My kryptonian daughter part 2

By hentai-lovin-angel

33.2K 833 291

A once unbreakable bond between father and daughter has now been place on someone else. What's a man to do wh... More

Rough return
Story time
Not a chapter (happiest day)
Quality time
The perfect role-model
The child curiosity couldn't kill
Dairy of a broken dad
The nostalgic pressure
Because apparently this needs to be explained (not a chapter)
Casual bloodbath in the making
The turn tables
Not a chapter

Old friends

2.1K 62 18
By hentai-lovin-angel

('Should I do a Halloween special? It's probably gonna be on book one if I do though.')


Moriah's POV

He let go of me but noticed I didn't let go of him.

(Y/n)- "wow. Someone misses me."

I held on tighter up until I heard a snap.

(Y/n)- "o-ok I think that's enough. You can let go now."

Moriah- "n-no....."

(Y/n)- "s-seriously.....I'm bleeding on the inside."

Moriah- "n-no.....I-I don't want you t-to get taken again....."

He patted my head and I looked up at him. He smiled as blood came out of his lips and nose.

(Y/n)- "I won't. But I also won't be able to heal if you keep squeezing."

He wiped the tears from my eyes and I finally let go. I heard more snapping and he started groaning.

(Y/n)- "I fuckin hate when that happens. Hehe."

Moriah- "are you gonna stay here now?"

He sighed and shook his head.

Moriah- "is it because of moms?"

(Y/n)- "not really. Gotham has become a more hostile place as of late. And I'm the only one who can withstand that kind of pressure. I'm bunking with Bruce and the others for a while."

He turned and spread his wings again.

Moriah- "let me come with you!"

He then looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/n)- "do you go to school?"

I nodded.

(Y/n)- "can you fly fast?"

I nodded.

(Y/n)- "alright. Come along then."

I stood beside him and we both flew upward. Something caught my ear...screaming....and destruction.....and...the were coming from the city.

Moriah- "dad!"

(Y/n)- "hm?"

Moriah- "somethings going on down there!"

I pointed to the city. He nodded and we both flew down to the city.

Titans tower

The alarm started blaring.

Beast boy- "ugh, again!?!"

Cyborg- "not a second to relax aye? Whatever."

The titans head out.

To (Y/n)

(Y/n)- "so which one is it this ti-"

A car was thrown at me. I side stepped and watched it crash somewhere else. At the end of the block was a tall stone monster.

(Y/n)- "huh. You're new."

He roared and continued his rampage toward us.

(Y/n)- "hold my ring."

I gave it to Moriah and ran toward him as well.

Thoughts- 'finally. Some action.'

(Y/n)- "let's see who chickens out first!!"

The minute we were only a foot apart, I jumped and punched him in that blocky face of his and he was sent flying back.

(Y/n)- "hmm. That was easy."

The titans showed up.

Rachel- "what the-"

(Y/n)- "you're a little too late. I'm already done."

I walked by them and they stared in awe.

Rachel- "(Y/n) wai-"

(Y/n)- "just drop it."

Rachel- "w-what?"

(Y/n)- "drop it. I've moved on and so have you. So just drop it."

She reluctantly nodded and let me go. I stopped when I stood next to Virgil.

(Y/n)- "you and bee hook up?"

Virgil- "yeah."

I smiled.

(Y/n)- "as expected."

I flew back up with Moriah and krypto.

Moriah- "are we leaving now?"

(Y/n)- "yeah."


Alfred- "ah, master (Y/n). How did the reunion go?"

(Y/n)- "it was as I expected."

Moriah hugged me.

(Y/n)- "for the most part."

Alfred- "your lovers have moved on haven't they?"

(Y/n)- "yeah."

Alfred- "apologize."

(Y/n)- "I've been through worse. Where's Bruce?"

Alfred- "he went with the league. Luther is planning another attack and this time he's brought friends."

(Y/n)- "oh. I'll go help them out. You wanna come with?"

Moriah- "yeah."

I chuckled and we left the manor.

Metropolis to (Y/n)

(Y/n)- "huh, metropolis. It's the first time I've been here."

I followed the path of destruction and soon enough, I found the league. Except they were all beaten and bruised while the.......anti-justice league? Were standing over their bodies.

(Y/n)- "at least they aren't dead. Oh well time for more action. You get them out of here and I'll take care of the grade b criminals."

She nodded.

3rd POV

He put the mask on again and flew down. The criminals were all surprised but they attacked non the less. The 8 foot tall zombie roars and tried to grab him.

Grundy- "Grundy beat you! Grundy break you!"

(Y/n)- "I'm not amused."

He punched the zombie, breaking his jaw in the process.

Cheetah- "my my, you're a strong one."

He took a defensive stance.

(Y/n)- "I don't like hitting women-"

Cheetah- "what a chivalrous thing to say."

(Y/n)- "you didn't let me finish. I said I don't like hitting women but I'll make an exception for you because I hate cats."

She smiled.

Cheetah- "then imagine what it would be like to be beaten by one."

She growled and pounced on him, He didn't budge.

(Y/n)- "oh ho ho, this'll be easy."

Minutes Later because I was too bored to write the entire seen

The entire......anti-justice league? Was down.....or so he thought. Lex held a girl with wings in his grasp.

Lex- "move and I snap her neck!"

(Y/n)- "put. Her. Down."

Lex- "hehehe, you think you can intimidate me? I've fought with each and everyone of them. What makes you any different?!"

I ran but my feet were frozen solid in a block of ice.

Lex- "took you long enough Captain."

Captain cold stood next to Lex.

Lex- "you mind finishing the job?"

Captain cold- "gladly."

Moriah- "dad NO!!"

He blasted me with more ice and soon my body was frozen solid. I couldn't move....being frozen just left me alone.....with my thoughts.....some started to boil inside me.....I was pissed, no....I was fucking furious.

Thoughts- 'no. I've been through too much. And I'll be damned if I die from some third rate crook. I'll kill him.....I'll FUCKING KILL THEM ALL!!'

3rd POV

The ice he was trapped in turned a bright red. It started melting. The glove in his left hand turned or ash and it revealed a new ring.

His eyes were red, and the construct surrounded his body. Captain cold shot more ice at him but it melted and evaporated the second it landed on him.

(Y/n)- "my turn."



Bye bye

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