A Shelby Mistress

By PeakyGirl

1.3M 34.9K 7.9K

It's 1921, Tommy is left heartbroken over Grace's betrayal and having decided not to follow her to New York h... More

Aurora Hayes
The Shelby's
The Meeting
Prying Stranger
White Tulips
Lee Fire
His Mouse
Small Heath
Aunt Polly
Whiskey Courage
Coin Toss
Torn Apart
Domestic Bliss
Old Friend
Watery Lane
Moving Up
Three Words
Opening Night
Past Meeting
Birthdays and Witches
Family Meeting
Camden Town
White Mare
Boat Trip
May Carleton
Past Love
Derby Day
Broken Soul
Resting Place
Christmas One Shot
Sisterly Love
Birthday Kiss
Field Of Snow
Arrow House
Helen McCrory
Afternoon Tea
Charles Shelby
The Wedding
Wedding Party
Foundation Dinner
First Kiss
Father Hughes
Night Terrors
Alfie Solomons
Soft Moans
Billy Shelby
When Snow Falls
Mrs Shelby
The King
A Baby
Unexpected Visitor
Old Friend


8.6K 262 125
By PeakyGirl

By the time Aurora reached home her tears had dried upon her cheeks. She no longer wept for what she'd lost, instead she now mourned it. A deep sadness filled her and swallowed the broken hearted woman whole, she had felt sadness like this before and hoped she would never have to experience it again yet here she was, frozen within a world of misery and pain while the real world carried on with a mocking salute to her. Aurora could hear her Jane's words in her head, telling her it was just one man, he wasn't worth her tears and she couldn't allow herself to fall into a tunnel of heartache but instead get back up in the saddle and move on. This was a Shelby man though, Jane too had cried over one many years ago and now it was Aurora's turn to. Perhaps the Hayes and Shelby's were too families that simply couldn't be together, each relationship seemed to end in disaster.
Aurora was lost and the only person she wanted to seek comfort in had been the one to cause the hurt she was feeling and the sense of loneliness that was trapping her within herself. She'd be alright in time, she always was but for now Aurora would have to do everything in her power to keep her mind distracted and replace the portrait of his handsome face with something new like a new book or a painting. After leaving Small Heath Aurora had spent the night in a nearby hotel hoping she would hear whispers about a Shelby searching for a woman. All her hope had left her as she sat by the window all night, refusing to allow sleep to take over her. In the end Tommy hadn't came and Aurora made the decision that maybe it was time to go home and get away from Birmingham for good.

Opening the front door Aurora entered her dark abandoned home and put her suitcase gently to the side with a sigh.
"Tommy you idiot" Aurora whispered with a huff as she turned on the lights around the downstairs of her house allowing the walls to become larger and less suffocating. She knew a part of Tommy sending her home came from his fear of her safety. What Aurora didn't understand was why he had decided to finish with her, why did he have to hurt her?
Never had he been so cold towards Aurora. In the moment she'd wondered if she was speaking to a stranger, a stranger who couldn't stand the very sight of her. Aurora's heart was telling her Tommy had done this to protect her but her mind was twisting her heart and telling Aurora that Tommy was simply fed up and no longer cared for her.
"Get it out your head Aurora!" She hissed feeling her anger towards him growing as she pictured his cold hard stare, unmoving and watching her sob in front of him. Aurora was also angry at herself for wanting to fall at his feet and beg him not to leave her yet her pride had stepped in and stopped her before she could. Aurora wouldn't beg for no man, her Mam had taught her better.
Once the house had been brought back to life, Aurora lit the fireplace and bringing her case to rest beside it, she sat down on the soft carpet and opened it up to retrieve a book. As the fire filled her with warmth Aurora did all she could to let her mind drift into the book and away from the world around her.

It seemed to work for a few hours until there was a sharp knock at Aurora's door causing her to freeze and drop her book to the ground. Her first thought was Tommy, maybe he'd came to Middlesbrough to talk to her but then Aurora thought about Campbell. She was vulnerable to him now, Tommy wouldn't know if he was here at her door, Aurora was completely alone. Her only chance would be to take her gun and run to the telephone in order to contact her Dad and brother's yet she found herself unable to move. What if it was Campbell and he saw her move past the curtains?
Every light was on, illuminating Aurora's house and whoever was on the other side of the door knew she was home, there was no hiding.
God, had it really come to this? Was she really scared to be in her own home?
This was Aurora's home, this was her family's town, she shouldn't be scared of the monsters hiding within the shadows not when she had so many people around her who would do anything to protect her as she would for them.

"Rora! It's Lizzie! Are you home?" Lizzie called out causing Aurora's body to sag in relief.
"Y..yeah...m'comin' Lizzie" Aurora crocked back scrambling to her feet and rushing towards the door, elated to hear Lizzie's voice.
Unlocking her door, Aurora placed a smile on her face and ushered her friend to step inside out the cold night.
"Polly told me.....are you ok?" Lizzie enquired, her eyes full of pity and sadness as she wrapped Aurora up in her arms. Lizzie wanted to throttle Tommy and throw his cock in the cut for hurting Aurora the way he did. She was also confused as to why he did it, Lizzie believed that Tommy truly loved Aurora, she had even seen the ring he kept within his pocket.
"Oh don't Lizzie, I'll cry again" Aurora sniffled falling into Lizzie's embrace, her nose stinging as her eyes gathered with tears.
"Let's 'ave a drink ey? Forget about that prick Tommy Shelby" Lizzie cooed rubbing Aurora' arm before she turned and closed Aurora's door, making sure she locked it just in case there was trouble or Tommy decided to make an appearance and cause Aurora further upset.
"Don't you 'ave work tomorrow?" Aurora giggled taking Lizzie's hand and guiding her into the lounge to sit by the fire "Time to warm up Lizzie"
"No, called in sick. Fuck him, let 'im do it all himself" Lizzie grumbled opening up her bag and retrieving a bottle of whiskey which she wiggled with a tempting grin. Pulling the cork from the bottle Lizzie lifted it up to her lips and took a hard drink before passing the bottle to Aurora and raising her eyebrow.
Accepting the drink with a grateful nod Aurora allowed the liquid to run down her throat like a stream of fire, burning her sense and soothing her mind.
"I...just don't understand why Lizzie? You know I spent the night in a cell and all I wanted was Tommy and then when I went to him he kicked me out. We were good...at least I thought we were" Aurora sighed miserably staring down at the bottle with a confused look.
"I don't know why he did it Rora, I wish I did but god knows how Tommy's mind works. He's a difficult man but I do think he loves you" Lizzie confessed reaching over and squeezing Aurora's hand with a reassuring nod.
"Everyone tells me that 'Tommy loves you' but if he did wouldn't he 'ave said it by now. Sometimes I feel like m'hanging onto the thought of him loving me back. Hell if he asked me to marry him tomorrow I'd say yes, isn't that sad? I would marry a man despite him never confessing of his love for me and I've never wanted to be married but for him....well I'd turn the world upside down no matter how much he hurt me. It's pathetic really" Passing over the bottle to Lizzie, Aurora brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them trying to seek any form of comfort.

'He has a ring!' Lizzie wanted to scream at Aurora but truthfully she couldn't decide if it would do more damage than good. If she told Aurora then her friend would have her hopes lifted and if Tommy never came back to her she would be left heartbroken and Lizzie would feel gut wrenched off being the one to give Aurora that hope.
"What will you do?" Lizzie questioned instead wondering what was next for Aurora. Her heart was set on becoming a teacher but Lizzie imagined Aurora most likely wouldn't be doing it in Birmingham but here instead.
"I'll carry on, I love Tommy but I won't put me life on hold, sitting and wondering if he's comin' back" Aurora shrugged, yawning softly as a wave of exhaustion hit her. The events of the last two days had left her utterly tired and ready to sleep the year away.

In the end Lizzie had sent Aurora to her bed after promising to still be there when she woke. The poor woman had tried to stay awake for Lizzie's sake but Lizzie was more than happy to let Aurora go to sleep. As she slept Lizzie began to clean what she could, Aurora, having left her house for so many weeks and months at a time allowed light coatings of dust to collect on her furniture and knowing her friend was going through a hard time Lizzie decided she would do this for her. She'd also carefully removed the rest of Aurora's books from her suitcase and neatly arranged them on Aurora's bookshelf. Usually Lizzie moaned when it came to cleaning her own house but she was willing to do it for Aurora without a single fuss. There had been many moments in Lizzie's life where she'd truly wanted to smack Tommy right across the mouth yet the urge hadn't been as strong as it was now. A smack across the mouth was the least he deserved and if it wasn't for her job Lizzie would have hunted him down.

Hearing the sound of the front door slowly unlocking Lizzie broke from her thoughts and shot towards the door like a lioness readying herself to strike. Her mind didn't think of it being Aurora's family instead her mind went straight to danger and the overwhelming urge to protect her friend from whoever it was. Working for Tommy meant Lizzie knew all that happened with the Shelby family and she knew as of late that Aurora's safety was at high risk.
Just as the door was about to swing open Lizzie used all her strength to quickly press herself against it. Digging her toes into the ground she willed herself to stand still and peaking through the crack of the door she glared at the unwelcome guest with all the hate she could muster.
"What the fuck do you want?" She bit out, her glare growing harsher and harsher the longer she stared at him.

Moments earlier
Tommy could still feel the hot stinging sensation of Grace's slap as he drove through the streets of Middlesbrough. Grace had opened up to him and Tommy had rewarded her by deeming their time together a mistake. Everything he'd done from the time Aurora was arrested to now was nothing but a mistake. He regretted hurting his little mouse, he should of never believed Campbell would leave her alone if he sent her away. What Tommy didn't regret was meeting with Grace. Amongst the talking and fucking Tommy had realised something, he hadn't missed Grace at all, not for the past year. What Tommy had missed was the thought of her, the thought of what could of been if she had stayed or if he'd went to New York but what he had with Aurora was beyond anything Grace could give him and Tommy had fucked up. This was no ordinary fuck up for Tommy, it was a big one so here he was trying desperately to reach Aurora's house after sending Grace away as coldly as he sent away Aurora yet Grace's heartbroken face didn't have the ability to rip apart his own heart like Aurora's did.

It was Aurora, it was always Aurora and Tommy had all but wasted their time together as he let Grace fester in the back of his mind. He was going to try and make things right with the mouse and if he had to fall to her feet and beg then he would do so without a moments hesitation.
There was just one question that Tommy needed to decide on.
Did he tell Aurora what had happened with Grace?
At the time him and Grace slipped into bed, him and Aurora had been finished but for the very rare occasion in Tommy's life he couldn't let go of the crippling guilt he felt. He felt as if he had betrayed Aurora, betrayed her trust, betrayed her love. How would she ever think about taking him back?
No, Tommy wouldn't tell his mouse about Grace. He couldn't risk pushing her any further away. He'd already hurt Aurora, he couldn't lose her trust too or her heart. Tommy knew he was a leech, latching himself onto Aurora's love like a starved man.
No, he wouldn't tell, he wouldn't have to, not once Grace sailed away again.

Tommy's glared matched Lizzie's as he attempted to gently push his way inside without hurting her.
"I said what the fuck do you want?" Lizzie repeated, her heels digging further into the ground, she would no be overpowered by Tommy. She needed to protect Aurora from him just as much as she had to protect Aurora from Tommy's enemies.
"Lizzie....just let me in, I need to speak to her" Tommy sighed, his tone demanding but exhausted.
"That all depends Tommy, are you 'ere to hurt her again? You won't be doin' it while I'm around" She pointed out opening the door a bit wider and stepping into the doorframe with her arms crossed.
"You'd make a good doorman Liz" Tommy grunted peering inside the house over Lizzie's shoulder to see if the mouse was nearby.
"She's sleepin' Tommy, poor girl was drained" Lizzie answered Tommy, taking in his wandering eyes knowing he was about to ask her where Aurora was.
"I'll speak to her when she wakes, now move aside" Tommy ordered stepping impossibly close to the door as his temper slowly began to rise.
"You're still wanting to come in?"
"Yes I'm still wanting to fuckin' come in Lizzie!" Tommy snapped, gently taking Lizzie's shoulders and moving her to the side so he could squeeze past and step inside before turning to face her with a glare.
"Get out Tommy! You can't just come unannounced while she's sleepin'! I need to tell her you're 'ere and then she can decide if you can come in or not" Lizzie exclaimed gesturing for him to leave, refusing to close the door and allow him to believe she was welcoming him.
"Don't you have work tomorrow Lizzie, isn't it time you got yourself home?" Tommy enquired sarcastically, his eyes rolling at Lizzie, unaware of a now awoken Aurora standing at the top of the stairs watching the two go at each other humorously. It was like watching two siblings bite at each other's ankles. Truthfully she had been awake since the first knock and after peaking through her window to see Tommy below Aurora had took a minute to gather her courage and face him.
"Oh Tommy this is me officially callin' in sick" Lizzie smirked with a sharp fake cough "A cold you see, riddled with it and the shit that falls from your lips doesn't help me so I've decided to take the day off"
"I hope you're not expecting to be paid for this cold Lizzie" Tommy mocked her smirk as he leant against the wall and swiftly lit a cigarette.

"I wonder if the cold is comin' from the open door or you two" Aurora called out alerting them of her presence trying to keep her face blank and emotionless upon Tommy turning and smiling up at her.
"I'm sorry Aurora I tried to keep him out" Lizzie muttered, her frown still set on Tommy, her eyes almost pleading him to go away but he wouldn't be moved. She'd hoped she would of been able to get him away from the house before Aurora woke and seen him. Aurora needed rest and Tommy being here wasn't good thing, especially not after the way he had ended things.
"We need to talk sweetheart" Tommy stated, his eyes never moving from Aurora's face. For once he couldn't read her and that terrified him.
Was it too late?
"About?" Aurora asked adjusting the blanket on her shoulders and holding it tightly, forming a barrier around her. She couldn't hide in it but at least it give her the will to move towards him. Slowing descending down the stairs Aurora refused to let her eyes slip from Tommy's. If he was here to hurt her some more she would be ready this time. She could already feel the slither of the twisted words upon her tongue, preparing themselves to strike should Tommy try to.
"Lizzie will you give us a minute?" Tommy all but ordered as he gestured for her to leave. He couldn't talk to Aurora if he had Lizzie's snarky remarks piercing his ears.
Ignoring Tommy, Lizzie looked at Aurora who had now reached the bottom of the stairs and waited to see what she wanted rather than what Tommy wanted. Seeing Aurora softly nod her head, Lizzie gave her a smile small and nodded back.
"Suppose I'll go put the kettle on"

As Lizzie headed towards the kitchen Aurora took Tommy's hand and guided him into the lounge. No words were spoken between them. In truth Aurora didn't know what to say to him, she was lost. Aurora hadn't expected to ever see Tommy in her house again never mind so soon.
Tommy kept his grip on her hand as they both sat down on the couch and stared into the fire. Tommy wondered how it was possible to miss someone's touch so desperately after such a short time apart. He felt lost within her and couldn't bring himself to let her go just in case she disappeared from sight and he was left missing her once again.
"I made a mistake mouse" Tommy finally spoke up, cutting through the tension between them and if Aurora hadn't been so tired she would of scoffed at him.
"A mistake is burnin' toast or forgetting a birthday, not hurting the people who love you Thomas. I needed you and you slammed the door in my face without so much as a reason why. Campbell showed me more kindness throwin' me into that cell than you did chasing me from the office" Aurora huffed feeling her eyes beginning to well up but she quickly swallowed the lump in her throat and kept the tears at bay.
"I'm sorry love...fuck....I thought I was doing the right thing by you for once" Tommy cursed angrily imagining his mouse curled up within a cell, Campbell leaning over her with that smile Tommy wanted to cut from his face.
"How was that the right thing Tommy?! I was safer in Small Heath! I was safer with you! Do you not think Campbell will attempt to reach me 'ere?!" Aurora exclaimed pulling her hand away from his and dropping it into her lap as she turned her head and glared at him, her eyes ablaze in fury.
"No, not if I sent you away. His word never means anythin' to me but I took the fuckin' chance to save you and believed him. I made the choice to follow his orders, for you mouse" Tommy sighed bringing his face into his hands and pulling on the ends of his hair before shifting his body to face Aurora.
"And you believed he would leave me alone? I always thought you a smart man Tommy. Why would you agree to that?" Aurora laughed bitterly staring up at him, her bottom lip trembling violently.

Suddenly taking her face within his hands Tommy brought his head to gently rest against hers and with a soft kiss on her lips Tommy cursed under his breath.
"This has always been an issue for you hasn't it mouse? I never talk to you about the things that trouble me, I never open up do I, ey? And you, you fuckin' hate it so here I am, opening up to you and only you! Why did I agree to it mouse? Because I was fuckin' scared that's why. I don't show it do I mouse? But I am fuckin' scared. Scared for fuckin' Epsom, the family and most of all scared for you! You were in that cell all alone, at the mercy of that fuckin' bastard and there was nothin' I could do to get you free, I was powerless. He could of had you hung, you could of been killed and what could I of done ey? What would I do without me mouse? So that's why I agreed to send you away because I would rather spend the rest of my life away from you knowing you were alive then bury you in the ground and never see you again. At least if you're alive I can admire you from afar can't I?" Tommy confessed, his eyes glazed over with tears as he stared deeply into Aurora's golden ones that had now released every tear she had tried so hard to keep at bay.

"Thank you for telling me Tommy, it means more to me than anythin' but what happens now? Are you stickin' to his word? I love you Tommy and I can't just continue on like what we had never existed" Aurora sobbed, her hands gripping the lapels of his coat and closing her eyes she waited for her heart to break all over again.
"What happens now mouse is you come home to Small Heath with me. Fuck Campbell and his threats he won't be alive long enough to execute them. Will you come home mouse?" Tommy asked softly, afraid of her answer. He had opened up to her but had it been too late?
"Yes...I want to come home Tommy" Aurora sniffled with a smile before pressing her lips against his with a small sob. He had finally shown Aurora that he was just as scared as she was. Everything he had done was down to fear and Aurora couldn't hold it against him. Of course she would forgive him as many others did stupid things when they're backed into a corner believing there was no way out. The hurt inside her was still there but it would wash away in time as long as he intended to mend her heart back together. For now Aurora would enjoy the feeling of his arms wrapped around her tightly and his lips moving against her in a passionate battle, both of them releasing their love as well as heartache.
Only Epsom would be the key to breaking the heartache from the equation and that was more terrifying than any dark dimly lit cell.

He had seen them from a distance the next morning, his hands tightening around his cane as he watched both Tommy and the family shower love upon the whores smiling face. Tommy had went against his word and brought her back but Tommy still wouldn't have the upper hand for he had made a big mistake. Letting a large smirk slip onto his face Campbell twisted the door handle to Tommy's office and walked inside.
"Good morning Mr Shelby" Campbell greeted taking pleasure in the way Tommy's eyes darkened with hatred as settled his gaze upon him.
"What do you want?" Tommy questioned leaning back in his chair and giving Campbell a bored look.
"You must really love her if you brought her back here"Campbell stated edging closer to Tommy's desk until he was looming over it in a show of authority "You do not have to deny it Mr Shelby, it is written across your face. You love little Miss Hayes but would she still love you if she knew who graced your bed yesterday evening? I imagine you haven't told her otherwise she wouldn't be here would she?"
"Get out" Tommy spat, his grip tightening around the pencil in his hand causing it to splinter and snap under the pressure of his strength.
"You made a mistake in phoning me Mr Shelby as I now hold your dirty little secret in my keeping. Tell me, was it worth it?" Campbell asked, his smirk growing impossibly sickening.
"Once Epsom is over you won't have any secrets to tell" Tommy stated, his threat hanging heavily in the air. He would kill Campbell even if it meant he was killed in the process.
"Best keep your mouse close until then, who knows what may slip from my mouth if you continue to act so defiant towards me. Good day Mr Shelby I'll see myself out"
Tipping his hat, Campbell gave Tommy a wink before turning around and heading towards the door, his own threat overpowering Tommy's.
"I will kill you once this is all over" Tommy hissed ignoring the pounding of his heart as pictures of Aurora's tear filled eyes erupted through his mind.

"No Mr Shelby you're going to try"

Ahhhhhh so Epsom is next chapter and it's going to be bad and I mean hold onto your tits bad. I'll meet you guys on the rollercoaster 🖤

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