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Oof i can't draw but that's my of Renata 


We watched my fathers clothes he once wore burn. My mom looked over at me in the drivers side and mouth I love you she then jumped in the fire. My heart had stopped I stumbled out of the car in tears of what I had just saw I fell before the fire hearing my mothers screams and start to die out I had nothing to put the fire out but just watch as tears rolled down my face and complete shock still holding me dearly. 

It's was now sun set and the fire had died out not to long ago along with my mothers scolded body before me. I sat up against the car door holding myself and the feeling of my face felt like I had just sucked my pores out and replaced them with dirt and powder. I had to do something about the body, I knew I had to . I then started to drag my mothers once full of life and graceful skin darkened with ash into the car and starred to call Ryan but decided not to. I drove into the woods for at least an  hour and found a house that looked to be at least from the 1920s. It was more of a cabin looking house but I still stopped the car and decided to investigate. I knew investigating was a bad idea or did I just watch to much tv and anime?  But I knew I had to see if anyone was living here. I went into door and knocked a few times then decided to try and look through the windows some were cracked but some still were in good shape. I went to the front of the house and tried to open the door it took at least 3 pushes to open except for those old locks that kept the person living here extra protection and a warning. I kicked the door and the second time fell. The door finally had opened. 

Cliffhangers is what I like to do to people. See you next chapter!

                                                                                      ~ pluie~

~(Discontinued)~ Just another sinner in hellWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt