31 Days

By star-3213

178 25 236

A collection of short stories. ~*~ Based around an drawing/writing prompt; I wanted to challenge myself thi... More

1 - Criminal
2 - Mutation
3 - Tasty
4 - Hope
5 - Wire
6 - Rib
7 - Thread
8 - Tough
9 - Drain
10 - Prize
11 - Radiation
12 - Cunning
13 - Harvest
14 - Transmission
15 - Broken
16 - Imposter
17 - Absence
19 - Collect
20 - Winter
21 - Crystal
22 - Investigation
23 - Distortion
24 - Die
25 - Light
26 - Deteriorate

18 - Forest

7 1 9
By star-3213

Warning(s): none

Caelen's feet pounded the dewy grass. His heartbeat and rapid breathing filled his ears. A soft pack bumped against his back with every stride. His brain only had one thing going through it, keep running. He wasn't even sure if he was being followed. All he knew is he wanted to escape and he wanted to escape now.

How he'd managed to actually get away, he still wasn't sure. He thought for sure his father would catch him, or maybe the guards. But somehow, he'd gotten out. And now he was headed as quickly as he could away from the castle, the moonlight guiding his way.

It's not like their only heir ran away, he thought. Timothy is only two years younger, he'll be ready for the crown before Mother and Father know it.

Timothy wanted the crown more than Caelen did anyways, and it seemed like everyone but their parents recognized that. If they caught him, however, he'd have hell to pay.

It doesn't matter. I'm gone and they won't catch me now. I won't let them.

As he ran through the large, gilded gates that closed off the castle to outsiders, he felt his breath begin to come easier. I actually made it out.

Now, he just had to find somewhere to stay where his parents wouldn't find him.

Without thinking, his feet led him to a nearby forest that he often withdrew to. They didn't have a forest on their property, you see, and Caelen's favorite place in the world was the woods. He knew the trees like the back of his hand, and he also knew that no one else in his family knew them quite as well as he did. Sure, they might send the hounds after him, but he was going to make sure to throw them off his scent. If he was lucky, they wouldn't notice he was gone until they awoke, and they wouldn't send the hounds for him till daybreak. He had plenty of time to get far away and to disguise his trail.

As he entered the forest, he felt himself begin to move easier, almost as though he were flying. The sense of freedom he experienced in the woods was exhilarating and unlike anything he'd ever felt anytime else. A laugh bubbled up in his chest and spilled out his parted lips. He briefly thought that he was grateful that the nearest town was too far away to hear his joyful laughter, but the thought was gone as he continued to tear through the trees.

Once he was concealed long enough in the dense trees, he abandoned his shoes and swung his pack off his shoulder. He shed his sleepwear and began to pull on his simplest pair of trousers.

Thank the Lord Mother and Father allowed us to have some regular clothes.

He had an extra pair of shoes and stockings, but decided he much preferred the feeling of the cool, damp earth beneath his bare feet. As he pulled his shirt over his head, a twig snapped.

His head shot up immediately and his guard flew up. He looked carefully around him for any sign of movement. He opened his mouth to ask who was there, but decided against it in case it was someone out to bring him back to the castle.

"I'm sorry," a soft, melodic voice said. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

Caelen whipped around, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Over here, on the branch at the level of your eyes."

He turned to find said branch and noticed a little creature sitting on it. She couldn't have been more than six inches tall. Her arms and chest were covered with swirling green rune-like tattoos that were partially concealed by her top. She had no shoes on, and her trousers prevented Caelen from knowing if her tattoos continued down her abdomen to her calves. She had delicate, translucent wings that glowed a beautiful blue-green color, and when she smiled, she revealed a pair of rather pointy canines, almost like a vampire, but not quite. Her dark hair fell in tight ringlets above her shoulders. Her most striking feature, however, was her eyes. One was a deep blue, the other was electric green. Both looked like they were staring directly into his soul.

Caelen couldn't find any words. He simply stared back at the small creature.

"I didn't mean to startle you," she said, her voice only a little louder than before.

"I-it..." Caelen took a breath. "It's alright, forgive me for being on edge."

The small creature cocked her head. "Whatever are you on edge for?"

Caelen sighed. "I ran away from home."

He stooped to grab his cloak and to shove his nightwear and shoes back into his pack, his dark, curly hair falling into his eyes.

"Oh," the creature said. "I'm sorry."

He shrugged. "It's quite alright, I know I'll be much happier now that I'm not stuck in that castle anymore."

"You're from the castle?"


She gave a slight shiver of excitement that Caelen didn't see. "We fairies have heard of the royal family and their staff. Their staff is supposed to be very kind. I've heard the family is rather strict, however."

Caelen gulped, but his mind was on something else as he looked up at the tiny creature. "Sorry, did you say 'we fairies'?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"Pardon my ignorance, I never knew fairies were real," he admitted sheepishly.

"We try to keep our existence a secret to prevent our being hunted for sport."

He nodded as he picked up his cloak and swung it around his shoulders.

"So...are you one of the staff?"


"Are you one of the staff at the castle?"

Caelen felt his palms grow sweaty. He wanted to keep his identity a secret, but he didn't want to lie to the tiny creature.

"Yes. I am."

She nodded. Unbeknownst to Caelen, she knew he was lying. But she didn't mention it.

Caelen sighed. "Look, I need a way to cover my tracks in case they come looking or me. The king and queen are diligent about keeping track of the staff. Can you help me?"

She nodded again. "Of course."

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and swung his pack onto his back. "Perfect."

She grinned, her eyes glinting in the moonlight. "Follow me."

A/N: the fairy in this story is a character I came up with about seven months ago while listening to "Come Along" by Cosmo Sheldrake during a long car ride and I instantly loved her. I might turn this into a longer story later, but I'm not sure. We'll see 😂 for now, I hope you enjoyed!

You are loved!! ❤️

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