Love War Book II(BrightWin)

By PrinceWayo

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2gether the series/2moons1/why r u cast and many more BL actor. this book is 2nd part of Love Win book I so i... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter seven
Chapter eight

Chapter six

103 16 4
By PrinceWayo

Author's POV

After having a dinner together Tine decided to lay down to bed, and ready himself to sleep. While laying down, he read some books to make himself fall asleep, while Sarawat doing his homework at the working table. While reading Tine keep thinking why Wayo liked this man, because his first impression to him is a douchebag. He wonder also that his brother have a cheap taste, anyway he don't have care whether it's lady or man that his brother like, he just against to it when he know it's Sarawat maybe because of their first encounter to each other like he got a bad impression to him.

Tine yawn and decided to sleep, he put down the book and cover himself a quilt. After few seconds he really did fell asleep, Sarawat look at him and a glimpse of smile release to his lips again, he then turned off the lights even thought he still doing something. He continue his work in the dark room, until Wayo came back. "Why so dark." Wayo said and open the light. He saw Sarawat still working while lights off. "Ai'Wat? Why are you working while lights off?"

Sarawat bit startled and rubbed his temple, he couldn't think what reason he should say. Like he like dark room? He don't want to admit that he did it for Tine..

Wayo found his brother sleeping and got some idea what's going on. "Did my brother bully you again?"

"No it's -" Sarawat interrupted by Wayo.

"This is too much." Wayo walk towards his brother and woke him up. "P'Tine! P'Tine woke up."

Sarawat tried to stop him but it's too late, Tine did woke up and rubbed his eyes. "Oh you came back "

Wayo sighed deeply. "P'Tine, can you stop being mean to Ai'Wat? How could you let him work while lights off?"

Tine still absorbing what's happening and somehow it trigger his ego. "What? What are you talking about?"

Sarawat gulped and felt guilty inside him. Wayo pointed at Sarawat. "Look he still studying but you turn off the lights how can he study well if the lights off?"

Tine finally understand what's going on and he was bit frustrated inside him, like he did nothing this time how could he accuse him? He stand up and said. "Is this your plan?" Tine look at Sarawat. "To make us fight? You just don't have to do it, if you hate me that much you I can understand but don't involve our relationship to it! I fucking hate it! Fine! If you guys both want to be alone then I'll go!" Tine walked out and didn't even bother to look at both of them.

"P'Tine!" Wayo called out. Sarawat so guilty to this and about to follow him. Wayo hold his wrist and said. "Ai'Wat let him be, he have to think what he did is wrong."

Sarawat take a deep breath and look at Wayo. "Yo, it's not like that. It's not really what you think. P'Tine just fell asleep and I decided to turn off the lights, it's not really his fault." Sarawat explain.

Wayo bit his bottom lip in anger to himself, he couldn't control himself because he was tired of loaded activities and study so he cannot think well, but after what he said to his brother he felt annoyed to himself and unforgiving.

Wayo tried to call him but the phone rang inside the room, yes Tine forgot his phone at the bed. Wayo sat at his bed and think carefully. He then decided to call his father and asked him to call him if ever Tine came back home.

He want to calmed down the situation first and will find a way to apologise to him. After a while his father said that Tine is okay and went home just to change clothes and went outside again, he also asked what happen but Tine don't want to talk about it. Wayo really felt guilty like Sarawat.

Tine went to the nearest pub and drunk himself few bottles, he was really mad because for a second he thought that Sarawat really good guy, but he think him again as a jerk, pretending to be good to attack his weakest point. He let his guard down and let Sarawat attack him that's why he hate it the most, especially when it involves him and Wayo.

After drinking a lot, the three other guy at the different table look at Tine and smirked. Tine can't handle himself anymore he was really drunk, he decided to pay his bill and leave. Even he was really drunk he still managed to come out to the pub, the three guy follow him and the other guy pretend he was concerned. "Nong, are you okay? Let me help you."

Tine cupped the guy face who helped to him, with a blurred vision, he said. "Who.. are you?"

"I'm concerned about you let me help you." While the guy faking he was helping Tine the two guy tried to stole everything to Tine. They take his wallet, watch and everything they could take. Tine look at the two more guy and said.

"What are you guys doing? Let me go.."

After the two guy take everything, they said. "Let him go now we got everything. Too bad he don't have phone, but look how rich he is, he have a lot of money at his pocket. We hit jackpot tonight." He laugh.

The other guy look at him and said. "I think I want more, look how cute he is, he have fair skin also, how about let's bring him back with us?"

"That's good idea, let's go." They're about to leave when someone kicked to the other guy at his stomach. "Arggh! What the! Mind your own business he's our friend!"

"Fuck you! Do you think I will believe it! I'm Tine friend so I know him!" Luke said.

Nanno also there talking to phone. "Hello polico? Someone is robbed my friend please come here immediately!"

The three of them immediately let go Tine and run away. Luke and Nanno helped him. "Tine Tine are you okay?" Luke worried said.

"Tine, what happen?" Nanno knew him well she know he will not drunk himself without a reason. Then she decided to call her brother and talk about what happen to Tine. "Tine just wait, P'Fight heading here now." She said.

Not too long Fight really came and bring Tine back home. Wayo heard about it also, and make himself more guilty, he told it to Sarawat and asked for help. If Wayo feel guilty, Sarawat felt worst like he blame himself, if more bad something to Tine he don't know what he will do.

After thinking the whole night, Sarawat decided to call his friend and asked them to find everything that stolen from Tine, he also ask to make sure this three will go to prison. He never used his influence before but this time he used it.

After Tine woke up, he got a bad hangover but still he managed to go to his University, on way to his faculty, Sarawat waiting to him and approach him. "P'Tine." Sarawat about to explain.

"What the heck are you doing here? Don't you get what you want already? Stop bothering me." Tine about to leave when Sarawat hold him to his wrist.

"P'Tine, it's just misunderstanding, I didn't do it on purpose." Sarawat said.

Tine smirked. "Stop fooling me, I won't fall for it again." He remove Sarawat hand and about to leave but he noticed that Sarawat holding his phone. He grabbed it forcefully. And leave.

Sarawat watched his back and got mix emotions inside him, he was so mad that Tine misunderstood what happen, he also mad at himself for putting Tine in danger last night. He don't know what curse he have to put everyone near him to danger like what happen to his biological mother.  Sarawat clenched his fist in anger.

He left the faculty and meet his friend, at the old building, the three guy who rob Tine, already there and tie to the chair. They already have a lot of bruises to their faces and body. There are three body builder guarding to them also and Sarawat friend. Sarawat look at them with disgusted look. "Is that them?"

"Yes." His friend said and handed over Tine belongings. "They already pawn the watch, the owner new it was not them so it's easier for me to get them and get back everything."

"Thank you P'Type." Sarawat take it and look at the three guys in anger. "I heard you're planning to do more than rob to P'Tine right?"  (Type/Toptop)

"No no we weren't!"

"Yes we don't know he have a such background please let us go."

Sarawat smirked and he suddenly punched the guy at his front in anger, he bend over all his anger and frustration at the three guys and beat them up, after few minutes he finally calmed down and asked the three guy who's guarding them to take them to police station. Type first time saw Sarawat in this state and so angry over someone he just knew. He looked at Sarawat and said "Come, lets chill to relax you." He bring Sarawat to the nearest pub and have a drink with him..

Tine already ready to go to bed, and about to lay down when he heard a knock from his room. "Khun, someone looking for you." The maid said.

Tine surprised, and look at the clock, it's almost 11, and he don't know who's looking for him, he just nodded and came outside their house, he found Sarawat sitting on the ground and also look tired and sleepy.

"What are you doing here? How did you find my house?" Tine confusingly said.

"P'Tine..." Sarawat said. He was obviously drunk. "P'Tine sorry.. I'm really sorry.. I really didn't mean that to make you misunderstand." Sarawat walk towards him Tine still confused and knew he was drunk. "Here." Sarawat take out Tine belongings. "I asked my friend to take everything back." He handed it over to Tine and Tine accepted it, he still mad at Sarawat but looking how wasted he was plus giving back his belongings especially his watch that his Mom gave to him, he felt touched.

This watch is irreplaceable, so he was so glad to have it back. He look at Sarawat and wanted to thank him, but he still mad at him.

Sarawat kneeled down in front of him and said. "P'Tine, I'm really sorry, I.. I really didn't do it on purpose, I hope you could forgive me." Tine startled when he found Sarawat is willing to kneeled down in front of him.

"Okay okay." He said and rubbed his temple. He then helped him to got up.

Sarawat smile and mumbled. "I'm glad you forgive me." He then close his eyes.

Tine dumbfounded and said. "Alai-wa, how could you sleep and don't go back to your home first this is not your home!" Tine triend to woke him up but Sarawat really fell asleep. "Oiiii... What am I doing!" Tine decided to bring him back inside the house, at first he was planing to put him at guess room but he remember that the room is not clean since decade because no one sleep over to their place, he then bring him to his room. He throw him to the bed and fix his legs. He removed the shoes and wiped out Sarawat face, he also decided to change Sarawat clothes because he was stinky and Tine don't want to make his bed smell stinks. He just remove the short jeans and shirt before replace it with his favorite pajamas, that have cute carrots printed on it. Tine giggle upon seeing Sarawat wearing his favorite pajamas and take a picture of it. After that he lay beside him and put his long and big carrot stuffed toy at the middle of them to make sure both of them have boundaries.

To be continue

Sorry for late update just bit busy editing my story and also busy at work, he have a lot of things to do I'm deeply sorry.

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