
By Ladychat1516

8.5K 155 151

Realizing how many unanswered questions Adrien has, he goes on to discover something so dark about his past... More

Unsettling Feelings
What is Wrong?
"Healed" And Home
Two Spells?
Don't Destroy What You Have
Party Invitation
An Innocent Drink
Un Bisou


268 5 7
By Ladychat1516

     Adrien sat fiddling with his breakfast deep in thought. I've totally been busted... I hope with all my heart that Ladybug will be wise enough not to look into it, and accidentally figure out who I am. He thought with hope. Why did these spells have to come and ruin me!? He thought clenching the cane beside him in his hand. I hope my day back at school today will at least go well. He sighed helplessly.
"Natalie. I need to speak with you, now!" He heard his father's voice call from the other room. He moved his head towards the direction of his voice listening, as he heard the click-clack of Natalie's heels hitting the marble floor as she walked along. He could only make out faint whispers which made his curiosity rise.

     He quietly put aside his fork, and crept his way to where the whispers emerged. Being so secretive again, I see. He thought peeking over the wall at them. He panicked to see them both headed his way to the dining room. He sprang up, and flew himself back into his seat, and situated himself properly just before they walked in.

     "We re-scheduled your photo shoot for the magazine today after school." His father informed him.
"What! But why?" He questioned, putting his fists on the table.
"Me and Natalie agreed you look well enough to be able to do it, and you haven't had a dizzy spell for over a week now." He answered bluntly like he always did. Just because I look fine to you doesn't mean I am!
"You didn't even think to ask me if I am actually even feeling well enough to do this. Shocker there." He said quietly, rolling his eyes.
"I can hear you clearly Adrien, quit using such disrespectful behavior towards me, I'm your father!" He rebuked him firmly.
"Really? Well, until you actually are one, Gabriel." He snipped, pulling his back pack over his shoulder, and slamming his cane along the floor towards the front door.


     I can't believe I said that to him! He thought as the car made him bump around in his seat. I felt so powerful! But... It was wrong of me... I shouldn't have lashed out like that and told him those awful things... He thought as he rubbed his face frustrated with guilt. It's not going to make my first day back at school any easier. He thought looking out the window as he just pulled up to the school. Plus, a major photo shoot afterwards. He moaned at the thought. He felt his heart beat increase as he tried to take a deep breath to calm himself. It's gonna be okay! He lied to himself, opening up the car door, and using his cane to help himself out.
     "Adrien!" He heard a longing cry come from behind him as he slowly moved along with his cane.
"Marinette!" He cried back as his whole demeanor enlightened. She ran and jumped into his arms, wrapping hers around him tightly in a hug. He gave her a squeeze back, as a smile creased his lips.
"It's so good to have you back! I know a few people who will be dying to see you. Come on!" She said helping him walk a little faster with his cane.

     He held onto her helping arm tightly as they made their way to the classroom. She opened the door for him and announced,
"Adrien's back everybody!" He watched as everyone stood in their seats with wide eyes, and big smiles at his return. They all ran to him with hugs, kind words and questions as he walked in. All the commotion, and attention made his ears begin to burn.
"Now now everyone! Let's not overwhelm our fellow classmate shall we? Get back to your seats and give the poor boy some air to share what happened himself!" Miss Bustier chimed in, clapping her hands to get their attention.

     As everyone returned to their seats, Nino finally made his way to hug him.
"I'm so happy to see you again dude! We really need to hangout soon!" He whispered to him as they sat down in their seats together. He only nodded back with a smile. Once everyone was seated, the dreaded moment came of silence, and all eyes on him to explain all that happened.
"Why don't you give a us a quick summary of what happened before we start to ease some of our curiosities." Miss Bustier suggested, waiting for him to speak.
"Well... About two months ago, I got my first dizzy spell. It was mild, but over time they increasingly got worse. I had one and hit my head super hard, so I was rushed to the hospital where I stayed for about two weeks. My body has been weakened, so I have to rely on a cane to help me walk now..." He explained looking down at his desk.

     "Oh, my poor Adrikins! I hope you gain enough strength to walk again soon!" He heard Chloe holler from her seat on the other side of the classroom.
"Thank you for sharing with us Adrien. We all wish you the best of luck for you recovery. Now, let's begin!" She said as everyone pulled out their school books. The worst part is over! Just focus on finishing the rest of school for today. He thought as he watched intensively as Miss Bustier wrote on the green chalk board in front of them.

     The school bell rang as everyone began shoving their books, and homework into their bags. He rubbed his eyes feeling completely drained. School always took it out of me, but never this much. He thought as he stood up supper wobbly.

"You okay Adrien?" Marinette and Nino asked from beside him.

"I think so. I've just been sapped of energy ever since I've been home from the hospital. I have a photoshoot today, and I am not sure how I'm gonna pull it off without falling asleep." He laughed a little rubbing his slowing eyes.

"I just want to go to sleep and be normal again..." He sighed shoving his face helplessly in his hands. A gentle hand rested on his shoulder as he turned to see who it was.

"Well, uh- Adrien. Maybe I- Maybe we could go... With you to your photoshoot." She barely made the words flow from her mouth. He felt a spark of glee go through his body as a smile secretly creased his lips.

"Really?" He asked dumbly.

"That's a great idea Marinette. And of course dude! We're happy to help anyway we can." Nino said giving him a friendly slap on the back.

"I don't know what I'd ever do without you guys! Seriously." He said wrapping them all up into a big hug.


     "Okay Adrien, I need you to look a little more to the left darling!" The photographer instructed, as the camera flashed several times. Adrien followed instinct, and made a few sassy, bad boy poses. The photography smiled in approval at him as she snapped away.

"You doing okay Adrien?" Nino asked checking up on him.

"I'm holding up okay actually. It so much better doing this with a friend nearby! In fact, why hasn't Marinette showed up?" He said peeking around to the entrance in hopes of seeing her walk in.

"I'm not sure. She should be here soon." He said also looking towards the entrance.

"She said she was coming. Hopefully she can still make it." He said with some disappointment in his voice. Nino then gave him a sly smirk, and raised one of his eyebrows.

"What?" Adrien shrugged obliviously.

"I'm here! Sorry I'm late Adrien!" Marinette yelled, bursting through the front door panting.

"I stopped by the café to get you some coffee to help wake you up!" She said shutting her eyes fully flushed, shoving the foam cup into his hands. He grabbed the cup before it fell, and felt his own self become flustered.

"That's so sweet of you Marinette. Thank you." He said giving her the warmest smile he possibly could to show his appreciation. 

     He took the first sip of the steamy hot liquid, and moaned at the delicious taste.

"How did you know I liked peppermint frappe chinos? They're my absolute favorite!" He said beginning to gulp down more of the drink.

"Oh, um... Lucky guess I guess!" She said laughing nervously.

"Adrien. No more chatting with you friends. This photoshoot is serious! And what have I said about you drinking coffee? It's not good for you." His father scolded after walking onto the set.

     Adrien felt a shadow of gloom the moment he heard his father's voice.

"Yes father..." He said frowning, handing the beverage back to Marinette.

"I'm sorry guys." He sighed giving them a weary look. They returned his with concern as he walked back on set.

"Okay Adrien. For this round, I'm going to need you to loosen up a bit more, and look more relaxed, and confident." She directed him, rolling up his sleeves, messing up his hair a bit, and putting a loose tie around his neck.

"There we go!" She laughed patting him on the back.

"Now go back and sit." He did as he was told, and gave a few poses as she told. She didn't seem very satisfied.

"Hmm..." She said rubbing her chin. Adrien watched as she turned her gaze to Marinette who sat watching him in awe. A smile creased her lips as she looked back and forth at them both.

"Hey you pretty young lady!" She called out to Marinette. She about jumped a foot, and said in a panic,

"Are- Are you talking to me?"

"Yes, I need your help with this line of clothing. Would you mind giving me a helping hand and volunteer? It's just not turning out how I imagined with just one person." Adrien watched as Marinette began to babble, trying to make some excuse why she couldn't do it. This made him laugh. She just so cute sometimes. 

"Come on Marinette. This will be fun! I'm sure you'll enjoy it." He tried to coax her to join him in the shoot.

"Of course I'd enjoy it!... I mean! Yeah- sure. Fun, hehe..." She said before face palming.

"Okay sweet! I think your outfit perfectly fits for being a cutesy, innocent girl. So we can have this 'sweet girl' 'bad boy' couple kind of vibe going on!" The photography said with enthusiasm.

"C- couples!?" Marinette shot back as her face flushed red.

"Yes! Now, can you sit on his lap and look him into the eyes for me?" She asked resetting the lighting to match the aesthetic. 

"What! Sit in his lap! I-" She responded pulling at her hair. Adrien shook his head as he put his arm around her waist, and sat her in his lap.

"It's just me Marinette. This won't take long. You'll do great!" He said giving her a encouraging smile.

"Yeah... Just you..." She said letting out a breath she was holding in.

"Oh, this is gonna be perfect! Thank you!" The photographer smiled clasping her hands together.

"Now, I want you to lean in a little closer, and wrap your arms around his neck. Like, put you cheek to his like you're hugging him." She directed, repositioning her camera in her hands.

     Marinette shakily put both of her arms around his neck, and hesitantly brought her face closer until their ears touched. A shiver went throughout his body once they touched. What was that about? He wondered dumbly, shaking it off. Must be chilly in here.

"Okay, this looks great... But, I'm gonna need you to loosen up dearie. You look so stiff and uncomfortable." She laughed, coming over to Marinette.

"Here, remove your arms from him, and give your body a shake." She suggested making her whole body flop around.
"Like this! It helps to pretend you're a ragdoll flopping around." She explained as they both laughed at her behavior.

"You think you can do that?"

"Yeah, I'll try..." Marinette said as she moved a stray hair from her face nervously.

"Okay, again! Deep breath, shake it out and... Pose!" 

     Again Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck, and pressed the side of her face to his. The camera flashed a few times before she stood still seeming unsatisfied.

"I think... Closer!" She smirked playfully.

"You guys are friends right? Just give him a friendly squeeze like how you'd greet him. Can you do that for me darlings?" She asked before pulling her camera back out.

"We can do it." Adrien shot in.

"Great!" She smiled before getting sitting right in front of them for a close up.  He smoothly slid his arm around her thin waist, and wrapped his other and gaze her squeeze, leaving not much of a space between them. He felt Marinette gasp, before hugging him tighter as well.

"Yes, yes! Stay just like that!" She said excitedly snapping her camera.

"Now, can you guys look at each other?" Adrien turned to face her, as she did to. He sucked in a breath at the shock of their closeness. He couldn't help but stare at the freckles that were speckled across her cheeks. They're even cuter up close... He thought before meeting her gaze. Her eyes seemed to be sparkling with pure passion. It brought him back to when he had kissed her cheek a few months ago which made his heart start to pound violently. Why do I have his urge to get closer every time I look into her eyes.

"Gabriel!" He heard the sound of Natalie's voice call out in panic. Their gaze was quickly cut from each other, to around the room in looking for he yelped. Adrien saw it was Natalie. She was holding her head, as her legs wobbled beneath her before she gave way and collapsed to the floor.


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