๐—ฎ๐—น๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ป๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ฒ ๐˜‚๐—ป๐—ถ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ...

By livesinkpop

3.7K 178 66

๐–ถ๐—๐–บ๐— ๐—‚๐–ฟ ๐–ฌ๐–บ๐—‹๐—‚๐—‡๐–พ๐—๐—๐–พ ๐—๐–บ๐–ฝ ๐—€๐—ˆ๐— ๐–ฏ๐—…๐–บ๐—€๐—€? ๐–ถ๐—๐–บ๐— ๐—‚๐–ฟ ๐– ๐–ฝ๐—‹๐—‚๐–พ๐—‡ ๐—€๐—ˆ๐— ๐–ณ๐—‚๐—„๐—„๐—‚? ๐–ถ๏ฟฝ... More

Stone Heart...... (i)
Stone Heart...... (ii)
Stone Heart...... (iii)
Stone Hearts....... (iv)
Stormy Weather......(i)
Stormy Weather...... (ii)
Stormy Weather...... (iii)
Stormy weather...... (iv)
Princess Fragrance..... (i)
Princess Fragrance...... (iii)
Timebreaker...... (i)
timebreaker......... (ii)
Timebreaker..... (iii)
Reflekta...... (i)
Reflekta..... (ii)
Reflekta..... (iii)
REFLEKDOLL...... (i)
Reflekdoll..... (ii)
Reflekdoll.... (iii)
Reflekdoll...... (iv)

Princess Fragrance..........(ii)

105 8 1
By livesinkpop

Scene: Outside Le Grand Paris. Marinette walks up to the doorman.

Marinette: Hello! I'm in Chloé Bourgeois class and I really have to see her.

Doorman: Are you a friend of hers?

Marinette: A friend of Chloé's? Ha, you must be kidding! (gasp) I mean— we're in the same class, that's all.

Doorman: If you're not a friend then I can't.

Marinette: Yes! I'm a f-f-friend of Chloé's. We're BFFs!

Doorman: Aha! Chloé doesn't have any friends!

Marinette: Does that mean you're not letting me in?

Doorman: No! (Marinette leaves defeated but then she sees a pile of trash with a motorcycle helmet, a pink cape and a pizza box.)

Marinette: (disguised) Hey! Got a pizza for Chloé Bourgeois.

Doorman: Hmm, it's usually sushi. (moves aside) Top floor, imperial suite.

Marinette: (giggles) Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! (Marinette, still disguised, goes up the elevator and arrives at Chloé's floor. Chloé is waiting for another elevator.)

Chloé: "Here's a gift for the sick children, Prince. Oh, it's nothing, really, stop flattering me. Ahahahahahaha." No. "Ahahahahaha." There. That's better. (Chloé gets into the elevator and Marinette sees her as the doors are about to close)

Marinette: Chloé, wait! (starts to run to her)

Chloé: Pizza? Eugh, don't get that peasant food anywhere near me. (pushes the close button)

Marinette: Wait! It has truffles and caviar on it! (the doors close before she gets there) For a spoiled brat just like you! (she runs for the stairs)

(Outside, Princess Fragrance approaches the doorman.)

Princess Fragrance: I've come to see Prince Ali.

Doorman: Ugh, what is going on today? Do you have an appointment with the Prince?

Princess Fragrance: No need, I'm his princess!

Doorman: And I'm a monkey's uncle. Listen kid I—

Princess Fragrance: That's no way to speak to a princess. (she shoots perfume at him from her perfume gun)

Doorman: ♫ At your service, Princess Fragrance. ♫

Princess Fragrance: Thousand times better. (walks in) Now, where's my wonderful prince charming? We can't keep him waiting.

(Cut to Prince Ali's press conference inside Le Grand Paris in the dining hall)

André: In honor of your presence here in Paris your highness, I've taken it upon myself to organize a lavish fireworks display on the Seine river. They will be displayed from this barge.

Prince Ali: (gasps)Thank you, or how do we say in your language? Totally awesome!

Prince Ali's chaperone: We shall have to see if it fits with the Prince's busy schedule. We have very little time for festivities. His highness has many responsibilities.

Chloé: (clears her throat)

André Bourgeois: Ah! Prince Ali, allow me to introduce you to my own princess, Chloé.

Chloé: Hm, Prince, I brought you a special stuffed toy for the sick children. (gives Tikki to him)

Prince Ali: Whoa! I've never seen one like this before. This is so very kind of you.

Chloé: Ahahahahaha, you're flattering me. It is so kind of me though, isn't it?

Prince Ali: (slightly confused) Why, yes. I said just that. You did not hear me?

(Chloé laughs nervously and her eye twitches. The press continues to take pictures. The prince puts Tikki in his shirt pocket and Chloé takes a picture with him.)

Nadja: Nadja Chamack. Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Prince Ali, do you have anything to say about your official Parisian visit? (An elevator bell rings and Princess Fragrance appears further away from the crowd)

Prince Ali: I'm very happy to be here. (Princess Fragrance fires her perfume gun at Chloé)

Nadja: Prince Ali, where is...that-that smell coming from?! Like rotten fish?! (Nadja, Prince Ali, and André stare at Chloé)

Chloé: What? That's not me! (sniffs herself) It-it is me! Ew! (Perfume sprays behind the paparazzi. Everyone look at them)

Paparazzi: (turns around and bowed down while singing) ♫ At your service, Princess Fragrance. ♫

Prince Ali: Who-who are you?

Princess Fragrance: I'm Princess Fragrance and I've come just for you! In just a spritz you'll be mine, Prince Ali!

Marinette: This is bad! (activates a button from a synthesizer to launch the confetti)

Scene: Adrien's room in the Agreste mansion. Adrien watches the whole live broadcast on TV.

Adrien: What or who is that? Tikki, let's go! There's trouble in Paris! Oh no! Tikki!

Scene: Back inside the Le Grand Paris. Prince Ali, his chaperone, André and Chloé escaped to the stairwell

André Bourgeois: Quickly, Prince! This way! (Marinette follows them and Princess Fragrance down the stairs. Cuts to them hiding in a room)

André Bourgeois: We'll be safe in here. It's a reinforced door.

Prince Ali's chaperone: So much chaos! How is anyone supposed to stick to a schedule around here? (both she and Prince Ali steps away from Chloé)

Chloé: (points under the doorway) What is that?

André Bourgeois: (sees the perfume fog) Get back! (Cuts to Princess Fragrance spraying under the doorway while Prince Ali, his chaperone, André and Chloé are backing away inside the room)

Princess Fragrance: ♫ My prince, my prince, smell the fragrance of my eternal love! ♫ (gasps)

(Everyone look down and notices that the fog is being sucked away. Princess Fragrance turns and sees Marinette using a vacuum cleaner.)

Princess Fragrance: Seriously, who are you?! (uses her perfume gun like a rocket to launches herself and landed on the vacuum cord, plugging it off) Looks like you're powerless now, superhero! (points her gun at Marinette.)

André Bourgeois: (opens the door to take a peek) Oh no, there are two of them now! Run!

(Everyone gets out of the room and runs off.)

Princess Fragrance: (sprays her perfume around herself to create a fog) You can't escape my perfume! ♫ La la la la la la! ♫

(André opens a stairwell door and lets everyone go in first, but he is brainwashed by the fog before he gets inside. Marinette escapes the fog by using a service elevator.)

Princess Fragrance: Get them.

André Bourgeois: ♫ At your service, Princess Fragrance. ♫

(Meanwhile, Marinette made it to the hotel kitchen. She peeks out from the door and sees Prince Ali, his chaperone, and Chloé back in the dining hall.)

Chloé: (to Butler Jean while pointing at André) He's under the spell! Shut the door!

Prince Ali's chaperone: But it's your father!

Chloé: Who cares? Shut it now!

(Jean uses a broom and pushes André out of the way and shuts the door. Everyone notices the perfume fog from the inside of the nearby elevator, and they all, except Jean, run off.)

Marinette: Uh oh! (leaps out of the way, behind a wall and transforms)

Butler Jean: ♫ At your service, Princess Fragrance! ♫

Princess Fragrance: (walks toward Prince Ali, his chaperone, and Chloé) Come into my arms, my sweet prince!

Lady Noir: (sitting on the windowsill) Pee-ew! Can we get a little fresh air in here? (leaps in front of Princess Fragrance and took out his staff)

Princess Fragrance: No one will take my princet away! (fires at Lady Noir)

(Lady Noir uses her staff to knock out the perfume spray. She then extendes her staff, picking up Princess Fragrance, and throws her in the kitchen.)

(Lady Noir extendes her staff from the window to the outside of the Le Grand Paris like a pole. A Parisian screams in surprise once the end of the staff hit the ground)

Lady Noir: Emergency evacuation, everybody down!

Prince Ali's chaperone: It's much too dangerous for the prince.

(Lady Noir notices three mixing bowls on the cart nearby.)

Lady Noir: You're right. (taps on the bowls) Safety first! (puts one of the bowl on Prince Ali's head like a helmet, while Prince Ali smiles)

(Lady Noir slides down the staff first. Followed by Chloé, Prince Ali, and his chaperone; the chaperone also wears a mixing bowl on her head. Once everyone is outside, Princess Fragrance looks out the window and sees them get inside the chaperone's car and drive away.)

Princess Fragrance: My prince! (she launches herself with her perfume gun and follows the car)

Scene: Inside Prince Ali's chaperone's car. Everyone is speeding away from Princess Fragrance, while at the same time still disgusted by Chloé's fish smell

Lady Noir: Can we open the windows? This fish smell is even too much for a cat.

(The chaperone opens all the car windows. Both Prince Ali and Lady Noir gasp for air)

Tikki: (sneezes) (Prince Ali looks into his jacket pocket towards the noise)

Prince Ali's chaperone: We have precisely nine minutes to get to the hospital. The prince is on a very strict schedule.

Lady Noir: What? No way we can going to the hospital now! We have to get Prince Ali out of Paris ASAP!

(Everyone hears a thud and looks up.)

Princess Fragrance: My prince! Fancy seeing you here, what a stroke of luck!

Lady Noir: (to the chaperone) The windows!

(Prince Ali's chaperone tries to close all the car windows, but Princess Fragrance stops the sunroof)

Princess Fragrance: My prince, I'll take you to the Pont des Arts, and there, we'll seal our love!

(Princess Fragrance then sprays everyone in the car. But Tikki escapes out of Prince Ali's pocket and lands on the car floor)

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Lady Noir is down! It won't be long before Misterbug shows up too and meets her doom! (laughs)

Scene: The streets of Paris. Adrien runs to follow the car.

Adrien: (gasps) Oh no! Where's Tikki? (he runs to Prince Ali's chaperone's car, ignoring the accident around him. Tikki? Tikki? (looks inside the car before noticing Tikki on the floor) (gasps) Tikki, I was so worried!

Tikki: (opens her eyes) Adrien...

Adrien: (picks up Tikki) You're much worse than I thought! We need to get you help!

Tikki: We don't have time. You have to transform. I'll be okay... (coughs)

Adrien: No, Tikki. I'm not making the same mistake twice! We've gotta get you to the healer now!

Scene: Fu's massage shop. Adrien watches as Master Wang Fu helps heal the sickness from Tikki

(Wang Fu is hitting a gong while Adrien stares at Tikki, feeling worried)

Adrien: She going to be okay?

Wang Fu: "One who is burning with impatience can never eat hot porridge."

Adrien: (confused) Um, what has this got to do with eating?

Wang Fu: Silence please. Reading energies. (places both his hands in front of Tikki) What type of cat did you say?

Adrien: Cat? Um, right. Rare hairless flying species from Kingdom of Achu. I was allowed to have one, because I won a zoo tap-dancing contest when I was in... the Kingdom of Achu. (laughs nervously)

(Wang Fu stares at Adrien)

Wang Fu: Mm-hmm. Unusual. (picks up his gong)

Adrien: Yes, yes, very.

(Wang Fu bangs the gong for the last time)

Wang Fu: We are finished. (puts the gong down) Your cat's health has been restored.

(Adrien looks down at Tikki. To her delight, Tikki opens her eyes, feeling much better. Tikki flies into Adrien's hands)

Adrien: Thank you, thank you so much! You're a real magician, sir! (about to walk out the door, but stops) How did you do that?

Wang Fu: Ancient Chinese secret. (Adrien closes the shop's door. Wang smiles) Just like yours.

Scene: Seine riverbank. Adrien carries Tikki and stops.

Adrien: Tikki, I'm so, so sorry. You were so sick and, well, I don't know what I do without you.

Tikki: You wouldn't be Misterbug for one! (giggles)

Adrien: (laughs) I know, but I mean: Tikki, you're more than just my kwami for me.

Tikki: I know. (Both Adrien and Tikki giggle while Tikki hugs Adrien's cheek) Oh, the Pont des Arts bridge! That's where they're headed! I overheard it in the car. Hurry, there's no time to lose!

[ Transformation Sequence ]

Adrien: Tikki, spots on! Hah! (Adrien transforms into Misterbug)

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