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Dedicated To My Love @Xiax_77 The Emotional Struggle Of Power Exchange For Some Lovers Can Be Very Heady & In... More

This Is Like.. I Feel You & I Love You
Is It The Way You Touch Me?
Mo Better You
Break Me
Two Way Mirror Voyeurs Part 1
Where Would I Be

This Is Our Mother Fucking Moment

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Can you recall ours

The moment our eyes locked
The moment they made love to each other
In a standstill of strong wills and determination
To either own or be owned  by each other

Even though we weren't entirely ready for each other on that level during that particular moment in time

You held me as if you knew it would be so regardless
You fucked me without touching me
Loved me without words
Spoke in silence

Kissed my senses
Evoked my memories of what I've always  been in searched of...

But I've  never felt deserving of such blissful splendor

You still made our moments ours
Our bubble of moments big and small
Our moments of naughty and nice
Or moments that are sensually sweet and rich in mischief

Our bittersweet moments
Our Fuck You Moments
Our Fuck Me Moments
Our Fuck It Moments

Can you recall the moment when you made me yours
With the stroke of your skilled fingertips you owned me almost from the very start

Can you recall the first time I called your name
Or when you called mine

Can you recall hours of intense love making without the bonus of sex

Can you recall our first connection of bonding
Our first kiss
The first time we held each other

The first time I became your bitch
The first time we mated and imprinted our love anew

Hybrid to Hybrid

Can you recall the moment you cried
Can you recall when I returned the favor

Can you recall tantric so powerful we elevated on two separate occasions to higher frequencies that held us prisoners to our love

Slaves and Masters Dom or Sub
Can you recall asking me to be yours
Can you recall me asking you to be mine

The moments of I Love You's spoken softly
The ecstasy The Lust The Yearning

Can you recall Me & Mr Jones
You and IkeY
Can you recall kisses that feel like sex and
Fucking beautiful sin

Can you recall temperatures rising for no other reason than because we share the same space

Can you recall when you owned it
When I came for you
Can you recall nonstop grinding and fucking even as we made love for seven hours straight no chaser

And then there was round two

Damn I miss that bubble
Can we recreate those moments
Sure we can bebe.

Because we aren't a fairytale or a fucking fantasy
Everyday these are our mother fucking moments

Yours BeBe💜

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