Subject 13 (Clexa/ofc)

By datiredtoaster

16.3K 556 65

The pauna was seen as a bloodthirsty mutated gorilla to the grounders. But none of them ever looked closer. I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

2.2K 73 12
By datiredtoaster

With the light pitter-patter of a running shower echoing through the thin walls, I pondered the Commander's inquiry.

"What mountain?" I asked in confusion. Is she asking about any mountain, a government mountain or something entirely different?

She had a hardened look on her face while answering, "Mount Weather."

My head burst in pain. It thumped and stomped like a panicking heart. My vision pulsated and the lights distorted.

Pain. Pain was all I could feel. A white fire that ran along my body and radiated from my glowing brown eyes. The lights were distorted and everything was a blurry contaminated yellow. It felt like I couldn't see and all I could hear was an incessant ringing.

We passed through many corridors and heavy steel doors.

The straps which bound my limbs to the bed struggled and the bed frame rattled. I could hear someone screaming. Why wouldn't they shut up?

My throat was scratchy and raw. Even through my hardest efforts, my eyes drooped in fatigue. Blood slowly trickled down my oesophagus as the white veins continued spreading from my eyes through to my torso. The pain of the white fire followed in its tracks.

My eyes flung open as a hot pain emitted through my body. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't see. Panicking, I felt someone grab my arm. The muscle memory drilled into me for years activated and with one swift movement, I threw the attacker away.

"Phoebe, calm down! Everything is alright. There is no danger right now."

As if a goddess blessed the earth, I could breathe with her gift of air and I could see thanks to her light.

The commander stood before me with her hands outstretched. "Everything is alright. You are alright."

I took a deep breath while nodding in thanks to her for calming me down, "I apologise for any... mishaps that maybe have happened just then."

She seemed to understand, "It is fine. I know of many warriors that have nightmares and visions of past battles. It can be quite frightening at times and trigger physical responses, not dissimilar to what just occurred. However, I do wonder that managed to cause this vision."

I scoffed, "It's not much of a vision, just a flashback of Mount Weather."

"So you do know of Mount Weather. Tell me what you know."

"Well I don't know much of what it is now, but before the war, it was a multifaceted, government-ran facility that housed some of the world's top professionals from specific areas. They would work on different projects such as space travel, flying cars or genetic mutation. Does the mountain still exist?"

A dark shadow crossed her face. "Yes."


"...And they take my people and drain them of their blood!"

Her fists were clenched and her eyes blazed with a fire that left a burn in my chest. In my existence I've never met a leader that cared so much about their people. It was admirable. Yet I could tell she was trying to keep a stoic expression as to not show emotion, but the passion for her people was too strong. I could only have dreamed of leaders like her when on the battlefield.

It wasn't even a surprise to me that people had survived in Mount Weather. It was basically an impenetrable base designed to house the president while us soldiers fought and died for them.

The only reason I wasn't deployed was because they wanted to use me after the war to help them control what was left of earth. They only care about their own survival, treating everyone else like tools, massacring thousands for their own pleasure and disposing of them with no dignity. In a world where your whole purpose was to aid these monsters, the horrors that plague a child's nightmares seem like a barbie movie. It's no wonder that they're still the same exact monsters as before.

"And? What do you want me to do about it?"

"Primheda has told me of your great skills as a warrior. Might you be willing to help us take down the mountain? There is nothing yet I can offer yet but the satisfaction of defeating evil."

I scoffed, "Although I might be in your service commander, I refuse be another chess piece in another war. The only reason I am offering accommodation right now is because of my debt to Becca."

She looked at me intently, "I understand, though I do hope that you reconsider for the greater good. Even if I allow you to walk free, the mountain men still have weapons that threaten the existence of everything if they decide to use it."

"I see," I said while getting comfortable in the bed closest to the exit, "What kind of weapons do they have?"

Clarke made herself known, "Bombs. Nuclear bombs as well as an acid fog that surrounds their base."

Freshly out of the shower, her wet curly hair framed her pale face. The luminous glow of blue against the darkness of the bathroom casted a sort of halo around her body in which she shined like a heavenly angel adorned in modern clothing that hugged her every curve.

Her answer finally registered in my mind.
Other than Polaris, Mount Weather would be where I could deactivate them and if they still have access to their computers and energy... "I'm guessing they still possess the technology required to activate this?"

"Yes," Clarke answered, "They're able to turn off and on a machine that controls an acidic gas. We don't know what else they can do, but it can't be good."

I hummed, "That's very interesting. Thank you for letting me know. I'll provide my answer by tomorrow."

"Please make the right choice Phoebe," advised the commander.

I only responded with a nod, "I'll let you know tomorrow, right now we should get some rest."

They both settled into their respective beds and  with the detection of all personals in bed, the dividing walls came up.

I have to wait 67.5 minutes until I can access the inbuilt computer. It takes 90 minutes for a full cycle of sleep and deep sleep is only a quarter of the 90 minutes, meaning I have around a 22.5 minute window to use it and find out whether Mt Weather still has my program.

A rhythmic beat of breaths ensued. It's just a waiting game for the next 60 minutes.

Hi hi. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever and I'm surprised that people still read this lmao.


I'll keep it Clexa because you guys want it ;)..... but it's gonna be a slow build up.

I hope you enjoyed!

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