Gabrielle Carrington

By TJLew182

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Youngest heir to the Carrington dynasty, Gabrielle Carrington is back this time for good. More



969 19 2
By TJLew182

Fallon and I walked into the room that Jeff was recovering in. Monica and Kaitlyn were stood either side of him. I hugged Kaitlyn and Fallon hugged Monica.

"Hey." Monica and Kaitlyn said.

"Hey." We said.

"How's he doing?" Fallon asked.

"Who knows?" Kaitlyn asked.

"We can't get a straight answer out of anyone. Where the hell is Culhane and Austin?" Monica asked.

"Well, just so you know, he feels awful." Fallon said.

"Of course he does. This is all his fault. My brother is still unconscious, and from what I hear, Culhane and Austin barely have a scratch." Monica said.

"Hold up how's Austin involved in this?" I asked.

"Did he not tell you?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Austin has as much a part to play in this as Culhane." Monica said. "Have you seriously not spoken to him?"

"I haven't seen him. I dumped him because he wouldn't tell me why he was sneaking off and Culhane made out like he didn't have a clue." I said.

"I'm not going to defend him, but, I mean, I don't think he'd crash his car on purpose." Fallon said.

"Right. Because he always tells the truth." Monica said.

"And what about you? You knew all about his secret
life of crime and you didn't say anything to me." Fallon said.

"Culhane was supposed to tell you everything about Ada and Austin with you. I'm not the one you can't trust."Monica said.

"Someone is seriously gonna have to explain this to me." I said.

"You're coming with me and we're finding out." Fallon said. We walked out to Fallon and Culhane's room to see Austin and Culhane sat on the end of the bed.

"Fallon, I've told you a hundred times now. I had no choice. Everything that I did was..." Fallon cut Culhane off.

"To protect me. Yes, I know." Fallon said sarcastically.

"It was. I did what I had to do to get that blackmail back from Ada. The less you knew, the better." Culhane said.

"So you just lied to my face. This face. This face that you could still be lying to now." Fallon said.

"Uh, Fallon, I didn't start any of this. If it wasn't for your crazy escort plan that got Max Van Kirk killed,
none of this would've happened." Culhane said.

"And where do you come into all this?" I asked Austin. "Because I wasn't a part of Fallon's escort plan." I said.

"I dragged Austin into this and I would never of done it if I knew it was gonna damage your relationship." Culhane said.

"And that's it? That's everything?" Fallon asked both the boys.

"Yes. I promise you, and your perfect face, that's the whole truth. But we still have that Nico problem. It's the Van Kirk Industries guy that was at the drug deal. The FBI has him, and he can ID us. If he knows our names, we're done." Culhane said.

"If he knows your names and even then, he might not do anything." Fallon said.

"He has nothing left to lose. They probably have him
holed up somewhere, negotiating a plea deal right now." Austin said.

"You are lucky I'm engaged to your brother or I would kill you but I'll take care of it." Fallon said.

"Absolutely not." Culhane said.

"You can't go anywhere near him. I'll make some calls, I'll find out where he is, and he and I will have a little chat. And then you and I can negotiate our own little plea deal." Fallon said walking out. I went to follow her but Austin grabbed my wrist.

"Gabbie, Wait can we talk?" Austin asked.

"I gave you a chance to talk and you lied to me. So I don't wanna hear it." I said pulling my wrist from his grasp and walking downstairs to Dad's study.

"Uh-oh. Is this a family meeting? Because if it is, I'll leave." Fallon said as I walked over to Dad's desk and grabbed a cigar.

"I was just explaining to these two that Jeff Colby is family, and we take care of our own." Dad said as I light the cigar and sat on the desk.

"Speaking of family, I just got news on Steven." Sam said.

"You did?" Fallon and I asked.

"Why didn't you say something?" Mom asked. "And why are you smoking?" Mom turned to me. Everyone turned to look at me.

"Would you calm down and let Sam talk?" I asked blowing out a puff of smoke.

"I spoke to the foundation head in Paraguay. He's fine. Sort of. He, uh, disappeared into the jungle
on some sort of ayahuasca retreat." Sam said.

"He was on a drug binge." Dad said.

"I think it's more of a spiritual binge. He's still trying to figure out who he is." Sam said.

"You know, this all seems shady. No matter where he is, he usually reaches out to me. I'm basically his rock." Mom said.

"Why cause you drag him down causing him to drown?" I asked.

"Watch your mouth." Mom said.

"Then I need a mirror but I think it broke when you looked in it." I said.

"Damn. Adult Gabbie has no filter and I think I love it." Sam said. Fallon walked over and grabbed the cigar out of my hand.

"Spiritual binge," that sounds like a cult." Dad said.

"I've always said Steven could be a cult leader." Fallon said. I nodded.

"I can have an extraction team in the jungle before nightfall." Dad said.

"Easy, Rambo. Look, this isn't exactly out of character for Steven. At least we know he's safe. Ish." Fallon said.

"Of course, now he'll be MIA from the charity gala tomorrow for his own foundation, but I can pick up the slack. I guess that's what love is, doing things you don't want to for people who don't quite deserve it." Sam said.

"Well as much as I would love to stay and chat I have a business to open." I said standing up and walking to my room.

I changed and was curling my hair when Fallon walked in.

"Gabbie, I'm really worried about you." Fallon said.

"Don't be. I'm fine." I said fluffing my hair up.

"You saying that doesn't really put my mind at ease." Fallon said.

"I thought I was done being hurt by lying assholes like Austin and Josh and Jared and Coby. I guess I didn't expect it. I mean he was here with the whole Jeff thing, when I was having a hard time after Cristal died, when I wanted to drop out he stopped me." I said. "Did I make a mistake breaking up with him?" I asked. Fallon spun me around to face her.

"No you broke up with him to protect yourself from getting hurt again. Which you had every right to do. You gave him everything and he took it and ran. Someday you'll realise it wasn't your fault. He just didn't know what do with a woman like you." Fallon said grabbing my shoulders.

"You are amazing. You're 21 and you're already doing something huge. I'm proud of you for doing it but you can't keep smoking to calm down. Go for a run or go boxing or something else." Fallon said.

"I know. I'm sorry." I said.

"Hey, stop apologising. We all make mistakes apart from me because I'm perfect." Fallon smirked flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Gabbie. I need you please." Sam yelled walking in.

"I'm gonna go." Fallon said. Sam closed the door behind him.

"What's wrong Sam?" I asked.

"Have you spoken to Steven recently?" Sam asked.

"Nope. Didn't even speak to him on my birthday." I said. Sam handed me an envelope. I opened it.

"Divorce papers?" I asked.

"Sam, I'm so sorry." I said hugging him.

"You can't tell anyone about this." Sam said.

"I won't don't worry." I said.

"I know you're busy. So I'll let you go." Sam said.

"Thank you just call me if you need anything." I said. Sam hugged me and I left. I drove to the academy and was sat in a meeting with the board of directors.

"Gabbie, where are we in terms of being ready to open?" Corey asked.

"All the electricals are tested and working effectively. All the staff have had safeguarding training. The computer labs are being fitted as we speak. We are ready to open on Monday." I said.

"Speaking of the Mayor has sent her RSVP and announced her attendance. The majority of the investors have sent their RSVP's we're waiting on Jeff Colby and Fallon Carrington to respond." Vanessa said.

"Uh yes. I'll chase those up for you and let you know." I said. "Does anyone else have anything to say?" I asked.

"I believe that's everything." Nate said. I went back to my office and sat doing emails when my phone rang. I answered.

G: This is Gabrielle Carrington for the Brighter Future academy who's speaking?

U: Well don't you sound important.

G: Sterling?

S: Hey Chica, how's your project going?

G: Good. How's Mr Celebrity football star doing in Belgium?

S: Aww are you a fan?

G: Yeah give me your autograph.

S: How's the single life treating you?

G: Well I've been busy with this business. So I haven't had much time to be single. But how about you?

S: I've been training hard but I miss you. Come out and visit me. I'll send my jet all you gotta do is get to the airport.

Fallon walked in.

G: You want me to come out to Belgium?

S: Yeah.

G: I've got a lot on at the moment but I'll think about it.

S: Okay. Let me know. I gotta go but I'll talk to you soon.

G: Alright bye.

S: Bye.

Call Ended

"What can I do for my big sister?" I asked.

"You're not gonna like what I'm about to say." Fallon said.

"Do you believe he's telling the truth?" I asked.

"I don't know. I hope so but I don't know. He's my fiancé so I should help him and trust me I wouldn't be helping Austin if Culhane wasn't involved." Fallon said.

"Fine I'll help you and my team is waiting for your RSVP." I said.

"Okay." Fallon said. I grabbed my jacket and my laptop. "Now who wants you in Belgium?" Fallon asked.

"Not important." I said.

"You should go. You need a break from this place and you deserve it." Fallon said.

"Sure I'd love to spend time in Belgium while Steven's missing. Mom's being Mom and Sam's spiralling." I said sarcastically.

"You need to look after yourself too. Mom is always gonna be Mom. Nothing major is happening with Steven and Sam will understand. And if anything happens with Steven you're a call away." Fallon said.

"Can we talk about this later please." I said. We walked down to her car.

"So who invited you to Belgium?" Fallon asked as I got in the front of her car.

"Someone." I said fixing my lipstick in the mirror.

"Just tell me." Fallon said.

"A friend." I said.

"Are you sure it's just a friend?" Austin asked.

"He's one of my best friends." I said fluffing my hair up.

"Dylan?" Austin asked in a jealous tone.

"God no. I'm done with college football players or college boys at all." I said.

"So he's older?" Fallon asked.

"By a couple months." I said.

"Come on spill it." Fallon said.

"Nope." I said as we pulled up outside an apartment complex.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Going to speak to Liam." Fallon said.

"Finally someone I like." I said. Fallon slapped my shoulder. We got out of the car and we all walked up to his apartment. Fallon knocked on his door.

"Hi. I know you told me you never wanted to talk to me again, but... we need your help." Fallon said.

"We"?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. We." Culhane said coming into view. Liam let us in.

"Liam, I missed ya how ya doing?" I asked. Liam gave me a smile hugging me. I sat while Fallon explained things to Liam.

"And then the FBI almost busted Austin and Culhane for delivering drugs to one of Max's old VKI connects." Fallon said.

"Yeah, but you have no actual evidence that Uncle Max was involved." Liam said.

"Well, that's why we need your help, to access the files. We need to find the paper trail that leads back to Max." Fallon said.

"Even if I had it... I told you to never call me again, Fallon. And it's sort of a big ask. You know, me turning on my favourite uncle, who is dead, to help my... sort of ex-wife and... her new fiancé and sort of ex-sister in law." Liam said.

"Not helping me. Only Fallon." I said.

"And this would ruin his name.My name." Liam said.

"Tell him." Culhane said to Fallon.

"When we were in New York... Max wouldn't sign for
your family to buy C.A. from my family... unless I had sex with him." Fallon said.

"Wait, wait, wait. What?" Liam asked.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you. I was afraid it would blow up the deal." Fallon said.

"So you... Did you?" Liam asked.

"No. I did what any normal person would do. I blindfolded him and hired a look-alike escort to pinch-hit for me. But then her... expertise... caused him to have a heart attack." Fallon said.

"And in the process of cleaning all that up, I got tied up with Ada." Culhane said. "So did Austin."

"I'm sorry. I hate asking you for anything, especially right now, but... please." Fallon said.


I was looking for Anders and walked into the kitchen to hear Anders talking with Mom.

"I should just thank God that you're past the age of bearing children. Now the only thing you can ruin is blank canvases." Anders said to Mom.

"Ah Gabbie I was just coming to find you." Mom said.

"And I was hiding from you." I said. "Anders could you arrange me a ride to Fulton County Airport on Tuesday please?"

"Of course. Would you like me to organise the jet for you?" Anders asked.

"No that's alright thank you. My friend is sending his jet out to pick me up." I said.

"No problem." Anders said.

"Thank you." I said walking off. I walked up to my room and Fallon walked in.

"Do you wanna tell me who's flying you out to Belgium?" Fallon asked.

"Not really." I said.

"Come on. I can't tease you if I don't know him." Fallon said.

"If I tell you will you shut up?" I asked. Fallon nodded.

"Sterling Wells is flying me out to Belgium and it's not what you think we're just friends." I said.

"Your ex Sterling Wells?" Austin asked walking in.

"Get out." I said.

"I left my clothes here. I need them." Austin said.

"Trash bags by the doors now get out." I said.

"So it is your ex?" Austin asked.

"Yes he is my ex and he's the only one I ended on good terms with not that it's any of your business now get the fuck out." I said. Austin skulked out and I closed the door.

"I think I made a mistake with who to be with Gabbie." Fallon said.

"Liam loves you Fal. He had no other reason to help you sell CA. He was nice enough to do that even though you chose Culhane." I said.

"You really think so." Fallon asked. I nodded.

"Do you need any help with helping Culhane?" I asked.

"I've got it covered." Fallon said. "I'll see you later."

"Alright." I said. Fallon kissed my head and walked out. I went upstairs to visit Jeff. He was awake.

"Hey." I said. "How you feeling?"

"Like I wanna kill your boyfriend." Jeff said.

"He's my ex but uh feel free." I said.

"I'm sorry." Jeff said.

"I'm not." I said. Jeff chuckled.

"Surely you have boys lining up to kiss your feet." Jeff said.

"Nope. They all wanna kiss my billionaire ass. But hey who can blame them. My ass looks great." I said. Jeff laughed.

"I see your confidence has kicked in since you've become an adult." Jeff said.

"I know. I feel like Fallon." I said.

"That's not a bad thing. Your sister always knows what she wants." Jeff said.

"Yeah and always goes after it and doesn't stop till she's got it." I said.


I was stood alone at the bar when Cristal walked over to me.

"Why are you stood alone?" Cristal asked.

"I'm single. Sam's off somewhere. Fallon's having relationship issues and I enjoy my own company. Why do you look so down?" I asked.

"I'm just not in the party mood." Cristal said.

"You're preaching to the choir." I said.

"I'm gonna go get some air." Cristal said before walking off. Sam got up on stage. I walked over to Fallon and Culhane who was stood on the side.

"Hi, everyone. I'm Sam. Steven's husband. Steven's in Paraguay. But, uh, most of you already know that, so... Well, I wanted to thank you guys for coming out and supporting Steven's foundation. Now, I'm... still not sure what it does, but... I know it's for a good cause. Anyhoo, Steven loves this charity. In fact, he, uh... oh, he loves it so much that he didn't come home for Christmas. Now, that's dedication." Sam said. Fallon and I tried to stop him.

"Hi girls." Sam said.

"He's drunk right?" I asked. Fallon nodded.

"I'd better go save him." I said walking onto the stage. Sam put his arm around me. I took the mic off him.

"Alright everybody give it up for Sam. Sam your doing a great job and we're all proud of you. So is my brother." I said. People started clapping and Sam walked off. I walked back to Fallon and Culhane.

"Excuse me, everyone. I know that this is not my party, and you are all having eco-friendly fun, so I'll make this quick. Some of you probably remember the last time I was up here, to announce that I was taking some time for myself." Dad said getting on stage.

"Blake Time!" Someone yelled.

"Exactly. And I am not gonna lie to you. Blake Time was a good time. But... all good things must come to an end, to make room for better things. Indeed, you may have heard that I have found a new passion. I am the owner of Atlanta's newest professional soccer team. But that is not the most exciting thing on the horizon. I'm expanding. Because my fiancée Cristal and I are expecting a new baby." Dad said.

"A new what?" Mom asked.

"I think he said a new baby." Sam said.

"Hey at least we'll know who the father is this time." I said. Fallon put her arm around my shoulder.

"So I would like to propose a toast to me time becoming we time... ...becoming three time. Stay green, people." Dad said getting off stage and kissing Cristal.

Fallon and I walked outside looking for Jeff.

"Hey. I've been looking for you. Both of you." Jeff said.

"For someone who almost died, you really are up and about." Fallon said.

"And here was me thinking canes were only for old people but you pull it off. Now you just need to get one of those hats." I said.

"Well, I didn't almost die. I was dead. Which is why I'm still at half-speed. But I'd like to think that's better than most people's full-speed." Jeff said. We laughed.

"Hey, have you seen Culhane?" Fallon asked.

"No. But, um, I want to talk to you about that. Look, I care about you girls. And Fallon if you're really gonna marry this dude, I need to make sure he told
you everything that went down." Jeff said.

"Hey, I'm not happy about what happened, but he explained it to me. And it sounded like he did what he had to do." Fallon said.

"So he told you that he kept working for Ada even after he got the blackmail back? That he chose to stay? And dragged Austin in after he had the blackmail back?" Jeff asked.

"Excuse me?" Fallon asked.

"I'm just trying to look out for you. Maybe you need to talk to your fiancé." Jeff walked away. Fallon and I sat by the pool in silence when Monica and Kaitlyn walked down.

"What are you hiding out from down here?" Monica asked.

"Take your pick. You were right." Fallon said.

"Well, you're gonna have to be more specific. We're right about a lot of things." Kaitlyn said.

"Culhane lied to me. Again. And now I can forgive him and save him by putting my own life in jeopardy, or I can do nothing and let him pay for
what he did with Ada. I'm just not sure which fate he deserves." Fallon said.

"You know exactly what he deserves." Monica said.

"Like I've said before you just don't want to
be the one to decide it." I said.

"Just keep him away from Gabbie for god sake." Kaitlyn said.

"Oh shut up." I said.

"She's not wrong." Fallon said. "Anyways I think I wanna tease you about Sterling Wells."

"He's just a friend and yes he's my ex but we're really good friends." I said.

"He's also the only one I didn't meet." Fallon said.

"Dad didn't meet him either. That's probably why we lasted so long." I said.

"You were a hot couple." Kaitlyn said.


I was in my room wiping my makeup off when Fallon walked in and lay down on my bed.

"Would you like me to guess what's wrong?" I asked.

"Your best friend is an asshole. Sam cheated on Steven." Fallon said.

"And Steven sent him divorce papers in the mail without a phone call or a text no explanation. That's why Sam got drunk and I'm not defending him but he's pissed at Steven." I said.

"Wait what? How do you know this?" Fallon asked.

"Sam told me. He needed someone to vent to." I said. "Maybe I should cancel my trip to Belgium."

"No you're going. I've told Anders I'm driving you to the airport myself on Tuesday." Fallon said. "I kinda feel bad for slapping Sam now."

"Don't be I deserved it." Sam said walking in.

"I know you care about Steven. You were willing to leave all this behind for him and sleep in a tent. If that isn't love I don't know what is." Fallon said. "Now if you'll excuse me I've gotta go call off an engagement." Fallon said.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked.

"He lied to me and I'd love to be able to move past it but I can't." Fallon said.

"That's the Carrington Trust issues for you." I said. Fallon walked out.


Sam and I were laying in bed watching Legally Blonde when Fallon plopped down on the bed next to me.

"Hey hand over the popcorn." Fallon said. Sam handed the bowl over.

"So where have you come back from?" Sam asked Fallon.

"Nowhere." Fallon said.

"Liar." Sam and I said.

"I like Liam." Fallon mumbled.

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