the mental asylum reject

coolgirl370 द्वारा

1K 75 11

alex wakes up cold, tired and hungry. his clothes are torn, his leg is chained and he cant remember a thing... अधिक

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
A big thank you
chapter 10
chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
A/N (Please read: Important).

Chapter 11

34 2 0
coolgirl370 द्वारा

A pic of Aaron above:

Alex's P.O.V

Last night had been the worst sleep I'd had so far here. I tossed and turned for hours and hours, until the light slowly began to creep in and engulf me in it's rays. I slowly sat up, stretching my arms. Aaron and Jake were still asleep, so I crept quietly to the toilet before sitting on the ground. For once in my life, I just wanted to sit and do nothing all day. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I hugged at my legs tightly, burying my face. I felt on edge, nervous. Loud snores crept in from all angles of the small room. The key then began to turn in the lock, and the door flew open. Death, accompanied by the gremlin from earlier on walked in, absently chatting away. Noticing me, Death spun round.

"Just the guy I wanted to see!" He said cheerily,although I knew this was going to be a far from happy matter.

"Your wanted by the devil" he said, gripping the top of my arm and shoving me out of the room.

We walked the same way we had When I first came here, leaving the cells behind and trudging through the thick mist to the castle. Minutes later, we arrived at the large room that we had visited The Devil in before. The Devil was sat in the same place as last time, a large black and gold throne. Next to him, sat a normal, hardback chair, which looked painfully uncomfortable. Today he was wearing batman pj's, and he was barefoot. Yeah, I know what you're thinking: pretty boring for the prince of darkness! But then again, I suppose he was trying to look normal and human like. Death bowed his head at The Devil, a respect thing, I was guessing. The Devil barely even acknowledged him, instead looking straight at me and patting the seat beside him.

I hesitated for a moment. The devil began to glare at me, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. I gradually made my way over to him, wondering what was going to happen to my life now.

"Good boy," Said The Devil, smiling at me as you would when your best friend sits next to you in class.

Once I was sat comfortably, The Devil began.

"Now, your very lucky," He grinned.

"After much thought, I've decided that you will be given a chance to prove your innocence and begin afresh on earth as a new person," he said.

I opened my mouth to speak.

"Shut up," He said sweetly, like he really wanted to rip my head off of my shoulders.

"now go say goodbye to the little bastards in your cell. This will probably be the last time you ever see them,"

he said casually, shooing me away with his hand, not even looking at me.

"But..." I began, my voice trailing off.

"Now," He commanded. His tone of voice told me that it wasn't up for discussion.

The Devil stopped us at the door.

"Death will take you take you to eath tommorow to prove yourself, so makr sure you sleep well, " He smirked ad we left.

I walked back to my cell in silence. I was so quiet, in fact, that about halfway there, Death let go of me and I walked by his side the rest of the way back. I didn't try to run. I knew that there was no point, this was hell. Anyway, I thought to myself, I was about to lose my best friends.

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