Quiet On Set (GirlxGirl)

By cold_french_fry

5.4M 222K 286K

"Dumbass" "Blind bitch" "Shut up and kiss me" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapters 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Final Chapter 107

Chapter 76

39.1K 1.8K 3.3K
By cold_french_fry

3 updates? 👀 we on a roll

Narrator's pov


Sometimes in our lives, we experience pain, whether being from stumping our toes against the edge of a table or accidentally brushing our skins against something sharp or that first break up we experience with the person we thought we'd kiss in a church in front of our parents

Either way, she are bound to experience pain. Sometimes we learn from it, sometimes it takes over our joy and turns us into a downgraded version of ourselves or sometimes it sends us into a dark place

As much as we try to push away our pain for later, we can never run from it

It is always bound to happen

But what happens to that pain we didn't ask for? The ones we never expected

The type of pain that leaves us so stunned that we feel our lungs turn to dust in just seconds

"Good Morning" Brooke grinned

Those perfect white teeth didn't light up the room, it seemed to make it more gloomy although the smell of fresh bacon filled the kitchen

June's eyes glanced over to Kate's before she hung her head low, wanting to avoid any problems but she knew to herself that trouble was around the corner. She could only pity the brunette for having to deal with it

Kate's body seemed to call off its functions. Her brain shut down slowly and the rushing blood in her veins all faded out one by one like draining water from a pool

Yet her eyes still locked onto the one thing that had left her paralyzed. Those few purple bruises that came from acts of lust, of desires, or the craving of the skin.

And there was only one person in this entire house that could leave that mark on Brooke and it surely wasn't the maid

Brooke flipped her light purple hair over her shoulder, only to reveal a few more marks on her skin. Kate sucked in a breath and closed her eyes

She never expected it to sting this bad. Hell, she wasn't even with Autumn. All she did was confess her feelings

But that's what Kate failed to realize

It was her feelings that made her feel that way. She didn't have to own Autumn to feel jealous, she didn't have to label herself as being in a relationship with Autumn in order for her to feel that pain of someone else gaining that attention from the girl

"Was wondering when you'd wake up" Brooke chuckled

Kate's fist clenched into the side of the doorframe as she pressed her back against the edge, closing her eyes and trying to fight the stinging pain in her throat

"What's wrong, you seem down" Brooke pouted but there was evil lurking in those eyes

"Um, Ms Wilson, would you.. Like anything for... Breakfast?" June mumbled to try to distract the girl


"Oh hush you, can't you see I'm having a conversation with the girl!?" Brooke hissed at the maid

"I- I'm sorry, I apologize" June muttered before turning back around to face the stove

"And where is my order? I've been waiting here for over five minutes for simple breakfast. You know how Autumn is when she's hungry" Brooke scoffed

Kate's brows furrowed at the purple hair girl, completely struck at the way she spoke to June

"Sorry Ms, I'll be done in a few seconds" June mumbled

"Ugh, good help is hard to come by these days am I right?" Brooke chuckled as she leaned back into her seat

It was only then did Kate realize the girl was half naked. Her black lace bra looked like it was barley hanging by a strap, as if she placed it on in a hurry. Her lips were swollen while her legs were kicked up on the table, wearing Autumn's sweatpants

"I hope you slept alright with all of the noise, God knows I could be loud" Brooke smirked

What was once pain was starting to become anger. Kate's eyes narrowed towards the purple hair girl who held a smirk. Brooke's fingers tapped against the table in some rhythm that played a tense feeling in the silence around them. At this point, Brooke was just searching for a reaction

But like an actress, Kate stayed cool. She kept her emotions to herself but the anger was obviously written in her eyes

"Anyways, I kept her up all night and now she's sick. My poor baby" Brooke pouted

Kate's knuckles only gripped the side of the door even harder as her teeth grinded against each other

"I'm not sure she'll make it to the studio today, she's an animal in bed" Brooke chuckled

Her green eyes glanced from June and locked onto Kate's from across the kitchen

"But I'm sure you know that" Brooke stated before raising a brow

It was amazing how the human body changed emotions so quickly. Kate's heart felt like it was being pinched by hands that were on fire, then it soon turned into the feeling of her blood wanted to burst through her vessels and freeze into ice so that she could the girl sitting in front of her, then her emotions turned to something she hardly felt. Fear.

Fear in the eyes of someone she wanted to strangle. Fear in the eyes of someone that seemed to be runing her life. Fear in the eyes of the bully of her story

June placed a plate in front of the purple hair girl who smirked and took it between her fingers, standing to her feet and walking forward

Each step only made Kate cave in more. The way the girl swayed her hips made her swallow a lump in her throat and step back, only to remember that she was already pressed against the door frame

"Oh I've heard about you Kate. Small actress that moved out from a crappy apartment I'd never be caught dead in. You barley snagged yourself an audition which was a lost cause because everyone knows that movie idea is gonna flop. It's such a shame that Autumn's wasting her time on you" Brooke said as she stepped forward

Her body pressed against Kate's, trapping the girl against the door and using her eyes as the handcuffs to keep her in place

"Frankly, I don't know what she sees in you. You're like a mouse, quite and reserved. Autumn needs someone to keep her grounded, keep her on her feet. Someone to give her orders to follow and you're not that person Wilson so don't even try" Brooke chuckled

Kate's brown orbs were melting. Someone who was so good at containing her own emotions was starting to break under a green spell with evil lurking within. A spawn of Satan himself, only much worse than the man who cared about greed

"Step out of that little fantasy you're in. Autumn doesn't need a hood rat, she needs someone with class, someone that could actually get her noticed and not to fall into the background where you should be. So get over your little school girl crush and snap out of your fantasy, because Autumn will never. And I mean. Never. Want you" Brooke hissed before slipping her purple hair against Kate's face and walking away

Her feet clicked against the marbled floor as the purple hair girl walked from the kitchen, leaving a trembling Kate clutching the door frame for dear life and biting her lips to contain the screams that wanted to escape.

Her glossy brown eyes looked like spilled coffee, running over the edge of a rock that her heart was pushed off

"Are you okay Ms Wilson" June whispered as she slowly approached the girl

"I'm f-fine" Kate squeezed out as she closed her eyes

Her chest heaved heavily and her bottom lips trembled. She had no idea why she reacted in such ways, she was accusomted to everyone she knew beating down on her life, her history. Comparing her background to what she achieved

But it had never affected her like it did when Brooke stepped in

Maybe the girl was a witch and had a spell over her

Or maybe she was right and Kate knew it

Brooke had a way of playing at your heart strings, knowing your weaknesses, your flaws. She knew where to aim that arrow and how to shoot. Unfortunately, she pulled that bow and punctured right into Kate's heart

She played at her heart where her emotions involved another person. Someone she truly cared about and those lingering thoughts of never being enough that had gone unanswered was surely being confirmed

"Kate" A voice filled her ear

A voice that once calmed her, a voice that filled her stomach with summer's butterflies and pixie dust. A voice that made her emotions bubbled in her veins was now the voice that clenched her heart

"Kate are you okay?" Autumn asked as she approached the girl

Her fingers brushed against Kate's arm but she flinched. Autumn furrowed her brows when Kate pulled away and held her head low

"What's wrong? Did she tell you something?" Autumn asked as she glanced up at the maid

But June simply shook her head in dissapointment. She had seen so many versions of Autumn growing up.

The innocent little girl who only had hopes and dreams and craved her parents love.

The teenager that fell through a rabbits whole and drank a little bit more than just a sip of that potion

And the girl who was turning into the best version of herself all because of a young brunette that walked into her life

But to see Autumn going back to her ex, the girl that had ruined her in the first place was not only disgusting, but dissapointing. She surely thought she had raised the girl better than that. But oh how wrong she was

"Don't. Touch me" Kate hissed

"Wha- Kate what's wrong?"

"I said! Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me" Kate hissed before pushing past the raven hair girl and heading far away from her as possible

"What the hell?" Autumn hissed

The raven hair girl stood in the middle of the kitchen with her brows stitched together and only one feeling in her body. Confusion as to what the hell had just happened

But as Kate's feet moved fast, pushing open the doors of the house and heading towards the garage, she barley glanced at a familiar face that stood at the top of the stairs

Brooke smirked as she plopped a grape into her mouth, she leaned over the balcony and waved a small goodbye to the crying brunette that passed her by

As much as Kate wanted Brooke to just slip and fall over that balcony, falling face first and cracking her skull open

She knew she couldn't wish that on her Because Kate knew she wasn't that type of person to hurt others

Yet she was always the one being hurt in the end

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