The choice of destiny (s.m...

By butterflydreamers24

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This is a fictionary world with Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. The world is divided in 4 groups: the Fire F... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chaper 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 2

307 19 6
By butterflydreamers24

Camila POV

Sofie and I got home and just as we entered the living room where my parents were waiting for us, Sofie started to scream:


„SOFIE!" I yelled and put my hand over her mouth but it was too late. That little clown already said everything to make our parents turn around and literally stare at me. What is wrong with this family? Why do we all stare?

„What did you do at the shop?..." My dad asked with a shocked facial expression.

„Nothing papá. Sofie is daydreaming." I said while Sofie was licking my hand to get free. „You are so gross!" I said to her

„You too. I mean you were drooling in public." She said and ran away 'cause she knew she is gonna be DEAD.

„Where do you thing you're going-" I shouted but got interrupted by my mom.

„Mila stop! What is Sofie talking about?"

„I just had a little accident at the shop. I ran into someone and fell down and my ice cream fell on the floor too. The guy I ran into just bought me a new ice cream to replace the old one. Nothing special or interesting mamá." I said and went over to my mom, kissed her on the cheek and sat next to her on the couch.

„And why is Sofie saying you were ... ahmm... drooling?" My dad asked.

„I don't know. Ask her. How I said she is daydreaming." Okay maybe I know why .. I mean he looks awesome and ... hot.. and-

My thoughts were interrupted by my moms voice „What are you thinking about, honey?" She said while my father stood up and went to the kitchen.

„Ahmm... well.... ahm.."

„Was the guy cute?" My mom asked and I just looked at her with a shocked expression.

„Come on Mila. Your dad isn't here anymore tell me" She said with a smile on her face. I could see the excitement in her eyes so I told her.

„Fine! Yes he was cute!" More then cute I said to myself

„Do you know his name or his age?"

„His name is Shawn but I don't know his age or group." I told her

„What do you mean you don't know his group? He was at the shop wasn't he?"

„Yes, he was at the shop. Why?"

„Mila sweetheart you are so stupid." My mom said while giggling „He has to be a Flower or a child. If he wasn't he couldn't be in our city. If he was from any other group he wouldn't be allowed to come to our city like how we aren't allowed to got to the other cities. It's forbidden. Did you forget?"

„OMG! You are so right. How did I forget that?" I said while being a little embarrassed.

„What was his name again?" Mom asked

„Shawn. His name is Shawn, but i don't know why it sounds so familiar to me."

„Probably because of Shawn Mendes. You know one of the leaders of the Fire Foxes. Maybe he was named after him."

„Right. Probably. Maybe I'm gonna meet him again and find out all this stuff." I said right when my dad entered the living room again.

„Don't worry about me, I didn't hear anything about your new secret ice cream guy." My dad said and my mom started to laugh so hard while my cheeks became red like a tomato from embarrassment.

„You know it's not allowed to spy on our girl talk." My mother said after she calmed down and stared at my dad a little.

„Sorry not sorry, but at least you could have tried to be quiet. I mean I wouldn't wonder if the neighbors heard about that Shawn."

„Gosh! You also herd his name!?"

„I also heard it and I was upstairs" Sofie said while entering the room too.

„OMG! Can I die!?"

„See dad. I was right. She really was drooling!" Sofie said and everyone started to laugh besides me. I thought I would sink into the ground because of my embarrassment.

„Calm down Mila I won't kill that guy. I like his name and you have a chance to never see him again so I'm fine." Dad said and everyone became silent

„You really think she is gonna stay your little girl for the rest of your life!? Well tomorrow is The Choice so.." My mom said

„Of course she's always gonna be my little girl! I made her!"

„Okay STOP! It's getting gross!" I said and started to walk away taking Sofie with me.

„What did he mean with he made you?" Sofie asked while we walked up the stairs.

„Ahm.. well.. he and mom are our parents so they made us." I said simple


„Well don't ask me THAT. It's not my job to explain you something like that." I said entering my room and closing my door.

I shaked myself to get all that disgusting thoughts away and then started to think again about Shawn...

Why do I even think that much about him? I mean I don't know him. Yes he looks good and yes he was nice, but the fact that I literally don't know anything about him except his name makes me curious.

All this thoughts don't matter I should relax because tomorrow is the big day.

I jumped in my bed and reached the book that was on my nightstand. I just started to read when my door opened and my mom walked in.

„Mila... ahm.. You know tomorrow is The Choice and you should probably pack for any case. You may come back again, but you also may not..."

„I know mom. I love you and I'm gonna find a way to come back even if I won't be sorted as a Flower."

„You can't do anything Mila. It's not your choice. It's your destiny. It may be hard to believe it now but I was in that situation and maybe at the beginning I was sad, very sad, but look at me now. I found your dad and we have a beautiful family together. We raised two wonderful girls together. Well we still have to raise one of them. The other one is still a baby, but look at you. I'm so proud of you." She said with tears in her eyes while she was laughing softly.

„Oh gosh, don't make me cry, mom." I said with tears in my eyes too.

„Sorry baby. I'm leaving you alone so you can pack. But remember it doesn't matter what happens tomorrow we are still gonna love you and you could never disappoint us!" She said, kissed my check and left.

I put the book on my nightstand again, stood up, put some music on and started to pack. But what am I even supposed to pack besides clothes? Maybe my favorite books and my music stuff like my guitar, tapes and albums. I think that's enough or isn't it? I just have no clue. Probably I'm gonna come back here tomorrow and all this was for nothing. And to be honest I hope it's gonna be for nothing.

After an hour of packing I was ready. I brought my guitar case and my two suitcases downstairs. Yes you heard right: TWO. I didn't think I'm gonna take so much stuff with me if I'm gonna leave, but I'm a girl so don't judge me!

„Wow Mila! Since when do you need so much stuff? What did you put in there?" My dad asked.

„Well all my tapes, my albums, my book, my clothes and of course my guitar." I said while petting my guitar case down.

„Ahm..well if you think you need all THAT stuff." He said while pointing to my stuff.

„Ey don't judge her! You for sure had also a lot of stuff prepared" My mom said out of the sudden.

„No I hadn't for your information." He said in a sassy way.

My mom rolled her eyes and said to me„Don't worry sweetheart. I for sure had more stuff. So you are good."

„Of course you had more stuff. I didn't even thought something else about you. When you go shopping you are literally taking the whole shop with you." My dad said.

„Pfee not true. I would take the whole shop but you wouldn't allow me." My mom said while crossing her arms over her chest. I tried not to laugh because if I did I knew it won't end good for me so instead I told them that I'll go upstairs again and go to sleep.

That was exactly what I did. I went upstairs, changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

The last thought I had before I fell asleep was „I'm gonna come back home as a chosen Flower."

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