Made For Me (Momo Yaoyorozu x...

By Yeah_Im_Sun

248K 6.7K 14.9K

Started on August 9th, 2020! Finished on -Dropped Feb. 20thc 2021- Momo Yaoyorozu and Y/n L/n. Best friends s... More

Stuff about the world!
- Prolouge -
- Chapter One -
- Chapter Two -
A/N part two!
- Chapter Three -
A/n (A question!)
- Chapter Four -
- Chapter Five -
- Chapter Six -
Thank you! 🥺
- Chapter Seven -
4k+ reads Q&A!
- Chapter Eight -
Characters (+Y/n) Respond to your comments! (9k+ reads Special)
- Chapter Nine -
- Chapter Ten -
- Chapter Eleven -
Hello LGBTQ Community
One last thing actually

- Chapter 6.5 -

8.9K 282 202
By Yeah_Im_Sun

//Woah double update? Enjoy this side-chapter!

\Momo's POV/
Chapter 6.5; Words Fail Me, I Failed Her.


"I don't... I can't..."

"Where is our daughter?!"


Momo woke up to someone standing over her. She was laying on something soft.

Was she in the hospital? Or was she at home?

Maybe she was snuggled in Y/n's bed and everything had just been a bad dream.

"Yaoyorozu Momo, right? You okay?"

"Y/n?" She muttered before she could really grasp the situation, eyes barely opened.

"Ah, I'm sorry kid. Miss L/n's gone. Are you okay? That freaky girl got you good." A somewhat familiar voice said with a laugh. For a second, she thought she saw wings.

"... Hawks?"

"That's good, at least you remember one of the pros. Ey, Eraser! Your kid's up!" Hawks called before he disappeared from view.

"Yaoyorozu? Yaoyorozu, can you hear me?" A face absolutely destroyed with worry appeared, long black hair falling in his face.

"Aizawa-Sensei?" Momo asked weakly. "Where am I?"

Her teacher let out a breath, as if he had been holding it for weeks, and placed a supportive hand on her arm. "You're in the hospital. You lost a lot of blood from that fight with the villains, so we moved you here as soon as we could, your parents are on their wa-"

Momo's eyes widened and she shot straight up in her bed. "Y/n! Oh my god, Y/n was fighting the villains! One of them had her in his arms, where's Y/n?! Is she okay?! Is she here, too? Did you rescue her?! Please tell me she's okay!"

A sad look crossed Aizawa's face. "The villains disappeared with her before we could save her. I'm sorry."

Momo felt tears prick at her eyes. "No." She sobbed, shaking her head. "No, no, Y/n... this wasn't supposed to happen! I told her we should've waited, I told her..."

Aizawa seemed shocked by the girl's response. "Hey, hey, it's okay... everything's going to be okay. We're going to get L/n back."

"But... I was supposed to protect her! I was trying to protect her! This isn't fair, Y/n... it should've been me, Aizawa-Sensei! It should have been me!"

"You cant protect everyone, Yaoyorozu. You got everyone that was trapped out. Leave it to the pros to find L/n."

"No! It doesn't matter if I got everyone out, because I didn't! I didn't get her out! I failed her!"

"Momo." Her teacher snapped. "You didn't fail anyone. L/n chose to fight those villains. She faced the consequences. We will find her, and we will save her."

"... will she still be able to go to UA?"

"I don't know. That's completely up to her parents right now. They didn't even know she was going to UA, so my guess is... probably not." He stood up. "I think Hawks wants to talk to you about the villain attack. I hope to see you in class on Monday. Get some rest, okay?"

"Yes, Aizawa-Sensei."

And the blonde hero came back over. "Hey, kid. Wanna tell me what you remember? We're trying to figure out what happened and why."

"Y/n and I... we were on a date at the festival downtown. I don't know what happened specifically... we were all the way across the plaza, eating. Someone shouted that villains had come, and Y/n... god, she's so stupid. She and I agreed that I would get the people out and she would try to hold off the villains until you all got there." Momo shook her head. "She crossed a line. She made them mad. They took her. I saw it, so I went to help... the one with blue hair and the hands, he had her by the neck, like this." Momo reached out and demonstrated it on Hawks, sighing. "I challenged him. That's when the pros showed up, but one of the other ones, the one with the grey mask, already had Y/n. She heard you, I think. I tried to get to her, but the blonde, that freaking blonde... she subdued me, and I guess took my blood. I'm really not sure."

Hawks had been nodding along to the story, writing some of it down. "Right. Well, I hope you get some sleep, kid. Okay? This is a hard thing to watch happen, especially to a significant other."

"Yeah." Momo said sadly.

The door flew open with a loud bang.

"Where is our daughter?!"

"Oh dear." Hawks mumbled, eyes widening. "Coldfront, hello. Unfortunately, we don't know where L/n is, and-"

"You," The woman sneered, pointing at Momo and pushing her way past Hawks, despite his protests about the girl being in an unstable condition. "Where is our daughter?"

"I don't... I can't..." Momo muttered, tripping over her words as the pro hero stalked towards her.

"Where is our daughter?!"

"I don't know, ma'am, I-"

"Coldfront, calm down," Hawks demanded, stepping between the two ladies. "We're trying to find L/n."

"I don't care that you're trying, Bird-Brain, I want to know where our daughter is."

"I would also like to know where Y/n is." The man who had entered after the pro hero said, raising his hand.

Momo noted that Y/n really didn't look like either of the people that had stepped into the hospital room.

Maybe she was still just loopy on the meds. She couldn't tell.

"Ah, Mr L/n." Hawks breathed.

"Hey. Do you know who took my daughter?" Coldfront snapped.

"No. Yaoyorozu gave us a lot of valuable information on the culprits, though." Hawks gestured to Momo with his left wing. "So hopefully we find her soon."

"You'd better." The pro snapped before exiting the room, leaving Momo, Hawks, and Y/n's father alone in the room.

"I'm so sorry about M/n, she's not usually like this." Mr L/n laughed before sticking his hand out to Momo. "Hi, I'm F/n."

"Yaoyorozu Momo. Nice to meet you, sir."

"Have you been taking care of our daughter while we were away?"

"As best I could, Mr L/n. Unfortunately, it seems that I didn't do it the entire time."

F/n sighed. "That wasn't your fault. I think Y/n got some of her mother's temper, unfortunately. And I'm not just talking about her quirk."

"Are you Mr. L/n?" Aizawa called from the door as he made his way in.

"Yes, I am. Eraserhead, right?"

"Yes. I'm L/n's teacher at UA. She's one of my better behaved students, and I believe she has wonderful hero potential. I think all her classmates would be devastated if she were to be pulled from the curriculum."

"Aha, I'm really not the one you should be talking to about that. I'm so proud of Y/n for getting into UA. It's her mother you should be worried about. She's pissed."

"I could tell." Aizawa muttered under his breath. "Is there a reason L/n was living alone?"

F/n let out a breath. "She was supposed to be staying with her Aunt. We're not that irresponsible. I promise."


"Well, not blood aunt. M/n and I are both only children. I guess she was to busy to pick her up or something. How long has she been alone?"

"Five months." Momo interrupted. "She's been living alone for five months. I stayed with her whenever I could."

F/n groaned and grumbled something under his breath. "God. I told M/n that we should go check in on her, but noooo." He bowed his head slightly towards Momo, then Aizawa. "I'm very sorry if she caused any trouble amongst the students."

"Like I've said before, L/n is one of the better behaved ones. She's actually de-escalated several conflicts between students. I think her quirk could be very useful in the field, especially if she learns to do more things with her ice."

"F/n! Come on! These heroes are incompetent! We're leaving!" M/n called.

"We'll keep you updated, Mr L/n. I hope we can find L/n soon. For everyone's benefit."

— Timeskip; Two Days Later, at UA —

Momo opened the door to her classroom, closing the door behind her softly.

"Ah, Yaoyorozu. Good to see you. Please take a seat." Aizawa said gently.

The class went silent as Momo slid into her seat. She felt her phone buzz and she looked down at it.

Girls Chat!

On Acid💅
You're back!

Gravity Girl
Hey! How are you feeling?

Frog 🐸
Why haven't you been in class, kero?

Headphone Jack 👾
Is Y/n coming back soon, too?

I'm doing okay.
I was out of school because of a villain attack. I lost a lot of blood.

Turning her phone off, Momo blinked tears away.

"As some of you may know, on Sunday there was a villain attack at the plaza downtown."

Murmurs quickly spread throughout the classroom.

"Yaoyorozu Momo and L/n Y/n were amongst those that tried to help the situation. As you can see, Yaoyorozu is doing a lot better than she was when we found her."

Momo nodded solemnly.

"Where's the Ice Freak?" Bakugo called from the back of the classroom, causing Momo to tense up.

"L/n is..." Aizawa took a sharp breath, shaking his head slightly. "L/n was taken before the pros could arrive and save her."



"L/n is missing?!"

"What do you mean the pros couldn't save her?!"

"Settle down!" Aizawa yelled, causing the class to fall silent. He sighed. "L/n's mother and father have been alerted to the situation. Pro heroes are on the lookout for her. We're going to find L/n."

The unspoken sentence hung in the air.

"If we're not to late."

{End Chapter}
[1644 Words!]

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