Stars in Alchemy (Varian X OC...

By Viruna_

1.3K 35 6

A set of canon scenes that did not make the cut in the fanfictions. I'm also open for requests <3 CONTAINS... More

Shirt Stealer⭐⭐
Star Necklace (SERIES AU)
Christmas Special🎄🎄
⭐Homework help (Modern AU)⭐

Helpless (Hamilton AU)

146 3 0
By Viruna_


Varian as Alexander Hamilton

Soul as Elizabeth Schuyler

Cassandra as Angelica Schuyler (if you are uncomfortable, change it)

Rapunzel as Peggy

Quirin as George Washington

Lance as Hercules Mulligan

Eugene as John Laurens

Hector as Lafayette

Hugo as Aaron Burr

Frederick as Philip Schuyler

It was a cold winter day. Snow littered the cobblestone roads, and frost glittered the window panes of every home. The rooves that were once painted in different vibrant colors are now painted white from the amount of snow on top of them.

Almost everyone was playing in the snow, including the Schuyler sisters. Except the oldest of the three who opted to watch instead of joining her siblings.

"Oh, come on, Cass! Join us!" Rapunzel shouted, beckoning for Cassandra to join them, who was reading a book in their garden gazebo.

"Yeah! We need help building the best snowman ever." Soul added as rolled some snow she gathered, forming it into a ball.

"No, thank you." Cass declined, shaking her head as she closed the book she was reading. "Besides, aren't we too old to be building snowmen? How do you expect to find a husband if you two continue to act like children." She remarked.

"We have all of the time in the world to find ourselves a husband, Cass. Winter only comes around once every year, and who knows if it will snow like this again next year." Rapunzel said as she dusted the snow off her yellow winter dress before she sat next to her older sister inside the gazebo.

"Aside from that, there's not many decent men to choose from. The men that mother and father showed us were too serious and awkward." Soul ranted. "And the only decent man here is married!"

"And who is that?" Cass queried, smirking slightly.

"Uhm....He's...uhh...." The lavender-haired young woman stammered, thinking back to all the men she encountered in Corona, whom she found decent. "Maximus?"

"He's not counted. He's a horse." Soul sheepishly laughed, giving up. "That's what I thought." Cass said, grinning smugly at her younger sister.

"Well, fear not, my darlings. Your Aunt Willow has invited us to go to a ball she will be hosting. Maybe you'll find some decent men there." Arianna informed as she entered the gazebo.

"Good afternoon, mother." The three siblings chorused, standing up and bowing.

"Good afternoon too, girls. It's good to see you three outside and enjoying the snow. I was a bit worried that you all would be cooped-up in your rooms." Arianna said, smiling softly at her daughters.

"We were planning on building a snowman but, Cass didn't want to join us." Rapunzel snitched, causing Cass to throw a glare at the blonde. Arianna giggled at her daughters' antics.

"Just because you're the oldest doesn't mean that you can't have fun once in a while, Cassandra."

"I'm sorry, mother, I'll join them next time." The black-haired woman apologized, bowing her head lightly.

Arianna stood in front of her eldest daughter, lifting her head up. "You don't need to apologize, Cass. Just remember to have fun and enjoy life. Alright?" She said in a comforting tone.

"I understand." Cass replied, smiling.

"Good. Now get ready, you three. We have a ball to attend."


How did I end up alone here? Soul thought as she stood in the corner of the ballroom, a little away from the people. One minute, she was with her sisters, then she was alone in the second.

I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight

We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night

Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room

Scanning the dance floor, she laughed as she saw Cass dancing with someone as many of the men stared at her sister, wanting to dance with the black-haired woman. Soul also spotted Rapunzel talking to a man with blond hair and black eyes in front of the buffet table. He looked like bad news. Soul's eyebrow twitched, wanting to save her sister from the creepy man when another man with brown hair and a goatee intervened and shooed the flirt away. Rapunzel thanked the man, and they instantly hit it off.

Nice. It looks like Raps finally found someone.

Then you walked in and my heart went

Sighing, Soul looked away and scanned the ballroom once again when the doors to the ballroom opened, and a young man with black hair with a peculiar blue streak in his hair walked in.


He' handsome. Soul thought. Her eyes never left the young man's form as he talked to Hugo. Soul tried to calm her erratic heartbeat that almost seemed to resemble a bass drum, beating loudly in her chest.

Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom

Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume

Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine

As weird as it sounds, the lavender-haired young woman followed the young man, stopping a few times as to not look suspicious. Soul noticed the man walk towards Cassandra, and as she was about to follow him, Hugo stopped her asking her to dance. Deadpanning at the tall man, she ignored him, walking straight to Cass.

Grab my sister, and whisper

The lavender-haired young woman looked around, making sure that the young man who caught her eye was gone. Soul grabbed Cassandra's hand, pulling her closer, whispering.

"Yo, this one's mine." (Oooh)

"Hey, Cass. I think I found someone." She informed her cheeks red.

"Oh? May I know who it is?" Cassandra asked, surprised someone managed to charm her younger sister.

Fidgeting, she answered, "You know that man who approached you? That one."

Cassandra made a pained expression, looking back at the direction where Varian left, spotting the black-haired man about to go up the staircase. I will never be satisfied...

My sister made her way across the room to you (Oooh)

"What's she gonna do?" (Oooh)

Sighing, Cass tapped Soul's nose as she walked across the room to where Varian was. Soul stared at her sister, wondering what she was going to do.

She grabs you by the arm, I'm thinkin'

"I'm through" (Oooh)

Then you look back at me

Cassandra managed to reach Varian in time. Calling out to the man, she gestured for Varian to come to her. Excusing himself to Quirin, Varian walked down the stairs. Once he reached the last step, Cassandra grabbed him by the arm. Soul, who was watching the whole thing, felt her spirit leave her body. Cass nodded her head towards Soul as Varian looked at where the woman was gesturing, seeing a fidgeting lavender-haired young woman.

"Where are you taking me?" Varian confusedly asked as he was pulled by the black-haired woman he met earlier.

"I'm gonna change your life." Cassandra proudly answered. Her response lighted up the young man she was leading.

"Then, by all means, lead the way."

and suddenly I'm Helpless!

Look into your eyes (Oh, look at those eyes)

And the sky's the limit (Oh!)

I'm helpless (I know)

Down for the count

And I'm drownin' in 'em

Meanwhile, with Soul. The poor girl was fangirling as the man she had a crush on looked at her. But seeing her sister dragging the young man towards her made Soul panic and fangirl even more. It took her very best to compose herself as the two arrived in front of her.

"Soul Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you." Soul greeted, curtsying.

"Schuyler?" Varian asked Cassandra, raising a brow.

"My sister." Cass replied, a bit forcefully. Luckily, the black-haired man didn't notice.

"Thank you for all your service." Soul complimented, staring at Varian with a doe-eyed look. Unhooking his arms with Cass, Varian reached out to take Soul's hand, kissing the top softly.

"If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, It will have been worth it." He stated smoothly, making eye contact with the young woman, blushing. "My name's Varian. It's also a pleasure to meet you, Miss Soul."

If she were alone right now, Soul would be screaming and squealing her heart out at Varian's actions. She was so helpless and lovestruck when it came to him.

"I'll leave you to it." Cass teased as she excused herself, not wanting to watch the man she loves acting all smitten towards her younger sister.


One week later

I'm writin' a letter nightly

Now my life gets better

Every letter that you write me

"Wow, you guys have been writing to each other consistently! I'm pretty sure Varian's the one for you, Soul!" Rapunzel beamed, tackling her sister in a hug as Soul read a letter sent by Varian.

"Me too. I'm so happy I met Varian." Soul softly said, smiling.

Laughin' at my sister, 'cause she wants to form a harem

"I'm happy for you, sis." Cass congratulated, a sad look in her eyes. "But don't you want to form a harem with me? I'm just saying if you love me, you would share him." She teased.



Two weeks later

In the living room stressin'

"Will you please stop pacing back and forth, Soul?" Cass requested as she watched her younger sister pace nervously, chewing on her fingernails. "And please stop chewing your nails."

"Yeah, just calm down. I'm sure dad would like him." Rapunzel comforted.

Soul sharply looked at her sisters as she gestured towards the dining room. "Does that look like he likes him?"

My father's stonefaced

While you're asking for his blessin'

I'm dying inside, as you wine and dine

Looking at the two men in the dining room, one was awfully sweaty and nervous, and the other was stonefaced and stoically stared at the younger man in front of him.

And I'm tryin' not to cry

'Cause there's nothing that your mind can't do (Oooh)

My father makes his way across the room to you (Oooh)

The chair squeaked as Frederick got up from his chair and walked towards Varian.

I panic for a second, thinking

"We're through" (Oooh)

Soul panicked, small tears escaping her eyes as her father neared Varian, who was clearly uncomfortable and slightly shaking as the father of his lover walked towards him. Why wouldn't he be scared of Frederick? Varian was an ant compared to the man.

But then he shakes your hand and says

"Be true" (Oooh)

As Frederick held his hand out, Soul and Varian's breath hitched, scared of what the man was going to do, until he spoke, taking Varian's hand and shaking it. "You have my blessings, boy. Be true."

And you turn back to me, smiling, and I'm


He's mine, that boy is mine!

Look into your eyes

And the sky's the limit, I'm

Helpless! Helpless!

Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em

Varian grinned as he turned to look at Soul, who was also tearing up from happiness. The black-haired young man ran towards his lover, picking her up and spinning her around. Soon, Arianna, Cass, and Rapunzel entered the dining room, congratulating the two.

Placing Soul back down on the ground safely, he took her hands, looking into her eyes.

"Soul, I don't have a dollar to my name

An acre of land, a troop to command

A dollop of fame

All I have's my honor, a tolerance for pain

A couple of college credits and my top-notch brain

Insane, your family brings out a different side of me

Rapunzel confides in me, Cassandra tried to take a bite of me" At this, Soul glared at her older sister before looking back at her lover, giving him a small glare as well. To which Varian smiled sheepishly at her.

"No stress, my love for you is never in doubt

We'll get a little place in Harlem and we'll figure it out

I've been livin' without a family since I was a child

My father left, my mother died, I grew up buckwild

But I'll never forget my mother's face, that was real

And long as I'm alive, Soul, swear to God, you'll never feel so helpless!"


"I do!" Soul answered excitedly as the priest declared that she and Varian are officially married.

Varian and Soul turned to each other as Varian lifted Soul's veil out of the way. The man stared down lovingly at his wife, his blue eyes taking in her beauty as he cupped her face gently leaning in.

"Helpless....." Soul breathed before closing the gap, kissing Varian.

(Wow! This is the longest oneshot i've ever wrote HSHSHSHSSH. The lyrics are from Lin Manuel Miranda's musical titled Helpless from Hamilton. I hope you guys liked this oneshot <3 <3 Make sure to check out my fanfiction, Tangled: Stardust and the 12 Zodiacs. It's about how Varian and Soul met.)

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