The Beast: Unfinished Busines...

By t33sproductions

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The journey continues.... More



417 24 7
By t33sproductions

29. Cloudy Days Ahead

Roni Quinn

I was numb.

My body was frozen. 

I was in the back of the ambulance being looked at the paramedics. I was too much in shock to even care what I look like. I looked down at my hands and they were covered in blood. I just couldn't believe what just happened. I couldn't believe she would do something like this. 

                                                                                                                                                         Twelve Hours Earlier...

I opened my eyes to the sun shining in my face. I rolled over in my bed and saw that Dave was gone. I sat up in bed and went to the bathroom. I threw up and then went downstairs. I found Dave in the kitchen making breakfast. I smiled walking over to him. I wrapped my arms around me.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey I thought I'd do something nice for you." Dave said. 

"Yea? What's the occasion?" I asked. 

"Just showing how much I love you." Dave said.

"Aw you're so sweet." I said. 

"Don't tell anyone." Dave joked.

Dave soon finished breakfast and the two of us sat down and ate together. Once I was finished I felt my stomach turn/ I went over to the sink and threw up again. What the fuck was going on with me?

"I gotta go." Dave said.

I turned around. "Where?" 

"Something I gotta take care of." Dave said. 

I knew what that meant. I gave Dave a reassuring smile and Dave left. I finished cleaning up and then went upstairs and then went upstairs to get my phone. I dialed Roe's number. 

"Hey." Roe said. 

"Hey, its me. You got time for a lesson?" I said.

"Yea but I got some clients coming in." I said. 

"Ok I'll be there around three." I said.

"Ight." Roe said. 

I hung up the phone and stripped out of my clothes. I went into my bathroom and hopped in the shower. I let the water rain down on me as I thought about the night Lauren came here and threatened me. How she threatened my family. I know she had to put down and I'm the right person to do it. 

Dave East

I pulled up to the warehouse and saw that there was a lot of cars. I got out of the car and went inside where I found Tyrell, Nasir, and Uncle with some of the guys. I already knew what this was about. 

"Dave." Nasir said.

"Wass up nephew." Uncle said. 

"You know what you're here for, you know who we're here to stop." I said.

"If she has twice the man-power we have, who's to say she won't come for us." One of Uncle's henchman said. 

"Lauren only cares about territory. About where she gets her money from. She doesn't attack, she defends." Nasir said. 

"So what's the play here?" Uncle asked. 

"Lauren has three cash houses where she stashes her money and product there. If we hit those maybe she'll back away and know we're not messed with." I explained. 

"So what do we do once we get there?" Tyrell asked. 

"We send a message. Burn  her shit and let know that we don't bow down. That this our city and we protect what's ours." I said.

"Hell yea!" Tyrell said. 

"Ight you heard the man. Split up into three groups, let's take this bitch down!" Uncle said. 

We all moved out of the warehouse. Nasir and I with a few of Uncle's guys and drove to one of Lauren's cash houses. Doing this will draw her out and then she'll know we're the wrong motherfuckers to mess with. 

Roni Quinn

"I'm so happy for you." 

I entered Magik Tat and saw Roe and Lottie talking. I stopped in my tracks confused on what was going on. Both of them looked at when I came into the room. 

"Roni." Roe said.

"Hey Roe... Lottie." I said. 

"Hey Roni." Lottie said. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Wow, it's good to see you too." Lottie said.

"Sorry, it's good to see you." I said. "But why are you here?" 

"I was telling Roe the good news since my best friend can't answer the fucking phone." Lottie said.

"Good news ? What good news?" I questioned. 

"I'm pregnant." " Lottie admitted. 

My heart dropped. "Holy shit." 

I walked over to Lottie and gave her a hug. "Congrats."

I've been so catch up in this shit with Lauren that I haven't had time for anything else or anyone else. I really was a shitty friend. 

"Someone's been busy." I joked. 

"Shut up." Lottie said. 

"How do you feel?" I asked. 

"Good. I'm just happy." Lottie said. 

"We have to go out and celebrate." I said. 

Maybe tomorrow. But what are you doing here?" Lottie said. 

I didn't want to lie to Lottie but I didn't want to tell the truth either. I know she feels about Dave and the shit he's done, but I need to protect myself. I need to be able to feel safe. 

"I'm teaching her how to shoot." Roe blurted. 

"Roe!" I yelled. 

"I'm sorry. I'm not good with secrets." Roe said. 

"Are you fucking kidding me? You playing gangsta now?" Lottie asked.

"No. I'm just protecting myself, protecting you, protecting Kiana..." 

"Don't bring Kiana in this!" Lottie said. "What the fuck Roni?" 

"She was in my house. She threatened to kill me you think I'm gonna let Dave handle this? He can't be everywhere." I said.

"That's what they're doing right now." Lottie said. "What you're saying is bullshit right now." 

I exhaled heavily. "I'm scared shitless ok. I can't sleep. I can't eat and I'm throwing up like crazy. I just want this shit to be over with." I admitted. 

"I know me too." Lottie said pulling me into a hug. 

Tears streamed down my eyes as I let the emotions I had bottled up came out. Roe joined in on the hug and the three of us hugged each other for awhile. It felt good... normal. When we pulled away, I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I need a drink." Roe said. 

"Yea." I said. 

"Let's go out to eat then." Lottie said.

The three of us left Magik Tat and headed off to the nearest restaurant. Maybe Dave's handling things but that doesn't mean I couldn't protect myself 

Lauren Castillo

"What do you mean they burned it down?" I asked. 

"The cash, the product... it's gone. I'm sorry Ms. Castillo." 

I exhaled heavily frustrated. I already knew who was behind this attack and I was impressed. I didn't think Dave had the balls to something like this, but if this was the way he wanted to play... then game fucking on. 

"Bring the car around, we're going for a drive."

10: 51 pm

Roni Quinn

Roe, Lottie, and I were walking out of a restaurant called Keys and it was really good. As we were walking my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and answered. 

"Hey babe." I answered. 

"Where are you?" Dave asked. 

"I'm with Roe and Lottie." I said. 

"Ight. Just be careful out there." Dave said. 

"I will. I love you." I said. 

"I love you too." Dave said. 

I hung up the phone and three seconds later, gunshots went off. I ducked down and looked to see if I could see Roe and Lottie. Roe was ducked down but I couldn't find Lottie. I started to panic. 

"Roe, where's Lottie?" I asked.

"I don't know, she was next to me." Roe said. 

I moved behind some cars to search for Lottie, but I couldn't find her. I called out her name but she didn't answer me. 

"Lottie!" I yelled. 

She still didn't answer and then I found her. She was lying on the floor not moving. I went over to her and she was alive. She was bleeding... she'd been shot. 

"Lottie Lottie, look at me." I said.

Her eyes fluttered open and then closed again. I put pressure on her wound.

"Someone call a fucking ambulance!" I yelled.

Almost Two Hours Later...

I was numb.
My body was frozen. 

I was in the back of the ambulance being looked at by the paramedics. I was too much in shock to even care about what I looked like. I looked down at my hands and they were covered in blood. I just couldn't believe what just happened. I couldn't believe she would do something like this. I couldn't believe it. She's dead... Lottie's dead.

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