Logophile [Yoonmin]

By Ilove1D1237

208K 20.4K 12.5K

"You look so dead." "Well you did find me on Tumblr." More

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3.6K 407 200
By Ilove1D1237

"Felix this better be important. I'm running late to school."

"It is!" He squealed paranoid.

"What's wrong?" He asked still half asleep.

"Last night I accidentally dropped a whole box of chocolate chip toppings."

"Oh, what the shit? You know our asshole manager is going to flip out, right?"

Felix sighed anxiously pacing back and forth. Yoongi quickly regretted saying that. He forgot how Felix didn't do too well with pressure.

"Okay, okay, relax. It's okay. We can go buy some and replace them."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Super sure. Who else saw this happen?"

"Umm...Haechan. Do you think he will tell on me? Oh my gosh. Now I have to bribe him, but with what? I don't even have money! I'm broke!"

"Alright bud. Let's calm the fuck down. Haechan won't say a word. He's terrified of the manager and he always arrives late. He won't risk getting called out for that."

"Okay. Yeah. Okay." He breathed shakily.

"Alright. Let's go."

"I brought my bike." He pointed.

"Where's your car?"

"Umm...I don't have my license yet. I just turned sixteen." He said a bit embarrassed.

"Right. I forgot. Anyways. Put your bike inside my car let's go."

"Will it fit?"

Yoongi looked at the small vehicle and shrugged, "Sure."

After many struggles they finally managed to fit the bike on the back seat. "Thank you so much hyung." He grinned as he buckled up.

"You're welcome. Now where the hell do they sell chocolate chips?"

"The grocery store?"

"Felix you're a genius."

"Why thank you." Hw sheepishly replied.

Yoongi turned on the car and headed to the nearest store. On the way there they didn't really talk.

Felix didn't mind. Sometimes Yoongi was intimidating. Starting a conversation with him always got him all jittery.

Ten minutes later they arrived to the store. Yoongi pulled out his phone and groaned. "What's wrong?"

"It's dead. My shitty charger didn't charge it last night."

"You can use my phone if you'd like."

"I don't really need it. I just have a habit of checking it that's all. No one really texts me except Jungkook so yeah."


"Why is that so shocking?" He snorted grabbing a small basket. He started looking for the baking aisle.

"I just assumed you had a girlfriend and stuff. Not that's it bad to be single! It's just uhh...you're so popular and cool and stuff."

Yoongi stopped walking and Felix bumped into him. "My bad. I—I didn't know you were stopping."

"Did you just say girlfriend, popular, and cool in the same sentence?"

"Yes. I—I did."

"Felix, you do go to my school, right?"

"Umm...yes." He doubtfully replied. This was starting to sound like a pop quiz instead of a conversation.

"Then you should know I'm not popular or cool. I certainly don't have a girlfriend. If I did it would be Yoo Jeongyeon and that's clearly impossible because she has a girlfriend. So in conclusion none of those are true."

"Well, I think you're cool hyung."

Yoongi smiled and started walking again, "Thanks."

"I even watch you on YouTube." He admitted.

"Oh fuck. You know about my YouTube channel?" He questioned trying not to cringe. It was weird that someone who he actually knew watched his videos.

"Of course! I'm usernamer100! I comment in all of your videos."

"Oh yeah. I do know you. I see your comments all the time!"

"Yes! That's me! I love your recent video by the way! It's super cute and funny."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. The last video he had posted was of him reviewing 365 Days and it was not cute or funny.

"Felix, should you even be watching that? You're a child."

"Why shouldn—?"

"Excuse, can I get by?" A lady interrupted.

Yoongi moved out of the way to let her by. "Ahh! There they are!" He exclaimed once he saw them.

"But these look cheap." He whispered.

"Fuck it. It's better that we replace them with cheap ones than to not replace them at all."

"Okay. You're right." He said adding all of the bags to the basket.

When they were done hoarding all of the bags they proceeded to checkout. "Will these be enough?"

"I think so. Now we just have to go replace them before he gets there. He never checks the camera so that shouldn't be a problem."

He nervously bit the inside of his cheek. "It will be fine. I swear. Now come on let's hurry." Yoongi reassured grabbing the grocery bags.


"Are you sure he won't notice we took these?" Felix asked as he licked the ice cream.

"Nope. Not a chance. Shit. It's almost nine thirty. Oops." Yoongi calmly said when he pulled up to the school parking lot.

"Thanks for dropping me off and for helping!"

"No problem. Let's get the bike before I forget."


Yoongi handed him his ice cream cone and pulled the seats to the front. He grunted as he took it out.

By then he was sweating. He appreciated the cool weather and the ice cream. "There. Alright kiddo. See you later. We better get to class."

He nodded waving bye and walking the opposite way to leave his bike. Yoongi headed toward the main entrance just in time for the class exchange.

He was too invested in eating that he didn't realize people staring as he walked by. It wasn't until he saw Jungkook hurriedly walk to him that he snapped to reality.

"Kook! I know I should've texted you, but funny story my phone is dead. I had to help—oh. Okay what's happening? I just got here. I can't leave." He asked confused.

Jungkook was grabbing his hand and pulling him back outside. "Yoongi! Ive texted you and called you thirty times! It's a mega emergency!" He whispered screamed.

"I told you my phone is dead. What—what happened? Did Taehyung ask you out or something?"

"Oh no. You have no idea do you?"

"Clearly not. What's wrong? I'm getting scared."

Jungkook took a deep breath, "Alright. I need you to take deep breaths with me."

"Umm...uh huh?"

"Good job. Do you have your inhaler?"

"Yeah. In my book bag."

"Cool. Let me see it."

Yoongi turned to the side to give him access. "It's in the little pocket up front. Are you going to tell me whats up?"

"So, uhh...dammit. It's better if I show you."


Jungkook pulled out his phone and went to Yoongi's YouTube channel. He clicked on the video nervously holding it up.

Yoongi dropped his whole cone on the ground. The ice cream splattered all over his shoes, but he didn't care then.

Felix's words came to mind. "I love your recent video by the way! It's cute and funny!" Holy shit.

"No. No. No. Fuck. Oh fuck."

"I know. I know. I know!"

"Holy fuck." He whispered with a red face. He caught some people staring and he quickly looked the other way.

Jungkook grabbed his arm and pulled him away from there. Yoongi would've stopped to pick up the cone, but his mind was racing he forgot it.

His friend unlocked his car and they got in. "I didn't mean to post that!" Yoongi screamed mortified.

"Yeah. I'm aware, but it's posted! You have to delete it now. Take a deep breath. It's okay. You just have to delete it. It will be okay."

Yoongi was usually calmed when Jungkook said things like these. However, he felt like nothing could calm him down now.

"Okay. Okay. The phone." He told biting his nails.

Jungkook handed it to him. When he started typing his fingers were shaking and sweaty. To make things worse the password he was entering kept saying it was the wrong one.

"Fucking shit! It won't take my password Jungkook!"

"Alright. Plan B, let's charge your phone and wait for it to turn on. You're logged into your account there, correct?"

"Yes! But—but that's going to take a while for it to charge and—!"

"It's either that or resetting your password. Which will require you to log into your email. What if you're too nervous to type that too? Here. I'm plugging it in. It should be on in at least a minute."

Yoongi gulped rubbing his forehead. "Has Jimin seen it? Holy shit. No one was suppose to see it. It was a video for us."

"You didn't do it on purpose."

"He doesn't know that. What if he's upset? Who am I kidding? He is upset."

"You can explain that to him when you talk to him. Let's take care of this now. Look it's on. Just type in your passcode."

Yoongi nodded typing the numbers one by one. His vision was blurry and his heart was speeding like he had been running.

When he was in he clicked on the YouTube icon opening it up. Before going any further he took another deep breath. Now he understood why Jungkook was trying to meditate before doing this.

As soon as he clicked on the video he gasped grabbing his stomach. The video had over three hundred thousand views. He barely got one thousand on his usual videos.

It had five thousand likes and two hundred dislikes. He scrolled to the comments and started reading. 

"cute couple!"

"wtfff they go to my school"

"not sure how i ended up here but im living for this"

"the brunette is so hot"

"so proud of you for finally getting views!!!! is that your boyfriend???"

"awwwww i love gay couples"

Yoongi had to look away before he threw up. "I'll delete it." Jungkook said. The whole time Yoongi kept his eyes closed.

"It's done."

"I don't want to be here Jungkook. Can we please ditch?" He whispered with a lump on his throat.

"Yes. Let's go." He said turning on the car.

Yoongi laid his head on the window feeling the lump get bigger. He never thought he would not want to see Jimin until today.

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