Trolls X Reader One Shots

By Multiplefandomsgirl

49.1K 706 157

One Shots of you with different trolls characters More

Cheerful Branch x gray troll reader
Gray Poppy X Cheerful Reader
Branch x Creek's sister reader
Poppy X Twin Sister Reader
Grandma Rosiepuff X Reader
Queen Barb x Sister reader
Delta Dawn X Reader
Bridget X Rock Troll Reader
Cooper and Prince D X Reader
Infinity War AU
King Trollex X Reader

Branch x rock troll reader

4.8K 73 9
By Multiplefandomsgirl

Queen Barb had called Branch and Poppy over for an emergency. "What's wrong, Barb?" Poppy asked. "It's... one of my troll members." She said. "Who?" Branch asked. "Y/N." Barb said. "What about her?" Poppy asked. Barb stayed quiet for a few minutes, then sighed and turned around. "Its a long story. But I lost part of my rock tribe a while ago. And one of the trolls who went missing was a very close friend of mine. We did everything together. But once part of my tribe disappeared, she went missing. I've looked everywhere but couldn't find her. So after a while I kind of gave up. But I really miss her. I just want to find her." She said. Poppy and Branch looked at each other in concern, then back at Barb. "Don't worry, Barb. Branch and I will help you." She said. Barb looked a bit surprised. "Really?" She asked. Poppy nodded. Barb let out a small smile. "Thanks." She said.

Poppy and Branch helped Barb by going around troll kingdom asking each tribe if they had seen a female rock troll around. First they asked the country trolls. "Have you seen a female rock troll around? Her name is Y/N. She's gray, with E/C eyes, F/C hair, and about this size." Barb said as she described you to Delta Dawn. She looked confused. "No. We haven't seen any rock trolls here besides you, sugar." Delta said. Barb sighed. "That's okay. Thanks anyway." Poppy said. Next they went to the funk trolls. "Have you seen a rock troll around?" Branch asked. "A rock troll?" Cooper asked. "Yes. Her name is Y/N and I'm looking for her." Barb said. Cooper and Darnell looked at each other. "Sorry. No rock trolls here." Darnell said. Barb sighed. "But, if you want, we can help you look." He said. "Really?" Branch asked. 

"Yeah. We can ask mom and dad." Cooper said. "Thank you." Poppy said. "Thanks." Barb said. "Sorry. No rock trolls here." The classical troll said. "I wish I could help, but I need to get ready for our concert." He said. Then he flew away. Barb looked down, and Poppy comforted her. "We don't normally get any other trolls besides Techno down here." King Trollex said once the three were in the ocean. "I wonder why." Branch said sarcastically. "That's okay." Poppy said. The three of them came out from the ocean. "Well, now what?" Branch asked. "Well, our only hope now is to ask the bounty hunters." Poppy said. "Let's do it." Barb said. "I have to find her." Barb said. "Hi, Hickory!" Poppy said as she hugged him. He hugged her back. "Hey there, Queen Poppy. Long time no see." He said. "Yes, but unfortunately we don't have time to catch up. We're looking for a rock troll named Y/N. Have you seen any?" Branch asked. "No. Sorry." He said. "It's all right. We'll keep looking." Poppy said. Next they went to the K Pop Gang. "Y/N?" Wani asked. "I don't think there's been any rock trolls around here." Baby Bun said. "Not that I've seen." Gomdori said. "Sorry." Ari said.

Short time Skip

Barb was pretty upset. She really wanted to find you, but had no idea where you were. "Barb, it will be okay. We'll find her." Poppy said. "How can you say that?! We've looked everywhere and asked everyone! Nobody knew a thing!" Barb said. "Look, Barb. We know you're upset, but yelling at us won't help fix anything." Branch said. "Branch, what are we going to do?" Poppy asked. "I think we should take a break." He said. "What? We can't just quit. She could be in trouble for all we know. We have to find her!" Poppy said. "I'm not saying we should quit, I'm saying we should take a break." He said. "I'm not stopping, Branch. You can go ahead and go home but I'm staying. I'm helping Barb find her." Poppy said. "But we have no idea where she is. We need to plan this out." Branch said. "We don't have time for plans. Like I said, she could be in trouble. And if that's the case then we have to do something. Now." Poppy said. "You're not listening to me." Branch said. 

"Yes I am. You want to give up when a poor rock troll is in trouble." Poppy said. "I never said give up! Why aren't you listening to me?!" Branch asked. "Because you're being selfish!" Poppy snapped. But she immediately regretted her words as she saw the hurt look on Branch. "Branch, I-" "Save it. I'm going home." Branch said. But suddenly the three of them were surrounded by rock trolls. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Queen Poppy, Branch, and her majesty herself." One said. Barb recognized them. "Scarlett?" She asked. "Well hello. Long time no see." She said. Branch stepped in front of the two girls protectively. "What do you want?" He asked. "It's simple, really. We want you, Queen Barb." Scarlett said. She looked shocked. "M- me?" She asked. "Why?" Poppy asked. "That's classified. Now agree to come with us and we'll let your little friends off the hook. But if you don't." She chuckled. "You'll pay the price." "There's no way in hell I'm listening to you." Queen Barb said. "All right then. You asked for it." The trolls then began to attack them. The three did their best to fight back, but the rock trolls were strong. However, Barb was able to fight off most of them. Just as they thought they were in the clear, another rock troll came and grabbed Branch. Poppy and Barb turned around and gasped. Branch did his best to fight against the rock troll, but it was too strong. "Let me go!" Branch said. "Branch!" Poppy said. "Poppy!" Branch cried. But it was too late. The rock troll had taken Branch.

Time Skip

You sighed as you sat on the chair, waiting for the other rock trolls to come back. They were taking a long time. "What's taking those buffoons so long?" You asked. "They better not be fooling around." You said. Suddenly the doors opened, and two rock trolls came in. "Finally!" You said. "What took you clowns so long?" You asked. "Sorry, but we had a little difficulty with the mission, ma'am." One of them said. "Difficultly? It's one troll against six. Are all of you that weak?!" You asked. They looked at each other. "Actually, it was three." Said the other. "Huh?" You asked. "Two other trolls were with her, your highness." One said. "And? That's still three against six. They were still outnumbered." You said. The rock trolls looked at each other and you sighed. "Look, it doesn't matter. Do you have Barb?" You asked. The rock trolls looked a little nervous. "Well. Um..." one said. "We couldn't exactly get her. But, we did manage to get someone else who might help us with that." Said a male rock troll. "Are you serious? You couldn't get her? Come on. She's not that tough. 

You guys are so lame! I knew I should have done it myself!" You shouted, scaring the rock trolls. You sighed, and calmed yourself down, then looked at them. "Very well. Who did you get?" You asked. The rock trolls brought in a teal colored troll with black hair. Two rock trolls were holding him by his hands. "Let me go!" He said. You looked at the troll in pure confusion, before cracking up as the troll glared at you. "And who is this supposed to be?" You asked. "A joke?" You asked. "Actually, he's a pop troll, ma'am." You looked at Branch. "Pop? Oh, this is too good." You laughed. "How is this clown supposed to help me?" You asked. "Well, he's a friend of Barb, ma'am." "So?" You asked. "We figured if we took one of her friends, it would lure her to us." He said. You sighed. "Might as well. Since you failed to do the last task." You said. Branch struggled to get out of the two trolls' grasp, but failed. You smirked and walked up to him. "Now you listen here, pop troll. Be good and I promise we won't hurt you." You said. He glared at you. "You don't scare me. Now let me go or you'll be sorry!" Branch said. You backed up playfully and put your hands up. "Whoa, okay. So you're a feisty one, are ya?" You asked. Branch growled. "Look, pop troll. I'm just trying to settle things with Barbara. This whole thing has nothing to do with you. So be a good little pop troll and I won't hurt you." You said. "Lock him up." You said. "Yes ma'am." A rock troll said.

The two rock trolls dragged Branch to a cage and tossed him in. He was then locked in. "You won't get away with this, you nasty rock troll." Branch said. You laughed at his insult. "Oh, pop troll. You don't know how nasty I can get." You said, scaring him a little. "Tell me Y/N, why are you doing this?" Branch asked. Your eyes widened and you snapped in his direction. "How do you know my name?!" You demanded. "Queen Barb. She told me a lot about you." Branch said. "Don't you dare call her a queen!" You snapped. This time you did scare him. "That Barbara is anything but a Queen! She's undependable, self centered, and careless! She doesn't even care about her own trolls!" You said. Branch looked surprised. "That doesn't sound like Barb at all." He said. You glared at him. "And what would you know?!" You snapped. "Well, I haven't been friends with her for long. But she didn't seem like any of those things." Branch said. You huffed. "You just don't know her like I do." You said. "She's actually really worried about you, Y/N." Branch said. "Worried? About me? As if!" You said. "She's been looking everywhere for you!" Branch said. You scoffed. "Y/N, please. Just let me go." Branch said. "Sorry, buddy. But you aren't going anywhere. Not until I get Barb." You said. "What? So you're just gonna keep me in here?" He asked. "Pretty much." You said.

Time Skip

It had been a few hours since the rock trolls had brought in Branch. He was surprisingly quiet for a pop troll. Normally pop trolls would never stop singing, but Branch didn't sing a single note. He didn't say a single word either. Not since your conversation earlier. You began to get a little curious about the pop troll you held hostage. And Branch had gotten more curious about you as well. "Y/N?" Branch asked. You sighed and looked at your prisoner. "What is it, pop troll?" You asked. "First off, my name is Branch. Why do you hate Barb so much?" He asked. "Why? Why? I've already told you why." You said. Branch sighed. "She really doesn't seem that bad. And I wasn't lying when I said she was worried about you." He said. You rolled your eyes and looked at him. "Okay, pop troll. If I give you the real reason will you shut your mouth?" You asked. Branch slowly nodded. You took a deep breath and sighed. "A long time ago, I was actually part of her rock tribe." You said. "But one day, we were attacked by another tribe. Queen Barbara didn't even bother to help her people. Instead she just left and never came back. She abandoned me." You said. Branch looked surprised. "Are you sure that's what really happened?" He asked. You glared at him. "Of course I'm sure! She ran off while the rest of us suffered. 

She didn't even care about the rest of her tribe!" You said. "If that's the case then why is she putting so much effort into looking for you?" Branch asked. "Maybe there's another side to the story here." Branch said. You scoffed. "Yeah right. Why do you care? You don't even know us." You said. "Because I know the feeling." Branch said. "Of being abandoned?" You asked. "Well, not exactly. But losing someone." He said. You looked at him in suspicion. "What are you getting at, pop troll?" You asked. "At a young age, I lost my grandma. I was so lost in song I didn't hear the Bergen behind me. Grandma pushed me away and was taken instead. She didn't leave me on purpose, but I was still left alone after that." Branch said. You were stunned. Branch lost a loved one to a Bergen? How awful. You could only imagine what that would be like. "Oh. That... that's awful. I'm sorry, Branch." You said. "It's okay. I'm happy now." He said. "What? How? You lost your grandma." You said. "Yes I did, but I met some friends later on who helped me get past that. They made me happy again. I'll always miss her, and regret what happened that day, but at least I know I'm not alone anymore." He said. "I think you'd feel differently about it if she abandoned you." You said. "I'm sure I would." He said. You sighed. "Being left behind is never a good feeling." Branch said. "No. It's not." You said. You saw Branch look at you with sympathy. And you couldn't help but feel a little for him as well, after hearing about his grandma. But you didn't want to show it.

Time Skip

You looked at Branch from his cage. He was looking at the ground while messing with his fingers. You could tell he was bored, I mean, who wouldn't be in his situation? You sighed and pulled the lever down, making his cage come down. You went to the cage and opened it. "Okay, pop troll. Here's the deal. I'll let you out of this cage, but only until the others get here. You're still stuck with us." You said. Branch looked both surprised and confused. "And just to make sure." You put a small metal bracelet on his right arm, and locked it. "Now I'll know if you try to escape." You said. "So don't even try." You said. Branch only nodded. "Other than that, you're free to go. Go any where you want as long as you don't leave." You said. "Why... why are you letting me out?" He asked. "No reason. I just thought there was no need for something like a cage when we have tracking devices." You said. "Oh. So that's what this is." Branch said, referring to the metal bracelet on his right arm. "Yup. You step one foot out of here and we'll know." You said. Branch nodded. "Now go on, pop troll. Do whatever." You said. Branch gave you a small smile, then went to sit next to you. You looked at him. "What are you doing? Don't you want to go explore or something?" You asked. "I figured you could use some company." Branch said. You looked at him for a moment, then turned away. "Thanks." You said.

Time Skip

After a while, Poppy and Barb came in, and you locked Branch back in his cell. "Well, look who decided to show up." You said, smirking at Barb. She glared at you. "Branch!" Poppy said, as she saw him in the cage. "Poppy!" He said. "Aw, how cute. Branch's little girlfriend came to the rescue." You mocked. Poppy glared at you. "For the record, she's not my girlfriend." Branch said. "Let him go, Y/N!" Poppy said. "Not so fast, Pipsqueak. First I need to settle things with Barbara here." You said. "Y/N..." Barb said. "Like my Little Rock tribe I have? Figured I'd make my own after you abandoned us." You said. "I... I didn't abandon you." Barb said. "You totally did! You left us during that attack years ago!" You said. "No! That's not what happened! I would never abandon my tribe!" Barb said. "Oh yeah? Then what did you do?" You asked. "I... I did my best to get us all out. But it was impossible to find everyone due to all the chaos. I didn't want to leave anyone behind, but I could never tell what was happening. I thought I had everyone when we left, but once we got away I realized we didn't. 

So I went back to find the others but by the time I came back they were gone. I've been looking for them ever since. Especially you." Barb said. You looked shocked. "You mean the world to me, Y/N. I've been looking for you ever since you left. You were my best friend. I'd never leave you." Barb said. Now you were speechless. So, she never actually abandoned you? It was all a misunderstanding? This whole time? You felt tears fall from your eyes. Then you ran and hugged her. "I'm so sorry, Barb!" You said. She hugged you back. "It's okay, Y/N. I understand." She said. Some of the other rock trolls began to tear up. "Now, can you please let our friend go?" Barb asked. You sniffed, rubbing your eyes, then nodded. You went to a button on the wall and opened the cage. "Poppy!" "Branch!" They ran and hugged each other. "I'm so sorry, Branch. I didn't mean it." Poppy said. "I know." Branch said. Branch then broke from the hug and smiled at you. You looked down. "I'm so sorry." You said. "It's okay. Thanks for letting me go." Branch said. You nodded. Then what he did next surprised you. He hugged you. You hugged him back. "So what do you say? Want to come back, Y/N?" Barb asked. You looked at Barb. "Of course." You said. "Hey, Branch. I can still come and visit you sometimes, right?" You asked. "Of course! You can come visit whenever you want!" Poppy said. You smiled. "Thank you, Queen Poppy." You said. Barb took your hand. "Come on, Y/N. Let's go home." She said.

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