Faulty Engagement.

By depressed_lamb

391 21 0

"Celia, you are the smartest girl I have ever met, yet you often seem to overlook the obvious." More



29 2 0
By depressed_lamb

I pointed my wand towards the locked box as the professor counted to three before opening it. I don't know what I was expecting, but it defiantly wasn't this. A hand shot out of the box as a girl pulled herself up and out. Her brown hair fell over her shoulders and her bright blue eyes pieced my soul. She had tears rolling down he face and bruises over her arms, trying her hardest to cover herself up despite being fully clothed. She almost looked like me, except I had green eyes, and my hair was more black than brown. That's when I realised who it was supposed to be.

"Kaylee." I breathed.

"I told him to stop." She whimpered. "I begged him, Ce-Ce, but he grabbed me and I- I couldn't push him off. I'm scared."

"Kaylee, it's okay." I said, my words catching in my throat. "You're safe now. You don't have to be scared."

"Celia." Someone said from behind me.

"Just come here." I open up my arms.

"Celia, don't." She walked closer to me but suddenly, I was pushed out of the way and ended up hitting the floor. "Ridikilous." There was a bright light and Kaylee had then disappeared. I didn't quite get a chance to see what it changed into because it retreated back into the box, allowing the professor to slam the lid on it. I looked up at Newt who was stood over me. I was totally speechless.

"Well done, Mr Scamander." The teacher congratulated. Newt helped me to my feet, pulling me closer to him.

"What were you doing?" He says quietly.

"I don't know, Kaylee is literally four, I don't know what happened." I replied.


"Hey, Celia."

"Go away." I say, not looking up at him and taking a bite out of my apple.

"I just wanna talk."

"Not in the mood.

"Give me a chance." He begged.

"Take a hint."

"What is wrong with you? I just wanna ask you on a date and you won't give me a chance. Why do you think that is? Are you insecure?" I pursed my lips.

"I think you should go over at tell your friends, I'm not really interested. I don't date people that bully others."

"I don't bully anyone."

"Should we ask Newt? I'm pretty sure you calling him a freak three times in the space of five minutes constitutes as bullying. Goodbye."


"No." He gets up and storms away from me. "Loser." I breathe.

"That wasn't very friendly." Someone says and I look up.

"Hey there, captain obvious. What do you think I was trying to do, give him a massage?" I say sarcastically.

"So why don't you date people?"

"Because I don't have time, and my dad owns a gun. He's a police officer in the muggle world. Try healing from a bullet wound quicker than he can fire them, and you're perfect."

"Maybe I could find something." I smile slightly. "Ooh, is that a smile I see?"

"Shut up."


"Why haven't you packed?" I ask Newt as he sat resting his chin on his hands. "We're leaving for Christmas soon."

"Not this year." He sighed. "My parents have made other arrangements so I'm stuck here, I'm afraid."

"Rubbish. Come have Christmas with me."

"I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Nonsense. I think my family will love you. You and get your things, you're gonna spend Christmas with me this year."

-----THAT EVENING-----

"Mum, I'm home!" I yelled as I pushed open the door. Suddenly, my four-year old sister, Kaylee, came running round the corner and towards me.

"Ce-Ce!" She cried. I scooped her up in my arms.

"Hello my gorgeous little girl." I smiled. "This is my friend, Newt. Say hi."

"Hi." She said rather faintly.

"Hello." Newt replied, clearly a little nervous.

"Oh, by the way, my mum is a hugger." I say, just as she greeted us at the door.

"Oh, hello my darling." My mother beamed, grabbing my face and repeatedly kissing ny cheek. She finally stopped and looked at Newt. "And who's this young man?"

"This is my best friend, Newt. He had nowhere to go for Christmas so I said he could join us."

"Of course. The more the merrier." She pulled Newt into a hug and he looked at me. I mouthed 'I told you' and he just smiled.


"But why do I always have to do the tree?" I groaned. "I hate that Christmas tree. It's practically dead."

"Stop whining and get it done." My grandfather ordered. "And if I see you with that silly wand, Celia, I-"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Why doesn't he want to see you with your wand?" Newt asked curiously.

"As you know, both my mother and father are wizards, but three of my grandparents are muggles. My non-magic grandfather thinks magic is a farce and my grandmother, doesn't really help. However, my wizard grandfather loves the idea of me using magic. My sister is yet to show any signs of being magic, but I am hoping they're not gonna argue about that again."

"And your other grandmother?"

"She was a muggle too. But she's been gone for years now."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"No, that's honestly okay. We don't really talk about her so it's fine that you didn't know." I say. I pick up the box of baubles and tinsley and scowl. "Better get to it."

"You really put your decorations up on Christmas eve?" He asked and I nod.

"Talk about leaving it late."


In the night, I had woken up with the urge to just down a glass of water. I got to my feet and wet creeping towards the bathroom when I swear I heard voices coming from my sisters bedroom. I stopped and pressed my ear to the door.

"I used to be frightened of the dark when I was your age too. But there really is nothing to be scared of." Newt said and for a second I was confused.

"But, whut iv the monster come an, an get me." My little sister stuttered.

"Shall we take a look?" He asked and there was no reply. "Lumos." The light peered through the cracks in the door. "No monsters under the bed... no monsters in here... no monsters anywhere. Looks pretty safe in here to me."

"You pwomis?"

"I promise. Do you think you could get some sleep now?"

"Uh-huh." I smiled before continuing towards the steps.

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