~(Discontinued)~ Just another...

By NinaAngel1415

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This is my story for hazbin i dont own hazbin at all exept my oc anyways.... This story is a about a girl nam... More

Not so fast
Beginnings are fun aren't they?
The house
Questionable thoughts
just some hazbin shit
Rotting heart
Bitter sweet tradgedy
Hell isn't what it was said to be
New Faces
Another day in hell
Porn studio
Who knew?
Just why?!
Hand maiden?
Rewinding emotions
Some stuff/Facts/Information
City streets
New blood/progress
Bonding time
Authors note
Lazy day
Valentines day! (A late chapter *sob*)
Surprise, Suprise!

Vaggie Vibes

17 1 0
By NinaAngel1415

I drew Renata and I own it!I might color the rest in later on ,(Ren usually has a human like nose but her old design was a bear and I wanted her to at least keep some of the aspects but it'll usually be back and forth with her nose changes. I do not own Hazbinhotel  though!(Imagine)


I woke up to knocking on my door and I groaned as I realized I fell asleep and had wine bottles on the floor. I wobbly sat up and got up off the floor making my way to the door. I opened the door and saw Vaggie standing there with her arms crossed.
"Hi Vaggie" I said and cleared my throat walking over to the mini fridge in my room and pulled out some water as Vaggie walked in.
"Hi Renata I came to ask you about that guy you brought in the other day, He also was asking for a Black and blue haired haired demon with pretty eyes and im not gonna say the rest"
Vaggie said and looked at the ground.
"is that blood stains?" She asked and I Shoock my head
 "No it's wine..and maybe blood aussie" I said noticing Vaggie start to break but instead she sighed and groaned.
"Maybe can we slow down all the killing and sinful shit we do? for charlie's sake and plus, You are in a rehabilitation place and charlie really wants her project to work but.. You do what you do" She said and I shrugged
 "I know I want her project to work and I know it will but I just can't help it and also we all know her projects not gonna go as planned and maybe not work" I said getting a little enthusiastic while talking.
 Vaggie then opened her mouth to say something but Angel then walked in wearing a nurse outfit.                                                                               
  "Nice room Renny, Hey Vaginitha   princess wants you-"  Angel said and Vaggie went off.
" VAGGIE STOP!" I said getting in between the two as Angel rolled his eyes and Vaggie made a growling sound and I just backed away.
"We should get out of my room now and go do what we were called upon for..so .. bye!" I said pushing them out and closed the door. I then layed on the bed and rolled around on it and fell onto the floor groaning not wanting to go see what the perv wanted. I got up off the floor an grabbed the room key.


I went down to the lobby and asked angel where the demon we brought in was at, he led me to him in one of the bottom floor rooms. We walked in and I saw Niffty doing whatever she was doing and she looked over at us.
"Hey guys! what are you doing in here? Oh wait!-  Jasper wanted to talk to you-" she said and I just followed her to a curtain, as she moved it I saw the guy.

'So his name is Jasper?' I thought to myself and cautiously walked up to him.

"Hi" I said and he looked at me.
"Thanks for not killing me" he said and looked down.
"are you not wearing shoes?" He asked and I nodded 

"Yes im not wearing shoes and I don't have to if i don't want too" I said not realizing how rude I sounded but i just wanted to my make my point.

"Woah , woah take it easy I was just concerned about you somehow and confused how you would even feel comfortable walking around like that." He said and I huffed.
 "well I do" I said and folded my arms.                                                                                                                                                                                               
  "Oh yeah.. I just wanted to thank you..your names Renata right? Well Im Jasper" He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Well yea my names Renata..but ok Jasper don't think were friends just like that , no your not my friend pervert."
 I said and turned around walking out the room with hate but I still felt pity for the demon. 

"Hey Reeses pieces" I heard Nevaeh say , she was leaning up against a wall with her arms crossed wearing different cloths but same colors in a way.
 "Hey Nev." I said turning to her fully as she pushed herself off the wall and walked up to me taking my arm and leading me away from everyone. 
  She then stopped in one of the corners.

"Are you insane?!" She whispered a bit then rolled her eyes.
"well, you are but you know I mean.. but you know bring in random Perverts off the street into this 'holy' place, especially one's that are gonna be their perverted selves!" Nevaeh said a little too loud and angel hollered back at her clearly eavesdropping on our conversation.                     "HEY! Whats wrong with pleasure?!" Angel yelled and said something under his breath still wearing that kinky nurses outfit.
"WHY ARE YOU DRESSED LIKE THAT?! THEIR IS A CHILD HERE!" Nevaeh said clearly pissed off and not knowing anything about Bridgill and just knowing she's young.
 "Nevaeh its alright just let him be your acting like Angels the only one who dresses like that around here-" I said trying to calm Nevaeh realizing she reminded me of Vaggie and wondered if they planned to talk about Jasper the demon I brought in.                                                         
 "Ok Im just gonna go If your done talking now" I said walking slowly away from the corner going to the kitchen and finding myself with Charlie, Vaggie and Alastor.
"Hi-" I said awkwardly going over to the fridge and getting out stuff for a sandwich.
"Well goodmorning Miss Renata!-" Alastor said and I looked over with my eyes not moving my head away from the counter as I set down the sandwich stuff.
"Morning Alastor" I said and proceeded to make a sandwich.
"Why such a frown smile darling!" Alastor said annoying me more so I looked up at him and smiled and dropped it right away after. I finished my sandwich ignoring all Alastors gestures and stuff about smiling and walked out taking a bite out of the corner of my sandwich.


Joyeux Halloween! er I know its tomorrow but stilllll-

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