The Last Of Us Part 2 x Male...

By Deotakukids

164K 3.6K 1.2K

This is a continuation of my first The Last Of Us x Male Reader. So I would highly suggest that you read that... More

The Beginning
On The Way
Paths Begin To Meet
The Dark Comes
The T.V. Station
In The Subway
Years Ago
Nearing The End
A Thought (Lemon)

The End

9.9K 222 94
By Deotakukids

No One's POV

Tommy and Jesse (The guy who is actually in the game) rested on the street after Jesse found Tommy washed up on the shore and he helped him out of danger as a few runners had spotted him when he hit the shore. Tommy was regaining his breathe as Jesse looked around to see if any enemies of any kind was around. The street that led to the theater where the rest were taking refuge, so they had to find a place to rest and quick. Jesse was wondering what to do as he also worried about Ellie, since it has been nearly over an hour since he saw her and he did not like her odds where she was going. He then spotted an aquarium that ad an easy path that he could take to while helping Tommy.

He looked around to see a few infected straggling closer. Jesse helped Tommy up to begin walking to reach the fence. He helped Tommy up who landed on the other side to climb over himself. He helped Tommy up once again to make his way to the main building where the lights were off, some of the glass broken and shattered, and a grim aura could be felt the closer he got. Jesse reached the building to walk through the dusty a dark halls to soon see a dim light around the corner. He followed the light to see a man in a chair as the room was dimly lit as an old lightbulb lit the room.

Jesse stayed cautious to slowly walk closer for him to step on a shard of glass. The man looked at Jesse to not change his expression, "So, are you here to kill me too?" Jesse's eyes widened a little, "So your one of Abby's friends." "Correct." "Where is she?" "Off on that island you might of seen. She went with two Scars." "So what are you doing here?" "I wanted to leave. Take a boat and go somewhere safe, away from here. But I did something wrong when my head was in the wrong place. My wife took my boat, and left. So now I'm stuck here." Tommy began to regain his strength allowing him to stand on his own, "It's what you deserve after what you did." "Maybe your right." Tommy looked at the two, "If you wish to kill me, then get it over with." 

Jesse looked at Tommy who raised his gun, so he took a step back to look at Owen. Seconds passed for Tommy to then lower his gun, "This is worst than death." Owen lowered his head as he stayed silent knowing that he was right. Jesse put his hand on Tommy's shoulder, "Let's go see if we can find a clear path to the theater." Tommy turned around, "Yeah, the quicker the better." As Tommy left Jesse looked at Owen to toss something to him. Keys jingled as they landed in Owen's lap. He picked them up to look at Jesse, "If you really want to leave those keys belong to a car a few blocks down to the left. It's full of gas, I was going to use it, but Tommy already has one." Owen looked at the keys, "Thank you." 

Jesse left, for a folded up poster advertising the theater to fall out of his pocket nd land on the floor. He joined Tommy out of the backdoor for them to see a path leading to the rooftops that could lead to the theater. Meanwhile at the theater Ellie walked around the theater to check up on Jessie (Your cousin). Jessie noticed her, "Hey Ely." "It's Ellie." "Oh, hey Ellie. What's up?" "I just wanted to see how you're doing?" "Oh I'm fine." "How are you taking in the whole, your friends not being who you thought they were?" "It's; hard to take in. But being with my cousin and Susan again is great. And I'm really excited to see this great society you guys keep talking about." "You'll fit right in. And thanks for telling us a way to get out of here without being seen." "Anything to help get us out of here as soon as possible." The two smiled at each other for Jessie to tilt her head to another room, "I think (Y/N) wants to be with you for a while." "I do too."

Ellie walked into the other room to see (Y/N) sitting on a bed with Rosy next to him, with Roxy and Rody on the other side. The sight made Ellie smile for (Y/N) to see her, "Hey Ellie." "Hey (Y/N). Do you mind if I sit with you?" "Not at all. Let me just rearrange-" He was cut off by Ellie sitting in his lap as she leaned onto (Y/N)'s chest, "So warm. I missed your comforting warmth." (Y/N) wrapped his arms around Ellie, "I missed this too." "It has been some shitty couple of days." "Yeah, but we've been through worse." "No, I haven't." Ellie looked back at (Y/N) who tilted his head to ask her to explain. Ellie looked down at her hands, "I thought that you and Joel were dead. I saw your body bloody and not moving, and then shot. For days I thought about every single time you made me happy, angry, joyful, irritated. Every time you made me cry, laugh, frown, smile, snicker, and sigh. I missed every moment with you, and I thought that I would never get to have moments like that again. Our bed felt cold and empty, our house was dark and grim, and the days were saddening."

Ellie began to tear up a little to feel (Y/N) tighten his grip on her holding her close. Ellie smiled as she put her hands on his arms. Roxy and Rody then jumped into Ellie's lap to begin sniffing her face and lick her tears away. Ellie giggled from this to pet the two foxes, "I see you found yourself two new friends." "Yeah, they've been helpful in finding food and tricking people. But also some company." Ellie then petted Rosy, "She's missed you too. She would never eat or sleep for a while." (Y/N) then pat Rosy, "I missed her as well." (Y/N) then put his hand on Ellie's for their fingers to entwine as the two enjoyed each other's embrace. The two were then interrupted for a loud noise to be heard outside. The two quickly made their way to the stage to see Tommy hugging Joel as Jesse stood behind the two with arms crossed and a happy smile.

Meanwhile at the aquarium Abby and Lev returned from the island to not see anyone as Owen and Mel were no where to be seen. Abby looked around frantically to find nobody. Lev then picked up the poster to hand it to Abby. Abby unfolded it to see the theater and it's address for her to figure that is where Ellie is. (I know that makes no sense. But she found Joel when there are literally 1,069 people named Joel Miller. So Abby is obviously stupid and would think that this poster actually means something! Also do you think that Abby killed a lot of Joels before finding the right one?)

Twenty minutes passed for everyone at the theater as they were getting ready to leave. Tommy, Susan, Jesse, Rosy, and (Y/N) were in the lobby as they were ready to go. They soon heard a noise for Tommy to head towards the door, "It's probably just a runner. I'll take care of it." Rosy then began to growl loudly for (Y/N) to think why as she only growls lowly when the infected are near. (Y/N) then ran for Tommy, "Get down!" Bullets began filling the room for (Y/N) to tackle Tommy to the left behind the wall near a door leading to the stage. Jesse, Rosy, and Susan quickly jumped behind the front desk as the bullets continued to barrage the room. (Y/N) picked up a glass shard to look outside the door and see multiple fireflies.(Y/N) got up for Tommy to try to do the same, just to go down as he had been shot in the leg. Tommy held his leg, "Damn that hurts!" (Y/N) put Tommy's arm over his shoulder to help him up to look at Susan, "Go through the other door and get to the stage!" 

The two did what (Y/N) said for Rosy to follow as (Y/N) and Tommy went by as quick as they could. As they reached the bottom a firefly came into the building to appear in the doorway and take aim at the two. He was then shot in the head by Joel. When he fell more came in for a shootout to begin. (Y/N) set Tommy behind for him to take his rifle off of his back, "I'm fine. I can still aim and shoot. Go make sure that Dina is all right." Alex ran up and crouched next to the two, "Go on. I'll make sure that he's okay." (Y/N) nodded for him to run to the next set of stairs to reach Ellie, "(Y/N) we have to get Dina." Jesse joined the two, "I'll come with you. I'll try and find a way out of here." The other two nodded for (Y/N) to look behind the curtains, "We still need an opening though." Jessie and Susan shot a few fireflies who tried to push up, "We'll give you the cover you need! Go!" The three  jumped onto the stage as the gunfire was lessened as everyone else began to give covering fire. The three ran behind the curtains for Jesse to separate from the other two, "Good luck." Ellie nodded, "Same to you." The two went searching for Dina. 

Ten minutes ago Abby remembered which firefly outposts would have soldiers to hold down the camps. She told Lez to stay hidden and wait behind the theater as she went and told the left behind fireflies that there were some Scars staying at the theater and planned to attack them and raid the supplies. She told them that she interrogated one of the Scars, and they told her everything. And they believed her, so she led the small army to the theater. When they arrived Abby told the army to charge the front and shoot anyone they saw, as she went behind the building where she met Lez, "You ready for this Lez?" Lez hesitantly nodded for Abby to head towards the side and climb a ladder up to a patio. She went to open the side door to break the knob as it would not open. 

She walked in to go down the stairs to hide as she heard footsteps heading her way to hear, "Good luck." "Same to you." A pair of footsteps left for Abby to look at Lev and signal her to hide and wait. As Lev went to hide she heard two footsteps get closer. She pulled out her pistol as she waited for the footsteps to get closer. When (Y/N) walked past the boxes she was hiding behind Abby quickly took aim. Ellie was quick though and pulled (Y/N)'s hoodie bringing him back for Abby to shoot and miss. The pull made (Y/N) fall for Abby to come from behind cover and aim at Ellie, but she charged Abby to wrap her arms around her waist and knocking her back a few feet. Abby brought her elbows up and hit Ellie in the back making her fall.

Abby went to shoot her, but (Y/N) pulled out his hatchet and swung. Abby saw him to bring her hand back, but he scratched her hand making her drop the gun as she held the back of her hand. (Y/N) went to swing again, but Abby grabbed his wrist and knee him in the stomach. (Y/N) responded by head butting her for her to get stunned a little, but for a second for her to kick him making him fly a little. When he landed Ellie stabbed Abby's leg making her scream and went to kick Ellie's head in. But before she could (Y/N) got up and tackled her knocking her on her back sending the two through the floor and land on a sublevel.

The three caught their breathe for Abby to get up and see the other two go into the shadows. She stayed cautious to hear constant footsteps for her to grab a bottle. She then saw someone come towards her, so she through the bottle at it for them to bring their arms up as the bottle made contact. But the other came from behind her for Ellie to jump on her back and began to punch her head. Abby grabbed Ellie's arm to swing her down making Ellie hit the floor with her back. Before Abby could look up (Y/N) recovered from the broken glass to punch Abby in the face making  her bleed from the cheek. (Y/N) continued to hit her in the gut, the head, and the side as she began to block and step back. She soon found an opening to get a hit on (Y/N)'s chin. 

He fell to the ground for Abby to bring her arm back and went to punch his nose, but Ellie kicked her head as (Y/N) rolled to the left making Abby miss with the combination. But her fist went through the floor making it break and fall beneath them. Ellie hit the floor hard making her lose his breathe as Abby wen to get up, but stopped when she saw (Y/N) in front of her with Ellie's bow in hand as he had an arrow pulled back. As Abby was on one knee (Y/N) pulled the arrow back to stop as he heard Lev, "Stop!" He stopped to look at Lev who had an arrow pulled at him, "Let her go!" "You don't know what who your defending kid." "I don't  care!" "Why?" Lev shook the tiniest bit, "She's all I have." (Y/N) looked at her as he loosened the string on his bow, for Abby to take advantage of this to grab a glass shard, go up, and swing at his eyes.

(Y/N) let go of the bow for Abby to kick him down. (Y/N) screamed in pain and agony as she grabbed his bleeding eyes. Abby got up for Lev to look horrified at Abby. Ellie tunred on her stomach for Abby to kick her in the cheek. When that was done Abby pulled the knife out of her leg to stand above (Y/N) and bring her hand open, "This is what you deserve." When she said that (Y/N) removed his hands to show that she only got his left eye. He kicked Abby's leg where her wound was waking her get on one knee. She went to swing at him, but Rody and Roxy came and bit into her arm making her let go of her weapon and go down on her back. She grabbed a rock to bash the foxes head in, but when she looked to her right to find a rock she saw Rosy's teeth for a second as they were now in her neck. Rosy bit down hard until Abby stopped moving for the three animals to let go as Abby laid dead with blood beginning to form a puddle. (Y/N) sat up as his left eye was no longer usable to look at his pets, "Good job." He went to Ellie to help her up to then look at Lev who looked at Abby. (Y/N) began walking, "I told you. You didn't know her. If you have no where to go, then you can follow me."

He began walking back up with Ellie as Rosy, Roxy, Rosy, and Lev to followed him. When he made it up he saw Jesse leading the group to a secret backdoor for Georgia to spot them. She ran over to help with Ellie as they snuck out while the fireflies tried to find them as the group had used the flashbangs that Jessie had in her bag.

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