Bitter sweet tradgedy

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Sooo many readsss I'm so overwhelmed! Thank you guys! ❤️❤️❤️ And I drew my Oc! I own it . Ik I can't draw OWO 


I pointed the Pistol at Ryan as he chased after my auntie. They froze when they saw me holding the pistol at both of them. " S-stop  don't make me do this!" I yelled through my tears,my cousin started slowly stepping towards me " Renata don't shoot, everything's gonna be ok-" " no it's not gonna be!" " yes it is Ren!"  He got closer and I pulled the trigger. I had just shot my cousin my my mind was swirling with emotions. " Ren, w-why?" I had just realized I as now on the ground with my cousins body before me, my auntie crawled to me trying to smooth me through her tears. "No Auntie it's not ok!, nothing ever is!" She stabbed me with a garden tool not enough to hurt me but leave a bruise. " I'm sorry."          

I shakily got up from the ground two of the people with warm hearts that I loved layed before me. What have I done? I walked from the shed into the house. Showering watching the blood wash away I cried to myself with sharp breaths of what I've done. 

I barley ate anything, and listened to music to heal the pain. Then I fell asleep. I woke up put my flats on and the dress my mother and I had dIY made just for fun. It was off the shoulder light pink , with knee length bottom and had little gems in rows from the hem off the dress. A summer dress not to formal but great to wear for occasions. I had barley wore it once so I decided to wear it . I put on my mothers necklace and earrings and twirled in the mirror. 30 minutes later there was a knock at the door. God damn it I was watching Anime! ( I'm sorry 😆)  I went to the kitchen got the pistol on the counter, almost tripped myself on the rug. I opened the front door hiding the pistol on my dress strings that tie from my waist. I opened the door to find a police man I have known for a long while " Hi Gerald " " hi Renata, I'm afraid that we have to take you down to the station for your father has mentioned that he saw you sneak out the night that girl Matalie Had been killed." That fucking man ima kill him . " ok let me get my shoes on, come in" where's your mother?" " she went out for traveling business " " how about your cousin?" I paused remembering I left there bodies in the shed and there was blood stains on my dirty clothes in my room on the floor. Oh how uncaring I've been lately. " may we search the house ?" " yes go for it " they started looking and I was lucky my hair covered the pistol. " I'll be outside!" I stifled a smile as I went out to the back and sat on the swing. A few minutes later I heared the loud as hell walkie talkie say that they were sending back up. Lovely. Then Gerald came out side asking what the red stub stance was on my shirt. " oh it's-" " Ms. lacosta i- " bang! 

He fell to the ground and I just stood up and slowly walked to the back door. I heared sirens in the distance growing louder and louder. I stood at least a good distance from the door in case it would swing open and hit me. The front door as being broken into. One of the curtains moved then closed. The back door swung open." Your under arrest! Put your hands behind your back!" 

I shot the lady that ordered me and one other guy. All I remember was pain and bullets piercing my skin and then i blacked out. 


Omg...... I'll try to update some more later byee!      

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