ღ A Melted Heart ღ (Damon Sal...

By softballtayy7

701K 8.9K 2.1K

Electra Gilbert, lives in the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. Her parents are now dead from a brutal ca... More

ღ A Melted Heart ღ (Damon Salvatore) Pilot
ღ A Melted Heart ღ (Damon Salvatore) The Old Comet
ღ A Melted Heart ღ (Damon Salvatore) Friday's Bite
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Family Ties Together
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) You're Undead?
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) The Girls Who Are Lost
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Haunted
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) A Lot of Candles
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Repeating History
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) A Turning Point
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Road Trip
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Damned Children
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Once Fooled
ღ A Melted Heart ღ (Damon Salvatore) Good Men
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Gone With The Neighborhood
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Allow The Right One In
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) It's Under Control
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Little Miss Mystic
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Brothers By Blood
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Isobel
ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Founder's Day -Finale-!

ღA Melted Heartღ (Damon Salvatore) Unpleasant

27.3K 366 104
By softballtayy7

"Do you remember anything at all about the man?" Stefan questioned me.

I shrugged, "No, not really. I didn't see his face. . . Although he was wearing a black hoodie and boots. If that helps at all?"

"No not really."


I sighed, looking over to Elena who was staring at me with an intrigued expression. I heard a clunk which made my head snap towards the sound.

When I found the source of the sound I found out it was a wooden box in Stefan's hands. My eyes flickered to Elena to see her having the same bewildered expression on her face, as it was on mine as well.

"What's that?" Elena asked Stefan.

"This box contains vervain jewelery, to give to your family and some friends."

I furrowed my brows, "Oh, show us."

Stefan nodded and opened the wooden box. I looked down on it, looking at the contents inside. There were different necklaces and bracelets, and even just the vervain plant by it's self.

"I made this one for Jeremy," Stefan said handing a black bracelet to Elena. She looked down on it with an amused expression. "And the others you can give to other friends, or the plant can be put into food or drinks."

"If it's in or on you in any way possible. A vampire can not control you." Stefan continued.

"What about me? When Damon compelled me at that one football game, I snapped out of it. What does that mean?" I interrogated.

Stefan clenched his jaw, "So Damon was telling the truth. . . " He mumbled to himself,

"I really don't know. But whatever it is, it means that you can't be compelled. So the necklace I originally made you could be given to someone else." He continued, picking up a silver necklace shaped as a heart. It was beautiful, and very unique. I knew exactly who to give it to.

"Caroline!" Elena and I stated at the same time. We giggled quietly, after our small out burst.

Stefan nodded his head in approval.

"Electra! Or Elena! I need the money!" Jeremy called from downstairs. I groaned to myself.

I looked to Elena to see her standing up, and searching frantically through her pockets. I chuckled and held a hand up to stop her.

"I got it." I stated pulling a thick wad of cash out of my pocket.


I smirked triumphantly and walked out of Elena's room, to the stairs. I skipped down happily, grasping the money in my hand tightly.

I approached the man standing near the door with a smile, handing him the money he had earned. Well that and to pay for the pizza.

"Keep the change." I said.

"Thanks." He muttered, sending me a sly smile. "And you have yourself a goodnight."

I nodded as he backed himself out the door. I shut it behind him, and turned to Jeremy.

"And why couldn't you pay for it?" I asked crossing my arms.

He chuckled, "Why would I waist my money when I have two big sisters who adore their little brother?" Jeremy asked pinching my cheek as he picked up the pizza and walked to the kitchen.

"It's so pretty." Caroline said admiring the necklace I gave her. Or should I say mine. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

"It will go with like everything." She gushed, "What's the occasion?"

"None. Just though I would give you a friend necklace." I responded wiggling my eyebrows.

"Lesbian friend gift? Never thought you were that freaky Electra."

"Maybe I am. . . Or I thought 'Hey why not give my friend a necklace?'"

She smirked, "Why are you being so mushy?"

"I don't know just felt like it. I could always take it back. . . "

"No! I love it!"

I smirked, "I knew it." I stated, "So you and Matt?"

She rolled her eyes, "I meant to talk to you about that. . . I mean we've hung out a couple times but we've peaked as friends. . . " She drowned off.

"This is weird!" She exclaimed, "I shouldn't be talking to you about this. After all your sister dated Matt and you well dated his best friend."

"Nah! It's cool, I really don't mind. And I doubt Lena does either, she just wants you and Matt to be happy. And so do I."

"It's all about her." Caroline responded sighing.

"What do you mean?"

"Matt's not over her. And come on we all know it, even you."

I sighed, "She's with Stefan now. And trust me she's crazy for him." I stated, "And I'm sure Matt understands that he has to move on, and you are the perfect girl for that."

"Really?" She asked in disbelief.


I was walking out of the grill later that night. It was a pretty slow day. Nothing happened out of the ordinary thank god.

Although I hadn't seen Damon, since getting home from the trip. It was like he was avoiding me?

I couldn't comprehend why?

My phone then began to ring, causing my purse to vibrate un-uncontrollably.

I sighed and picked it up placing it to my ear.


"Hello Electra." A voice said on the other line. One I didn't recognize.

"Hey who's this?"

"You hit me with your car." The man said, amusement in his voice.

I felt my stomach drop. . . I couldn't believe it.

"Is that a new one?" He continued. I furrowed my brows in confusion, and then noticed I was standing in front of my new car.

Where was he? I wondered spinning around rapidly until I saw a man come up the stairs from a tunnel.

He was in all black, same as. . .that night. He was blending in with the shadows, besides his pale white face which stood out.

"You got away from me. . . You wont next time." The psychotic vampire said walking towards my car. I scrambled with the keys and opened my door.

Almost yanking it off the hinges in the process. I slammed it and put the keys in the ignition. I turned them and started up the car, I was speachless. I was so scared and overall shocked. What did he want from me?

I pressed my foot on the gas and peeled out of the parking lot.

Glancing in the mirror to see the man standing there in the middle of the street smirking.

Dear Diary,

I went to Stefan's and Damon's not too long ago with Elena. I was freaking out and hoping to see Dam. . . I mean his face. I don't know that word, and wont until he contacts me not I. Well anyways I told Stefan and Elena both about the incident. Stefan said the reason he called 'first.' was because vampires are predators and like to stalk their prey. I got chills just thinking of that creeper. Stefan also told me to take Jeremy's compass back. Turns out it's not really a compass but a vampire tracker. Stefan said that will help Elena and I know that there's trouble. And if it spins uncontrollably to call him or Damon. Normally I would call Damon but I think Stefan cares more and isn't bipoler.

-Electra Gilbert

"I called the insurance company. . . Car's totaled, you can keep using mine for now." Aunt Jenna said from the living room.

I turned around to see her dressed up for the 50's dance. . . Yes, my highschool was having a 50's dance how original right?

"I see your going to the dance."

"Alaric asked me to help."

I grimaced just hearing her speak. It made me think about me being adopted, and never being told so. I grabbed and apple off the counter and grasped it tightly.

I let out a sigh, "Why didn't you tell me Jenna?"

She pursed her lips at me, "Your mom was going to do it eventually, I never thought I would have to."

"And if she were here she would tell me to freaking truth!" I snapped back at her.

Jenna seemed surprised by my outburst but regained her composition slowly.

"Your dad was about to leave the office this one night. . . This girl showed up, she was sixteen a runaway and about to give birth." Jenna said walking closer, "He delivered her babies and gave her a place to stay but a few days later she dissapeared. And there you and Elena were." Jenna said a soft smile creeping onto her lips.

"Your parents were trying so hard to have a baby, it just wasn't happening. All Miranda ever wanted was to be a mom, and when she saw you two she knew she couldn't choose which one. . . so she took you both." Jenna continued.

"Then why was my parent's names on our birth certificates?" I asked.

"Your dad was a doctor, Electra. He took care of it, they didn't want to loose you or your sister so they took care of it. Quiet told as few people as possible, and if anyone ever wanted proof they had documentation." Jenna said.

"What else do you know about. . . my birth mother?"

"Just her name. . . Isobel."

I was standing next to Elena, doing last minute touch ups on the curls in my hair for the 50's dance.

Everything was silent, no one wanted to speak. Not her, not I. No one. . . .I mean who would? I had just finished telling her the story Jenna just told me about our birth mother. . . Isobel.

I looked over to Elena to see her curving her hair in with the blow dryer. She then abruptly set it down and walked out of the bathroom to her room. I sighed and turned off the curling iron, and fallowed behind her.

The silence was killing me. . . Slowly.

Elena walked over to bed and put on her pink scarf. I groaned allowed and turned my back, walking out of her room and into mine.

Sitting on my bed was that golden compass that Stefan had given us. I walked over to it and looked down annoyed.

The compass was spinning around and around. I freaked out, I ran to my side table and picked up my phone. Running down the stairs with my phone in one hand, compass in the other. I ignored Elena's questioning words as I stepped onto the hard floor of the hallway.

I quickly called Stefan's number.

"Stefan's phone. How may I help you?"


"Yes! It's me, glad to hear you missed me."

"Not now! Where is he?"

"He's stopping somewhere, he should be there in about ten minutes."

" Oh, maybe it's him. That compass is going crazy. . . "

"The vampire tracking thing?"


"Be right over." He said in a rushed voice and then hung up.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. . . I mean it was only Stefan right?

"What was wrong? You seemed panicked?" Elena asked from the top of the stairs.

"Nope, every things ok." I replied making an 'ok sign' with my hand.

She nodded and walked back in to her room. I smiled at her finally speaking to me after that talk. .

Then I felt my shoulders being pulled from behind. I gasped at the sudden force.

Then I heard a shout, "Electra!"

I turned slightly around and screamed to see the vampire, the one I hit. About to bite me, I let out a gruesome scream closing my eyes. Waiting for the impact but it never came, I opened my eyes to see two black blurs fighting each other.

Then my door opened and slammed and the mystery vampire was gone. I felt my heart pounding rapidly as adrenaline rushed through my vanes.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked.

"Yes." I responded coming face to face with a worried looking Damon. I grinned and pulled the bipolar Damon into a hug. "Thank you."

"No problem." He whispered.

About ten minutes later after Elena and Stefan joined us, we were sitting on the couch as Damon paced aimlessly around the room.

"How did he get in?" Damon asked.

I took in a large gulp of air, "He was invited."

"He posed as a pizza guy." Elena concluded.

"He get's points for that one." Damon said smirking to himself, normal Damon was back. . . "He say what he wanted?"

"No, he was too busy trying to kill me. You should know that!" I growled.

He held his hands up in defeat, "Just asking."

"And you have no idea who this is?" Stefan asked.

"No." Damon responded honestly, I could see it in his eyes before he glared at Stefan. "Don't look at me like that, when she first hit him I told you we had company."

"You think there's more than one?" Elena asked curiously.

I shrugged, "I doubt they know." I said shooting a look at the brothers.

"But Stefan he was invited in so that means we gotta kill him." Damon said seriously. My mouth was now agape how could he say that so calm?

"Ok, we'll get him. . . tonight." Stefan mumbled.

"I'm in I want that son of a bitch dead, you up for it Lena?" I asked.

"Sure thing Lec." She responded with a wink.

"Ok what do we have to do?" I asked.

Damon smirked, "You let me take you to the dance, while Stefan takes Elena."

I bit my lip pondering it for a minute, "Fine."

"Perfect I'll drive." Damon said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door.

Kill me now. . .

I was standing by the punch bowl with Elena. Both of us staring into the crowd examining all the people looking for that man. . .

Just then Bonnie and Caroline approached us.

"Having fun?" Elena asked a smile creeping onto her face.

"No, but this," Caroline said gesturing to her outfit and hair, "Took about two hours, so I might as well stay half of that."

I giggled at Caroline's comment as did Elena. Bonnie was laughing too until he looked over my shoulder. Her smile faded and the amusement in her eyes turned into an icy glare.

"What's Damon doing here?" Bonnie asked.

I bit my lip and turned around to see Damon next to Stefan looking around the room and whispering to each other. He noticed me staring and smirked and sent me a wink, I blushed slightly and turned back around to face Bonnie's and Caroline's wrath.

"He's uh. . . kinda my date." I managed to say, Bonnie's look turned shocked and scared, and Caroline's looked amused. "I promise he'll behave."

Caroline smirked, "So what is this a four-some now?" She asked no one in particular, "The Gilbert sister and the Salvatore brothers?"

"No, but if I'm going to be with Stefan then we," Elena said motioning to her and I, "Have to learn how to tolerate Damon. And he wanted to come."

I giggled, "Yeah, and it's not like we can kill him." I joked.

"There's a thought." Bonnie said glaring over my shoulder at Damon.

"I'll help." Caroline added bumping punch glass with Bonnie's.

Elena and I rolled my eyes, and then saw a dark figure out of the corner of my eye approaching.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Hi Bonnie, wanna dance?" Damon asked smirking, I rolled my eyes knowing he was listening in to our last conversation.

"I'm out of here." Bonnie said glaring at him, and turning away. But before she could walk away he caught her by her wrist.

"Please give me another chance?" Damon asked grinning. Bonnie scoffed and walked away.

"Back off Damon." Caroline said sternly, and then fallowed closely behind Bonnie.

Damon then looked to me and smirked, but then turned away from me to my sister. I felt my blood begin to boil.

"Elena, would you like to dance?" He asked her.

"I would love to." She responded and then turned to Stefan, "May I have this dance?" Stefan smiled and held his arm out, Elena grasped it and walked out to the dance floor leaving Damon and I.

"Looks like I'm stuck with you." He said chuckling.

I smiled, "Yes, it seems you are."

"Now, Electra. Would you like to dance?" He asked, I smiled. I felt my heart begin to race, I then smiled.

"Yes, Mr. Salvatore, I would love to dance."

He smirked, and grasped my hand pulling me to the dance floor but not before he planted a soft kiss on my hand.

We were dancing to a slow song when 'Great Balls Of Fire' Came on by 'The Misfits'. I smiled boldly and grabbed both of Damon's hand and began shaking.

"Show me how it was done in the 50's." I said giggling.

Damon smirked, "What make's you think I know?"

"Well for one your Damon Salvatore and I can so see you doing it, and two don't you want to show your brother up? I bet he is going to do it with Elena."

Damon sighed and rolled his eyes, "Fine but only because I can beat my little brother."

I smirked and then all of the sudden, he then spun me around.

Picked me up and swung my head down towards the floor, then moved me strait up again and swung me down on the other side.

He held me down there, his icy blue eyes were gazing into mine. I could feel my heart pounding with excitement and lust, but then I realized he was Katherine's. . . and would never be mine.

But before he could let me think anymore he pulled me back up and at the part that said 'Kiss me baby' he actually kissed me.

At first I was surprised but then I kissed him back. His lips were soft, and the kiss was passionate. I was expecting it to be rougher or more urgent but it wasn't. It was sweet and simple. My heart was fluttering uncontrollably.

But then those horrible thoughts hit me and I pulled away gasping for air. He was still holding onto my waist, he looked at me with a look of confusion and something else. . . deeper.

"Why'd you pull away?" He asked.

I sighed, "Because you'll never be mine, you will always belong to Katherine." I stated and then walked away feeling my eyes watering.

I was walking through the crowd feeling like I had been killed or was on the brink of death. Then I looked off the the side to see a man in all black.

It was him.

I ran back towards where I came from to where I last saw Stefan and Elena.

"Stefan! Elena! He's here!" I said.

Stefan looked up alarmed, "Where?"

I pointed to the corner by the doors, "There."

Stefan nodded, "Elena go get Damon."

"Okay, come on let's go find him." She said grabbing my wrist but I yanked it out immediately.

"No!" I shouted, She looked at me confused, "You go, I'll find Jeremy and make sure he's safe."

She thought about what I said for a minute until it finally clicked. "Ok." She agreed.

I smiled to myself and walked in the direction where I thought I could find Jer. Even though really I had no freaking clue.

But then my phone rang, I quickly answered it.

"Hello Electra." The creepy vampire said. "Here's what your going to do, there's an exit over there behind you, you have five seconds."


"Or your brother and sister die. Your brother wouldn't be a problem but your sister. . . she looks like Katherine, that might be a problem if I kill her. But then again. . . So do you." He mused, I turned around until finally I saw him. He was only feet away from Jeremy. "I can snap his neck so fast that there's not even a witness, now start walking."

"You better not touch him." I growled.

"Keep walking. Through the door."

After he said that and began walking towards me I hung up my phone and ran. I ran to the door and pushed it open. I was sprinting down the school hallways turning sharp corners trying to get away.

Although deep down I knew it was no use. I ran down a long hallway to a set of doors. I pushed them with all my might and then noticed that they were locked. I groaned and turned around to see the the vampire stalking closer.

I stopped staring him down and ran towards another door. It was open, thank god! I ran through there and into the room. A few seconds later the vampire emerged through the doors a malicious smirk on his face.

He was in front of me in an instant. I tried to run, but he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back. I screamed as loud as I could hoping someone would hear me. The vampire picked me up and through me on a table which I rolled off of hitting the ground hard.

I wanted to cry out in pain, but I knew that would only make this funner for him. So I didn't and bit my lip.

He knocked over the white table and pencils fell to the ground. I smirked, pencils were wood and pointy like a steak. I grabbed a handful and stood up. He grabbed me and shoved me into a wall bearing his fangs.

He lunged to bite me but I moved just in time and stabbed him with one of the many pencils. He groaned slightly at the sudden pain and took a step back. I took the other pencils and stabbed him with those too.

I pushed him and he fell to the ground. I looked around for something else and saw a broom. I ran to it while he was down and broke it in half with my knee. I picked the sharper piece and held my ground staring at him.

I tried to stab it into him as he got back up and approached me but he grabbed my hand stopping me. Oh great this is the end. . .

Just as he was about to bite me he got ripped away by none other than Damon. Once the vampire was away from me Elena ran towards me.

"Nobody wants to kill you." Stefan said, holding his hands up. The vampire rolled his eyes and tried to lunge at me again but Damon stepped in front and stabbed him in the stomach. The crazy vamp groaned and fell to his knees.

"Should have listened to the nice brother." Damon taunted, "Dick move."

"Why are you doing this?" Stefan questioned.

The vampire shrugged, "Because it's fun."

Damon growled and shoved the steak farther into his stomach he gasped in pain, as I winced.

"What do you want with Electra? And possibly Elena?"

"They both look like Katherine."

Damon furrowed his brows, "You knew Katherine?"

"You thought you were the only ones?" The man said chucking, "You don't even remember me."

"Tell me how to get into the tomb." Damon said, staring him down. I winced, even after what happened, he only wanted her.

"No." Stefan growled slightly and plunged the steak deeper into his stomach. "The grimore."

"Where is it?" Damon hissed, the man didn't respond so they shoved it deeper into him.

"Check the journal, Johnathan's journal, the journal. The Gilbert's."

"Who else is working with you?" Stefan asked.

"Who else is there!" Damon yelled.

"No, your gonna have to kill me." The vampire said looking up at Stefan and Damon.

"Damon smirked, "Fine." Then he pulled the steak out of his stomach and plunged it through his heart. Making him decay and turn gray with many vanes exposing.

Elena and I then began to breathe heavy, "Wh-what how are you going to find the others now?" Elena asked.

"He would've died anyways." Damon said looking into my eyes with compassion. Something normal Damon doesn't have.

"But-but." I began.

"Electra, Elena. He's been invited in." Stefan said to us both, I nodded slowly. Breathing in and out trying to calm myself.

We looked towards the doors to see Rick our history teacher gazing in looking at the scene. Stefan told Damon to take of that which I'm pretty sure meant compel.

One thing was for sure I hate vampires. . .

"Doing okay?" Stefan called from the kitchen as he walked into the living room and sat next to Elena and I.

I smiled turned towards him, "Is it weird if I say I hate vampires. . .No offense Stefan."

He chuckled, "None taken." he said, "But I need to tell you guys something and I don't know how your going to feel about it."

"What?" Elena asked wearily.

"I told Damon that I'd help him get into that tomb to get Katherine back." He said softly not glancing once at me. "But it was a lie I let him believe that he can trust me."

Elena furrowed her perfect eyebrows, "Then why would you be afraid of telling us?"

"Damon's very persuasive and Electra and him have. . . bonded lately."

I rolled my eyes, "So?"

"Yeah, that doesn't mean we trust him." Elena said.

"I don't want to be his enemy, but I can't let him do it." Stefan said letting out a sigh.

"Then don't and I'll help you whatever it takes." Elena said.

"Okay." Stefan said, and then pulled her closer. I groaned at the couples lovey dovey stuff.

"I'm going to bed see you in the morning."

"Ok goodnight Electra."


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