The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats...

By kate8800

312K 6.1K 1K

Destiny Lilac has been through a lot of stuff but when her best friend, Leo Dooley, gets a step-dad, her life... More

A/N: Before Jumping In
Creating Lab Rat D
Surprise Training
Weird Upgrade
Splitting of the Davenports Part 1
Splitting of the Davenports part 2
Mission Creek High
Dooley Leo Dooley
Birthday Movie Night
Re-meeting Donald
Meet Destiny Lilac/Dooley-Davenport
Thanks (little fake extra chapter)
Crush Chop & Burn
Commando App
Leo's Jam
Rats on a Train
Smart And Smarter
Exoskeleton vs. Grandma
Bionic Birthday Fail
A/N: Lent Holdup
A/N: Guess Who's Back?!
Death Spiral Smackdown
Back From The Future
Chip Switch
Drone Alone
Chore Wars
Dude, Where's My Lab?
Air Leo
The Living Virus
Mission Invisible
Concert In A Can
Mission: Space
Book 2!!

Can I Borrow the Helicopter?

4.7K 116 1
By kate8800

April 10, 2015

~Edited July 9, 2015~

%Destiny's POV%

Me, Leo, Tasha, and Davenport were sitting on the couch, watching a movie until the trio came up. It was mostly Bree coming up with Adam and Chase annoyingly following her.

"Mr. Davenport, I cannot stand them anymore! Can they please go live in your ware house?" Bree begged.

"Bree, hat's where I keep my explosive chemicals." Davenport said.

"Like I said, can they please go live in your ware house!?" Bree repeated.

"Well, she is getting older. She needs her privacy! Why don't you give her one of your extra rooms? You have like 14." Tasha asks.

"Woah, woah, woah! I do not have any extra rooms!" Davenport said while standing up.

"You have a pool table room, bumper car room, arcade room, surf simulator room, not to mention a room full of mirrors!" Tasha listed off one by one.

"Or as I like to call it, a room full of me!" Davenport beamed.

"Plus, those are not extra rooms they're rooms that have awesome stuff and they are not to be removable! Why can't Bree stay at my room? My room is too big! I'm sure a capsule can fit in there!" I offered.

"Okay, sure! Woo! So long, bozos!" Bree cheered while walking to Adam's side.

"Fine without you, we will make the lab totally awesome for ourselves." Chase informs her.

"Don't you need the lab for training?" I ask him.

"Not now!" Chase whispered.

"That's right. No more hair scrunchies or rainbow-colored toe socks or pretty, pink, shiny junk." Adam said. "Oh, but I am chapped. Can I borrow some of your bubble berry pucker bomb?" Adam took her necklace, opened the cap to the chap-stick, and used it.

"Oh man, it's so hard not to eat it!" Adam tried to resist the temptation. Bree took the chap-stick out of his hands and went to the lab to pack. Can't wait to have Bree in my room! It's gonna be fun!


Me, Leo, and Davenport were playing a game he created and he tweeked it so that three players can play. The timer was almost done until I did the finishing punch.

'Destiny wins!' a voice said.

"Man, this is awesome! The more the merrier! The bigger the better!" Leo kept quoting.

"Except in this case, where the girl just kicked your butts! And you guys say you're good at this game." I say while taking off my glove.

"You know, I don't let anybody use my holoscopic screen. You know, this is like a family moment for us." Davenport said looking at us.

"Please don't make us play catch! It's gonna get ugly!" Leo begs. I pat Leo's shoulder and I sit on one of the stools.

"Is it okay if you would leave me and Big D to talk? It's kind of...embarrassing if you listen in." Leo asks me as he goes into the kitchen. Davenport stands near the stool I'm sitting in and I pretend to think it through.

"Umm...nope! Look Leo, I'm always here for you, through thick and thin! Whatever it is, I'm not gonna laugh at it!" I promise.

"You sure?" Leo asks me with a quizzical look.

"You ask like it's gonna be really awkward...Is it?" I ask.

"So, Big D, can I ask you a question?" Leo brushes off the topic.

"I don't know. Can you?" Davenport somewhat jokes. I lightly chuckle and ask Leo to hand me a water bottle. He tosses me one and I drink from it. He goes over to where Davenport was and hands him a drink.

"Soo.. let's say there's a girl you wanted to ask out." Leo theoretically asks.

"I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" Davenport yelled behind me. I chuckle and continue to listen in.

"Your mom didn't put you up, or?" Leo shakes his head. "Nevermind, carry on."

"See, there's a girl I really like, and we like a lot of the same things: science, comic books." I narrow my eyes at him. "It's not you, Destiny!" He assured me.

"Oh, great! For a moment there, you had me. Oooff! Wait is it that girl that you weirdly 'smiled' at?" I ask putting imaginary quotation marks when I said 'smiled'.

"Yeah! I thought she smiled at me one time, but instead of smiling back, I did one of these." Leo explained to Davenport while making a face that looked like he was drooling.

"Leo, I think I know what you're trying to say." Davenport concluded. He moved over closer to Leo while I went to the other side.

"Seen it too much too and I know it!" I said in a singing mocking voice.

"You're in love!" Me and Davenport both conclude. We started doing a little dance while Leo was trying to say he wasn't in love.

"I am not in love! I am not in love! I'm just carefully exploring my options in a place I like to call, Ladyland!" Leo tried to make it vague.

"You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Davenport asked. Leo shook his head and so I joined in.

"Maybe I can help you. I know her as one of my friends, I can ask if she likes you! If so she can be the one asking you out!" I offered.

"No, no, no, no! NO!" Leo chanted as he put his hands on my shoulders. "No way! You're not going to do that!" I shrug his hands off and Davenport started to talk again.

"Well, that first time I met your mom, I offered her a ride in my high-speed helicopter." Davenport somewhat bragged.

"So I can borrow the helicopter!?" Leo asked happily.

"Of course! If you were older." I respond while inputting a pause in between the sentences.

"Leo, what I'm trying to say is, you're like me." Davenport started.

"I don't think so...You might wanna double check on that!" I interrupted. They both glare at me and I raise my hands up.

"You're smart, and you're handsome, but people think you're a nerd. You have to be flashy so they know how cool you are!"

"But sometimes girls don't want flashy guys!" I protest but Leo ignores me.

"All right, be flashy. I'm gonna try some of that on Janelle! But let's keep this between all of us, okay?" Leo asks.

"As long as you don't do anything stupid that is against me, I won't use it as blackmail, I promise!" I said while pointing at him. He nods his head and looks at Davenport.

"Absolutely, what happens in Ladyland stays in Ladyland." He then started to do a little dance and I stopped him.

"Please, please. As a favor for all three of us, please stop!" I beg as I grab onto his shoulders. He stops and glares and me and I grab my backpack to start homework.


I was walking into the kitchen to get a drink when I heard Davenport and Tasha squeling.

"HER NAME'S JANELLE!!" I hear Davenport shout. I ducked behind the counter and eaves-dropped on their conversation.

"I knew it!!" Tasha said.

"Wait, you knew? How did you-"

"Yesterday he slipped and asked me for a peanut butter and 'Janelly' sandwich!" Tasha explained.

"I know her mother! This is so exciting!!" Tasha fangirled.

"He was having a little trouble talking to her, so I kind of helped him out in that department. Go, Dad, go!" He cheered.

"You didn't tell him, the helicopter line, did you?"

"Uhhh.....No!!....Yes..." I hear footsteps leaving the living room and peeked out to see Davenport drinking out of his cup. I read it with my super vision and it said, 'greatest dad slash inventor.' Wow totally false, time to scare him.

"You know you're cup is a lie right?" I say while stand up from behind the counter. Davenport does a spit take and looks at me.

"Wait you heard about everything!?" He asked. I nodded and he groaned.

"Not that trusty in the father department, I see. I'll make a note of that." I say while I was going to skip to Leo.

"Wait, wait, wait. Don't tell Leo, please! It's one of the things that I can share like a father with him. Just please don't tell him!" He begged.

"Fine, only for your sake. But if he finds out, I never knew." He nods and I skip to my bedroom. He's gonna find out for sure.


I enter the living room along with Davenport and we see Tasha holding heart-shaped cookie cutters. Leo was next to her and he looked mad.

"Hey, buddy! What do you say we fire up the bumper cars?" Davenport said happily while walking towards Leo. I follow him trying to stop him but Leo was already close to him.

"You told my mom about Janelle!! I'll never trust you again!" Leo said disappointed. He went upstairs and left the three of us in the living room.

"This is like a father/son moment, so I'm gonna go..." Tasha 'momed' her way out of it.

"You just had to blab about it to Tasha! Knowing Tasha she would try to pair Leo and Janelle up the moment she can! Just...I don't know how to help you, you're on your own." I say to him sadly. I leave to go into the lab and I saw Leo there. How- I'm not gonna ask.

"Nice cow...Hey, Leo. You okay?" I say as I pass a statue of a cow.

"Not sure, did you tell my mom along with Mr. Blabenport?" I laughed at Davenport's new name and I sighed.

"No, I would never. Although I heard Davenport and Tasha talk it. I wanted to tell you but I knew it would be the same ending." I say somewhat putting a lie in there.

"It's okay. I--"

"Check it out! Another thing left for us on the street!" Adam said casually as he carried a newspaper box.

"Adam, that was bolted to the sidewalk! You just stole private property!" Chase exclaimed.

"More like state property!!" I correct.

"Oh, don't worry! I left the newspapers on the ground. I just wanted the box." Adam said while patting the box.

"I'm running out of space...I think I might put it over here." Adam mumbles to himself. He walks over the yellow tape but was pushed by Chase.

"No, you don't. This is my side!" Chase declared.

"Try and stop me!" Adam said back. Chase pressed some buttons and when Adam went near the tape, he got electrocuted.

"I set up an invisible electric fence! You went right--" Chase electrocuted himself while he was talking fell back to where his dummy was. Me and Leo were laughing while Adam electrocuted himself again. I hear the elevator open and I saw Davenport walking in. I put Leo behind me and he peeked over my shoulder.

"Nice cow...Um, Leo, I'm really sorry I betrayed your trust. I just got really excited 'cause we had this father/son moment. And Destiny, thanks for keeping the talk a secret, although it didn't really matter." Davenport admitted. I step aside so that Leo would be fully seen. I nod at him, gesturing that I understood.

"I got it. Let's hug it out, including you, Destiny!" I accidentally went over the tape, including Davenport, and we were both electrocuted. I landed on my elbow while Davenport landed straight on his back.

"I'm so sorry!! I really thought that was off!" Leo said while looking at me and Davenport. I glared at him and he helped me up.


I had to skip school today since I was still hurt after being electrocuted. I was sitting on the couch when I saw Bree breeze through.

"Woah!! I'm still hurt so keep it under 30!" I say while holding onto the arm of the couch.

"I'm moving back into the lab. I have to move back I-" Bree says but I cut her off.

"No, I understand. I went into the lab and without you it was weird! Adam kept stealing stuff off the street. He had a plastic statue of a cow! As long as you have you're privacy, I think you're good." I said.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Bree said while hugging me tightly.

"Owwww!!" She released her hug and looked at me worriedly, "Still kind of hurt from the electric fence. It feels tingly so it's healing right now." I assure her. She leaves in a breeze and I had to hold onto the couch's arm again.

"Hey, Destiny." Davenport greeted. He laid down on the red chair and laid his feet up on the stool.

"Hey. Just a quick question, is your body still somewhat numb?" I say while trying to move my leg.

"Yeah, I can't feel my hand!" He said while moving his left hand. Leo came in and we looked at him.

"Hey, Leo, remember when you shocked me earlier? Yeah, neither do I, because I pass out when I'm electrocuted!" Davenport told Leo.

"Oh, and I can't even feel half my body!" I added. He mumbled a sorry and I nodded.

"I took your advice and tried to add a little dose of flash to my nerd and I ended up in the arms of a lunch lady." Leo told Davenport. We gave him a weird look and he continued.

"Luckily for me, she's also a retired pro wrestler." Leo added.

"Oh!! You mean Metilda! Oh yeah, her. Oh...I feel sorry for you now..." I say while shifting in my seat. My legs were still numb so I couldn't stand, although Davenport could. He stood up and grabbed Leo's attention.

"Leo, let me make it up to you. I think I have an idea." Davenport started. Davenport told Leo his idea and he said he'd do it. Leo left and I called for Davenport.

"Hey, Davenport?" He turned around towards me. "Could you help me into the lab? I wanna see how you help him." He nods and he wraps his arm around my waist and bring me into the lab. He pulls out an extra chair and sits me there.

"Thanks. Now let's see how you do this thing!" I say while pumping my good arm into the air. He sits next to me, which was in front of the computer and grabbed what looked like, one of those claw machine controllers. He took the joystick and gave me an ear piece. I put in my ear and listened to Leo and Janelle's conversation.

"Leo, this is amazing!" I heard Janelle say.

"Amazing...or just another Thursday?" Leo joked.

"Just another Thursday for us, definitely." I say into my ear piece.

"Aren't you a little young to be pilot?"

"Please! My first diaper was a parachute! I went straight from crying to flying!" Leo said.

"You're funny." Janelle complimented.

"Well, if by funny, you mean-"

"Don't kill it."


"Control tower, this is Captain Leo. Thanks for a great flight." Leo said.

"No problem, Leo." Davenport said. "Even though I'm controlling this, let's not let your mom know I let you up in a helicopter, okay?"

"Copy that."

"And if you're gonna get romantic do it now, you're almost out of gas." I tell him.


I was in the elevator with Adam and his horse and it pressed the button to go up to the living room. The doors open to reveal Davenport and Tasha looking at me weirdly.

"Good boy! You learned how to push buttons! Now let's go get Chase in here, and we'll hit every floor." Adam said.

"I'll pass!" I quickly said, I exited the elevator and went inside the kitchen.

"Down, please." He said. The elevator closed and Davenport drank his cup of whatever.

"Nice horse." Davenport complimented.

"Yeah, that's the horse that ate Adam's chili dog statue."

"Oh." They both respond. Funniest reactions ever!


Hey guys! This is the update for this week! Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter. I know that Bree moving into Destiny's room was a little useless but it was a good thing I added the part where Bree told Destiny that she was moving back. Also comment any questions you have, I will reply to the question. Don't forget to vote for this book too! Thank you guys and have a great day/night!! Bai!!!

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