Short Stories By Me

De Ange_Hellia

51 10 0

So this all started with a nightmare I had one night, and I wrote it out into a story. Now I've decided to cr... Mais

A New Full Moon
Time ticks forwards... Version 2
Karma for the Hunted
Eternal Darkness
These Little Moments
Prequel: Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Black Widow
Sequel: Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Hellia Chronicles: Devil May Care

Time ticks forward...

14 2 0
De Ange_Hellia

So quick little note: this started as a nightmare that I later typed out into a story in about 5 hours and 30 minutes a few days after I had the nightmare. I've tried to keep it as accurate as I could to the nightmare. I also added some details and continued on the ending after the part when I woke up. But yeah this is the result. It's an emotional story. Lots of my friends loved it, so I decided to post it here on Wattpad to share with you guys. Hope y'all enjoy this insanity created by me!

We live in a society like no other. A spaceship controlled by bloodthirsty people. On the surface it may seem normal, but we all know that death awaits us all.

Ashley and I were running from him. The one who changes us from normal everyday citizens to coldhearted killers. MatPat.

Yes, I know. Not like the actual MatPat in any way. Remember, this was my dream. And somehow my brain made him like that. Must be some element of all those theories I've been watching.

We ran and ran, looking back once to see him chasing us with a psychotic look on his face. "Let's hide somewhere," I said. As we looked around for a place to hide, Ashley pointed to a door up ahead. "In there!" She panted out. We sped into the room and locked the door behind us. Just at that moment, we could hear banging on the door. "Oh you meddling kids. You can't hide for long," MatPat sang on the other side of the door.

"Go hide," Ashley whispered.

"Where though?" I whispered back.

She looked around and spotted a closet. Opening it, we saw there was only enough space to hide one of us.

"You go," she said, pushing me towards it.

"But what about you?" 

"I'll be ok."

"No you won't! He's right outside the door! He'll kill you the second he sees you!" I argued.

"Then so it shall be. I have nothing to live for, unlike you. You have to live on, for Rin's sake." She reasoned.

"But-" I stopped at the sound of a chainsaw outside the door. Oh no.

"Just stay in there," she said gently, pushing me inside. 

"But Ashley, I-"

"Please, don't make this any harder than it has to be. Use everything in your power to survive. Knowledge, skills, people. Anything and everything you can, survive til the very end. Live on for me," she whispered, closing the closet door before I could say any more.

I tried to close my ears to the sounds outside, but couldn't. On the contrary, it was all I could focus on. The sound of the chainsaw cutting through the door, the sound of MatPat's cackle as he stabbed the chainsaw into Ashley, the sound of it going through my friend, the sound of her body hitting the floor. 

"Now where's the other girl?" MatPat growled, rummaging through the stuff in the room. "She has to be around here somewhere."

I sat there in the dark, waiting for him to leave so I could escape. 

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps leaving the room. I breathed a sigh of relief and cracked open the closet door to see if it was safe. Ashley's body lay crumpled on the floor, blood pooling around her. MatPat had left. Kneeling down beside her, I stared at her in shock, not believing that she was gone. 

"A-Ashley? A-are you okay?" I whispered to her, only to be met with silence. Tears started streaming down my face as I cried. The sound of footsteps echoing through the hall snapped me out of my daze. I scrambled back into the closet, closed my eyes, and prayed it wasn't MatPat returning to finish the job. 

A few minutes of tension-filled silence later, light streamed in. I opened my eyes to see MatPat standing beside the closet door.

"Hey~ I thought I missed a spot." He said with a sickening smile on his face.

"P-please don't kill me! I'm a big fan of your theories and I've subscribed to all the theorists channels!" I begged, thinking of Ashley's words to me. Use everything in your power to survive.

"Okay then. If you're so desperate," He said, placing a knife on the floor in front of me. "Your choice. Kill yourself, or kill the person you love the most on this ship. Give an honest answer. You have 20 minutes. Once you're done, I'll be there to clean up the mess." He started to walk away, but turned around when he reached the door. "Oh and also, it can't be me, no matter how much of a fan you are." He said with a wink as he left.

I stared at the knife. Kill myself? No, Ashley wants me to survive. Kill someone else? But the person I love the most... The face of my boyfriend flashed before my eyes. No, I can't possibly do that! But there's no other choice.

With a sinking heart, I picked up the knife and walked out of the room. The dark blue hallways echoed my mood. As I walked past everyone else working on their computers, one by one they noticed the knife in my hand and immediately focused on their screens. 

"Don't worry guys. None of you are my target." I whispered as I entered the next room. I was greeted by the sight of a few people playing a game together. As I approached them, I saw a familiar face laughing along with them. My boyfriend, Rin. He noticed me and waved. As he came over to me, I slid the knife in my pocket before he could see.

"Hey baby," he said, hugging me. 

"Hey honey." I hugged him back. 

"Is something wrong? You're more tense than usual." He said as he pulled away. "Can we go elsewhere? This isn't really the place to talk." I said, glancing at his friends.

He understood. "Hey, I'll see you guys around! Duty calls!" He shouted to them with a wink.

"Yeah yeah, go on!" one called back. "Have fun with your girl before she kills you!" another said jokingly. I shuddered. 

"Don't you dare say that again you idiot! Or I'll make sure she's the one to kill you!" He responded mockingly.

"R-Rin. Can we please go?" I whispered, tugging on his arm.

"Okay baby. Anything for you," he said, kissing me on the cheek as we walked away.

A few minutes later, we were sitting down on a bed in an empty room nearby. 

"So, baby, tell me what's on your mind." Rin said. As I pulled out the knife from my pocket, I watched as the expression on his face turned from concerned to shocked. "B-baby? You don't mean-"

"I'm so sorry," I said, tears springing to my eyes. "I have to do this. It's either you or me. P-please forgive me, my love."

"Shhh, baby, it's okay." He said soothingly, wrapping his arms around me. "I've told you time and time again that I would do anything for you, even lay down my life." He patted me as I sobbed into his shoulder. We just sat there for a bit, holding each other for the last time.

Suddenly, I heard a crackling in my earpiece. "Tick tock tick tock. Time's almost up! You have 5 minutes left. I hope your results will be satisfying!" MatPat's voice echoed in my ear.

"Effing bish," I muttered underneath my breath.

Rin looked at me. "Not much time left?" He asked calmly.

I shook my head. "Only 5 minutes left." I said sorrowfully. "There has to be a way out of this. M-maybe if I kill myself..."

"No! Nonono please baby no! Y-you know I can't live on without you," he said, his voice quivering at the thought of it. "You mean the world to me, and there is no way I could survive without you in my life."

"Rin, you know I can't live without you either. How could I even think to continue on when I know my lover's blood was spilled by my hands?!" I shouted back at him despairingly.

"Baby, please, I know you can do this. You always find a way to survive, no matter what odds are stacked against you. You are the strongest person I know and that is the reason I fell in love with you." He said as he lied down on the bed.

"But even if I were to kill you, I wouldn't even know where to start!" I argued. "I wouldn't want to hurt you and send you off in endless pain!"

"Stab me through the heart. It may hurt but it'll never compare to the pain I'll feel without you by my side. Besides," he said, smiling at me. "You already emptied my heart. All my love is yours. It's just an empty shell now. Clear this world of its useless presence and get it over with."

"Honey, you're not useless in the slightest! I-"

"Babe, you have to do this don't you? We can have no hesitation now can we? So please just do it. I have no regrets." He said as he pulled me on top of him. "Think about it this way. I'll be your guardian angel. I will always be with you, watching over you. I'll never leave you alone. You will always have me by your side and call on me whenever you're in trouble." He put the knife in my hands and positioned it above his heart.


"No hesitation now," he said gently. "Deep breaths now."

I took a deep breath and whispered to him, "I love you so much honey. With all my heart, from the deepest depths of my soul, thank you for everything you've done for me."

"I love you too, baby," he whispered back with a gentle smile.

I smiled back as I thought of what I wanted my last words to him to be. There was so much I wanted to say to him, but time's running out. I didn't want to leave him with the final memory of me crying, so I started singing a familiar song. "Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You'll be alright. No one can hurt you now. Come morning light. You and I'll be safe and sound." And with that, I ended his life.

I saw the memories we made together flash before my eyes. The times when he talked me to sleep, comforted me when I was sad, when we celebrated our birthdays and holidays, when we laughed and played in the sun, moon, and rain, the poems we wrote together, the stories we created of our alternate personalities.

I don't mean to cut in on the story, but this is when I woke up, finding myself with tears falling from my eyes, dripping onto my pillow. Okay now, time to continue on with the story.

As the light of those familiar memories faded from sight, I opened my eyes to see him lying there, blood pooling from the gaping wound in his chest. A single tear dripped down my face, landing on his. I looked at it, hoping it'll revive him like the stories say, but knowing it will never happen.

A knock sounded at the door. I turned around and saw MatPat walking in with a few of his lackeys behind him. He stood there for a second, taking in the scene.

"The deed is done." I said in a monotone.

"Good job. Never thought you had it in you." He complimented. Turning to the other people, he said, "Now clean up the mess. And make sure this room is spotless by the time I return."

"Also, please cremate him. It's what he wished."


"And I'm to have his ashes."

"Of course. A memento of your 1st kill."

I walked out of the room, not even bothering to correct him. The moment I got out of his sight, I started to run to the one place I wanted to be, the room that I shared with Rin. I ran in, locked the door, and threw myself onto the bed. After lying there for a few moments, I opened my eyes to see something lying beside me. It was Rin's jacket. He must have left it while rushing this morning. I grabbed it and wrapped the sleeves around me. Closing my eyes, I breathed in his familiar scent still lingering on the fabric. It felt like he was here, hugging me. I could hear his voice in my mind, telling me everything's going to be okay. As I sat there hugging the jacket, looking back at all that we did together, I started crying again. 

A life without Rin... how could I ever survive? He means too much to me. I can't imagine a life without him. I-it's so hard, so lonely. My closest friends, gone. And it's all my fault. Oh how I wish they were here. No, I must stay strong. Rin died so I could live. He sacrificed himself for me. So did Ashley. I must live on, for them. I must live on, preserve their memories, let them live on within me. I will change this society, and make sure no one dies the way they did ever again.

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