The turn tables

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3rd POV

Brainiac had been watching closely as both (Y/n) and Moriah had interacted with each other. And was now over joyed by the leaving of the little girl's adoptive father. He sent the drone down to Wayne manor and scout out the proper time to kidnap the child.

Brainiac- [excellent.]

To you

I was humming while strolling through the forest. Wonder Woman stood in front of me to try to protect me apparently but it didn't really matter.

(Y/n)- "I don't need your protection."

Wonder Woman- "uh huh. Sure you don't."

(Y/n)- "you know, I was there to save y'all when the injustice league beat you all. By the way, how's Hawkgirl?"

Wonder Woman- "someone's interested."

(Y/n)- "I learned that being direct is the way to go. Even if you get turned down. Now could you move over? I'm trying to walk on my own."

Wonder Woman- "I'm starting to understand the other use my sisters had with the tongues of loud men."

(Y/n)- ".......that's an innuendo isn't it?"

Wonder Woman- "Yup."

(Y/n)- "alright I'm tired. Move over."

I walked past her. The first step I took began with a fall but I managed to make a construct floor before I did. I looked down to see a pit full of stakes on that I would've fell in.

(Y/n)- "your sisters' hospitality is rather strange."

Wonder Woman- "funny."

I floated out and made it to a clearing. I saw a bunch of tents all around the corners and the same tall athletic women sharpening their blades and spears.

(Y/n)- "so how many of them are my children?"

Wonder Woman- "45%."

(Y/n)- "well damn."

I walked out and it didn't take long for them to take notice of me. In seconds, I saw hundreds of spears being hurled at me. Making me feel a little nostalgic for some reason. The Roman Empire maybe? I don't really know because at that moment I was contemplating whether I should dodge or allow these spears to hit me.

Thoughts- 'it'd prove a point. And it'd be an interesting conversation starter.'

So at that moment, I allowed the spears to hit me. Although Wonder Woman had other plans. She pushed me out of the way and blocked the other spears and arrows.

(Y/n)- "ugh, I said I didn't need your help!"

Wonder Woman- "then why did you freeze just now?!"

(Y/n)- "it was to prove a point."

I pushed her out of the way and allowed myself to be wounded by the hundreds of arrows that landed on me. I fell over from sheer numbers of arrows but it wasn't the worst pain ever. Wonder Woman picked herself up and just stared at my pretty much maimed body.

(Y/n)- "heh, they got my head."

Wonder Woman- "and now they believe that you're dead."

(Y/n)- "I'll be fine."

The one of the Amazons finally caught wind of my survival and confronted me with a spear to my eye.

(Y/n)- "ah, so you've finally arrived."

Amazon- "silence you male!"

I turn to Wonder Woman.

(Y/n)- "this one of mine?"

Wonder Woman- "Yup."

(Y/n)- "well then, color me impressed. I'm proud of you daughter. What's you're name?"

Amazon- "I said SI-"

Wonder Woman- "put the weapon down and tell your father your name."

Amazon- "f-father?"

Wonder Woman- "yes. As bizarre as it is, this fool is your father."

Amazon- "that changes nothing."

(Y/n)- "do you like it here?"

Amazon- "I will not succumb to your manipulation, male."

(Y/n)- "alright. I'm done."

I get up and the arrows all get sucked into into my body.

(Y/n)- "gah! I hate doing this."

Wonder Woman- "then why not pull them out?"

(Y/n)- "takes less time and I have less to heal from. Plus my brother taught me some magic on how to do this so I want to check out if I still could."

I flew to the center of the camp. Hipólita glaring at me while I smiled.

(Y/n)- "I thought you'd be happy to see me?"

Hipólita- "you dare speak to the queen you foolish man?"

(Y/n)- "I do. What? Are you going to try to kill me?"

She pointed at me and some of the Amazons charge at me. All three of them stabbed with their spears. Of course it hurt, but I'd live.

(Y/n)- "I thought you all were supposed to be honorable. I can see now how you all are called daughters of Ares."

I broke off the spears but stood still.

Hipólita- "how dare you speak about our leader like that."

(Y/n)- "why? He's an asshole."

Hipólita- "Grh! Quite male!"

(Y/n)- "alright I'm bored."

I flew up and placed two fingers on her forehead and then flew back to Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman- "what did you do?"

(Y/n)- "might have messed with her nervous system. Don't worry, she'll live. And if the Amazons were smart, they wouldn't touch her."

But alas, they all came into close contact.

(Y/n)- "huh. And you call men the lower ones."

I looked towed the lone Amazon.

(Y/n)- "what's your name?"

Wonder Woman- "her name is Clotho."

(Y/n)- "eww, like the sister of fate? No no, that won't due. Hmmm, I'll rename you..... Aria. It's still Greek so there isn't much of a change."

Aria- "I do not understand."

(Y/n)- "I'm taking you with me to meet a better family. And to a better world."

Aria- "but I'm not allowed to live in mans world."

(Y/n)- "says who?"

She looked at me, not really having an argument.

(Y/n)- "if you don't like it here, I'll take you back. Promise."

She nods and I carry her away.

3rd POV

Brainiac had sent his drone down to capture the child, but his sensor had picked up movement coming closer to his target.

Brainiac- [retract drone.]

The drone comes back to the ship. Knowing he would have more trouble taking the child while her surrogate father was there, he didn't want to bother engaging in a fight. At least not yet.

Wayne manor

Wonder Woman, (Y/n), and Aria arrive at Wayne manor. They're greeted by Alfred who was surprised to say the least.

Alfred- "oh my, another woman?"

(Y/n)- "relax Alfred, she's my daught-"

He was cut off by the sight of the Titans. He hadn't seen them in weeks so the sudden juxtaposition was surprising. Under his breath he whispered.

(Y/n)- "great."

My kryptonian daughter part 2Where stories live. Discover now