My Black Clover Yaoi Shots

By Nnnn55554444

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Yaoi OTP and male reader one-shots for black Clover More

request please
Asta X male reader ("just checking your my idiot")
zenon X male reader ( "done playing dead")
yami X male reader (detention in the teacher lounge)
scenario: meeting them
meeting zenon
"you never split the party" Asta X Leopold X yuno
4 uses of electricity+1 (luck X magna)
"yeah I'm fine" Asta X yandere langris pt.1
"yeah I'm fine" part 2
Yeah I'm fine pt3
"my muse" rill X asta
clover sorcerer (prologue)
"hey pretty boy" finral X yami
"ha-ha" yami x asta
(Leopold's family) Leopold x asta
'every compliment' William x patri
" looking sloppy" langris X yuno part 1
"yes yuno" Klaus X yuno
"safe my angle" yandere yuno x asta
"a kiss on the cheek " luck x magna
apolgy note (not a chapter and im not discounting it so dont worry )
"leopolds detective agency"Zora x asta part 1
"damn luck" magna x male reader
"a scarred love" yami x william

"imitation is the highest form of flattery" luck X rill X (mystery)

600 7 1
By Nnnn55554444

Part 1 of 2
Trigger warning: fluff and angst
Alternative universe: modern artist setting + café setting also rill is going to be about 22 in this and luck is about 25so is ++++

Background info: café owner ++++ part time art forger on the side meets a unique  handsome guy 

FUN FACT: loosely based off great pretender snow in London or i took a weird inspiration from it  so i suggest that you all go watch great pretender off Netflix because i love it.                                                                                                                                           
"Word" = out loud speech
'word' = characters thought                    ++++ =. Mystery person name                                                                                                                   

-----------------------------------------------------------rill pov 

'uhhh I didn't want to go i just want to keep painting' I thought as I'm sat in the back of the limo as Walter drives us to the gallery where I had been called to because something was apparently wrong  with my paintings and the verification. "hey master rill are you okay back there you have been really quite" Walter asked as he pulled into the front of the gallery. "Yeah I'm fine just bored" I sigh "what is it they wanted from me again".

"Well sir there saying they can't find the verification for your painting" Walter says while we walk up the stairs.

"And that my problem" I said while Walter pushed open the door and held it for me. "I didn't lose it"

"Yes I know sir but they actually believe that they got sold a forgery" Walter said.

"And they couldn't get an appraiser" I said with a groan as i we walk through the hallway. passing many painting like the screaming Asta, the monanero, the thinking yami(on a toilet) and finral soup cans but as we 'pass them were met by the most amazing painting ham who don't understand art' I think and then proceed to chuckle at my own joke. But at this thought ham turns around towards us.

"Oh hello there mister Boismortier" the ham said his disgusting hand reached out to shake 'walter said always be polite' I think begrudgingly as I take his hand and shake.

"Yes hi there mister" I said 'oh shit what his name'

" poizot" he says "but you can call me Gueldre" then proceeded to wink. At that I wanted to vomit . Walter had a knife ready and a murderous glare. But before Walter could slice him up a voice inturpted us.

"Hey mr boismortier it is a pleasure to see again" came the usual stern but elegant voice of Mrs queen.

"Aha it nice to see you Mrs queen your beauty always amazes me" I said while giving a small bow 'best not to piss of Mrs queen she is probably the most scary woman, no she is the scariest person on this earth' I think as she extends her hand gesturing to stand.

"Always amusing my dear rill and please just call me witch" she says with a smile as she adjust her hat "and I'm sorry to call you away from your paintings my dear" she then points at the ham  "but Mr gueldere here present me with a problem". Then she proceeded to snap her fingers and two of her goons came walking out with a painting covered in a tarpe.

"You see my dear rill, Mr gueldere says he found one of your lost artpieces one of it kind he said it was but being I poecces one of each of your art pieces I believe he might be lying to me " she says with a scowl "and being that all your art is perfect and I don't want to corrupt my private collection, making it imperfect could be a fatal mistake".

"Okay anything to help you mi... Witch" I say with a smile 'im guessing that ham is in danger when I say it's a fake' I think as the tarp is pulled off to reveal 'no it can't be' I think the shock clearly evident on my face because of the tears rolls down my cheeks.

"Master what's wrong" Walter says noticing the tears as I slowly start to laugh from shock. at this miss witch look at me clearly also worried about me.

"What's wrong dear" she says as I slowly fall to the floor crying and laughing at the same time. Walter helped me sit down by grabbing my back to help lower me. "Hey you fat ham what did you do to him" Miss witch growled. Then the sound of running is obvious as the ham tried to escape "get him" miss witch said to her men. But I'm to busy feeling Walter rub circles into my back.

After a while I finally started to calm down and rubbed my eyes. "I'm sorry for such an embarrassing display miss witch". At this she laughed before patting my back.

"My dear you may not be my child or work for me but I consider you like a son so don't worry" she says giving a small rair smile.  "But if I'm allowed to what happened with that painting to make you react so sadly to it, but you don't have to say".

"No it fine it the least I owe you" I said while sniffling quietly. "Well to be precise this is a forgery" at that the witch queen sighed "of a painting i made in college it is called my good luck charms and yet I only ever made one" I said while pointing at the painting.

It depicts a man with sun blonde hair sitting on a bench overlooking a clear ocean with golden sand.


"Hey luck sit still"  I said with a smile as he figeted around.

"Awwwwww I can't help it , I want to touch your handsome Face" he said with that usaul glowing smile making my face a bit redder.

"Hey ++++ can you make him sit still" I said pointing at the other man who was sat with him on the bench.

"I don't know that sounds like effort if I got something I might" he says with a smug smirk .

"Fine I'll buy you both ice cream" I said giving a fake scowl. Then he proceeded to stroke his chin like he was thinking.

"I don't know" he said his smirk getting even smuger. 'scabby bastard'

"Fine and we will have A movie night" I said while I waved my paint brush at them.

"Okay" they said together with massive smiles on their faces.

"You two are greedy bastard's you know that" I shout at them with a smile

"Yes we know but that's why you love us " ++++ he said with a smirk.

Then that day went on And we left when I finished my painting depicting the two men I love.

Flashback end

"So rill dear how did you know it a fake" Miss witch asked as she took seat on one of the gallery benches and then proceed to pat the space next to her inviting me to sit down.

"That was simple when I painted it there were two men sitting there but this only has luck in it" I said with a small smile but contrasted by still having bright red puffy eyes.

"Who my dear?" she asked with a smile. At this I go bright red.

"Luck was one of my two boyfriend's during my college years" I whispered as if that would stop Walter from hearing. At hearing it Walter collapsed to the ground as if he had been struck by lightning. Before jumping back up and what seemed like flames eminated from his eyes. Then he proceeded to march forward clearly angry. 'i should have probably told Walter that I was gay but I never thought he would get angry over me being gay'.

Then he grabs me by the shoulders and look me in the eyes. Then a tear runs down his face. "Master rill why did you never tell me" he says sounding sad.

"I'm sorry Walter I never thought you needed to know I'm really sorry I didn't tell you I was gay" I said a bit flustered and scared that Walter was going to react badly.

"Oh no not that master rill" he said with a chuckle "I guessed you were gay since you were 14 and you wanted to keeping going back to those museums with the naked greek men statues and I have always accepted you because it makes no difference to me you will always be my master rill" he said with a fond smile. Before his eyes suddenly went red again.

"I'm annoyed you didn't tell me you had boyfriend's before now so I could have stopped those ARROGANT LITTLE SHITS FROM THINKING THEY HAVE A CHANCE WITH YOU" Walter said before collapsed on the floor 'again' before sighing and saying quietly "my master rill can't be a man he is still a young boy who needs my help". While miss witch was covering her mouth trying hard not to laugh at the little display.

"Walter you don't have to worry just because I didn't tell you doesn't mean I'm replacing you" I said with a smile. At this Walter jumped up happily then bowed and gave a small apology.

"Anyway my dear you said you had another  boyfriend is he the one missing from this forgery" she asks .

"Umm yeah he is missing from the painting" I said "we were all together at the time I made the original."

"So dear what was his name" she says smiling and 'slightly' fangirling .

"His name was....."

Rhya pov

'it has been a shit day and it only 6am'. I think a as I walk into my cafe with a sigh as I place the key in the door to open it.  then I jab at the security alarm to try and shut it up. Then I proceed to close the door.

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