Azur Lane: A Fight Against th...

By TatsuyaHisaki

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17 year-old Jacob lived in a small peaceful village just on the beach side far from any major city or town. H... More

Part 1: The Azur Lane!
Part 2: Sakura Empire
Part 3: Akagi's Plan!
Part 4: The Mental Cube
Part 5: Spending The Day With Illustrious!
Part 6: The First Attack!
Part 7: Enterprise!
Part 8: Fight or Save?
Part 9: The First Siren Attack!
Part 10: A New Ally!
Part 11: Prinz And Iron Blood!
Part 12: The Rescue Operation!
Part 13: Setting Up For the Ceremony!
Part 14: PARTY TIME!!
Part 15: I Became an Older Brother...Again?!
Part 16: My Date With Illustrious.
Part 17: The Secret's Out.
Part 18: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven!
Part 19: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven (Pt. 2)
Part 20: The "Fishing" Trip
Part 21: Finally... At Long Last.
Part 22: Fight Once Again...For Her Sake.
Part 23: The Brutal Truth...That Reminds Me of That Day. (Contains Lemon)
Part 24: Mother Complex...
Part 25: Three Legends of the Sakura Empire!
Part 26: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Contains Lemon)
Part 28: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.3) (Contains Lemon)
Part 29: The Crane Sisters. (Contains Lemon)
Part 30: The Grey Ghost and the Head Maid! (Contains Lemon) (Christmas Special)
Part 31: The Pride of Iron Blood. (New Years Special) (Final)

Part 27: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.2)

1.9K 13 102
By TatsuyaHisaki

I looked at the woman as another chill ran down my spine. For some reason, my vision was all blurry, but it slowly started to clear up. That's when I decided to focus on her ears, which were pointy.

Jacob: Who...are you? And what are you doing in my room?

???: Oh thy sleeping visage...

Jacob: weird....

???: Please, do not worry thy precious head, for I shall not hurt thee.

Jacob: *thoughts* Yup, now I'm very worried.

???: Ah, thee look so delectable.

Jacob: *thoughts* I'm not worried anymore, I'm terrified...

Jacob: Look, who are you, and again, why are you in my room?

???: We are no longer in thy room...

Jacob: Then where the hell are we?!

???: I said to not worry thy head over this. I shall not hurt thee.

Jacob: Yeah, I don't believe that shit!

Without saying another word, I rolled out of the bed and onto the floor before getting to my feet and bolted for the door. I extended my hand out as I grabbed the door knob and opened the door before taking off down the hall. I made a few left and right corners and eventually found myself outside on a street. I looked up and saw that the moon was directly above me, meaning that it was midnight.

I started looking around to found some place to hide, but that was when I heard footsteps coming from the hall of the building I just escaped from. I turned to my right and took off running. That's when a cold wind blew right passed me and, because I was shirtless, I shivered a bit.

(A few minutes later)

I ran for a few minutes and now, I was actually right outside of a school.

Jacob: *Whispers* I mean, I'll take what I can get...

That's when I ran up to the front doors of the school. I grabbed the handles, expecting the doors to be locked, but to my surprise, they weren't. I opened up the door and ran inside the school, down the main hall. As I came to the end of the hallway, I took a right turn, and as I turned behind the corner, the doors to the school flew open.

Jacob: *thoughts* How did she even know I came in here?! *Shakes head* It doesn't matter now. I just need to escape from her.

That's when I crouched down and started down the hall. Judging from the woman's footsteps, she was walking. Right as the woman was about to turn down the hall, I dove into a classroom and headed straight for the teachers desk before hiding under it. That's when the door to the classroom opened.

???: Wherefore art thou?

That's when I felt a cold sweet roll down the side of my head. I shut my eyes as I heard her footsteps getting closer. That's when I heard a sigh.

???: *Sighs* It seems that he isn't here.

Then, the woman's footsteps started to get quieter as she walked out of the classroom. I peeked out from behind the desk to see the woman walking back towards the exit. As she disappeared behind the wall, I stood up and slowly started walking for the door. As I made it to the door, I opened it, slowly and peeked down the hall, only to see the woman still walking down the hall. That's when I decided to make a bold move. I stepped out into the hall as I kept my eyes on the woman and started to step backwards, moving down the hall away from her.

I made it all the way down the hall now, but I didn't realize that I could go down another hall off to my right. That's when I hit the wall behind me and my head hit against the wall.

Jacob: Ow! Damn it that hurt! *Eyes shoot open and puts hands to mouth*

That's when the woman stopped walking and turned around to face me. For some reason, my body was frozen. That's when the woman saw me and then, she started walking towards me.

???: There art thou. Why does thee insist on fleeing from me?

Without saying another word, I took off to my right down the hall. As I got to the end of the hallway, it turned out that there were stairs that led to the second floor of the school. I headed straight up the stairs and a few seconds later, I was on the second floor. That's when I heard the woman's footsteps on the stairs, so I took off down the hall. I eventually came to a hallway to my right, so I took it and continued running away from the woman. Right as I turned down the hall, there was a classroom to my left and right, but I decided to not hide in them. I passed up the classrooms and now, there where another two classrooms. I stopped running now as I turned around to see if the woman was walking down the hall, which she was not. That's when I looked to the classroom on my left and saw a window open, and that's also when I heard the woman's footsteps right at the corner of the hallway. I turned to my left and instantly dove through the open window.

Once I landed on the floor, I rolled onto my feet and stood straight up and started to look around as I gritted my teeth. That's when I saw one of those really small, but tall cabinets. I booked it straight for the cabinet and as I got to the cabinet, I opened it up, stepped inside and closed the door, leaving a very small crack in the door. That's when I heard the door to the classroom open. I took in a deep breath, squinted my eyes, and covered my eyes with my hand. I left a small crack in between my fingers so that I could still see, but that was when the woman stepped right in front of the cabinet and was staring right at me. She had her smile on her face like before as she continued to stare into the cabinet for several seconds before she turned and walked away.

I heard the door to the classroom open and close and then I heard footsteps down the hall. I staid inside the cabinet for another minute to make sure the woman was gone before I stepped out into the classroom. I then slowly made my way to the door as I peeked out into the hall to the right and saw the woman walking down the hall.

Jacob: *Sighs quietly* *thoughts* If she wouldn't have kidnapped me and started chasing me, she would honestly be hot as fuck. I mean...she is too. Just look at them thighs and those stockings. Mmm. Wait, I should be trying to get the fuck outta here!

That's when I stepped out into the hall and kept my eyes on the woman as she turned at the end of the hallway and disappeared around the corner. I started to slowly walk down the hall, the way I came from while I was running from the woman. I was slightly crouched down as I made my way down the hall, around the left corner, down the stairs and down the hall again. I made the right corner and made my way down the hall again before taking the left and now, the exit doors were down the small hallway. That's when I felt the anticipation grow and I could wait to be scot free, so I started to run down the hall. The doors were right in front of me now and the next second later, I busted through the doors....only to find the woman standing on the other side.

I didn't react in time as I ran into the woman, my face buried into her breasts. That's when I felt her arms wrap around my head and my back as she kept me from breaking free.

???: Please be at ease and close thine eyes. Sink into my embrace, and let thy thoughts flow away.

I continued to struggle, but once she said those words, it's as if a spell was cast upon me, my eyes slowly started to close as I slowly but surely, stopped struggling. That's when me eyes closed shut and I fell unconscious.

(Time skip)

I slowly started to open my eyes. It took a few seconds, but my vision cleared up. Once it did, I noticed that I was sitting up in a bed with my back against the arms in the air, chained.

Jacob: What the fuck...?

???: Ah, it seems thy awake now.

Jacob: Oh shit! Not you again!

???: Why does thee intend on running from me?

Jacob: Because you kidnapped me!! Who the hell are you anyway?!

???: My name is Duke of York of the Royal Navy.

(Duke of York)

Jacob: Alright, "Duke of York of the Royal Navy" why in the hell were you chasing my last night?!

Duke of York: Please, just call me Duke of York.

Jacob: Are you trying to piss me off? *Mumbles* Not like I'm not already.

Duke of York: Not at all. I'm just trying to please thee.

Jacob: You sure in the hell fucking failed that shit up already!

Duke of York: What does thee mean by that?

Jacob: Are you fucking serious?!

That's when a smile appeared on her face, as if she knew what I was talking about, and that sent a wave of fear through my body.

Jacob: Look, if you're with Royal Navy, then you're with Azur Lane. I'm Azur Lane's commander, so you have to listen to me.

Duke of York: I suppose it does. What would thee want from me?

Jacob: I want you to let me go, not kill me, and I don't want you to rape me.

Duke of York: I'm sorry, but I cannot release thee. Not until I've had my share of thee.

Jacob: Bit... Know what, let me not be an asshole. Why won't you let me go, and what does that even mean?!

Without saying another word, Duke of York licked her lips as she crawled onto the bed. A cold sweat rolled down my head as terror filled my body.

Jacob: L-Look! What do you want?! I'll give it to you if you just let me go!

Duke of York: What I want from thee? All I want is thy affection.

Jacob: But this is not the way to get it!

Duke of York: Once again, I shall not hurt thee. Please relax.

Jacob: But....

That's when Duke of York's head was right on the side of my chin. Next thing I knew, the door to the room burst open and in came a very busty woman with long blond hair and a sword at her right hip. That's when Duke of York pulled away from me as she looked towards the door.

Jacob: Are you my savior?! Please, SAVE ME!!!

???: York, what are you doing to the Commander?

Duke of York: I am just trying to earn his affection.

Jacob: And I told you that this ISN'T THE WAY TO GO ABOUT DOING IT!!!

???: Do not worry, Commander. I'll help you out, but for a favor.

Jacob: ANYTHING!!!

???: Anything huh?

Jacob: Yes! ANYTHING!!!

???: If you say so.

Without saying another word, the woman walked over to us as she drew her sword before slicing right through the chains, my hands falling down to my stomach.

Jacob: Thank you, so, SO very much!

???: Do not worry, Commander.

Jacob: What's your name anyway?

???: My name is King George V.

(King George V)

Jacob: *thoughts* Erection....

King George V: Why are you staring, Commander?

Jacob: *Starts blushing* N-Nothing....

King George V: If you say so, Commander.

Jacob: *Remembers that Duke of York is right next to him*

Without saying a word, I got to my feet and jumped out of the bed towards King George V.

Jacob: Thank you for saving me King George V:

King George V: Just King George is fine, Commander.

Jacob: Okay. Now, if you can get these cuffs off me, I'll give you extra of whatever you want.

King George: Extra huh?

Jacob: Yes.

King George: Then let's try this, you are pretty strong from what I've heard, Commander, aren't you?

Jacob: I mean, yeah...I guess....

King George: Then try slamming the cuffs to the wall.

Jacob: Smart and beautiful.

That's when I walked over to the wall and I raised my hands up to my side before slamming them to the wall. I saw a crack form on both the cuffs, so I raised my hands up again before slamming them to the wall once more, the cuffs shattering.

Jacob: *Opens mouth and smiles* *Turns to King George*

Without saying a word, I lunged at King George with my arms open. A second later, my arms were wrapped around King George's back as my head sat on top her breasts.

Jacob: I love you so much King George. You saved me from getting raped.

King George: It wasn't something to thank me for, Commander.

Duke of York: I wasn't going to rape thee.

Jacob: *Squints eyes* Bullshit...

King George: Now, Commander, my reward...

Jacob: Of course. What do you want from me?

King George: I would like you to make me some food.

Jacob: ....That's it?

King George: It is. Do you know how to....

Jacob: I'll cook for you any fucking time you want.

King George: Are you serious, Commander?

Jacob: I am.

King George: Then I shall take you up on that offer, Commander.

Jacob: Okay, and another thing...who is Duke of York to you?

King George: She is my younger sister.

Jacob: Saved your Commander from getting raped by your younger sister huh? I really appreciate that you saved me, and if you want, I'll cook you a meal later tonight.

King George: That sounds great, Commander.

Jacob: Great, now, I'm gonna shoot outta here, so see ya.

King George: I will see you later, Commander.

Jacob: *Starts running out of the room*

Duke of York: Wait, Commander.

Jacob: *Already left the room*

I was running down the hall for a few seconds before I burst through the doors and was now on the street like last night, but this time, the sun was out. I turned one way and saw a familiar person, Wales.

Jacob: Wales!

Wales: Commander....

Jacob: *Starts running up to Wales*

I ran for a few seconds before I was right in front of Wales. I opened my arms wide and hugged her as I placed my face against her breasts.

Jacob: Please hold me.

Wales: What for?

Jacob: Protection.

Wales: From what?

???: Oh. Hello Wales.

Jacob: *Looks towards voice*

Wales: Hello George.

Jacob: Wait, you know King George?

Wales: She is my older sister.

Jacob: Huh?! *Looks at King George before looking at Wales, then back at King George, then back at Wales* Yeah, I can see it.

Wales: She is the oldest sister.

Jacob: I see.

King George: You haven't forgotten about my reward, have you, Commander?

Jacob: Damn. You that hungry? And no I haven't forgotten about it, we just talked about it like not even five minutes ago.

King George: I was just making sure.

Jacob: You really are hungry, huh?

Wales: George has an apatite.

Jacob: Wow. That's...actually kinda hot....

King George: Please do not forget about our agreement, Commander.

Jacob: Trust me, I won't.

King George: I'll hold you to that, Commander.

Jacob: You really do have an apatite... Like I said though, that's kinda hot. Well, I'll tell you what King George, why don't we head into town and you can pick out whatever it is you want me to cook for you.

King George: That sounds fine. Let us be off then.

Jacob: Alright. You coming Wales?

Wales: Yes, I will come.

???: I shall come along as well.

Jacob: *thoughts* Please, not her...

That's when I turned around and saw Duke of York walking up to us.

Jacob: Well. Now it's a party... *Sighs* Oh well.

After that, the four of us left and headed into town.

(A few minutes later)

We were still walking down the street. To my right was King George, on left was Wales and to the left of her was Duke of York. We made small talk, for the most part. But then Duke of York said something that got me a little worried.

Duke of York: Wales, dost thou intend to hunt the same prey as me?

Jacob: *Stops walking* P-Prey?!

King George: *Sighs*

Wales: *Sighs* Don't worry about it, Commander, she's a vampire.


Wales: *Sighs*

Jacob: I mean, yeah, she has pointed ears, but she doesn't have fangs...

That's when Duke of York opened up her mouth and sure enough, she had fangs. My eyes shot open as my mouth opened slightly while I slowly started to point at Duke of York's mouth.

Jacob: S-Sh...She has....fangs.....

Wales: I told you.

Jacob: *Slowly walks up to Duke of York*

Once I got up to her, I tilted my head down as I stuck my index finger in her mouth before I poked one of her fangs. That's when I felt it prick my finger. I quickly took my finger out of her mouth as I started to shack my hand vigorously.

Jacob: That hurt a bit, and my finger's bleeding a bit now... *Sighs*

Without warning, Duke of York grabbed my by the chin and was right in my face.

Duke of York: Thy blood... Thy blood was tasty. Please, give me more of thy blood.

Jacob: The fuck?! Hell no!!

Duke of York: Please, Commander.

Jacob: I said no! I don't do vampire bites! Not to mention I already absolutely hate needles!

King George: York, do not pester the Commander anymore.

Jacob: *thoughts* I love you so much King George. *Tear streaks down cheek*

King George: Commander, why are you staring at me? And why are you crying?

Jacob: I'm not crying, I'm just...forget it.

King George: Did I do something to upset you, Commander?

Jacob: No. *Grabs King George's hands* I know this is sudden, but...I love you King George. You keep protecting me from your sister who is trying to drink my blood. You've earned my respect.

King George: *Giggles* I'm glad to have earned your respect Commander, but...

Jacob: But what?

King George: In my eyes, there is no leader in this world more worthy of my loyalty than Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Does that make sense to you, Commander?

Jacob: *Breaths in* I just lost a little respect for you, but at the same time, I can't blame you. We just met a few minutes ago...

Duke of York: *Giggles*

Jacob: It doesn't matter. Let's just get this shopping down and I'll cook us all a really good meal.

King George: Sounds good, Commander.

Jacob: Lol...

After that, we headed more into town.

(Time skip)

We were in town now. Shops were everywhere, no matter which way you turned. Horse-drawn carriages passed down the streets. People were walking everywhere, but in the crowd, I noticed three familiar women.

Jacob: Illustrious! Formidable! Victorious!

Illustrious: Oh, good day, Darling.

Formidable: Hello, Commander.

Victorious: You that happy to see us?

Jacob: Of course! What kind of question is that?!

Victorious: I don't know.

That's when we all walked up to Illustrious and her sisters.

Illustrious: I see you've met Miss King George and Miss Duke of York.

Jacob: Can we not talk about Duke of York please...?

Victorious: Why?

Jacob: She kidnapped me last night, chased me down the street, hunted me down inside of a school, caught me, chained me, and tried to rape me....

Victorious: Oof...

Jacob: Shut it...

I looked at Illustrious, then at Formidable, and then at Victorious. That's when I noticed the difference between the three.

Jacob: Hang on you two. Stay here. I'll be right back.

Formidable & Victorious: Us?

Jacob: Yes. Please wait here.

After that, I started to look around until I found the right shop I needed. Once I did, I headed right for it and a few seconds later, I was inside the shop.

Shop Clerk: Welcome. Please let me know if you need any help finding what you need.

Jacob: Okay, I do need help finding something then...

(Illustrious's P.O.V)

Formidable: I wonder what that was about?

Victorious: Who knows....

Illustrious: *Giggles* Commander is always like that.

Victorious: Did you really almost rape the Commander, Duke of York?

Duke of York: No. I was trying to earn his affection.

King George V: She did have the Commander chained up though. That isn't something we can overlook.

Illustrious: So that was true.

???: Damn right it was true!

(Jacob's P.O.V)

Everyone turned towards me as I walked up to Formidable and Victorious with a bag in my hand.

Formidable: What is in the bag, Commander?

Jacob: My promise.

Victorious: Your promise?

Jacob: Yep. *Pulls out the two promise rings* I just went buy them for you two. I did say that I was going to take responsibility, now didn't I?

Formidable: *Smiles* You did.

Jacob: Well, do you two accept?

Formidable: I do.

Victorious: Of course.

Without saying a word, I took out the two promise rings from their boxes and put one on Formidable and the other on Victorious.

King George: What do you mean by "take responsibility" Commander.

Jacob: *Starts blushing* I-I'd rather not say. It's embarrassing.

Illustrious: Me and the Commander tried making a child. Formidable and Victorious also joined in.

Jacob: Just put our business out there huh?!

Illustrious: What's the problem, Darling? I already told Wales and Belfast.

Jacob: You're joking, right?

Illustrious: No, I am not.

Jacob: Then you know what, fine. I'll just let you all know that I fucked Prinz as well. Shit! I'm just gonna bare all my secrets to the world!

Illustrious: *Giggles*

Jacob: *Sighs* Let's just get this shopping done. I'm cooking tonight so...

Illustrious: Then we shall help you.

Jacob: Sounds good.

After that, we all headed to several grocery stores. We bought several steaks, potatoes for mashed potatoes, and a bunch of other things. We even bought a roast.

(Time skip)

We were now at the Royal Navy dorms. We were all in the kitchen. Illustrious said that she had to go get something, so she wasn't here.

Jacob: Alright, Wales, we need to get the roast on as soon as possible. That will take the longest so...

Wales: Right. Here is the seasonings you will need, Commander.

Jacob: Thank you. I can handle everything from here.

Wales: Are you sure that you don't need my help?

Jacob: I think I'll be...

Illustrious: Darling. There is someone I would like you to meet.

Jacob: Okay. Who *Takes in deep breath* Excuse me for a few minutes.

Without saying another word, I turned towards Illustrious, vaulted over on of the kitchen work tables, landed on the ground and slid on my knees. I was right in front of Illustrious now, but my focus wasn't on Illustrious, but rather, on the little girl standing right in front of her.

Jacob: Oh my God, you are the cutest thing ever. I will love you forever and ever. I will take good care of you and I shall never let anything hurt you.

Illustrious: Darling, this is Little Illustrious.

Little Illustrious: Hello, Commander.

(Little Illustrious)

Jacob: *Starts gushing* Ahhhh! You're so ducking adorable!

Wales: Ducking?

Jacob: *Stands up and whispers into her ear* It means fucking. I shall not curse in her presence. *Pulls away from Wales*

Wales: Whatever you say.

Jacob: Look! She is ducking adorable! If anyone so much as thinks about hurting her, the shall die by my sword! No one shall hurt her!

Little Illustrious: Commander...?

Jacob: Yes Little Illustrious?!

Little Illustrious: Can I have some cookies?

Jacob: I'm on it! Just leave all the cooking and baking to me!

Little Illustrious: Yay!

Jacob: *Picks up Little Illustrious and starts spinning with her in hands for a few seconds before pulling her closer and starts cuddling her* Illustrious, how did you give birth to her so quickly?! Like, it hasn't even been a whole day!

Illustrious: She isn't our child, Darling. I can't give birth that quickly.

Jacob: Well, you know what, She shall be treated as if she were my own child! She is so adorable!

Wales: It seems the Commander has gotten a little stupid.

Jacob: You listen here Wales, I feel like I just got stupid off of this cuteness, and I feel like I'm gonna die from this cuteness, so leave me alone!

Little Illustrious: Commander, look at my wings.

Jacob: And she just got even cuter!

That's when I pressed the side of my face against Little Illustrious's and started shaking my head side to side.

Jacob: I just want to cuddle with her! She's so ducking adorable!

Illustrious: *Giggles* I seems that you've taken a liking to her.

Jacob: Of course! She is a smaller, younger version of you! And just so you know, anyone who lewds her...shall get a sword or two stabbed through their throats. *Smiles*

Wales: I think he's broken.

Jacob: But in a good way...

Illustrious: *Giggles*

Jacob: Little Illustrious...

Little Illustrious: Yes, Commander?

Jacob: I just want you to know that I'm giving you the nickname "Lil Lusty." Illustrious, I'll give you the nickname "Lusty."

Lil Lusty: Yay! I got a cute nickname from the Commander!

Jacob: *Starts gushing some more* You're too ducking adorable! And as much as I don't want to let you go, I have to get started with cooking. *Places Lil Lusty down*

Lil Lusty: Aww...

Jacob: *Tears flows down cheeks* Please, don't sound so sad. It's breaking my heart. *Crouches down and give her a kiss on the forehead* I'm gonna go cook now. Don't worry, once I get the roast in, I'll get to work on baking you some cookies.

Lil Lusty: Yay!

After that, I got started with seasoning the roast. Once I was done, I placed it in one of the ovens before washing my hands and started to make cookies. Once I was done with that, I placed the cookies in another oven to let them bake. Again, once I was done with that, I got to work on all the other dishes we would have.

(Several hours later)

Jacob: The food's all done! Come get some everyone!

Lil Lusty: Can you serve me, Commander?

Jacob: I'll do anything for you.

As she requested, I served Lil Lusty a plate of food. Following me was King George and after her, everyone else. I walked over to the table and placed Lil Lusty's food down on the table right in front of her as Illustrious helped Lil Lusty into her chair.

Jacob: Now it feels like we have our own kid.

Illustrious: *Giggles*

(A few minutes later)

Everyone was seated at the table with our plates of food in front of us. I was sitting at one of the ends while Lil Lusty sat on my left and Illustrious sat on my right.

Jacob: Alright everyone, dig in.

That's when I looked straight at King George who didn't waste even a single second as she was already eating.

Jacob: So, King George, how's the food.

King George: It's delicious, Commander.

Jacob: Thank you.

Wales: I agree. The food is very good, Commander.

Illustrious: I have to agree as well. The food is most delicious, Darling.

Lil Lusty: Commander...

Jacob: Yes? What is it?

Lil Lusty: Your food is very good. It tastes delicious.

Jacob: Thank you! I was surprised that I was able to think without you there. You were the only thing on my mind. I just wanted to hold you and cuddle with you.

Victorious: Darling, it's starting to sound like you're becoming a pedophile.

Jacob: Now listen here Victorious, I did say that I would stab anyone who lewds Lil Lusty, I that included me. And just so you know, I don't think she's cute like that, she is adorable and I am treating her like my own child. So leave me alone.

Victorious: If you say so.

Illustrious: *Giggles*

We continued to eat and chat after that. Several minutes passed as we eat and talked, but that was when King George stood up.

King George: Commander.

Jacob: Yes, King George...

King George: I have decided to move to Azur Lane's main base.

Jacob: Okay...? *thoughts* Wait...!

King George: I shall move in with you. I want to have your cooking often.

Jacob: That's a little selfish isn't it? And you can't, I already have, basically, my German mother living with me.

King George: I understand that I maybe acting selfish, but I want to have your cooking.

Jacob: Look, I know I said that you having an apatite was hot, but I really don't think that that's a good idea.

King George: It is too late, Commander. I have already decided.

Jacob: *Sighs loudly* Fine!

End Part 27: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.2)

Announcer Jacob: Well everyone, firstly, sorry for taking a while to finish this part. Secondly, I wanted to do a Halloween special, but two things stopped me from doing it. One, I wanted to introduce more characters into the story and two, I kinda, just couldn't. I was already in the middle of the trip to Royal Navy's main base so it wouldn't make sense to just have a Halloween special right here. However, The part where Jacob is being chased in the school by Duke of York, I'm just gonna consider that the "Halloween special" even though that's a terrible excuse. But hey, at least it's something and that it makes sense considering Duke of York is an actual vampire. Also...Fortniteisabadgame, I recall you saying that it was a lie when I said there wouldn't be a lemon in this part, so I'm here to call you out on that. I'm joking. I just mess around like this so don't take it to heart please.

Another thing, I want to give this picture a shout-out...

I'm sure you can all see what's going on here, but just in case you can't, look at what the Commander is holding in his hands. It's a promise ring and he's about to put it on Little Illustrious. That's why Illustrious is holding the hand-cuffs. I found this while I was trying to find a picture of Little Illustrious and when I realized what was going on, I started laughing so hard. Like I said, I just wanted to give this picture a shout-out.

That's all for this part. I will start on the next one pretty soon. See ya later everyone. Have a nice day!

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