Loving The Lawyer (18+)

By Satansfavoffspring

1.1M 20.8K 7.2K

⚠️18+⚠️ *I added smut, heavy smut* Disclaimer-I started this when I was eleven, almost twelve so this is in n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (updated)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Meet Me At Midnight Sneak Peak
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Meet Me At Midnight Is Finally Out!!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Epilogue)
Chi Sono?
Summoning All My Queens

Chapter 8 (Updated)

34.3K 622 483
By Satansfavoffspring


"Did your ass grow?" Talia asks with confusion as she stares at my ass.

"No, I have silicone pads sewn into this dress to make it seem as if I have a big ass and curves," I reply. "The only way I can seduce my targets is with a little bit of help."

"That is fucking genius!" She exclaims.

"No way in hell you're wearing that," Dario states, leaning against the door of the bedroom. He's been his usual happy self this entire trip until Talia brought upon what I was going to wear. He turned into a possessive ass after that and I haven't decided if I like it or not.

I roll my eyes, "The whole point of this mission is for me to seduce Slava and you're not my brother or father, nor my boyfriend so you have no right to tell me what to wear, and even if you were I still wouldn't listen."

I see hurt flash through his eyes by my words, but it's gone as soon as it appeared instead replaced with a blank expression, void of any emotion. Yeah, I know I'm being bitchy, but I hate when men tell me what to wear. If I want to strut around in Central Park in a thong and bunny slippers with nothing else I will damn well do it.

"I'm sorry, of course." He replies emotionlessly, stepping out of the doorway and disappearing to some other part of the house. We're staying in my personal villa on coconut beach. I know. How original.

"It's 7:30, time to go," Talia informs as she straps on some heels. I don't know why. She's not going into the actual club. They'll be listening and seeing through hidden cameras on my person while sitting in a Suburban.

Only Talia and Dario had accompanied me to Miami. Vader tried to convince Dario to stay because technically he can't leave New York as he is set for trial next month. But like the amazing lawyer I am, I managed to strike a deal with the DA. He is fine as long as we return tonight, which we had planned to anyway. Juan decided to stay home because apparently he has a new lover and wants to spend time with him.

We make our way to the garage of my villa, getting in my black Suburban. Talia and Dario will park in the parking garage of Slava's hotel, waiting for me.

They drop me off at the club. I get a lot of wolf whistles and glares from the line outside, I wink at the bouncers, sending them a dazzling smile. They let me right in, staring at my fake ass as I walk by. That only earns me more glares for cutting the line simply because I'm attractive.

I make my way straight to the bar, ordering a bourbon sour. My drink comes and I swivel around so my back is to the bar. I scan the club looking for Slava while sipping on my drink.

My eyes rake over countless numbers of bimbos, couples grinding on each other, and Russian mobsters until they finally land on Slava. He's sitting directly across the club from me, in one of the booths, eyes already on me.

He's kind of hot for an older guy.

This is the exact way he's looking at her⬇️ He is 47 just if anybody was wondering

I trail my eyes down his body, a smirk on my face. My eyes meet his. I send him a wink before moving my gaze to the dance floor.

"He's sexy for a Russian," I mutter into the mic.

Talia giggles. "Instead of torturing him, you should fuck him for information. With a face like that he has to have a big cock." Static crackles in my ear and I keep my face neutral, even though my ear is fucking ringing. Talia reappears on the line, breathlessly. "Hey, sorry, minor mishap. Dario turned the heat up and I'm sweating my balls off."

"It's like ninety fucking degrees," I murmur.

"Oh, I know. But he's um...he's sweating out something." She whispers.


I hear a throat clear behind me. I turn around, facing the bartender. He slides another drink towards me, eyes darting around frantically avoiding eye contact.

"I don't remember ordering another drink, although I'm not opposed to another one." I muse, stirring the liquid in the glass, checking for any signs of tamper.

"A-a man requested that you take yourself and your drink to his table," The bartender stutters. Seriously?

"Sweetheart, there are lots of men here. You're going to have to be more specific." I roll my eyes. "You can tell the man thank you for the drink, but if he wants my company he can come talk to me himself."

The bartender blanched. "Miss I fear for my and your lives. This is not a man you deny."

I shrug. "Then perhaps I have a death wish. As for you, well I'd start running." And that's exactly what he does.

"What a fucking pussy," I chuckle to myself.

"Indeed he was," A deep voice with a Russian accent says from behind me. I turn around in my chair and am met with the piercing blue eyes of Slava. They're close to Dario's in color, but unlike Dario his do not make my heart flutter, my stomach fills with butterflies, or make me feel heat between my thighs.

"It is rude to listen in on one's conversation, you know?" I spin around in my chair completely, facing him, and crossing my legs, exposing the flesh of my upper thigh as the dress rises up.

His eyes blaze a trail up from my red-painted toes to the top of my breasts, peeking out from the neckline. Thank you, Lounge for making a bra that makes A cups look like c cups.

"It is indeed, although I don't find that true when one is the topic of interest." He cocks his head to the side, his sensuous lips doing the same.

"So you must be the man who ordered my drink," I hold up said drink and tip it towards him.

"Guilty as charged," He smiles. It doesn't do anything for me. In fact, nothing about him is. none of the men in this club are. Perhaps because Dario is lingering at the back of my mind.

"Hmm, any particular reason why you seek my company?"

"Well other than the fact that you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen," I force heat to rise to my cheeks by imagining that it is Dario saying this, not Slava. "Every man is staring at you as if you were a piece of meat."

"Well I have been told I taste good," I joke.

I can't believe I just said that. Has it really been that long since I was last laid that I've forgotten how to get a man in my fucking bed?!

He lets out a boisterous laugh, "Well then I must have a taste."

"Hmm, perhaps later." I say, "I'm Kingston, by the way." I introduce, jutting my hand out for him to shake. He takes it placing a light kiss on the back of my knuckle before saying, "Slava, it's nice to meet you, Kingston."

"Likewise, Slava. Is that Russian?" I ask flashing him an innocent smile.

"Yes, and where are you from?" He asks.

"New York City, born and raised," I reply. "Although, my father was born and raised in Mexico City so I have Latin roots."

"Ah, yes." He says, "I knew you looked familiar. You're Kingston LaRose, aren't you? The famous lawyer from New York."

"Indeed I am," I reply.

"Rumor has it you took DaVino's case," He asks nonchalantly. I inwardly smirk, he's falling right into my trap.

"I did, although I'm starting to regret that decision," I say somberly. I hold up my class again. "Hence the drinking."

"And why is that?" He asks curiously, hanging onto my every word so he can report it back to his boss.

"Let's just say it's not going well. He is not the easiest person to deal with. I came to Miami to escape for the weekend. That man is driving me mad!" I exclaim. Which isn't entirely false. The feelings I feel around him are driving me mad.

"That's a shame, perhaps I could help you relieve some of your stress." He says in a seductive tone, inching closer to me. I lean in and brush my tongue over the skin peeking up from his collar. His breathing falters.

"Hmm, that's quite a generous offer. One I will have to take you up on." I whisper before standing up. He takes my hand, leading me through the club and to his car. The whole way to his hotel he massaged my thigh while driving. Every so often he drifted his hand under my skirt a little too close to my pussy. At one point I had to force out a moan as he drifted one finger over my thong.

Once in the parking garage of his hotel, I take the window of opportunity I have to grab the sedative from my purse. He opens the door, extending his hand out to me. I take it and the blink of an eye shove the sedative in his neck. He passes out immediately.

Dario and Talia shot the five guards in the car that was following us. Making sure to use a silencer. Dario barks orders into his phone. Some of his men come to collect the five bodies. We're sending them to Russia as a gift.

With the help of Talia, we manage to lift Slava into the Suburban. The sedative I gave him will last around eighteen hours. Talia gets in the driver's seat while I put on my Ren and Stimpy hoodie.

I feel arms encircle around my waist and heavy breathing on my neck. Normally I would ram my head back and head butt the person, but from the shiver that went down my spine. I know it's Dario.

"So I'm driving you mad?" He asks huskily against my neck. I feel his soft lips place an open mouth kiss on the side of my neck. His hands roam up the curve of my waist and drift over the front of my dress.

"Mmhmm," I moan. He smirks against my skin before sucking on the same exact spot he placed a kiss. Is he fucking marking me? That's hot.

He places another kiss over the mark and pulls away. He stares at me with lust and some other emotion I have never seen before. Subconsciously I lean forward as does he. It's like I'm in a trance. I know what I'm doing is bad, but I can't seem to stop.

Just as we're about to kiss Talia rolls down the window and shouts, "Get in losers, we're going shopping!" Both Dario and I send her a deadly glare. I notice her gulp, "Never mind continue what you were doing."

I place a kiss on Dario's cheek before getting in the passenger seat of my car. Dario gets in the back now sporting a bright red blush. No doubt me doing the same.

Time skip to torture-18 hours later

"Hola, padre." I greet my father with a hug. Dario just brought me down to the basement. Talia, Andres, Juan, Vader, Marco, and Lucas were already down there waiting for us. My father was overjoyed when he heard Shadow was back. So he decided to come and watch, which I really think was just an excuse to see Marco and Gianna. (Hi, father)

"Hola, mi Hermosa hija." My father says with a huge smile on his face. I haven't seen him in almost a month. (Hi, my beautiful daughter)

I enter the room with Dario, the others watching through the one way window. Slava is tied to a chair, passed out. I grab a knife, aiming for his ear. I nick it and he startles awake.

"You missed, little girl." He smirks when his eyes adjust to the lack of light.

"That was just to wake you up, Tupitsa." I roll my eyes. (dumb ass)

"What are you going to do to me, little girl. You're just a lawyer." Slava taunts.

I laugh, my creepy psychotic laugh that only comes out in the presence of fear, "YA namnogo bol'she, chem eto. Allow me to formally introduce myself." I say innocently, "My name is Kingston Cruz, daughter of Armando Cruz and infamous assassin, bounty hunter, and thief: Shadow." He gulps in fear and mutters 'impossible' in Russian. (I am so much more than that)

"Now why don't we get down to the fun stuff," I say excitedly, clapping my hands like a child. I grab a knife from the table and sit on the stool in front of him.

"I'm not telling you shit!" He seethes, wiggling and struggling like a fish out of water in the ropes I have him tied in. I could have used scalding hot iron chains but I didn't feel like warming them up.

"And why not?" I ask, tilting my head to the side innocently.

"You're going to kill me anyway there is no point." He says, still struggling.

"Stop fidgeting fucker," Dario orders. "You're giving me a headache."

We both ignore his comment, although Slava stops wiggling. "Oh, you really are a dumbass. I'm not going to kill you till I get what I want. That being said, I will break you even if it takes days, weeks, months, or years. I will break you." He gulps. He clearly knows what I am capable of.

"Now first question." I say twirling the knife, "True or false: Sergei is planning on attacking Dario and Andres's shipments this Wednesday?" He stays silent as expected.

I trace his palm with the tip of my knife, barely cutting his flesh. Once I make it to his pinky I slice it clean off. Slava lets out a whimper but otherwise stays silent. I cut off the rest of the fingers on his right hand. He doesn't answer my question. I think it's time to give him a shave.

"I'm bored, let's try something different." I muse. I cut off his shirt, ripping it off his body.

"If you wanted to see me naked all you had to do was ask," He smirks.

I lean down and whisper in his ear, "There is only one man in this room I would sleep with and it's not you. Besides you're old enough to be my father."

I swipe my knife across his peck, shaving off at least three inches of skin. "Now answer my question." He shakes his head. I press my thumb into the wound, he lets out a scream. Music to my ears. "Be lucky I'm not using the cheese grater, motherfucker."

This goes on for five more minutes. Six shavings and he still won't talk. I've had enough. I grab the lighter and the quilting needles from off the table.

"Alright I'm bored and you're pissing me off. So here is what we're going to do. For every question, you don't answer I'm going to stick a needle somewhere on your body."

I ask him the question again, no answer. I warm the needle and stab his eye. He lets out a scream. I stab him three more times, all in his dick.

"T-true, Sergei plans on destroying the shipments." He stutters out.

"Good boy, anything else you want to tell me?" I ask.

"He wants the Italian Empire and the American's destruction. I don't know why, but he hates your family. He's obsessed with taking them down." Slava says.

"Who gave Rawlings the gun?" I ask.

"I don't know his name. He didn't tell us. He just said DaVino killed his little brother and he wanted to avenge Nero."

"Do you know who he is talking about?" I ask Dario.

"I know exactly who he's talking about. I will have Vader bring him." Dario says before exiting the room.

"Where is Sergei's most important warehouse?" I ask.

"I've said enough, slut!" Slava spits at me, it narrowly misses my neck instead, landing on my black tank top.

I'm just about to stab him for calling me a slut, when I'm pushed out of the way. I stumble slightly. Dario throws punch after punch at Slava, all the while shouting that I'm not a slut. When did he enter the room, again? Fuck, why is this turning me on?

"Alright, that's enough!" I shout, I grab the battery acid from the table and walk over to the brute and the beaten man. I place a kiss on Dario's cheek and whisper "thank you" in his ear. I don't care that everyone is watching right now. He nods before placing a kiss behind my ear and stepping back.

With my heart pounding in my chest I point the gun at Slava. "Answer the fucking question before I shoot you in the dick!" I shout.

"M-mi-" He stutters, I shoot his dick. Blood spurts everywhere as he screams in agony.

"Not fast enough!" I seethe. I look over my shoulder and stare into the glass, hoping Talia is the one staring back at me. "You were wrong, girl. He's disappointing."

Slava has no idea I'm talking about his dick size as he forges on, "Miami is where all our drug shipments come in, and New Orleans is where all our gun shipments come in. Our biggest warehouse is in Palm Bay. All of our most important guns and Cocaine are stored there and our largest human trafficking ring is in Tampa at a club called Luxe."

Human trafficking?! These fuckers do human trafficking??

I gauge out his eyes and pour the battery acid into all his wounds. His bloodcurdling screams fill the room. Lastly, I shoot both his knee caps.

I storm out of the room to see the awed yet slightly disgusted faces of Talia, Vader, and Lucas. Juan, Andres, Marco, and my father have proud looks on their faces. Although, Juan's, Marco's, and my fathers are a little more smug. Andres looks slightly pissed.

"I see you've gone soft," My father teases.

"You're right I should have hammered a nail into his jugular," I respond.

"No, you've done that too many times." He says.

"Oh, I know!" I squeal excitedly, "I should have nailed his noodle to his forehead. So he would be a literal dickhead." That earned me a chuckle from everyone.

Dario came up behind me, placing his arm around my shoulder. Our fathers looked at us, beaming with pride, although death also simmered in my father's gaze.

"Come on," He says, "I'll get you a change of clothes so you can get cleaned up before dinner."

We walk up the stairs, towards his bedroom. Once inside he pins me to the wall, one arm on my waist the other above my head.

"That was fucking hot," He says huskily against my lips.

"Dario..." I say breathlessly."

He backs up and sighs, "Your rule, right I'm sorry."

"Fuck the rule!" I say before grabbing onto his shirt, pulling his face towards mine. I crash my lips on his. He groans before responding to the kiss with an equal amount of passion.

He trails his lips down my jaw, to my neck, kissing, sucking, and biting along the way. I run my hands through his hair, tugging a couple of times which causes him to groan. He lifts me by my thighs and carries me to the bathroom.

A/N-For those of you who are new here. Welcome, btw. This book didn't have smut for the first like eight months it has been published. I just started feeling comfortable enough to write smut so I am gradually updating chapters with smut. Also, there is a full smut chapter at the end of the book I wrote a few weeks ago.

Daris kicks open the door with ease as his lips mark my skin with beautiful marks. He sets my body on fire with his touch, his kisses, his gaze. This fire has been kindling since we met and I have a feeling it will continue to do so after the several orgasms I know this man will give me. I don't think a few rounds will saturate my need for this man.

It's hard, literally, for us to keep our desire for each other under wraps. As soon as I see him stride into my office like he owns the damn place I want to shred the impeccably tailored suit off his beautiful body and feel every part of him on and in every part of me. Judging by the dick imprint in his clothes every time I am near he feels the exact same way. God, I want his dick in my mouth. I want him to stifle the cries of pleasure with his cock as he explores my body with his tongue.

He sets me on the counter so that I'm facing the mirror that takes up an entire wall. Blood is splattered across my face and arms. I love it. Apparently, Dario does too because he takes out his phone and snaps a picture. Blood covers his knuckles and face.

I quirk an eyebrow in the mirror. He catches my eye and smirks. "Blood turns me on, La mia Tesora psicopatico." Oh, Italian. No guy has ever talked to me in another language during sex. I love it. "I want a picture of you now for my wallpaper and a picture of you splayed on my counter with your cunt exposed and your clit raw and pink for when you're not here to warm my bed." (My darling psychopath)

Oh my fucking god.

Dario is on me within a second. He wraps my hair around his palm and tugs, exposing my neck. He slides an arm around my waist before my body falls completely off the counter and holds me steady as his lips find mine. I moan into our kiss as his tongue explores my mouth and his hands brush against my bare skin as he lifts my shirt slowly.

The plain black t-shirt is discarded and on the floor exposing my bare chest save for the black sports bra I'm wearing. He bites my tongue and pinches my peaked nipple through the thin fabric. I whimper at the loss of contact from his mouth and his arm. It's cut off with a scream as I fall backward. His hands go to my waist to keep a firm hold on my hips. My lower half stays rooted to the counter as my top half dangles in front of his lower body. His cock is practically hitting me in the face.

"This is an interesting position," I muse. "Is this your way of telling me you want your dick in my mouth?"

He doesn't answer, too busy creating hickeys on my stomach in some sort of pattern. "Dario, what are you doing?"

He pulls back and glares at me in the mirror. My abs clench as I lift my upper half to sit up and stare at him, defying the laws of gravity. The gleam in his eyes can't be described as anything less than feral. "I'm branding you with my name. Lie back and suck my cock like the good little cunt I know you are."

Oh. Degrading. I should not love it, but I do.

"How do you know I have a degradation kink?"

He grins. "You shouldn't keep your sexual fantasies on your computer. Someone with a little experience might find it."

I gape. "You had your people hack my computer!"

"Yes, and I nearly killed every fucker in that room." His eyes darken until they're a sea of churning blue. "Now lie back and suck my cock."

"Yes, Sir." I lower myself and start to palm him through his pants. Oh, he feels so large in my hand. He groans softly before continuing to brand his name into my skin.

I unbutton the button and bring down the zipper, pushing his pants and his briefs down by the hemline. His cock smacks me in the face as it's released. I grunt and lower my head more to get a view of his lovely organ. I gasp as soon as it comes into full view. Holy fuck. He's huge. He's not just thick, but he's long too. Nine inches if I had to guess. Ten maybe. The veins are standing out and his head is pulsing with his arousal.

"Suck, Kingston." He growls.

I waste no time wrapping my hands around his base. They don't even wrap around the entire circumference he's that big. There is no way he is going to fit inside of me without turning me into a damn kabob. I pump him slowly, teasingly with one hand as he groans against my lower abdomen. I can feel the vibrations in my core. He must be close. To my pussy-I mean, not an orgasm, although he may be close to that too.

With one finger I swirl his precum around the tip and moan as his head pulses underneath my finger. I can feel him pulling down my shorts. Air kisses my wet pussy and I moan at the coolness on my clit. He thrusts into my hand and attaches his lips to my cunt, kissing the fabric resting over my clit.

He rips my Calvin Klein thong from off my body and tucks it in his drawer. "For when I'm alone," I hear him murmur. "For when your cunt isn't at my disposal," He says louder. My clit pulses at his words and my heart stops dead in my chest. I've never been with someone so dirty, erotic. It's enthralling.

Deciding I want to taste this man at the same time as he tastes me, I guide his cock to my mouth and wrap my lips around his head. He groans in between my spread legs. As far as they'll spread without me falling off the sink. This should be interesting considering he needs his fingers to hold me down. Is he going to make me cum with just his tongue? Can people even do that?

I'm about to find out.

He licks along my slit and I moan around his cock. His tongue feels so amazing as he works my insides with it. Eating me out like a feral, deprived animal. I take him deep, pumping the remaining few inches with my hands. My wrists are starting to ache when I feel him pulse inside of me.

He stills his assault on my clit with his tongue and meets my eyes in the mirror. The man staring back at me is not the man I have come to know. No, this is an animal. An insatiable beast.

He grunts his release as he nibbles on my clit with his teeth. I cry out in ecstasy. Never in my life has my clit been bitten. Jesus fuck never in my life did I think I would break my rules. I've done a lot of things I've never done before with this man and I have a feeling we'll be doing a lot more.

He retracts his mouth from my pussy right before the orgasmic bliss washes through me.

"What the fuck, Dario!" I scream in frustration.

He only smirks and slaps my cunt. I moan at the feeling. That's a first. "I want the first time I see you cum to be all over my cock and-" He holds his phone up. "I need my picture."

He lifts me, bracing me with his muscular torso, and spreads my lips wide for my clit to be on full display. He lowers his lips to mine and snaps a few pictures as we make out. It gives me satisfaction knowing my nudes are on his phone and no one else's. I know because I too hacked his shit. We have no respect for boundaries. A match made in hell it seems.

"This is wrong," I pant against his lips, still breathless from our activities.

He grins against my lips. "I find that doing the wrong things tends to be for the right reasons."

He lifts me from the counter and rids me of my sports bra. "You're on birth control, right?"

"Yes, I took my pill today and I haven't missed a day in weeks."

He nods. "Good, I want to watch my cum slide out of your fucked cunt."

Author Note-Just putting it out there: if you horny sluts comment ROBBED on my chapters I'll block you because I EXPLAINED in a comment that I was 11-13 when I wrote this book. Y'all will get your full blown smut eventually in the book, and if you're impatient go to the bonus chapter labeled SMUT. Also my other books are fucking slutty like I'm not kidding. Dominic and Sebastian 🤌😏.

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