By paradoooooox

699 58 14

Savannah Keens has an eye for Drew Walter also known as the school's jerk. For him girls are toys. He doesn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

45 3 1
By paradoooooox

Chapter 12 - Distracting him

Savannah's P.O.V.

"okay split up" Austin said "I'll take the first and second floor, the pool house and dog house. You take the 3rd to 10th floors. Don't worry Rogers always gets tired in four"

He walked away before I could kill him. Wouldn't the damn dog be at the dog house rather than a bedrooms.

The third floor had fifteen bedrooms, all looking quite similar

I sighed and opened every door

"Rogers" I yelled, opening the door "I have a scobby snack"

"Come out now"

"Rogers come here boy"

This is ridiculous. I've already looked at all the rooms and now I was heading to the fourth floor then my phone rang.

"I got him" he said "meet me at the car" he said, then I hang up

I turned around and bumped into someone.

"I thought I'll wait for you at the-" I suddenly stopped when I realize it wasn't Austin.

My eyes widen in fear when I met Drew's dark eyes. Oh god Savannah your gonna be a dead meat

His arms was folded on his chest making him look more intimidating. Too intimidating

I didn't show my fear and instead I smiled to him.

"Are you lost?" he said calmly

"I...um...I thought this was a hotel or maybe not. I...you...okay gotta go"

He grabbed my hand before I could make my getaway. Curse you Austin!

"Your lying. So now tell me how the hell did you get into my house?" he asked

"the guards?" I lied

"Nice try but they dont work on weekends" he said drily

"I....uuhhh..you...see" I can't barely say

"what do you want?" he asked "I'd call the cops but then again No"

Suddenly my phone rang.

I turned around "Hello"

"What's taking you so long are you lost or something" Austin said impatiently

"You dipshit Drew caught me. Just do what you need to do with that dog and I'll just distract him." I whispered "Save your self"

"Ah shit" He cursed "Are you sure?"

"Yes now go" I agreed

"Fine. I'll bring back Rogers in a couple of hours ." he said before he hang up

Oh god Drew might think I was really his stalker. Argh what am I thinking I already agreed to Austin to do this. Deep breaths Savannah Its for the dogs sake. I sighed and turned around and face him

"I wanted to hangout with you" I smiled brightly

"You do?" his lips formed into a smile.

"Yes" I said

"So what do you wanna do"

"I want to play" I said excitedly

"Hold on there Savannah I didn't see you as that type of girl" He faked shocked

"What are yo-"

"Oh god Are you here to seduce me?" He said, covering his body with his hands

I slapped his chest hard "Not that kind of game you idiot"

He laughed "C'mon" he stood up, and grab my hand pulling me downstairs.

A cool air greeted us as we entered a glass door.

I stared at the large pool. The blue water looked inviting.

I shrieked in excitement and he chuckled.

I turned around to see he was already in his trunks.

I remove my denim shorts and top that leaves me with my blue lace bra paired with panties.

I put my hair in a bun and sitted at the edge putting my feet in the water.

Feeling the cold breeze that is hitting me I slightly shivered. The view was wonderful in sight. Green grass, tall trees and fresh flowers.

I looked behind the glass door to see Drew coming in.

I hid as Drew came in. He was at the edge of the pool and kept turning around looking for me.

I forced not to laugh and walked to him. When he didn't know that I was there I pushed him to the pool.

I was laughing hard that I was already laying on the floor. "HAHAHAHAHAHA"

"Hey that wasn't nice" he pouted as he remove the water from his ears

I laughed "Don't be a pussy" I went to the pool to him and splashed him non stop

"You want to play that game aye" he said regaining his energy ready to attack me.

I swam far away from him as he keep swimming towards me

I kept on splashing him so he won't see where I was going

"hahahahaha loser" I said hiding near the fountain.

I didn't hear splashes in the water so I looked up to see that he wasn't there anymore

"Gotcha" he said hugging me from behind. I jumped from his outcome.

"Your no fair" I pouted

"Oh its fair enough Princess" he laughed

I giggled "By the way I didn't know your smokin rich. I really like your house" I commented

"I knew you'd be here since you like pretty things like me" he winked

I ignored his egotistical remark "I don't like you" I lied

"Sure you don't"

"No its true. Your good looking and all and maybe I'm physically attracted to you. That's it Drew attraction" I said. Why do I keep on lying to him? There's this feeling that says that I need to do it but I don't know why

His face dropped. I suddenly felt guilty.

"Drew I didn't mean it that way" I said, reaching for his arm, but he backed away

"Your ungrateful Princess" he snapped

"Drew..." I said in a low voice that is field with guilt

"I let you stay no questions asked, cancelled my plans for you, indulge in your childish game just to hang out with you and I even turn down sex and told all the girls to give me space. But I guess it doesn't change the way you look at me aye" he said kinda hurt

"Your changing?" I breathed seeing that it was the only thing that matters.

"Yes" he said " But I think it doesn't matter to you ...... You should probably leave"

He looked at the door.

I swam to him, I tilted his chin to look at me and hugged his waist. I didn't mind if we were this close cause I just want him to feel that I was sorry.

"You know I didn't mean it like that" I started "Despite all your bickering your really special to me"

He was silent

"Please forgive Princess my Drewy Prince" I pleaded and made my best puppy eyes

He smiled and splashed me straight in the face

"You'll pay for that"I said

He smirked and floated away

I went to him and also floated. Seeing the sunrise was relaxing and the breeze was getting cold. Their were stars coming out of the sky.

I suddenly closed my eyes as we fell in a comfortable silence.

I opened my eyes as I felt something grumbled inside my tummy

"Are you hungry Butterfly" Drew suddenly said


"C'mon" he said, grabbing my arm and lead me inside

"Tessa" Drew called

"Oh Sweetie do you need something-ohhh who's this lovely girl" She smiled at me

"Hi Mam I'm Savannah" I smiled offering a hand

"You're so beautiful" She envelope me in a hug "And call me Tessa. I'm the Walters head cook"

"Can you make us something to eat?" Drew asked politely

"Of course. What would you like Donald" she asked

I whispered laugh hearing his other name.

"Is there something wrong Sweetie?" She asked worriedly

"Oh I'm sorry It's just that I never heard Drew's full name" I said hiding my laugh

I saw Drew glared at me. What I can't help it.

"I suggested it for her mother. It's cute isn't" She smiled

"Yes, yes it is"

"Okay that's enough" Drew said "Can you make us lasagna. We'll be down when its ready." He said before dragging me upstairs

"Thankyou Tessa" I said

Then he dragged me upstairs.


I think I won't be updating anytime soon. Holidays are over and I need to focus for the finals. Sorry

I hope this story would reach a thousand reads. :) haha

picture: Savannah pushing Drew in the pool

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