Spy School - The Hidden Device

By EvilClyde

6.2K 141 128

A powerful device, dating back to the ancient Egyptians themselves, has resurfaced. The spy school team is ba... More

Mission Briefing
Triangular Destruction
Missile Attack
Announcements Part 2
The Group - Kylie
Announcements Part 3

Triple Cross

212 5 4
By EvilClyde

1215 hours

Near SPYDER Headquarters

"First of all," I said. "They tried to blow up campus! They had a mole plant pigeon droppings all over campus that were disguised as bomb!"

"But something blocked the signal right?" Cyrus asked.

"Yeah, and when I asked you about the blocked signal, you didn't have any idea. So I'm going to assume someone else blocked the signal, but who?" I wondered out loud.

Cyrus fished out some sort of communication device, and shouted some orders into it. I realized I was still going to have to tell Cyrus about how Erica was a traitor.

"Cyrus, there's something I have to tell-" I started.

Then, Erica opened the sun roof, and jumped inside the car.

I was so startled, I yelped in surprise and hit my head on the car door.

"But aren't you working for SPYDER?" I asked, even though my instincts told me to run away as fast as I can.

"I'm not working for SPYDER." Erica said simply.

"Well, first of all, you've been acting weird lately. Also, SPYDER sent me a recorded message, and you said you were working for SPYDER."

"Well, SPYDER thinks I'm working for them, but I'm actually not."

"Why are you telling me this now? You couldn't have said earlier." I asked, still a little suspicious.

She didn't respond, partly because she didn't know what to say, and partly because something shot out from the car behind us and missed our car by about a millimeter.

"There's a SPYDER vehicle coming from the behind!" I said.

I watched as Cyrus simply put on the brakes, and told us to jump out of the car.

"I thought we were going to do a car chase like those in the movies." I asked.

"Real life is not the movies, kid." Cyrus said as the SPYDER vehicle crashed in our car, causing several drivers to honk their horns impatiently.

"Wait." I said. "There's still the bomb to worry about. The device? Also, how do we know that Erica is not Quadruple-Crossing us?"

"A quadruple cross?" she asked.

"It's where you think your friend has betrayed you and then they reveal they actually didn't but they're doing that to make it look like they didn't so they can betray you again."

I noticed a CIA helicopter landed about a mile away from us. Cyrus noticed it too. 

"Get to that helicopter. We'll discuss this once we get back to campus." he said.


APEX Archives, Section 7, Disc 3.

200 feet below sea level.

Meanwhile, a group of people that called themselves the APEX observed what was happening above ground.

"Group 3 location complete. Monitoring Cameras 23 and 24. Operation Stolen Treasure complete" said a strangely robotic voice.

What was Operation Stolen Treasure, exactly?

At that moment, a member in a black-clad uniform stepped into the room, carrying a small, squarish object. The Device.

SPYDER wasn't the only one at play here...


Note: Read this book or I'll make this book zoe + ben. Not by me, by @Dboy69420.

Just helping him :))))))))))))


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