouted.

“No, the grocery store!” Someone else countered, and Becca nodded, agreeing with the second option.

“They’re a couple! Madly in love and married! Discussing healthy food options!” Axel blurted before anyone else had a chance. Roseanne scowled at him, and Lisa turned ghostly white.

Jennie leaned in. “I know what you’re doing, kid. And I approve. You have learned well, my little grasshopper.”

Axel smirked, shrugging innocently. “Dun’ know what you’re talking about, Jen.”

“Alright, you have your instructions.” Becca announced, and the entire room fell silent; the tension between the two women was palpable even to the strangers present. Axel and Jennie scooted forward on their seats, watching intensely.


Roseanne cleared her throat, and Lisa clenched her hands into tight fists near her sides. I’m gonna murder, my infuriating kid brother. I’m sure dad would understand...

After a moment, Roseanne heard Lisa release a deep sigh and carefully approach her. “Err, so… um, hey there… my lovely...wife?! Yea..! Ummm, so healthy foods… because, we’re… on a DIET! Yes! So… maybe we can get some… healthy fruits? Like peaches? Bananas? Wait, do you like bananas…babe?” Lisa stuttered through, frantically rubbing her nape while her eyes flickered from Roseanne, to Becca, to a grinning Axel, to a bewildered Jennie, and back to Roseanne.

“I’m guessing I’ll revert back to bananas now… after you, you know… cheated on our diet.” Roseanne hissed, arms crossed protectively across her chest and decided to play along, using the moment to teach Lisa a much needed lesson.

“Remember that night, baby? When I just happened to stumble in on you licking those two, massive cupcakes, hmm? After you promised you wouldn’t do it again, after you made me believe you were really committed… guess once a cheater always a cheater.”

Lisa’s eyes widened and her knees slightly bucked forward. “I only had a taste! I never actually ate them! You gotta give me credit for that incredible show of self-restraint, Roseanne!”

Roseanne scoffed, releasing a low chuckle. “Are you being serious right now?! Give you CREDIT?!” This FUCKING BITCH!

“YOU would have devoured them if I hadn’t shown up when I did! And you know what else?! You would have probably had seconds, and thirds! Especially since apparently your favorite flavor of CUPCAKES just happened to show up out of thin air and started rubbing itself all over you! Bet you couldn’t wait to get that in your mouth now, right, babe?? Self-restraint my ASS!” Roseanne was spewing venom now, unaffected by the wide-eyed crowd watching. “You probably did just that… later that night. After I left.”

Lisa groaned, throwing her hands up in the air dramatically and rolling her eyes. “I already TOLD you I never ATE those damn CUPCAKES! I don’t WANT those stupid cupcakes, Roseanne! The only cupcakes I want are YOURS! Why can’t you just put aside your infuriating stubbornness for one second and just give me a chance to explain! Jesus, woman!”

The two were facing each other now, squaring off and seething rage.

Axel, dumbfounded and equally impressed, leaned into a similarly bemused Jennie. “Why is Rosie freaking out about Lisa eating cupcakes?! What’s wrong with having cupcakes every now and then? You always let me have cupcakes… now I understand why you never let me tell Roseanne about that… yikes!”

Jennie nodded. “See Axel. There’s ALWAYS logic to my madness, kid…”

Roseanne stormed forward, driving a finger into Lisa’s upper chest. “I have given you a chance! I did and YOU ruined it with your stupidity! And do you want to know something else? It was actually going somewhere, Lisa! I was beginning to trust you but you and you’re insatiable HUNGER just HAD to go and screw it up!”

Lisa recoiled, and gasped. “Are you calling me a cupcake slut?”

Roseanne rolled her eyes and stepped away, shaking her head in disapproval. “You’re ridiculous! I swear, I’ve tried with you but you’re just a selfish, self-centered, entitled little brat who only thinks about herself and her needs!”

“Tried?! You’ve TRIED?! When, Roseanne? Please, enlighten me! Because yea, I may be all those things but YOU… you’re equally stubborn, and proud, and just WAITING for me to mess up so you have an excuse to peace out! And yea, I know I gave you the right ammunition to do just that but… I apologized! I feel like shit for even LOOKING at the fucking cupcakes!” Lisa was panting now, rage transforming to despair. “But I need you to believe me when I tell you I NEVER ate them. I would NEVER, Roseanne… not when I have you. Not when I want to make this… diet work with you!”

Roseanne relaxed some, and Lisa let her shoulders drop. “I’m sorry, Roseanne. I promise to stay on track. I promise to only eat the wonderfully disgusting but incredibly healthy green smoothies you make for me. I promise to never, ever, ever betray your trust, and your faith, in me again. I swear it!”

Now the crowd gasped.

“Give her a second chance, Roseanne!” Someone in the audience shouted.

“Yea, blondie! You may regret it if you don’t!” Another voice joined in. Soon enough the entire crowd was chanting ‘Give Lisa another chance!’ in a continued rant that just made Roseanne blush wildly.

She swore she even heard Axel and Jennie’s voices jump in but was too embarrassed to look anywhere but her feet. A light finger under her chin brought her attention to lively, dark brown eyes that, if she hadn’t been so incredibly uncomfortable, would have surely melted her to oblivion.

Lisa smiled softly at her, grazing the tip of her nose gently over Roseanne’s. “Shut your mind off for one second, and just hear your heart out, beautiful.” Lisa instructed, feeling Roseanne’s sharp exhale drip over her parted lips. “If that doesn’t work, hearing the crowd out is also not a bad idea.”

She pulled back, winking and smirking. And for a brief second, Lisa swore she saw the faint trace of a small smile conquer those perfect thin lips. But it quickly vanished, falling back into a stern scowl.

“As if I’d make that mistake twice…”

The response was nearly inaudible, but it might as well have been a scream to Lisa’s ears.

Roseanne pulled away, carrying herself off the stage, and then out of the building, past the rows of people who one-by-one silenced their chant.


The ride back was about as pleasurable as a having a dozen needles driving into your pupils while being forced to simultaneously swallow rabbit droppings as you inhale one of Jennie’s rancid farts. Roseanne drove without ever throwing a glance towards the very taut, very silent passenger sitting to her right. Axel, picking up on the layered tension between the two, plopped his headphones in and lounged in the backseat, making himself as invisible and his presence as unnoticeable as possible.

It was moments like these that Roseanne wished she had a functioning radio, but just like every fucking feature in her shitty car (and life), nothing ever worked fluidly like it should. Her hands wrapped around the steering wheel a little tighter.

Jennie, who randomly had a “soccer match” to attend on Somi’s request, politely declined Roseanne’s offer to drive Lisa back to retrieve her car. Roseanne knew it was a ruse, yet she could do nothing but nod and understand.

Unbeknownst to Roseanne if it was fate, - or fucking destiny… or just a sick, twisted, joke placed on her by a couple of deuchy, prankster gods - Papa Smurf’s engine suddenly began to sputter loudly, causing the car to quake in violent vibrations, and a cloud of white smoke began to seep from beneath its rattling hood. Worst yet was that in an effort to avoid traffic, Roseanne stuck to the back routes (against Lisa’s advice), and the road they just happened to be driving on was barren and stripped of civilization.

Roseanne groaned. Not now Papa Smurf! C’mon buddy! You can do it, just… just believe you can! Just remember our good times together! Think of all our journeys and adventures together! Just think positive thoughts and you’ll make it!

Papa Smurf came to an abrupt halt right as she finished her silent, internal encouragement; shutting down with a furious screech. YOU TRAITOROUS PIECE OF TRASH! WHY PAPA SMURF! WHY! NOW, OUT OF ALL TIMES! UGH! NOT COOL!

Roseanne tried turning off the engine and reigniting it, but it was useless. The engine would merely stutter a few times before falling into a stall again.

“Fuck!” She shouted, slamming her palm against the steering wheel and startling Axel and Lisa with her outburst.

“Should have let me drive…” Lisa quietly raged, and it had the desired effect on the already distressed blonde.

“If you want to make it back alive, I’d highly suggest you keeping your snarky comments to yourself right about now.” She spoke through clenched teeth. “This happens all the time… just – give him a few minutes to breathe and he’ll start up again.”

“It’s 100 degrees in here, Roseanne! I highly doubt I’ll be alive in a few minutes!” Lisa retorted, wiping the sweat beads already pooling against her brows with the back of her hand. “Just... pop the hood, will you?!”

Roseanne finally looked at the angsty brunette, who was removing her outer jeans vest and rolling up the short sleeves of her white T to settle just above her shoulders. She pulled her hair back into a tight ponytail and stepped out of the car.

“Roseanne, the hood!” Lisa yelled, both hands placed firmly around her hip, and Roseanne glared at her through the cracked windshield. Bossy bitch. Humph. She did as she was told, and stepped out to help Lisa access the situation. The brunette creaked the squeaky lid as high as it would go, one hand supporting it up above her head while the other hand fumbled around in search of the prop. “Where the hell is the hood-prop?!”

Roseanne shrugged. “What’s that?”

Lisa sighed, ready to perform a serious face palm. “The stick that keeps the hood propped, Roseanne. Every car has one.”

Roseanne shrugged again. “No clue. I’ve never noticed it before. Just leave it alone, it’s not like you know what you’re doing anyways…”

Lisa scoffed. “Just make yourself useful and hold the hood up, will ya?! I need both hands.”

The NERVE. Roseanne reeled from the unmannerly tone, but eventually did as asked.

“I swear, if you break my car, I’ll- “

“Highly doubt I can do any more damage to this ancient piece of junk.” Lisa cut her off, hands carefully skirting the hot engine, looking for the flaw. “Seriously, ever considered upgrading? This is more of a liability than it is a benefit to you at this point. Not to mention, completely unsafe. You drive Axel around in a car that has a rope for a seatbelt for crying out loud!”

“Well, not everyone has an insane amount of money to blow on a fucking car, Lisa! Excuse me for being born broke and unprivileged! Ever stop to think about that? Ever stop to think that maybe feeding my little brother with the money I earn is just a little more important than the kind of car I drive?!” Roseanne was about another comment away from letting the surprisingly heavy, metal hood drop on Lisa’s ginormous head at that point.

Lisa sighed, pausing her ministrations. “Roseanne… that’s not what I meant. I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to sound like a dick.”

It was genuine enough, Roseanne figured, so she shrugged in response and offered her a weak ‘whatever.’

Lisa returned her focus to the overheated engine, squeezing her hand deep into the jungle of wires, and parts, and black soot. “Either you have a very unprofessional mechanic… or you’ve been patching these wires up with duct tape. No wonder nothing works…”

“It’s been like that since I was in high school. Chanyeol was the one who fixed it for me back in the day. It worked fine and saved me money, so I never took it to get it properly fixed.”

Lisa chuckled. “Chanyeol sounds like a real treat. Maybe if I ever get the pleasure of meeting him, I can teach him a thing or two on how to be a man.” Lisa grumbled, stuffing the cable back in its slot and moving to another section of the extremely confusing landscape that was covered in black dust. “He clearly didn’t know jackshit about cars!” She fussed with bolts and screws, parts and pieces that Roseanne had no fucking idea what purpose they served. “Knew even less about how to properly worship the beautiful Queen he had…” 

“You’re not doing a much better job, if we’re comparing.” Roseanne pointed out, but Lisa’s comment had abated her anger, and her tone came out softer than expected. She allowed her eyes to indulge in just how undeniably hot Lisa looked at that moment. Bent over at the waist, sleeves rolled up and ponytail slung over a shoulder, arms and hands covered in smudges and oil streaks. Roseanne could clearly trace every straining muscle in her exposed arms; how her biceps bunched up when her arms contracted; how a thin sheet of sweat coated every inch of her skin, making it glow in the dying sunlight.

Roseanne quietly confessed that Lisa, frustrating as it might be, had the unrivaled capability to set every single microscopic cell in her body ablaze, be it from irritation or arousal. By the way she was rubbing her thighs together, Roseanne figured the latter was currently taking place.

Lisa grunted, trying to tighten a bolt with her bare hands, and the low, guttural sound just about caused her panties to flood. She bit her lip to hold back the whimper dying to escape.

“So, how did you learn to do this anyways?” Roseanne asked, fascinated by how intuitively skilled Lisa’s fingers were with each piece, knowing precisely where to aim and what to do.

Lisa continued working, determined to arrive at the problem. “My cousin… Jisoo. Whom you had the pleasure of meeting… she and I used to buy old cars, repair them, and sell them for a profit. It’s how we used to pass time during the summer when she visited.”

Roseanne nodded in response, finding speech or breathing suddenly a challenging task to fulfill. Mechanic Lisa was becoming too much to handle.

“I see.”

Finally, her deft hands stumbled upon an out of place screw, and once she adjusted it back into its slot, she urged Roseanne to try turning the engine on again. She beamed proudly when the car hitched back to life, engine purring loudly and somewhat unevenly, but alive nonetheless.

Fucking hell, I’ll never hear the end of it now… Roseanne prepared herself, watching Lisa strut back to the passenger side and slip in, all filthy and reeking of smugness.

Axel had somehow managed to fall peacefully asleep in the meanwhile, unbothered by the heat or their car troubles.

Lisa cleared her throat loudly. Here we go…

“I guess now you owe me, huh…” She assumed, relaxing into her seat as Roseanne drove, and even without looking at her, she could practically taste the tease in Lisa’s tone. “A lap dance should more than cover it… maybe let me get a taste of your cupcakes as a tip?”

Roseanne wanted to strangle the boldness out of her. Yet her body wasn’t quite as furious with Lisa as she would like it to be… not if the way her core muscles furiously clenched served as any indication. She was about to respond when Axel sat up abruptly, sticking his face through the space between the two front seats.

“Oooooo, can I get some of your cupcakes too, Roseanne?! Jennie’s are good but a little hard at times…”

She cringed, knowing she’d never be able to hear the word ‘Cupcake’ ever again without having the image of big, juicy breasts popping into her head.


When they arrived at the Park Residence, Lisa offered to carry Axel - who had fallen back into sleep on their drive home – up to his room. Roseanne nodded, wishing to avoid towing Axel’s heavy self up the flight of stair at all costs. Lisa did it flawlessly though. She carefully watched as Lisa leaned and wrapped the limp boy around her neck, pulling him onto her, and followed Roseanne towards the front door.

It softened her a bit more; watching how gentle Lisa was being with him, cooing soothing words to Axel when he began to stir, and smiling when he plopped back down comfortably against her shoulder. Somewhere, deep down in her naïve unconsciousness, she gathered that Lisa would make a great parent someday…

The brunette laid Axel down gently, careful not to rouse him, entering and leaving his room without even releasing a breath. Out on the second floor hallway, Roseanne observed her; absorbing the smudges and stains that had dried on her skin. She saw blobs of greases smeared across her forehead and cheek, upper arms and forearms, and her hands were entirely coated in the stuff. Her once-upon-a-time plain, white T had been transformed into a canvas; displaying random patterns of grease all across her front.

“Well, umm, I guess I’ll head out now… so, um, thanks, for letting me tag along today.” She said awkwardly, not quite sure where to look. “It was a lot of fun. Well, I had a lot of fun at least… I always have a lot of fun with you, and Axel!” She chuckled. “Well, um, bye Roseanne…”

Roseanne nodded, and opened her mouth to wish her a good night. “Would you like a shower?”

What the fuck?! Brain, WTF?! That is NOT what we agreed on! Tell her ‘Forget it’ and bid her ‘Goodnight’!
She cleared her throat and tried again. Nevermind and goodbyesimple. “You can use my bathroom… if you’d like… to get cleaned up. Wouldn’t want your car getting filthy and all.”

NO! Nonononono! Why the hell do I care if her car get’s fucking filthy! That’s a GOOD thing!

Roseanne was about to correct herself and say farewell to Lisa yet again when-

“Yea! I’d really appreciate that actually! Thank you, Roseanne!” Lisa admitted, beaming that fucking stunning smile again… *sigh*

She led Lisa through her room, secretly glad she had taken the time to put everything in place and clean up earlier that morning, and into the small, but quaint bathroom.

“Um, there’re towels under the sink. Feel free to use the soap and hair products I have in there. Just, yea… is there anything you need?”

“Uh, I can reuse my pair of jeans, but…any chance I can borrow a clean shirt and maybe a pair of underwear? Anything you have is fine, really!”

Roseanne scoffed. “Oh, yea? I have a few pairs of thongs that might fit you nicely.” Lisa’s eyes bulged, and Roseanne snorted. “I’ll see if Axel has anything more… appropriate for you. Anything else?”

Lisa hesitated, suddenly uncomfortable. “Umm, this might be a little awkward but… think you can help me with my jeans? I don’t wanna get it dirty…”

Now it was Roseanne’s turn to let her eyes grow exponentially larger. “You want me to undress you?!”

Lisa blushed. “Just help me out. I don’t want to get my jeans dirty, they were expensive!”

“Of course they were…” Roseanne mumbled, but moved forward and closer to Lisa. She knew there was no comfortable way to do what she was being requested to do so, after locking gazes with the still blushing brunette, she let her hands climb their way to the waist of Lisa’s jeans. Once the button was unfastened and the zipper undone, she gave a gentle tug and it was enough to get the material to pool at her feet.

“There.” Roseanne husked. “Anything else?”

Lisa smirked, shyness suddenly abandoned. “Yes… join me in the shower… I could use a hand getting the smudges off.”

Lisa removed her shirt, contracting the chiseled muscles in her stomach and shoulders purposefully, feeling elated when she followed Roseanne’s eyes as they raked her up and down thoroughly.

She was about to drop a rather inappropriate comment when Roseanne, probably realizing what she had done, spun around and flipped open the shower valve.

“If you need anything else, just… shout. Or…whatever.” And slipped out of the bathroom, cursing herself for her unwarranted lack of control.

A few moments later, Roseanne rapped gently against the bathroom door, hearing the stream of water cascading down into the bathtub. She exhaled, trying to control the emotions running ramped inside her. She bit her lip when she heard the voice beyond the door respond with a ‘Come in.’

The small space was enveloped in steam and the soothing smell of lavender bath products, pulling her into a relaxed embrace of sorts, and she momentarily forgot why she had stepped into the bathroom in the first place.

“I, uh, got you a clean shirt and a pair of Axel’s briefs that may fit you. It’s large on him so he never wore it.” She spoke; loud enough to be heard through the spraying water and the thin, protective curtain that currently shielded Lisa’s naked and wet body from her. “Let me know if you change your mind about the jeans… I can get you a pair of basketball shorts if you want…”

The water cut off abruptly and the curtain slid open so impossibly fast, Roseanne’s only plausible reaction was to drop her jaw open as Lisa came into full display.

“No need, beautiful.” She husked, smirking at Roseanne’s reasonable reaction. “This will do.”

Roseanne finally regained some sense of control and spun around, giving the woman her privacy.

“You can turn around, Roseanne. I’m not shy…” The tone was low and inviting, and Roseanne knew Lisa had pulled that little stunt on purpose.

“I didn’t see anything.” Roseanne responded, a little too quickly. It was a big, fat LIE, of course. The image was still burning into her retinas as she spoke; fresh and perfectly clear. She slammed her eyes shut but it was useless. Lisa’s perfect, toned body was swirling behind her lids more vividly now than before.

“Shame… you’re missing out. There’s still time… if you want to turn back around.”

Roseanne would have darted for the exit and left, only Lisa just happened to be standing between her and the door; barring her much needed escape.

“Nothing I want to see. So I’ll pass.” Was the first response to reach her lips. Another big, fat, fucking LIE.

“You know… I think I’ve figured out why you’re so uptight; so tense pretty much all the time…” Lisa continued, and Roseanne heard the sound of fabric slipping over dried skin as Lisa pulled on the briefs and shirt. “Tell me, beautiful… when was the last time you pleasured yourself?”

The question floored Roseanne out of her senses. She opened her mouth to respond, to yell, and scold, and shout every profanity at Lisa’s blatant question, but the words were lodged; trapped.

“Hmm? Tell me… when was the last time you satisfied yourself with your own fingers… or toys. Or even with another human being?” She continued, and Roseanne thought she suddenly sounded and felt closer; hovering just an inch or so from her back.

“When was the last time you were properly fucked, Roseanne?”
It was the tone. The rough manner in which Lisa uttered that word, that made her hand reach out and grab the edge of the sink for support. The small, enclosed space suddenly felt hotter and infinitely more suffocating. She wanted to counter; to speak and defend herself, but instead all that leaked past the tight knot lodged in her parched throat was a weak moan. Her head was swirling; lost in a haze of lavender, and steam, and Lisa… she could practically smell the mint in the brunette’s breath.

She heard a chuckle, just behind the shell of her ear. “I figured… it’s been a while, huh, baby? A while since you’ve had a tongue on you… a while since you’ve had two, maybe even three, fingers stuffed deep inside you… or do you prefer cocks? I can provide that too… if you’d like.”

Her eyes fluttered shut at the image; at the promising tone and seducing words, and although speech was still a struggle for her, she clenched down hard on her lip, refusing to let the moan bubbling deep in her chest escape.

“Roseanne… turn around and look at me.” Lisa asked softly. “I’ve missed your beautiful eyes…” Roseanne felt soft lips graze her neck, and she exhaled sharply when she felt them latch and suck her pulse point. “I’ve missed your beautiful face…” Now she felt fingers dig into her hips, and move slowly down towards her backside. She fought the impulse to push back into the touch. “I’ve missed you… I’ve missed all of you, Roseanne. Turn around for me.”

And she did. Her gaze immediately dropping to the parted, swollen lips that drew her in. And it seemed it was all the confirmation Lisa needed to advance. Lisa lounged, locking her lips to Roseanne’s in record speed, driving Roseanne back roughly against the stretch of wall near the sink.

Roseanne returned the kiss in earnest, sucking in Lisa’s eager tongue; wrapping her lips around the muscle as it thrust into her mouth. She bucked her hips forward, grinding it against Lisa’s, who wasted no time kicking Roseanne’s thighs apart and driving a knee right into the blonde’s warm center.

Roseanne’s head swung back and slammed into the wall, stretching out her neck which Lisa took full advantage to ravage. “I fucking want you, Roseanne.” Lisa rasped in her ear, and this time she didn’t hold back the moan that erupted from her throat. “God, I can feel you… I can fucking feel you through your fucking jeans.”

Roseanne drove her fingers into Lisa’s wet, loose hair and pulled her impossibly closer, pushing down against the knee in between her legs, wishing desperately that there was no barrier between them.

“Is this what you want, Lisa?” Roseanne finally willed herself to speak, even if said speech came out but a raspy, breathy sound and barely intelligible. “To fuck me and then move on to the next?” Another moan escaped her lips when Lisa drove her knee up a little harder than before.

“Tell me… tell me that’s what you want… and I’ll give it to you… I’ll let you take me right here in this goddamn bathroom, let you bend me over the goddamn toilet. But prove me right… prove to me that you’ve only ever wanted my body and I’ll let you have it!” To further emphasize her point, she started gliding her hips up Lisa’s thigh, grinding along to the thrusting.

But then Lisa stopped. Pulling her knee from the warm nest between Roseanne’s legs and stumbling a few inches back, caressing a wild lock out of Roseanne’s face.

Roseanne saw her throat bob as she forced herself to swallow, giving the blonde a slow shake of the head. “I want ALL of you, Roseanne.” Lisa whispered, tears staining her cheeks as she admitted the only thing that she knew to be true at that moment.

“I want your body, your mind, your soul. I want your grumpiness and stubbornness, and unparalleled cuteness. I want Axel, and Jennie, and everything that comes with having YOU! But above all else, I want your heart, Roseanne.” She leaned, pressing her forehead against Roseanne’s, releasing the deep sigh she had been holding. “Because I think mine already belongs to you…”

Roseanne held her breath for a moment, processing the information, giving Lisa a minute to gather herself. Once she felt the necessary amount of time to accomplish that had passed, she spoke.

“You know what I want, Lisa?” the tone was soft, but stern; she needed the message to be clear and free of potential misperception. “For you to leave.”

Lisa retreated and blinked a few times, digesting the information in slow, tasteful bites. It took her a moment to react, partially from disbelief, partially from hope that Roseanne would change her mind. But Roseanne, staring back with a gaze potent enough to reduce every one of her enemies to ash, never did. And so Lisa was left powerless to do nothing except nod, wiping away the fresh tears that had spilled down her face, and with as much dignity and pride as she could feign…

She left.

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

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