1♡Wonwoo Mina Oneshot✔

By JeonMina_05

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Mina X Wonwoo oneshot stories Have a different genre and long stories. Also Seventeen and Twice will be here... More

(sunset secret)~
~Know it now~
How they act each other
Accept it?
Meet Again
Game And Perfom
Having You Is Heaven
Bad Timing But Worth It
Another Knight
Silent Treatment
Collab Make It Lit
I'm Tired
Wonwoo X Mina Moments
How You Guys Met Each Other?
Accepting Fate
After Variety
I'm Not
Dont leave Me
Welcome Back
Daring Viral
Prove It
Sweet Promise
High Fever
Parents Day
Helping You
Busy Time and Love
My Sweet Gangster
Fail Baking
New But Different
Her Last Wish
Love In Death Treat
Chemistry Baby
Take Your Innocence
Long distance
Mafia Need
Arrange Jealous
The Truth Past
Hidden Shot
Bully Love

Love You!

520 20 0
By JeonMina_05

Mina was in the garden playing with their twin child. The oldest son, Jeon Tae Won and the youngest daughter, Heon Nae Won. They playing run and chasing each other while Mina watering the plants.

Suddenly Nae Won fell tripping over the rock and cry loudly calling Mina. Mina who see it rush to watch her. Suprisingly is her son was the first who look after her.

"Are you okay, candy Nae Won?"

"Brother its really hurt."

"Let me blow your knee so its not hurt anymore."

She watch her son action and were proud eventhough they just 3 years old. She cares her son and just watched him help his twin sister.

Then they both continue play while Mina stand up and carry the heavy flower pot by herself. Its a lie its not heavy thruthly really heavy. But she confident that she can do it alone.

She lift it up and slowly walk carefully. Actually when she hold it there was piece of glass attached to flower pot. She felt small pain at her left finger.

When she almost give up, there a pair hands take the flower pot from her. When she up her head, Wonwoo was in front of her.

He smile and sigh seeing how stubborn his wife wanna fo it all alone. He actually back from work and search his family but not found. When he heard some noise at garden, he saw his twin child was playing and most caught him is his wife lifting the big flower pot without no one help.

"How many times i said that dont do heavy things like this. You are housewife not a concrete worker."

"Come on~ its not that heavy. If you leave me 5 minutes earlier, ofc i manage to hold it."

Wonwoo pinch her nose and cross his arms. Sometimes she really need to be punish with it. She groan and hold her nose.

"Ow! Its hurts. What was that for?"

"Thats for being stubborn. And also look at your finger."

He gently take her hand and show her wound. Its just small cut but his worried was really not joking.

"Its just small cut, Wonwoo. Relax. How about you? You just come home and take the heavy flower pot from me. Its tiring for you, ya know."

Wonwoo smile and cares her hair. Then he felt somthing heavy in his leg. When he look down, it was his son being clingy to him and also his daughter slowly run to him.

He bent down and lift the twin up. He carry them and Mina helping them fix their clothes that accidently lift up too.

"Daddy! Do you wanna know something?!"

"Yes, what is it? It looks like interesting."

"When we playing run and chase, Nae Won accidently fell. And im helping her more fast than Mom."

"Really?! Is it true, My Candy?"

"Yup Daddy. Brother so cool like you. I love you both!"

Mina was awe and let the three spend their time together. She's not jealous about how their children always talk about their dad. Maybe because he the best human that they always admired of.

Look at him, he is engginer, he always make time to them, always try to make they happy, always know they safe, always know that he the one who buy anything for them more better than her.

She agreed that she a bit jealous about it. But how can she do? She just a housewife in this young 24 years old. She was orphan since 8 and dont have permanent job before she married to Wonwoo.

They met up at supermarket when Mina working as cashier. He change himself said he work as novel writer so he can have excuse to see her almost everyday.

But is all past story and now, they happy together with all sacrifice and diffult moments they have gone through. She was washing the plate but she spacing out for a while.

She startled when a pair hand hugging her waist.

"Wonwoo, im washing plate right now. Go away or you will wet your clothe. Also its almost 5p.m. So go shower yourself and after that we dinner together."

"Hahaha okay dear. Just dont cook to much. Im not that hugry because your lunch food you cook still in my stomach."

They laugh and Wonwoo leave the kitchen. She also go and do her work. She help the kids showeres and the kids having fun with her playing water. And as usual they nonstop talking about their daddy.

"If Daddy join us, it will be more fun!"

"Yes, sister! Mom why dont you call dad to join us?"

"Oh honey, your dad was on showered too. He just back home and pretty sure he's tired just leave him rest a while, okay sweetie?"

"Yes Mommy!!"

They continue play shower and after that Mina help them put their clothes. She carry her son and take her daughter hand to go to dinner. She see Wonwoo read some novel and when he look up, he close his book and take Nae Won from her. She put Tae Won down at his seat and serve their dinner.

After all done dinner, they decide ti watch movie. After 1 hour and 20 minutes, the kids already sleep. And she saw Wonwoo hold his eye from closed. But after 5 minutes, he lose for hold it and sleep.

Mina silently close tv and one by one she carry their kids to their room. When she get down, she also gently wake him up and help him sleep at bed.

When they three sleep peacefully, she not join them. She instead cleaning the house because she cant live with all mess in their house.

She washing all the dishes with open the water sink slowly. She clean the toys and pillow that they all play at living room. She also arrange the shoes that her kids wore and Wonwoo work shoes too.

Actually she really sleepy and wanna rest for one day even just 8 hours only. After she done all she slowly go to her room. She wash her face and headed to bed. Then she sleep after 15 minutes.

The next day~

She wokes up and find Wonwoo were not beside her. It was odd because she the one who wakes up first. She check the bathroom still he's not there.

She get down and also not find him. Most suspocious is their kids. They were not on their room also she found that their room was mess with clothes on bed and Nae Won hairtie colour was everywhere.

She call him but he not picking it up. She fed up with it and clean all the mess. When she saw a blue quote paper on table living room, she quickly take it.

'Hey dress well. After that go to the mall. The guard will give you something. Relax, im taking care the childrens. Kids want some fresh air and i know what they want if they go outside.'

"If he know what they like outside, why need to mess their room. Also he usual know that room cant leave to mess. My god this guy was really something."

She get up and prepare herself. She just wore some casual but looks elegant. When she want to take her car key, there is blue paper again.

'Take a cab. Because your car is problem. Dont worry, a cab not so expensive.'

"Not expensive!!! Hey it dont matter but order some cab take a long time! This man really gonna smash hir head on wall!"

She out and lock the house. She walk and stop by bustop and order a cab. Well the bustop not kinda far but really tired her who wearing high heels.

When she already on cab, she text him amd as expect he not reply it. She spam and spam but still he not offline even for a while. She groan and cares her hair.

When she arrive, the guard help her oit and hand the blue paper. Her face really show how annnoy her when she see the blue paper. She take it and still her face was cold.

In her mind was fill many question espeacially the kids. Are they eat yet? Are they okay? Are they all fine with Wonwoo? Is everything okay? What the hell happend? What on earth this thing?

She read it and frown. She cant even relax about what she just have read.

'Go to spa for a while. And then go nail spa too. After that buy what do you want for yourself.'

"Haish whatever. He so weird by doing this. Spa? Well its my chance so im on it."

She spend her time do style on, spa on, but except she just dont buy anything. She not like Wonwoo, he have a job he get money meanwhile her just housewife but also get money from her husband.

But she really rare buy something for herself. She always buy for kids or groceries. She learned how to save money. She independence.

She enjoy herself then when she look the clock, it was 3 p.m.

"OMG! It really late. What will they eat if im not cook yet? Also i didnt drive so how can i buy all if im using a cab. Omo what im gonna do?"

Suddenly a same guard go to her. She turn around and ask what is it. Bit he just quite and handed a blue paper. She groan again and take it.

'Take a cab again and go to this address.'

She hestitate a bit then just follow it. After for 15 minutes, she arrive at JeJu Beach. It kinda chillin a bit because dont have many people.

She standing there and dont do nothing. She already text Wonwoo but still he just bluetick her. She walk a bit and still no one there.

After 5 minutes standing there, one pair hand close her eyes. She was about to scream when a dark sound speak.

"Hey love. Its me."

"Wonwoo! What is this? What are you trying to do? Why you have to close my eyes? Where the kids? Are they ate already? Are you guys okay?"

"Hey hey slow down. The kids are fine. You dont need to know where are they, they safe. Now slowly follow me and carefull."

She nod and just follow him. When about 3 minutes walking, he stop also make her stop. He take his hand and Mina slowly open her eyes.

She was shocked when a table was full of candle and the bucket of tulips. True that tulip is Mina's favourite flower. And the table was romantic.

"Wonwoo, what all of this? Are this is some part of your blue paper?"

"Yup. Well thruthly your car is fine and sorry for making the house mess. Im not so know about girl clothes so i just looking what maybe suits for Nae Won. Well yeah you the one who know the right."

Mina smile and cared his face. Then she fix his hair that blown with wind. He takes her hand and tell her to sit down.

"Im doing this because i wanna spend time with you."

"Spend time? But you always spend time together everyday at home."

"No. You see that i always more spend and play with kids instead giving you attention. You always busy with house chores without taking a break. Sometimes when everyone already sleep but you still wake cleaning the mess. I felt sorry for not always helping you instead playing with kids. Thats why i told you to go spa and making yourself rest. I know you need this even for one day. I know you are independence and always think others before yourself. That making me more love you. We married for 3 years more and before we married, you were so young back then and have to stop work to raise our kids. I felt useless for leaving you taking care kids alone in home without asking my mom help. You were young but more mature and always stay beside me. When im lost, you the one who change me. And marrying you was not a wrong thing that i ever do. Happy Mother's Day , Jeon Mina. I love you till moon and always be there for you."

Mina shed in tears and close her eyes. Wonwoo wipe her tears while cares her hands. Mina cant even say anything but were touched by his words.

All his said was true and all that burden her gone by his words. Well the choice she made when met him long ago was not bad at all. She raise the kids alone also teaching her to be best mom.

Eventhough Wonwoo spend more to kids than her, she cant complain it. She watched their moments making her proud how their twins growing well with enough attention and love.

"I dont want anything from you, Wonwoo. I also feel grateful that after met you all my life was change. I didnt mad at all when im take care kids alone at home. It teach me being a good mom and im not upset why you more to kids than me. Im happy when see you three playing together. I thought seeing they growing make me feel that all i do was slowly good and making me more want to be better mom and wife to you guys."

They smile and giggle how sweet they talk. They spending for 30 minutes and decide to have some walk at beach. They open their shoes and began to walk with interwine their hands together.

"Well at least what i do this cant even ckmpare your sacrifice. One day rest for you never be enough to pay back this 3 years to you."

"Dont say that. Im happy about this. Even if i dont have a day to rest, its fine. Seeing you guys happy make me relieve. What you do is totally okay to me. Today is the best thing i had. Having you, havung the kids realky enough to me. It make dont want anything but want to stay with you guys forever. You guys are all i had and forever."

He stop and hug her tight. Gosh how can he not fall to her. She so precious and one and only in this world. He and the kids that she had right now.

He know the pain that she suffer alone and he cant even tell that she really strong and mature about her life. She orphan but she deserve love. She is a mom but also angel to them.

All about her was magic. He feel that this angel was really not for anyone except him. He love her that making him dont wanna single cut at her body.

"You the best Mina. You know..... how about third one?"

She who know what he talk about, release their hug and back away. She shake her head seeing his raise a brow naughty.

"No no no no! Not for now. You better not talking about or i will tear you apart."

"Oh come here. Its just third. Not a big deal."


She running away from him and he laugh chasing after her. When he caught her, they laugh and hugging each other. Time was really flying fast huh? Really chilling their vibe in this evening.

"Mom! Dad!"

They turm around and find the kids running to them. Kids hugging them tight and slowly facing their mommy.

"Mom i draw this to you!"

"Aww its so lovely, Tae Won. Just like your father, really good at drawing."

"Mom i also made this bracelete for you. It was M and W saying mom and dad name. Also for dadddy too!"

"Thank you, Nae Won! Its so cute and pretty. Why dont you wear it for us?"

She takes it and wear for her parents. Mina pinch her cheeks. That gummy smile really from her. And her eyes really same as her father. While her son face look lioe Wonwoo but his eyes and nose more like Mina.

Then the three of them screaming and cheer to Mina. They all kiss mina cheeks.


They all hug and it was the best day for Mina. She and her family was enough to show that she happy even she just orphan.

~One day your black past will turn to bright future. You wish are my wish too~

My friend send this to me. Can we admitte that he is realky hot without doing anything. Anyway stream HOME RUN!!!

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